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Alchemy - Tempest Larp
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Some tap into the weave of ley lines to produce magical effects. Others rely on skill, training, or physical prowess. The alchemists rely on the science of magical chemistry to create a wide variety of potions, elixirs, unguents, and treatments that can provide nigh-miraculous effects. Through careful process and ancient recipes that have survived for centuries, alchemists ply their trade, turning plants and other materials into pure magic.


The recipes in this chapter are those that are commonly known and understood. Anyone with the Apprentice Alchemy skill has access to and can perform any of the Apprentice Alchemy Recipes as long as they have a Hermetic Workshop available. This is similarly true of all four ranks of Alchemy. The plot team and certain specific Roles or Advanced Classes may introduce additional recipes that are not commonly known and must be found through play but those will be uncommon and must be found through play.

Crafting Materials

This lists what Crafting Materials are required in order to make the recipe successfully.

Uses per Batch

If the process creates more than one use of a recipe, then it will be shown here.


This will show when the alchemical substance will lose its potency. Note that this is not the duration of the effect that is granted by using the substance, but instead how long the substance will remain potent for. The “Standard” for potency is either one year or eight weekend long Events, whichever is longer. “Half Standard” means six months or four weekend long Events, whichever is more. Using an item in an Event which is less than a full weekend (as determined by Staff) will not count towards this number.


This describes how the substance is to be used.


Quaff means the character must mime drinking the liquid for at least three swallows, or actually drink three swallows (or the entire vial, whichever is less). Potion props should include a container and a representation of contents (such as green resin in a test tube) or actual liquid content. An unconscious or unresisting character can be given a potion by someone else, and it will take about the same time. Trying to force a potion into an actively resisting character is considered to be always unsuccessful.

The proffering character should mime giving it to the drinker, keeping in mind contact and consent rules. Quaffed substances can always be taken/mixed with food or drink, but giving such a mixture to someone who is unaware must follow the same procedure as using a poison on another (see below). A quaffed substance is always considered ingested.


Topical means that the character should mime rubbing it on the target, whether that be a weapon, trap, food, drink, or a person. Please keep in mind that no actual touching is allowed without prior express consent. If the substance is placed in food or drink, it is considered ingested, otherwise it is considered topical.

Only trained alchemists or characters that have taken the Poisoner skill may apply topical substances (by any method). Putting a topical substance in drink requires that a poison card be attached to the drink and the effects of the substance must be written on the card. Each Topical preparation will also list what happens when it is ingested (usually a more potent effect). Applying a preparation to food takes exactly as much time as it does to place the card on the drink.


Ingest means the character must mime eating the food for at least three bites or actually eat a piece that is at least 1” x 1."


Component means that it creates another physical item that is used as part of another crafting process.

Crafting Process

This is the actual description of how the substance is created: the recipe itself. These procedures must be followed exactly at a Hermetic Workshop, using the required tools, in order to prepare an Alchemical Preparation. If any part of the crafting process is not followed, the process must either be immediately restarted, or it can be abandoned. If it is restarted, the Crafting Materials are not used up, but the process must start again immediately. If abandoned, all Crafting Materials that would have been used in the recipe are rendered useless and ruined. If the crafter takes or deals damage, takes an Effect, leaves the general area of the crafting station, or completes a Rest, this is considered an interruption, and the crafting process must be restarted or abandoned.

Most of the crafting process will be role-played. If the recipe says to cut up the stems of a Night Prize, for example, and grind it with a mortar and pestle, this should be mimed, rather than actually attempting to destroy the prop. If players wish to bring additional props to enhance their roleplay of crafting, it is encouraged as long as the structure of the crafting process is followed. Many instructions say to do something for a “turn”; this means one turn of the provided hourglass, which should take approximately one minute but may vary depending on the hourglass used.

There are item cards provided at each crafting station where crafters may notate what they create and the properties of that item. It is entirely up to the crafter whether they wish to use the cards, but without an appropriate card, the item will only be usable by the crafter themself and cannot be handed off to others, including other crafters of the same type.

Dark Territory

While the intricacies of Alchemy are well known, and often plied with little fanfare, there are situations in which things can go… very wrong. Either by intent, accident, or circumstance, the Maelstrom of the Tempest seeks to wind its way into the dealings of mortals at every opportunity. Simple Alchemy is often exempt from the touch of the Dark, as its ingredients, processes, and formulations are tried-and-true enough to avoid the gaze of that which might intrude. However, more complex concoctions, or experimental brews provide enough mystical energy for the Dark to be attracted to the craft, and so master crafters of Alchemy should be on their guard.

Note: All crafting attempts that include Dark Territory require an appropriate marshal.


The description is the in-game view of the item. It may contain history, flavor text, or even physical descriptions of the item. The description says what the crafting character (rather than the player) knows about the item being made.


This is where the exact mechanical and role-playing effects of the item are explained.

Hermetic Lab

In each game, there will usually be a designated game space set up as a Hermetic Lab. This is where characters will craft all of their alchemy items. The items that will be there and used in different recipes are the following:

Corrupted Alchemy

Some methods of alchemical creation tap into less than savory aspects of the world, leading down darker paths. These recipes, whether Tainted by poisonous ingredients or incorporating more vile elements, Corrupted Alchemy offer unparalleled power, with a superlative cost.

Effects of Corrupted Alchemy

After using a substance that is created by Corrupted Alchemy, after completing their next Long Rest, it will cause the character to be Inherently Weakened and reduce all sources of Healing to 1 point until cured. Should the next Long Rest be the following event, the character will begin their next event with these effects.

Methods of Curing Corrupted Alchemy

Mana Sickness

A character with Mana Sickness will feel slightly nauseous every time they cast a spell. Every time the character should get Mana Sickness while they already have it, the sickness gets worse. A character who uses a substance that would give Mana Sickness who already has it, will start taking a Quick Drain Effect whenever they cast a spell. The duration of this is cumulative, so if they took a second substance that caused Mana Sickness while they already had it, every spell would cause a Drain Effect for a Quick 200. A character recovers from Mana Sickness after a Long Rest.

Apprentice Alchemy Recipes

Adderstrike Venom [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 3 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 3 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Any weapon/drink)

Crafting Process:

Pick apart the caps of the Night Prizes and place them in a vial. Cover just slightly with water and stir gently for a Quick 30. Chop up the stems with a sharp object and slowly add to the mixture. Let it boil for three full hourglass turns and then decant into a vial or jar. Deposit Night Prizes into Ashbin.

Description: A reddish brown liquid that slightly burns to the touch when applied to bare skin. It has a faint acidic smell to it.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack with a +2 bonus to its damage “by Poison” with its next attack, before the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation of any kind is applied to the same weapon, the Adderstrike Venom will become inert. This may also be added to a drink and it will cause 4 points of Piercing damage by Poison.

Alcohol [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 3 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Grind the Bloom into a fine powder, and mix with water inside the retort. Heat the retort with a flame, allow the solution to boil and collect the final product.

Description: Most ancient of all the alchemy is the sacred creation of alcohol. With but a single Bloom and other ingredients for flavoring and texture, three servings of this mystical brew can be created. Each serving is the approximate strength of three shots of most alcohols.

Effect: This brew only has role-playing effects. It will induce a role-playing effect of being Intoxicated. The player may role-play this as they wish. The character can remain drunk until she completes a Long Rest; however, the player may opt to end it at any time for whatever reason. Its effects may be removed by Cure or Dispel Poison.

Alchemical Suspension [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, 1 Night Prize, or 1 Harvest

Uses per Batch: Unlimited

Expiration: 5 Days

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take the Resource and meditate over it for a Quick 30 before running water over it and catch the runoff for Suspension.

Description: A clear Alchemical Suspension.

Effect: Produces a finite amount of Alchemical Suspension, enough to fill any standard container. This container of suspension will provide enough fluid for any number of crafts in any given gathering, but generally expires in 5 days.

Alchemical Salts [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Ingot, 1 Rare Mineral, or 1 Hide

Uses per Batch: Unlimited

Expiration: 5 Days

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take the Resource and meditate over it for a Quick 30 before putting it in the mortar and grinding it to make salts.

Description: A powdery salt.

Effect: Produces a finite amount of salts, enough to fill any standard container. This container of salts will provide enough salt for any number of crafts in any given gathering, but generally expires in 5 days.

Daggerpoint Cognac [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 Shot of Daggerpoint Cognac

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaffed

Requirements: Backstab

Crafting Process:

Take two Bloom and dice them into fine pieces. Take the diced Bloom and add it to a beaker. Fill the beaker 3/4 of the way with water. Heat the beaker over the flame for 2 turns of the hourglass. Blow onto the beaker to cool it for about 10 breaths. Transfer the liquid contents into another vial or beaker, while straining out the pieces of Bloom the best you can. Discard the pieces of Bloom that you just strained out. Add 2 pinches of Simple Salts to the remaining liquid. Place the other two Bloom whole into the beaker and heat for another turn of the hourglass. Stir halfway through. Remove the bloom, and decant the liquid into a vial.

Description: This crimson colored cognac smells vaguely of blackcurrant.


Effect: This small dose of strong tasting liquor is enough to send a shiver down the spine of those who drink it, and quite possibly those who fall victim to those who drink it. When drunk, the Rogue Refreshes one Spike, as long as they have the Backstab power. Usable once per Short Rest.

Foundation Resource Infusion [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Rare Minerals, 2 Harvest

Uses per Batch: 2 Servings

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Topical (Foundation Resource)

Crafting Process:

Grind the Rare Minerals in the mortar and add to a vial of Alchemical Suspension. Cut up the Harvest and add to the vial. Gently stir over low heat for one turn of the hourglass. The Infusion is now complete.

Description: A clear substance with strange swirls in it. Staring intently at the swirls will bring thoughts to mind that match the Foundation Resource held within.

Effect: The Foundation Resource Infusion is what is used when Alchemical Recipes, Tinkering Schematics, Rituals, or Enchanting Formulae calls for a Foundation Resource. It is the vessel that enchanters store and transfer Foundation Crafting Materials that they draw from the Planar Portal.

In order to store a Foundation Resource, an enchanter holds the vial in one hand, with another touching the Planar Portal. They will then focus on the Foundation Resource that is within their soulhold for a Quick 100. Once that is complete, the Foundation Resource Infusion now contains the same energy that was within their soulhold.

Hardening Lacquer [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Ingots, 1 Bloom, 1 Rare Minerals

Uses per Batch: 1 serving

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical

Crafting Process:

Place the Rare Minerals in a vial. Heat the Ingot over the flame, holding it in the tongs. After one turn of the hourglass, scrape shavings off the Ingots with the knife into the Rare Minerals vial. Pour the mixture into the mortar and add four drops of Alchemical Suspension. Grind into a paste. Scoop back into a vial and cork.

Description: This dark paste has flecks of sparkle in it and it is usually applied with a disposable rag.

Effect: This special lacquer can be rubbed vigorously on any item to give it a Protect vs Shatter. If the lacquered item is handed around, the information card must go with it. If ingested, the Hardening Lacquer causes Drain by Poison.

Healing Draught [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 Dose

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Bloom and fit it entirely into a small vial. Add three drops of water and shake the vial vigorously for one hourglass turn. Then, let stand for a second hourglass turn. Finish the product by adding Alchemical Suspension until the vial is full.

Description: A dark gold liquid, it smells slightly of spirits, citrus and peaches.

Effect: Heals 1 Life Point upon drinking the potion.

Instant Glue [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prize, 1 Hide

Uses per Batch: 1 bag of Instant Glue

Expiration: Standard

Application: Thrown Packet / Applied

Requirements: Thrown Weapons or Poisoner or Apprentice Alchemy

Crafting Process:

Stretch out the hide and cut it into two strips about 2" by 6" each. Set aside. Take the Night Prize and pull it apart and place it into a beaker. Take two pinches of Simple Salts and spread over the Night Prize. Leave it for one turn of the hourglass. Use the eyedropper to add a drop of Alchemical Suspension, one at a time, until the night prizes are a soft gooey mess (about five drops).

Stir and massage the mixture for one turn of the hourglass. Lay out each strip of leather, one on top of each other forming an X. Use Night Prize mixture as glue to attach the leather strips to each other, making a little ball shaped pouch. Put the rest of the Night Prize mixture inside the pouch and seal it, using the mixture as glue. Once finished it should be a small leather ball filled with a sticky glue.

Description: This recipe produces a thin bag filled with a viscous fluid that hardens immediately on contact.


Effect: By applying this to a packet of materia, it can be thrown to cause Quick Root by Poison. If a character handles the packet without the Poisoner skill, Thrown Weapons, or Apprentice Alchemist skills, that character takes the Effect.

Nyte Tea [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prize

Uses per Batch: 4 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Night Prize and add it to a hot cup of water. Let it steep for 2 turns. Remove it from the water and tear it into smaller pieces. After letting it cool, add it back into the water. Decant into another vial and let sit for 2 more turns.

Description: A light tea, with a slight tingling upon the tongue when drunk. Brewers often have their own blends that alter and add brighter flavors to the drink. Many different blends are enjoyed by different cultures around the land, and everyone seems to have their favorite.

Effect: This brew only has role-playing effects. It will induce a very slight hallucinogenic buzz, much like alcohol-intoxication. The character may experience mild sensory hallucinations of a generically pleasant kind. Too much Tea can result in darker and more revealing sensory experiences. The player may role-play this as they wish. The effect will last until the character completes a Long Rest. However, the player may opt to end it at any time for whatever reason. Its effects can also be removed by Cure or Dispel Poison.

Recycle Toxin [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prize, Up to 10 expired topical substances from the below list.

Uses per Batch: Equal to the number of expired topical substances used, up to 10

Expiration: End of Event

Application: Topical

Crafting Process:

Expired Topicals Substances Allowed: Adderstrike Venom, Enervation Poison, Hardening Lacquer, Holy Oil, Steel Oil, Noctilotoxin, Pillowspore Poison, Aerial Doom Powder, Red Death Poison

Chop up the Night Prize into fine pieces and add to a large beaker. Slowly add each expired topical substance, one at a time, stirring between each one. Heat to a vigorous boil, about 3 turns of an hourglass. Let sit until cool (about 2 turns of the hourglass) and decant into vials.

Description: A dark red liquid with the consistency of maple syrup.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon, requiring a Quick 30, the weapon can be used to make one attack with a +1 bonus to its damage as long as the accent “by Poison” is added to the attack. This toxin will become inert at the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation of any kind is applied to the same weapon, the poison will become inert. This may also be added to a drink and it will cause 3 points of Piercing damage by Poison.

Questionable Healing Draught [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, Up to 10 expired alchemy potions from the below list.

Uses per Batch: Equal to the number of expired potions used (up to 10)

Expiration: End of Event

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Expired Potions Allowed: Minor Mana Potion, Spellnaught Draught, Vision Valiant, Elixir of Bodily Health, Bloodseeker Draught, Delicious Rage, Elixir of Expeditious Retreat, Liquid Agility, Malleable Beauty, Mana Potion, Trollblood Potion, Unliving Blood, Agony Elixir, Anti-Magic Elixir, Godsblood, Liberty, Omniscience Elixir, Overpotence, Panacea, Steelskin Potion, Trip, Universal Curative

Take the expired potions and pour them into a large beaker and heat over the fire for two turns of the hourglass. Quickly sear the outside edges of the Bloom over the candle and place into the larger beaker. Swish it around six times and then decant into individual vials for use.

Description: A light green liquid, smells slightly off in an indescribable, but unpleasant way. The odor is uniquely distasteful to each individual exposed to it, and varies wildly from person to person.

Effect: By taking expired potions from the list, the alchemist can squeeze just a little extra juice out of each one creating a simple health draught which Heals 1 life point upon drinking the potion.

Salve of Shielding [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 Salve of Shielding

Expiration: Standard

Application: Applied

Crafting Process:

Start with taking the petals off the bloom. Deposit them into a small beaker. Fill with water, about 1/4 of the way. Place over a flame and heat for 3 turns of the hourglass. While it is heating up, chop up the stem and add it in slowly while stirring the liquid. After it is finished heating, take two pinches of Simple Salts and add to the mixture. It should quickly thicken up. Mix it well, for about a turn of an hourglass. Transfer the salve to another container for final use.

Description: This cream colored salve refreshes a Mage’s ability to grant Barrier to others.


Effect: This salve when applied refreshes a Mage's Arcane Barrier if it is currently not available to be cast.

Simple Ink [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Bloom, 1 Ingots

Uses per Batch: 2 Novice-tier spells worth of ink

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Carefully soak the leaves or flowers of the Bloom in water for three turns of the hourglass. Discard any other pieces of the Bloom you might have. Squeeze out all liquid and press the damp leaves and/or flowers into a very thin sheet. Take the dropper and place 8 drops of Alchemical Suspension onto the sheet, as spread out as possible. Mash into a paste using the Ingot, making sure to use all sides of the Ingot. Discard the used Ingot. Bottle the paste and fill to the top with water. Gently shake the container for a few seconds.

Description: Simple Ink is inherently a reddish color.


Effect: This creates a batch of ink that Enchanters can use to scribe scrolls. It makes up to two spells worth of ink that can be used for Novice scrolls (only). See Enchanting for more information on scribing scrolls.

Vial of Transformation [Apprentice Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 3 Bloom, 1 Night Prize

Uses per Batch: 1 Vial of Transformation

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Grind up the Night Prize in the mortar and pestle. Once thoroughly muddled, add 3 drops of Alchemical Suspension. Set aside. Lightly cha each Bloom over the flame for one turn of the hourglass. Pick apart the Bloom and place into a pile. Take the Night Prize mixture and slowly drop it into the middle of the pile of charred bloom.

Slowly fold in the bloom for two turns of the hourglass making sure it is thoroughly mixed. Add the mixture to a vial and fill with water. Shake vigorously to make sure it is combined. Drain out the muddy liquid into a new vial and discard the remains of the Bloom and Night Prizes.

Description: This muddy, dark liquid contains natural power - such that a reasonably attuned magic user might find themselves empowered to transform themselves once again.


Effect: This creates a vial of liquid that when ingested, refreshes the Druid ability to alter their Form. The user may only ingest one Vial of Transformation per Long Rest before its effects instead become toxic, causing the user to become nauseated with no benefit.

Journeyman Alchemy Recipes

Absolution [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, 1 Hide, 1 Harvest, 1 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 1 serving

Expiration: One Hour

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Using the knife, shave down the Hides as much as possible. Grind the Bloom, Harvest, and contents of a spell-packet/materia (a spell-packet should not actually be disassembled) in the mortar. Mix with water, adding drop by drop until a stiff paste is created. Let sit for three turns of the hourglass and then grind up into powder in the mortar.

Description: This honey-thick gray liquid tastes about how you might expect it would. It has a faint scent of ash and cinder.

Effect: Absolution cures the lingering effects from Corrupted Alchemy. After ingesting Absolution, the character is cured of Corrupting Alchemy’s lingering effects (Inherent Weakness, and “reduce all sources of Healing to 1 point until cured.”) This alchemy has no effect on creatures that quaff it who are not affected by Corrupted Alchemy.

This curative for Corrupted Alchemy is a short-lived alchemical brew that cures the effects of Corrupted Alchemy, however, it comes with the side-effect of making future Corrupted Alchemy less potent. For each Absolution that character takes over the course of the Event, Corrupted Alchemy takes twice the normal doses to have its effect. This drawback stacks upon itself. All stacks of Absolution wear off at the end of the event.

For Example: Gilroy uses Absolution to cure the lingering effects of Vision Valiant’s Corrupted Alchemy, and then later the same event attempts to take a dose of Vision Valliant, but discovers it has no effect until he quaffs a second dose of Vision Valiant.

Arcane Ink [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 1 Harvest, 1 Rare Minerals, 4 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 2 Adept-tier spells worth of scrolls

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take the Harvest and dice into small pieces. Rip up the Bloom and add to the Harvest. Add three drops of water to the Harvest pile. Take the Night Prizes and grind in the mortar and pestle. Mix the ground Night Prizes by hand with the Harvest. Add the mixture above with the Rare Minerals and bring to boil in a vial for two turns of the hourglass. Discard all non-liquid ingredients and decant the liquid into vial.

Description: A brownish color, Arcane Ink has a faint golden sheen that sparkles in the sun.

Effect: This creates a batch of ink that Enchanters can use to scribe scrolls. It makes enough ink to pen two scrolls that can scribe Novice or Adept-tier spells.

Bloodseeker Elixir [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

This liquid must sit for at least seven hours to ferment. Take the four Night Prizes and add to the bottom of a vial or container. Fill halfway with water. Prick a finger and add 5 drops of blood to the draught. Slowly warm over heat for two turns of the hourglass uncorked. Quickly remove from heat and cork the mixture. Let the mixture rest for at least seven hours to ferment. The longer it ferments, the stronger the intoxication effect.

Description: A strong heady drink, mildly alcoholic with a faint metallic taste.

Effect: After the character drinks this potion, it will increase the Maximum number of Bonus Spikes a character has by +3 until the end of the next Short Rest. It will also create a mild intoxication effect during this period that can end at any time the player wishes.

Circle Chalk [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Harvest, 3 Rare Minerals, 1 Night Prize

Uses per Batch: 4 pieces

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Topical (Component)

Crafting Process:

Grind the Harvest, Night Prize, and Rare Minerals together in a large mortar and pestle, creating a mix of powders. Then, one drop at a time, add Alchemical Suspension until it holds together. Let the product sit in open air until it is dry to the touch for about ten minutes.

Description: A simple white chalk, with a silver marbling throughout.

Effect: This is an ancient recipe that creates a particular kind of chalk which can be used to inscribe Haven rituals and other such magical diagrams such as summoning circles. Each time a piece is used in the Haven ritual, it can substitute for a single Wealth or Rare Mineral, adding protection against four more creatures for each piece of chalk used. It can also substitute in any other ritual as a Bloom, Ingot, Hide, or Wealth.

Greater Healing Draught [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 5 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take all five Bloom and fit entirely into a vial. Add nine drops of water and shake the vial vigorously for one hourglass’s turn. Then, let it stand for a second turn. Finish the product by adding Alchemical Suspension until the vial is full.

Description: A green-tinted liquid that smells strongly of spirits, citrus and peaches. This is often just called a “Health Potion."

Effect: Heal 8 upon drinking the potion.

Elixir of Expeditious Retreat [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Harvest

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Harvest and soak it in three finger-widths of water. While it soaks, heat up both Bloom over a candle until the edges of the Bloom start to crisp. Remove the spent Harvest from the water and discard into the Ashbin. Take the Bloom and muddle within the water that the Harvest had been soaking in. Heat the entire mixture over a candle for one turn of the hourglass. Then quickly bottle the preparation and stopper. Let cool in a bottle for use.

Description: Once opened, the clear substance begins to react with the air, heating up. When drunk, the heat consumes the mouth for a few quick seconds but eventually fades as it wears off.

Effect: Immediately after quaffing this elixir, the character gains Immunity to 1-point Weapon attacks (including Uncalled Damage) and Resistance to Damage and Effects that cause Conditions. This Immunity is very specific however. It will only last until the character makes an attack, uses any Power, spends more than 2 seconds without taking a step, or until the character has taken ten steps.

Enervation Poison [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Any weapon/drink)

Crafting Process:

Wear gloves for this process, or you could accidentally poison yourself! Heat the Night Prizes slowly over a candle flame until it is hot to the touch (about 30 seconds), but do not burn. Squeeze the warm Night Prizes over a vial and collect any liquid. Add a drop of iron from ore-grade dirt or a drop of your blood to determine the potency; if it bubbles, the process was successful.

Description: A purplish sticky liquid that smells slightly of citrus. The liquid easily sticks to whatever it is poured on and is difficult to wipe off.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack that causes “Weakness by Poison” before the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation is applied to the same weapon, the Enervation Poison will become inert. When ingested, Enervation Poison causes Drain by Poison.

Extract Hyperium [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Rare Minerals, 2 Bloom, 2 Night Prize

Uses per Batch: One Block of Unrefined Hyperium

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Place the Rare Minerals in the mortar with a sprinkle of Simple Salts and vigorously grind with the pestle for two full turns of the hourglass. Once grinding begins, it is imperative that a continuous motion is kept up until a fine powder is formed. Then, place the ground dust within a Small Vial and heat over the flame. Two drops of Alchemical suspension should be added and allowed to burn off. This process should take one half turn of the hourglass. Set aside and allow to cool. More than one turn of heating at this point ruins the materials, and needs to be begun again.

Grind the Bloom and
Night Prizes within the Mortar until a fine paste is formed and add four pinches of Simple Salts. Once a thick paste has been formed, combine the ground materials and the paste and hold over the flame for two full turns of the hourglass swirling occasionally. Allow the paste to char and solidify until white crystals begin to form. After crystallization occurs, remove and allow to cool, leaving unrefined Hyperium as silvery white crystal on a darkened slag brick.

Description: Unrefined Hyperium is a silvery-white crystal that can be extracted from Rare minerals with a lengthy process. Unrefined Hyperium is very delicate, so often, it is kept in a brick of bloom and night-prize slag to keep it supported while additional refining processes are being planned.

Effect: Begins the process of creating Hyperium, a rare resource.

Holy Oil [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 serving

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Any weapon or materia)

Crafting Process:

Note: May only be done in a place of religious power, not at a Hermetic Laboratory.

While humming hymns softly to greater powers who oppose the Undead, take the Bloom, grind it, and mix it into a vial of water. Then, heat it slowly over a candle flame for five hourglass turns while swirling. Once it begins to simmer, remove the vial, and allow it to cool. Now, either remove the Bloom via decanting or straining the remaining liquid, which will become the final product.

Description: A clear oil, with a faint floral scent. Looking closely at it, you can see particles within it that slightly glimmer.

Effect: Upon pouring the oil over a packet of materia (spell-ball or spell-packet), the materia can then be thrown to harm the Undead. The Call for this packet is “Piercing 2 to Undead by Radiance." If applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, it allows the character to add +2 damage to a Spike the character uses as long as they add the “by Radiance” Accent and the “to Undead” Qualifier. If ingested (undead hunters might lace bodies with Holy Oil to catch Ghouls, in which case the body is the container) Holy Oil causes Piercing 4 to Undead by Radiance.

Hyrun’s Paint [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, 1 Night Prize, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Energy

Uses per Batch: 3 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Weapon, drink)

Crafting Process:

This procedure can create unstable mixtures. Be sure to wear gloves, and use glassware that is free of cracks. Begin by filling a small glass bottle with Alchemical Suspension and adding the Foundation Resource Infusion. Then, being careful as to not disturb the solution, add the Bloom and Night Prize slowly, leaf by leaf to the solution. Cap and slowly heat this solution for one hourglass’s turn. Then leave the solution to cool for at least 30 seconds.

Description: Black and sticky, like tar, with glimmers of metallic flakes suspended within the compound.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can do one blow that is “6 Flame” before the end of the Event. If a second Alchemical preparation is applied to the same weapon, the alchemical mixture will become inert. If ingested, Hyrun’s Paint causes Piercing 8 by Flame.

Liquid Agility [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 1 Rare Minerals

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Boil some water in a container over a flame. Once it has a vigorous boil to it, slowly add in the leaves of the Bloom a little bit at a time, over the course of a few minutes. Continue to let it boil. Once all the Bloom has been added, add in the Rare Minerals. Quickly stir the mixture while removing it from heat. As it cools, it will turn into a silver liquid. Add two pinches of salt and 3 drops of Alchemical Suspension while continuing to stir. After a full turn of the hourglass while cooling, the mixture can be poured into a fresh vial to be used later.

Description: Looking like quicksilver, this potion is usually shot quickly as it is believed to be good luck to drink it as fast as possible.

Effect: Grants one Protect vs Thrown Weapons that lasts until the end of the Event or until used. The character should call “Protect” when they use this defense.

Malleable Beauty [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Night Prizes, 3 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff, Corrupted

Crafting Process:

Start by sprinkling a pinch of salt over the Bloom. Grind all of the Bloom into a fine powder with the mortar and pestle. Dust the mixture over the Night Prizes and heat them over a flame for one turn of the hourglass, keeping it a good distance from the flame so that it doesn’t burn, but instead just lightly toasts. The heat of the flame will activate the Night Prizes and infuse the powder dusted upon it. Gently shake the powder off the Night Prizes. The Night Prizes can be discarded and the powder will then be ready for consumption. The dust should be collected in a vial.

Description: Malleable Beauty is a powder that is poured upon the tongue to dissolve. Most will let it naturally dissolve there as it takes effect. It has a strong sour flavor to it, which is why many eat it with honey.

Effect: This Corrupted Alchemy creates a strong role-play effect. Part of that includes reduced inhibitions, a strong euphoric effect, and will encourage the user to try things that they wouldn’t normally do. In addition, it has the mechanical effect of allowing the character to recover one spent Power of Advanced, Basic, or Utility tier (the Power cannot have the Refresh Effect or a refresh time of greater than a Short Rest), or refresh one expended Novice or Adept spell-slot. The effects last approximately one hour or until the player wishes it to end.

Minor Mana Potion [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Night Prizes

Uses per Batch: 1 serving

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Bloom and wrap it entirely around the Night Prizes. Squeeze the two so that any liquid from the Night Prizes is soaked up by the Bloom. Then, heat the Bloom slowly by candle flame until warm to the touch, but not burning. While the Bloom is still hot, tear it into fine bits and soak in a vial with Alchemical Suspension. Shake for one hourglass turn.

Description: Bright blue, this thick potion tastes sickly sweet when drunk.

Effect: Instantly restores three Novice level spell-slots that have been expended. This potion causes Mana Sickness.

Pillowspore Poison [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 3 Night Prizes, 2 Hide

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Weapon/drink)

Crafting Process:

Take the Hide and shave with the knife, collecting the shavings that come off into a vial. Hold the Night Prizes in the tongs over flame until it burns, then put the ashes into a vial with six drops of Alchemical Suspension. Run the contents of the first vial (with the Skin shaving) through the retort into the second vial. Agitate for a turn of the hourglass, then heat for a turn. Then agitate for a turn. Leave to cool and then cork.

Description: This hazy liquid smells slightly of soap.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack that is “Short Sleep by Poison,” before the end of the Event. If a second Alchemical preparation is applied to the same weapon, the Pillowspore 

Poison will become inert. If ingested, Pillowspore Poison causes “Sleep by Poison.”

Ritual Powder [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Hides, 2 Harvest, 2 Night Prize

Uses per Batch: Creates one dose of Ritual Powder

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Using the knife, shave down the Hides as much as possible. Grind the Bloom, Night Prize, and Harvest, in the mortar. Mix with water, adding drop by drop until a stiff paste is created. Let sit for three turns of the hourglass and then grind up into powder in the mortar.

Description: This powder is used in Ritual magic and is a basic ingredient of those powerful magics. Multiple doses of this powder can be kept in a single container.

Effect: Acts as a basic requirement for many Rituals.

Spellnaught Elixir [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 6 Bloom

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Using the scale, find a packet of materia that is as close to the same weight as your six Bloom. Drip 24 drops of Alchemical Suspension over the packet, and squeeze out the Alchemical Suspension into a vial. Grind all six Bloom into a fine powder with the mortar and pestle, then add to the materia-soaked Alchemical Suspension in a vial. Shake vigorously for at least 50 shakes. The Alchemical Suspension is not consumed in this process.

Description: Smelling of cloves, the potion is a light auburn color.

Effect: The potion, when drunk, Grants a Protect vs Packets.

Steel Oil [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Ingots, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament

Uses per Batch: 2 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (armor, food, drink)

Crafting Process:

Harvest the Bloom specifically for any petals it has, and discard all other remains. Soak the petals completely in the Foundation Resource Infusion for at least an hour. After returning, decant Alchemical Suspension and keep (as a nice, floral flavored liquor, or for more alchemy in the future). Grind the soaked petals with the Ingots using the mortar and pestle for three turns, then put the resulting slurry into a vial.

Description: A greasy thick oily paste, which after being exposed to air for a few moments, hardens and reinforces cracks.

Effect: Upon roleplaying applying this oil to a piece of armor for at least a Quick 30, while this piece is worn, the character's Armor Points increases by one (both Maximum and Current Armor Points go up by one) until the end of the next Long Rest. Because of the nature of the oil, it stiffens, meaning that the armor piece must be worn when it is applied, and the effect will end if the piece of armor is removed. Steel Oil will work on non-metal armors, but not on summoned or natural armor. No single piece of armor can benefit from more than one Steel Oil at any one time. Steel Oil, if ingested, will cause the Slow by Poison Effect.

Trollblood Potion [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 6 Bloom, 10 Harvest, 1 vial of blood from any creature that was drained within the last hour

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Slowly heat the vial of blood over a flame for ½ turn of an hourglass, or until the blood starts to coagulate. Grind the Harvest in a mortar and pestle; once it is the consistency of rough dirt or rock, start to add in the Bloom while continuing to grind. The total amount of time should be about 30 seconds. Take the mixture and add it to the vial of blood along with two drops of alcohol. Let sit for the time of a Short Rest before using.

Description: A mixture of bone, blood and flower, it is an oddly chunky substance, with a smell of iron and floral overtones. The two do not mix well.

Effect: The character can Heal 1 Life Point by Focusing for a Quick 100. They will Heal to full after any Rest. The character will have vulnerability to Flame and Acid, taking a Quick Drain Effect (as well as any other Effects) from them, and will generally have difficulty thinking quickly or deeply. This effect lasts until the end of a Long Rest.

Vision Valiant [Journeyman Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 6 Night Prizes, 3 Bloom, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Aspect

Uses per Batch: 3 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff, Corrupted

Crafting Process:

Scrape the Night Prizes’ surface for their skins, and add the skins to the mortar. Dispose of what remains of the Night Prizes to the Ashbin. While wearing gloves, slowly bruise the Night Prizes’ skins. At the same time, allow the Bloom to soak in the Foundation Resource Infusion. After three hourglass turns of bruising the Night Prizes’ skin, pour the Bloom-soaked water over them, and grind finely with a mortar and pestle for three turns. Pour the entire completed solution into a vial.

Description: Salty and sweet, this milky white liquid goes down like candy.

Effect: This Corrupted concoction lets the character see things usually unseeable. The character will be able to see both tracks (tracking flags: green with the Halo Sigil) and the unseen (supernatural flags: red with a Halo Sigil) and will be able to read any information cards on those flags. The enhanced vision will last only until the character takes a Long Rest.

Greater Alchemy Recipes

Aerial Doom Powder [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Night Prizes, 1 Rare Minerals, 5 Hide, 2 Harvest, 1 Alchemical Salts, 1 Ritual Powder, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Death OR Energy

Uses per Batch: 3 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (materia)

Crafting Process:

IMPORTANT: An Alchemist may only create a single batch of Aerial Doom Powder per event unless another power supersedes this rule.

For this recipe, it is important to make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in water while making it, to try and protect your lungs. Keep the cloth damp throughout the procedure. For the first part of this recipe, boil the Rare Minerals in a bath of the Foundation Resource Infusion until the liquid of the Infusion has boiled off and it begins to smell burned. Grind the result into an extremely fine dust for three turns of the hourglass.

Take the Night Prizes and soak it in water for about 30 seconds. Remove and squeeze out any liquid. Take what is left of the Night Prizes and chop finely. Grind up the two Harvest and add to the Night Prizes. Mix thoroughly. Add the ground Rare Minerals to the mixture. Stir it again and then spread it out over a cloth so that it dries. After about 10 minutes, coat a packet of materia in the powder.

Description: A superfine gray powder, much like powdered graphite. A slight whiff of it burns the nostrils.

Effect: By applying this to a packet of materia, it can be thrown to cause Death by Poison. If a character handles the packet without the Poisoner skill, or the Journeyman or Master Alchemist skills, that character takes the Effect. This powder is volatile and if held too close to materia activated with magic or other power, it will either go inert, if it is held while materia is charged, or will cause the other to go inert, if it is applied while there is activated materia in hand. Ingested, Aerial Doom Powder is actually surprisingly ineffective, doing “Piercing 2 by Poison."

Agony Elixir [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Eternal Blossom, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Spark, 1 Daggerpoint Cognac

Uses per Batch: 2 servings
Expiration: End of Event

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

The alchemist must provide a vial of heartblood. This is blood taken from as close to the heart as possible, preferably from deep inside the chest cavity. Opening the wound enough will require the loss of at least one Life Point and then two more Life Points worth of blood must be collected before any Healing is received. This is boiled quickly over an open flame and then the Foundation Resource Infusion is added and agitated.

Description: This tastes like deep, rich blood. Regardless of how long ago it was brewed, it is warm, and the vibrancy of the liquid is obvious

Effect: This potion gives the drinker the ability to cast one spell with the Grant Life Effect, even if they would normally be unable to because of that spell’s once-per-Long-Rest limit. The spell to be cast may be any such spell, but only one additional casting is granted by the Agony Elixir. As soon as this potion is imbibed, the character is wracked with unbelievable pain, which feels like every ounce of blood in their body is trying to stab them with tiny shards of glass from the inside. The character is inherently Drained by Agony until they complete a Short Rest. There are many who have braved one drink of this type for the common good and have then sworn to die before they take another sip, whatever the cost.

Caustic Glob [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prizes, 10 Hide, 2 Adderstrike Venom, 1 Hardening Lacquer

Uses per Batch: 10 Servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (materia)

Crafting Process:

Take the Night Prizes and soak it in water for about 30 seconds. Remove and squeeze out any liquid. Take what is left of the Night Prizes and chop finely. Grind the Night Prizes in the Mortar and Pestle for a period of at least 60 seconds.  Stir it again and then spread it out over a cloth so that it dries. After about 10 minutes, brush the mixture onto the Hide and bind them together into a glob.

Description: A toxic goop ready to be applied to some materia.

Effect: By applying this to a packet of materia, it can be thrown to cause Wounding 3 by Poison or Wounding 3 by Acid (Chosen by Alchemist at creation and written on card not on application). If a character handles the packet without the Poisoner skill, or the Journeyman or Master Alchemist skills, that character takes the Effect.

Cobrastrike Venom [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 8 Night Prizes, 1 Harvest, 1 Rare Minerals, 4 Nyte Tea

Uses per Batch: 3 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Any weapon/drink)

Crafting Process:

Pick apart the caps of the Night Prizes and place them in a vial. Cover just slightly with water and stir gently for a Quick 30. Chop up the stems with a sharp object and slowly add to the mixture. Let it boil for three full hourglass turns and then decant into a vial or jar.  Grind the Harvest and Rare Minerals in the Mortar and Pestle for 1 full hourglass turn then mix into the vial or jar. Deposit Night Prizes, Harvest, and Rare Minerals into Ashbin.

Description: A yellowish brown liquid that slightly burns to the touch when applied to bare skin. It has a strong acidic smell to it.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack with a +4 bonus to its damage “by Poison” with its next attack, before the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation of any kind is applied to the same weapon, the Cobrastrike Venom will become inert. This may also be added to a drink and it will cause 10 points of Piercing damage by Poison.

Cure Raw Scale [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Raw Scale, 2 Night Prizes, 1 Rare Minerals, 3 Hide, 2 Harvest, 3 Bloom, 1 Vial of Transformation

Uses per Batch: Refines Two Raw Scale into a single Cured Scale

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take the Night Prizes and Bloom and pull them apart and place them into a large beaker. Add three drops of Alchemical Suspension as well as three vials worth of water. Heat over a flame for two turns of the hourglass. Slowly pour the Rare Minerals into the beaker, one at a time, making sure not to inhale any of the fumes. Chop the Harvest up into fine pieces and place on top of the Raw Scales. Let the mixture in the beaker cool for a few turns of the hourglass and slowly pour over the Raw Scales. This will release a toxic mist, so be prepared*. Set the Raw Scale out into sunlight for six hours for it to fully cure.

Description: Using many rare and toxic resources, the Alchemist refines a Raw Scale into a Scale.

Effect: This process takes a Raw Scale and turns it into a Scale, an Advanced Resource.

*At this point in the process, you must make a ‘Pollution Call’ of “By My Voice 5 Piercing by Poison and Taint by Poison."

Delicious Rage [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 5 Bloom, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Power, 1 Healing Draught

Uses per Batch: 2 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff, Corrupted

Crafting Process:

Draw two fingers worth of Alchemical Suspension into a standard vial. Place the Bloom in the mixture and heat over a flame for one full hourglass turn. Quickly pull from the flame and blow on the mixture to cool it quickly for a Quick 30. Add the Foundation Resource Infusion to the vial. Reheat the mixture for another full hourglass turn. Remove from and decant into a vial.

Description: The thickness of blood, but dark purple in color, it has a spicy kick to it.

Effect: This Corrupted Alchemy produces a dark liquid that will only give its benefits until the character completes a Short Rest. The character can sacrifice two Life Points in order to gain the Strengthened Condition and to refresh a Spike. The Strengthened Condition only lasts until the character completes a Short Rest. In addition, the first time after drinking the Delicious Rage that the character would be dropped to 0 Life Points by damage, they are instead healed to full Life Points and become Berserk. If they forget to use this ability, it is lost. The roleplay effects of this alchemy is that it makes the inhibitor aggressive and irritable while under its effects.

Double Brew [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Tempus, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Aspect

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Component)

Crafting Process:

Take a vial of Alchemical Suspension, add three pinches of salt. Stir. Bring to a boil while adding five drops each of the two Foundation Resource Infusions (the rest should be discarded). Cork.

Description: Suspended gold flakes float around in this faint blue liquid.

Effect: When added as the last step to any alchemical recipe that is in the public list (with the exception of Double Brew), it creates two of those preparations rather than one. That means if you use Double Brew with Alcohol, it will produce 16 servings rather than 8 servings.

Elemental Protection Potion [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 3 Bloom, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Energy, 1 Salve of Shielding, 1 Alchemical Suspension

Uses per Batch: 5 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Draw two fingers worth of Alchemical Suspension into a standard vial. Place the Bloom in the mixture and heat over a flame for one full hourglass turn. Quickly pull from the flame and blow on the mixture to cool it quickly for a Quick 30. Add the Foundation Resource Infusion to the vial. Reheat the mixture for another full hourglass turn. Remove from and decant into a vial with Salve of Shielding.

Description: Beautiful mixture of Yellow, Red, Blue, or Green depending on the element protected..

Effect: Grants the drinkers a single Protect from either Flame, Ice, Lightning, or Acid.  The type of Protect granted is chosen by the alchemist at creation.  The batch may mix and match different accent types for the Protect between the four above, but a different card is needed for each type.

Eternal Ink [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, 1 Adept Spell worth of Arcane Ink, 3 Rare Minerals, 2 Harvest, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Thought

Uses per Batch: Two Greater-tier spells worth of scrolls

Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take two pinches of salt and sprinkle over the Bloom. Using tongs, heat each Bloom for a few seconds over a candle flame, but not long enough to burn it. Crush the heated Bloom and mix with the Rare Minerals in a vial. Add three drops of Alchemical Suspension. Next, break down the Harvest with the back of your knife. Add to a vial filled halfway with water. Boil for two turns of the hourglass. Remove from heat and slowly add to the Bloom/Rare Mineral mixture. Add water to fill the top of the vial. Let the mixture sit for 3 turns of the hourglass, then decant all the liquid into a vial containing the Foundation resource and stir for one turn of the hourglass. Finally, discard all the non-liquid ingredients.

Description: A purple-bluish ink with a slight silvery sparkle to it.

Effect: Eternal Ink is a specially crafted ink that Enchanters use for powerful inscriptions and can be used to scribe up to two Novice, Adept, or Greater-tier spells. See the Enchanting chapter for more information.

Last Breath [Greater Alchemy Recipe] [BLOOD MAGIC]

Crafting Materials Needed: 5 Hide, 1 Instant Glue

Uses per Batch: 1 Last Breath
Expiration: Permanent

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

At a crafting station, the Alchemist should take the Hide and glue it together for 3 turns of the hourglass and mark their personal symbol on it.  This symbol can be anything the Alchemist chooses, but they must be consistent in the symbol they use.  (Do not mark the actual physical representation of Hide, instead place your symbol on the final item card.)

This next process may take place anywhere, and does not need to occur at the Alchemy station.

Take the Hide and place it over a recently deceased corpse that has not yet taken spirit form.  When the body dissipates and becomes a spirit, the Hide captures a small amount of the body’s life force and traps it in the Hide.  The Alchemist then should state, “Instruction to Spirit, Tell me your name.”  The Alchemist should write the creature’s name on the item card produced for Last Breath.  This has no obvious impact on the creature that has taken spirit form.

Description: A piece of hide with the Alchemist’s symbol on it.

Effect: This crafted component is used in other things, totally legitimate I’m sure.  It has no obvious effects by itself.

Liberty [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prizes, 2 Bloom, 2 Nyte Tea, 2 Alcohol, Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff, Corrupted

Crafting Process:

Hold the Night Prizes and Bloom in a single bundle in the tongs. Roast over a fire lightly for two turns of an hourglass. Gently remove them from the flame and crush in a mortar to a coarse grit. After sunset (must be done within an hour of sunset), add the mixture to seven drops of Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge (the rest should be discarded).

Description: Upon shaking and then released from the container, the liquid turns to gas and is inhaled with a faint smoky smell.

Effect: By inhaling the fumes from this Corrupted Alchemy, the character is freed from fear of bondage. Until they complete a Long Rest, they will have Resistance to Bind, Charm, Dominate, Slow, and Root. In addition, they will be able to immediately escape from shackles and ropes. The Resistance is immediately lost if the character uses any of the Effects to which they are resistant.

Lifestrike Sunshine [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Eternal Blossom, 2 Holy Oil, Foundation Resource Infusion: Spark

Uses per Batch: 2 servings

Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Any weapon/drink)

Crafting Process:

Note: May only be done in a place of religious power, not at a Hermetic Laboratory.

IMPORTANT: An Alchemist may only create a single Lifestrike Sunshine per event unless another power supersedes this rule.

While humming hymns softly to greater powers who oppose the Undead, take the Eternal Blossom, grind it, and mix it into the Holy Oil. Then, heat it slowly over a candle flame for five hourglass turns while swirling. Once it begins to simmer, remove the vial, and allow it to cool. Now, either remove the Eternal Blossom via decanting or straining the remaining liquid, from this liquid uncork the Foundation Resource Infusion: Spark and add it to the liquid.  This will become the final product.  Deposit the materials in an ashbin.  On the final card please note any Religion, Deity, or Patron invoked in the creation of this substance.

Description: A glowing white solution.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack which is “Grant Life to Undead by Radiance” with its next attack, before the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation of any kind is applied to the same weapon, the Lifestrike Sunshine will become inert. This may also be added to a drink or quaffed and it will Grant Life to Undead Final.

Mana Potion [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Night Prizes, 4 Bloom, 1 Alchemical Suspension

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take two Bloom and wrap entirely around a Night Prize. Squeeze the two so that any liquid from the Night Prize is soaked up by the Bloom. Discard the Night Prize in the Ashbin. Weigh the two Bloom on the scale with another two Bloom (it should be heavier with the Night Prize liquid). Add salts to the second two Bloom so that they are both equal in weight. Then, heat the two Bloom slowly by candle flame until warm to the touch but not burning. Tear up the last Night Prizes and Bloom and add to the First Bloom. While the Bloom is still hot, tear into fine bits and soak in a vial with Alchemical Suspension. Add the second two Bloom and salts to the vial. Shake for one hourglass turn.

Description: Bright blue, this thick potion tastes sickly sweet when drunk.

Effect: Instantly restores 3 spell slots of Adept tier or lower that have been expended. Drinking a Mana Potion causes Mana Sickness.

Noctilotoxin [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prizes, 1 Harvest, 3 Adderstrike Venom

Uses per Batch: 2 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Weapon, food, drink)

Crafting Process:

Take the Harvest and cut it into small pieces/shards using the knife. Separate to one side. Slice the Night Prizes into pieces about the size of your small finger. Heat the pieces over a flame for a Quick 30. Remove from heat and grind in a mortar. Add three drops of Alchemical Suspension and continue to grind. It should start to form a paste at this point. Add in the chopped Harvest slowly while continuing to mix. Let rest for one turn of the hourglass and then carefully store it in a vial until use.

Description: A green sticky substance that has a putrid odor, smelling of decay and rot. The smell is barely noticeable once on a weapon, but in its vial, if you hold it close to your nose it is very noticeable.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack that is “Taint by Poison'' before the end of the Event. If a second Alchemical preparation is applied to the same weapon, the Noctilotoxin will become inert. If ingested, Noctilotoxin causes “Taint and Silence both by Poison.”

Otherworldly Chalk [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Ingots 2 Rare Minerals, 1 Salve of Shielding, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament

Uses per Batch: 20 pieces of chalk
Expiration: Permanent

Application: Topical (Component, food, drink)

Crafting Process:

Grind the Ingots and Rare Minerals together in a large mortar and pestle, creating a mix of powders. Then, one drop at a time, add the Foundation Resource Infusion until it holds together. Place the mixture in a container and heat over a flame, gently stirring it for about 15 seconds. Let it cool for three turns of the hourglass. Pour it into a vial-shaped object and let cool. The chalk should then slide out of the vial as a straight stick of chalk that can be split into two individual pieces.

Description: A black chalk, with golden marbling throughout.

Effect: This ancient recipe creates a particular kind of chalk that can be used to inscribe Haven rituals and other such magical diagrams. Each time a piece is used in the Haven ritual, it can substitute for a Rare Mineral, adding protection against 4 more creatures per each piece of chalk. In other Rituals, if there is a Lantern Spirit present, it can give temporary boosts of power to the ritual up to the decision of the Staff. If ingested, Otherworldly Chalk causes “Grant Resistance to Insubstantial by Poison.”

Overpotence [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Harvest, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Power, 1 Daggerpoint Cognac, 1 serving of Alcohol.

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

This recipe has a few steps, but each one takes a good deal of time to finish. First, take the Harvest and grind in a mortar and pestle for a total of five turns of the hourglass. Take the Bloom and drip 3 drops of Alchemical Suspension over each piece. Let sit for approximately ten minutes. Combine all of the material with one serving of Alcohol. Mix over a low heat for three turns of the hourglass and then strain/decant out all materials other than the liquid. Let rest for 2 hours and then mix with the Foundation Resource Infusion of Power before corking.

Description: Almost always taken with a chaser, this golden liquid has a strong flavor of ammonia which does not leave the mouth quickly.

Effect: This potion gives the character 3 additional Base Spikes until the next Long Rest, this Alchemy cannot and does not stack with itself.  In addition, it Grants plus One Spike Bonus Damage that lasts until the end of their next Short Rest.

Steelskin Potion [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Ingots, 1 Mithril Ore, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament.

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

First, put two Bloom each in four separate vials and add one quarter of the Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge to each vial. Use the mortar to grind the Rare Minerals as finely as possible for at least one turn, then sprinkle a quarter of the dust into each vial of Bloom. Agitate each vial, cork, and let sit. Hold the vial of Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament over a flame for a Quick 30. Put one drop from each vial of Bloom into a fifth vial and fill the rest of the way with the Spark Infusion. Cork.

Description: A clear liquid. Close inspection will show whirls of metallic strings within the liquid. The taste will be strangely metallic as well.

Effect: Grants three points of Bonus Natural Armor and gives Resistance to Weapon Damage. The character is Inherently Slowed. The effects of this preparation last only until the character completes a Short Rest.

Trip [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 6 Bloom, 1 Harvest, 1 serving of Alcohol, 1 serving of Nyte Tea, 1 Healing Draught

Uses per Batch: 3 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Chop the Harvest into tiny pieces with a knife. Put the pieces in a vial and hold over a flame until all are charred. Put Alchemical Suspension into that vial and agitate, then pour off the Suspension into another vial. Crush the Night Prizes with the mortar, and add to the charred Harvest. Add Alchemical Suspension and agitate again. Run the liquid through a retort and discard. Empty sediment from retort and mix with 6 drops of Alcohol. Heat for one turn. Cork and let cool.

Description: Trip is more of a bitter paste that users smear onto their gums rather than a liquid that they drink.

Effect: This paste causes a roleplay effect of extreme euphoria and physical well-being. Most who take Trip often feel more confident, attractive, and capable, and find themselves unworried by the possibility of failure, and other things that would normally cause them anxiety, shame, or fear. The character can ignore penalties from Indoor or Outdoor Discomfort and gains Resistance to Berserk and Fear Effects. These effects will last until the character completes a Long Rest, or until the player decides that the effect has worn off.

Unliving Blood [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Night Prizes, 2 Harvest, 1 Ingot, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Ruin

Uses per Batch: 2 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

This potion can only be made during the hours of darkness after the sun has set and before it has arisen. Grind the Harvest using the mortar and pestle for one turn of the hourglass, until it is a fine powder. In a vial, put 10 drops of Alchemical Suspension. Pick apart the Night Prizes and place them in the vial. One pinch at a time, put the ground Harvest into the vial, shaking it around after each pinch to make sure that the Harvest dissolves. Let sit under the night sky for approximately 1 hour, and then add both Foundation Resource Infusions to the concoction.

Description: Glittery green specks suspended in a yellow goo. The taste to a mortal is one of a week-old decaying rat mixed with the finest apple spirits in the land.

Effect: If an Undead creature consumes this brew, it gains Barrier equal to its current maximum Armor Points. It also increases its Bonus Spike Damage by one and gives two additional Base Spikes.  This does not stack with itself. The increased Spike Damage and the extra Spikes last until the creature loses its last point of Barrier. If a Living creature drinks this, it is Weakened and Tainted. This brew will be ineffective if diluted and so cannot be mixed with drinks or food.

Unvitality Potion [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Night Prize, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Ruin, 1 Last Breath

Uses per Batch: 5 servings
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff or Applied to Undead

Crafting Process:

[TBD] This potion can only be made during the hours of darkness after the sun has set and before it has arisen. Grind the Harvest using the mortar and pestle for one turn of the hourglass, until it is a fine powder. In a vial, put 10 drops of Alchemical Suspension. Pick apart the Night Prizes and place them in the vial. One pinch at a time, put the ground Harvest into the vial, shaking it around after each pinch to make sure that the Harvest dissolves. Let sit under the night sky for approximately 1 hour, and then add both Foundation Resource Infusions to the concoction.  This process is not Blood Magic itself.

Description: Glowing green potion. When uncorked

Effect: Application of this requires a minimum of a Focus Quick 30.  Heal 10 to Undead.  10 by Agony to Living.  Short grant immunity to shatter to corpse to Undead.

Master Alchemy Recipes

Anti-Magic Elixir [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 6 Bloom, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Thought, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Refuge

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the six Bloom and immerse in Alchemical Suspension. Let it rest for about 10 minutes. Once done, remove and discard the Bloom, then take the liquid and heat over a flame for one turn of an hourglass. Add three pinches of salt and continue to heat for three more turns of the hourglass. Remove from heat and mix thoroughly with the two Foundation Resource Infusions. Fill a vial to the top and discard the rest.

Description: A bubbly blue liquid, with the aroma of a salty sea coming from it.

Effect: Grants Resistance to Packets. This will last until the end of the next Long Rest, or until 10 total packets have been stopped by it, whichever comes first.

Blacksmith Oil [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Night Prizes, 1 Rare Mineral

Uses per Batch: 1 vial of oil

Expiration: Standard

Application: Component

Crafting Process:

Take the Rare Minerals and sprinkle them over the 2 Night Prizes. Using tongs, gently place the Night Prizes into a large vial. Fill halfway with water and slowly simmer for 2 turns of the hourglass. Tear up the Bloom and place them into the vial, gently stirring. Heat to a boil and then let it cool slowly to room temperature, about twenty turns of the hourglass. Decant into a vial for use.

Description: A small black oily liquid that smells like cinnamon.

Effect: When a Tinker uses Blacksmith Oil while crafting an item, it will increase the duration of that item, adding two months or two events, whichever is longer, to the duration of the item. The Tinker can use it at any step of the process that they feel will work best with their role-play.

Godsblood [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Spark, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament, 10 Bloom, 6 Harvest, 2 Rare Minerals

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

The Bloom should be separated and laid out individually in order to let them dry out. Take the six Harvest and slice into thin slices. Place into a bowl or container. Sprinkle the Rare Minerals over the Harvest. Add one drop of Alchemical Suspension to each Bloom, then allow the Harvest slices and Bloom to dry out for an hour. The Crafting Materials may be covered while drying out.

Come back, and select the best looking Harvest, and the two best looking Bloom. Grind them up in a mortar and heat in a vial for two turns of the hourglass. Fill a second vial one-quarter full with the Foundation Resource Infusion - Firmament and then the rest of the vial with the Foundation Resource Infusion - Spark, mix thoroughly. Pour liquid from the second vial into the first vial until it is full. Discard all of the remaining pieces and liquids. Swirl the vial slowly for a Quick 30.

Description: Drizzled slowly into the mouth from a long tube is how this red potent liquid is usually consumed over several minutes, though it may be quaffed more quickly if needed.

Effect: After consuming this Corrupted Alchemy, until the end of the Event, the next time the character’s death-count finishes, instead of dying, they Heal 1 Life Point. This includes after being Deathblowed, meaning that ten seconds after being Deathblowed, they will become conscious. This effect can only occur once per serving of Godsblood.

Life Elixir [Greater Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 10 Bloom, 2 Eternal Blossom, 1 Serving of Alcohol

Uses per Batch: 1 serving

Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

IMPORTANT: An Alchemist may only create a single Life Elixir per event unless another power supersedes this rule.

Take seven drops of Alchemical Suspension and add it to a beaker. Take the Bloom and put it into the beaker, being careful not to bruise any of the leaves or petals. Grind up the Night Prizes in the mortar and pestle to a fine paste. Gently fold the Eternal Blossom into the paste over and over until fully incorporated for at least one turn of the glass. Add three vials of alcohol to the beaker and the paste. Now muddle the Bloom with the paste for two turns of the hourglass. Finish filling the beaker with water and let sit for three more turns of the hourglass. Decant the top of the mixture into a vial, capping it tightly and then discarding the rest of the mixture.

Description: This purple elixir has a pungent scent reminiscent of garlic.

Effect: When drunk or fed to another, this powerful Elixir imbues the target in life-energy. The Call for this is “Grant Life." If the target is a corpse, it will bring it back to the living with 1 Life Point.

Omniscience Elixir [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 1 Bloom, 1 Harvest, 1 Rare Minerals, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Tempus, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Thought.

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Heat the Bloom in the Foundation Resource Infusion - Thought for three turns of the hourglass, making a tea-like mixture. Discard the Bloom. Grind up the Harvest and add to the mixture along with three drops of Foundation Resource Infusion - Tempus (the rest must be discarded). Heat again for one turn of the hourglass. Sprinkle the Rare Mineral into the mixture.

Description: A red liquid with a light cinnamon and apple spice flavor.

Effect: Restores one expended Novice, Adept, and Greater spell-slot. Causes Mana Sickness. In addition, the potion will grant the drinker a dream the next time they sleep. This mimics the effects of the Soothsayer Advantage except that the dream will specifically concern something magical in nature. A member of staff should be informed after the Omniscience Elixir is drunk.

Panacea [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 6 Rare Minerals

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Bloom and fit entirely into a vial. Add nine drops of water and shake the vial vigorously for one hourglass turn. Quickly take two pinches of salt, add to the mixture along with the six Rare Minerals. Finish the product by adding the Alchemical Suspension until the vial is full.

Description: A deep red liquid, smelling strongly of berries. The taste is almost sickeningly sweet with a syrup-like consistency.

Effect: Upon drinking the potion, the user immediately is affected by a Cure All Conditions Final.

Red Death Poison [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 4 Night Prizes, 1 Foundation Resource Infusion - Death

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Topical (Weapon, food, drink)

Crafting Process:

Note: Any Healing Effect performed in the same Hermetic Lab while this is being prepared (while this is being created) will instantly ruin the preparation. Take precautions before commencing.

Wear gloves throughout. Take the Night Prizes and chop it with the knife before grinding it with the mortar. Place the resulting powder in a vial. Heat over a flame for one turn. Drip the solution into the Foundation Resource Infusion - Death drop by drop until the vial is full. Heat over a candle for one turn. Cork.

Description: A viscous black-red liquid that is smeared onto a weapon.

Effect: Once applied to a weapon for a Quick 30, the weapon can make one attack that is “Taint by Poison and Grant Resistance to Cure by Poison” before the end of the Event. If a second alchemical preparation is applied to the same weapon, the Red Death Poison will become inert. If ingested, Red Death causes “Death by Poison and Grant Resistance to Grant Life by Poison."

Purity Elixir [Master Alchemy Recipe]

Crafting Materials Needed: 2 Bloom, 2 Rare Minerals

Uses per Batch: 1 serving
Expiration: Standard

Application: Quaff

Crafting Process:

Take the Bloom and fit entirely into a vial. Add nine drops of water and shake the vial vigorously for one hourglass turn. Then, let stand for a second turn. Take the Rare Minerals and slowly add to the vial, pinch by pinch until it turns a deep green (it should take most of the sample of Rare Minerals). Pour the entire mixture into another container and add the Ingot to it. Let stand for 3 turns of the hourglass to allow the metal in the Ingot to react with the deep green mixture. Pour back into the original vial and finish the product by adding Alchemical Suspension until the vial is full.

Description: A deep green liquid that smells strongly of spirits and citrus.

Effect: Upon drinking the potion, the user is affected by a Cure Tainted and will have Resistance to Taint until the end of their next Short Rest.