Hardy Elementary School
A Title I School
Student/Parent Handbook
2100 Glass Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406
(423) 493-0300 office
(423) 493-0302 fax
Principal- Robin Bambrey
Assistant Principals- Tonya Rose and Katie Hamby
At Hardy Elementary, our community empowers all students to achieve greatness.
Our mission, at Hardy Elementary, is to inspire the whole child through high quality academics and positive connections in a purposeful learning community.
Core Values:
High Expectations: We are dedicated to creating rigorous and engaging opportunities and hold students accountable academically, socially and behaviorally.
Growth: We are dedicated to growth through high expectations, goal setting, and differentiated instruction to support the whole child’s academic and behavior achievement.
Relationships: We are dedicated to nurturing quality relationships with students, families, and community.
Equity: We are dedicated to eliminating obstacles to ensure that ALL students are heard and served.
We Rise, We SOAR!
Table of Contents
Achievement Tests
Absence – returning to school after an absence
Arrival and Dismissal
Before School Tutoring
Birth Certificate
Bus Transportation – HCDE Rules of Conduct
Character Education
Child Abuse
Common Core
Computer Usage
Classroom Agreement
Dress Code
Emergency Procedures
Field Trips
Grading System
Hardy Elementary School
Literacy Block
Lost and Found
No Smoking Policy
Open House
Out of Uniform
Parent’s Address and Telephone Number
Parent Visits
Responsible Use Policy
Safety Drills
Saturday Academy
School Hours
Sexual Harassment Policy
Smoking Policy
Study Habits
Telephone Messages
Textbooks/Library Books
Title I
Withdrawing a Student
Zero Tolerance
Achievement Tests
All students will be monitored in reading and math achievement throughout the year using the EasyCBM Universal Screener and the i-Ready Math Screener. Students in grades 3-5 will be given the TNReady standards based assessment at the end of the school (TN Ready). Grades 3rd-5th will take the assessment using paper and pencil. Primary students (K-2nd) do not participate in TNReady Testing.
All grades at Hardy Elementary, will participate in Hamilton County/state Benchmark testing after each quarter in Reading and Math.
Absence – returning to school after an absence
The Hamilton County Board of Education believes in the establishment of a tradition of regular school attendance for each student. This establishes the first step toward a successful academic career culminating in a high school diploma and this is an essential concept to learn for the job market.
The Hamilton County Department of Education has a state approved system for maintaining attendance records for each student enrolled in the district.
1. Personal Illness: Students are excused who are sick and whose attendance would be
detrimental to their health and the health of other students. A physician's statement
may be required.
2. Death in Immediate Family: Students may be excused for three (3) days in the event
of a death in their immediate families including mother, father, stepparent, brother,
sister, or grandparent. Extenuating circumstances may require a longer period of excused
3. Family Illness: Students having an illness in the family which requires them to give
temporary help will be excused from attendance after receipt of a physician's statement
concerning the necessity of the student's assistance.
4. Religious Holiday: Students shall be excused on special or recognized religious holidays regularly observed by that particular faith. Prior approval is required should these days occur while school is in session.
5. Personal: Students who are absent for a good cause such as a doctor or dental appointment which cannot be scheduled at times other than school hours, court appearances, etc. may be excused upon proof of appointment. Prior approval by parent or guardian and the principal or his designee is required.
6. Approved School Sponsored Activities: Students shall be marked present when participating in a school sponsored activity away from the school building.
The law requires that school officials report to the court and parent/guardian of a child who is unlawfully absent from school for any five (5) days during the school year (this means an aggregate of five (5) days) without adequate excuse. When a student reaches five (5) unexcused absences, the school will notify the parent/guardian that their child must attend school on a regular basis by mailing the Attendance Notification Letter. After ten (10) days absence without adequate excuse, a student is referred to the school social worker. If the child continues to accrue unexcused absences after the referral, a legal notice will be mailed by the school social worker.
This notice shall serve as intent to file a truancy or dependency and neglect petition with Hamilton County Juvenile Court unless proper documentation is provided to the school within five (5) days of receipt of this notice.
By law students must attend school daily. HCDE will allow parent/guardian excuses to serve as documentation for three (3) personal illness days only. After three (3) parent/guardian excused personal illness days, parents must provide medical services documentation for the following: personal illness, family illness, or personal (as defined above). To avoid student absences being recorded as unexcused, a written statement signed and dated by the parent/guardian and any medical documentation should be presented to the appropriate school official within five (5) days of the student returning to school.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students can not arrive on campus prior to 7:30 A.M. There will be no supervision before 7:30 A.M. and Hardy faculty/staff cannot be responsible for your child’s safety before this time. If a student arrives prior to 7:30 A.M., parent/guardian will be notified to pick up the student.
Upon arrival, car riders should use the drop off zone located at the front of the school building. In order to keep traffic flowing, please do not park in this zone. If you need to enter the building, please park in the designated parking lot.
NOTE: All students who arrive at school after 8:00 A.M. must be escorted to the office by an adult. The adult must complete a tardy slip so the student will not be counted absent.
School ends at 3:00 P.M. daily. No students should be left at school after 3:15 P.M. The Department of Human Services (D.H.S.) will be contacted for any students left beyond 3:25 P.M. Students must leave the school grounds at this designated time unless they are enrolled in an after-school program/tutoring.
Teachers are mandated to provide instruction every day from 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M; therefore, there will be no early dismissal from 2:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Early dismissal will only be granted for a doctor’s appointment verified with a doctor’s appointment card. We strongly encourage parents to leave their child(ren) at school for the full day.
We will not accept information given by students or over the phone. Guardians cannot change their child’s bus route (Example- A student changing routes in order to go to another student’s home or another relative’s home. Also, students cannot change buses due to losing privileges on another bus).
In the event of inclement weather, parents will receive a phone call from the Hamilton County phone system. Please respond accordingly.
Birth Certificate
A copy of a birth certificate is highly recommended for our records as proof of age and legal naming purposes. New enrollees and transfer students will be asked to bring a copy of a state certified birth certificate to the school. If your child was born in Tennessee, a copy may be obtained from the
Hamilton County Health Department
921 East Third Street
If your child was born outside of Tennessee, the Health Department has a form you may fill out and send to the state in which the child was born.
Breakfast is served from 7:30 A.M.-7:55 A.M. The cafeteria door will be closed at 7:55 A.M. Breakfast will be eaten in the student’s homeroom.
Bus Transportation
Please review the bus rules with your child(ren). Permission to ride a bus other than the one to which your child is assigned can only be granted by an administrator. The request must be made by the parent in the form of a written note. The note must include: 1) the new bus number, 2) address, 3) parent’s phone number, and 4) guardian’s signature. Please bring the note to the office early in the day. The note must be signed by an administrator and presented to the bus driver.
Tennessee State Board of Education States:
“A pupil shall become ineligible for pupil transportation when his behavior is such as to cause dissension on a school bus, or when he disobeys State and Local Rules and Regulations pertaining to pupil transportation.”
NOTE: Students who endanger and/or harm other students while being transported may warrant suspension of riding privileges for the remainder of the year.
Hamilton County Department of Education
Rules of Conduct for Students Riding School Buses
These rules of conduct have been developed to provide a safe and pleasant environment for students while being transported. Transportation is an elective provided by the Board, and failure to comply with any of the rules will be grounds for excluding a student from riding a bus.
Disciplinary Action for Minor Offenses:
First Offense Verbal Warning
Second Offense Letter to Parent/Contact Parents
Third Offense Three (3) Day Bus Suspension and Contact Parents
Fourth Offense Ten (10) Day Bus Suspension and Contact Parents
Fifth Offense Twenty (20) Day Bus Suspension and Contact Parents
More than Five Thirty (30) Day Bus Suspension or Removal for Remainder of Year
Disciplinary Action for Major Offenses:
First Offense Five (5) Day Bus Suspension and Contact Parents
Second Offense Suspension of Riding Privileges Up to Remainder of the Year
If a student is suspended from his/her bus, he/she cannot ride another Hamilton County school bus.
Character Education
Hardy Elementary focuses on Character Education embedded into the curriculum. Students have an opportunity to learn ways to become better citizens and responsible individuals.
Respect is to show consideration for others and/or their property. Behavior that helps people feel calmer, safer, friendlier, and more cooperative. Treating others as you would want to be treated.
Responsibility is to be accountable for your words, actions and attitudes. Be determined to finish what you started to your best ability.
Perseverance is sticking to the task that needs to be completed and learning from mistakes along the way with a positive attitude.
Caring is to show concern for the feeling of others by treating them with kindness, and a giving spirit/nonjudgmental.
Self Discipline
Self-Discipline is to demonstrate hard work by knowing what you are supposed to do, make right choices, be consistent, and giving your best effort.
Citizenship is to obey the laws and rules. Do your share to make/contribute in order to create a better school community.
Honesty is telling the truth at all times, and admits to mistakes. Being trustworthy and acting with integrity.
Courage is doing the right things in the face of difficulty and following your conscience instead of the crowd.
Fairness is recognizing individual differences, and treating all with equal cooperation and care.
Child Abuse
Any teacher, nurse, counselor, administrator, or other school professional acting in an official capacity who has reason to believe a child under the age of 18 has been subjected to or adversely affected by physical, mental, or emotional abuse/neglect must report this to the Department of Social Services or appropriate law enforcement agency in accordance with the S.C. Child Protective Act of 1977.
Hardy has a Nurse who operates the clinic. Inform the Nurse of any and all medical issues your child may have. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick. Children should be fever-free without fever reducing medicine for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child should become sick while at school, the Nurse will contact you. Make all efforts to contact the school with updated phone numbers so we are able to contact you.
Computer Usage
Students must be responsible when using school technology. All work on school computers must be instructional based and supervised by an adult. Students are not allowed to view inappropriate websites which include Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Also, students cannot view personal email accounts on school computers. Students can lose their privilege to use school technology if administration deems appropriate.
Classroom Agreement
All Hardy Elementary students are expected to abide by the classroom agreement. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Our agreement is “I will not do anything to keep myself from learning, others from learning, or my teacher from teaching.”
Hardy teaches standards based on Tennessee’s academic standards that are approved by the State Board of Education. Standards may be found at www.tn.gov/education.
Each parent is expected to sign the Hamilton County Code of Conduct of Acceptable Behavior and return it to the school. The school staff will emphasize strict compliance with school standards on the part of all children during the school year. Fighting, disrespect, name calling, or using profanity does not create a positive atmosphere for learning. We act in place of you, the parent, and as adults and teachers, we value respect and good work habits from children. We are depending on you to support our efforts in emphasizing positive behavior.
Discipline matters will be handled in a calm, reasonable manner among teachers, students, administration and parents. When a student’s behavior affects other students and prevents the teacher from teaching, Administration will take appropriate action.
Dress Code
Cooperation is asked in sending your children to school appropriately and comfortably dressed.
The dress code is as follows:
Shirts Polos - Navy Blue, Maroon, Dark Green, and Grey ONLY (must be a solid color)
No checks, stripes, or plaids
Bottoms Khaki or Navy twill or chino type hemmed pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers
No knit/ stretchy or sweat pants
Belts worn with pants, shorts, and skirts
No denim (jeans, shorts, skirts, or jumpers)
No Rips, Tears, or Holes
Undershirts Short or long sleeves (Preferably white or Navy)
Shoes Tennis shoes ONLY (No sandals, boots, or crocs)
Hair Hair must be worn in a neat, acceptable manner that does not interrupt the
learning process. Hair should be a natural color. No head rags or bandanas are to be worn.
Sweaters/ Sweatshirts Solid Navy blue, maroon, or hunter green with no hoods
Students in grades PK-5 may wear shorts and skirts; however, they should be a suitable length.
Short shorts or skirts are not permissible.
If students are present and out of uniform, a parent will be notified immediately and asked to bring the appropriate school attire.
Emergency Procedures
As required by Hamilton County, Hardy Elementary will conduct regularly scheduled fire, tornado, and/or safety drills for the safety of your children.
Field Trips
Educational field trips are planned to provide experiences correlated with subjects studied in the classroom. When a field trip is planned, your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination and date. This form MUST be signed and returned to the teacher. All trips are chaperoned by school personnel who may be assisted by parent volunteers. Transportation is by school bus or approved and properly insured charter buses.
Field trips that are scheduled for classes are for students in that grade level only. While parents are welcome and appreciated as chaperones, younger and/or older siblings are not allowed to come.
Grades are sent home based on the HCDE schedule.
Hardy Elementary has a no chewing gum policy. Please DO NOT send your child(ren) to school with gum.
Hardy Elementary School
Hardy Elementary is smoke, drug, and alcohol free. E-cigs and Vaping are NOT allowed.
Homework is important. It is expected for Hardy Elementary students to receive a homework packet each Monday that will contain 2 days of math and a reading log for the week. It is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. The practice that the homework provides reinforces classroom learning and can provide opportunities for independent study, research, and creative thinking. Generally, children need a quiet, comfortable place in which to work. Parents can help by setting aside the time needed for homework and by seeing that the assignments are all neatly and accurately completed.
Homework is assigned school-wide Monday-Thursday. It is expected for your student to turn in completed homework on Fridays.
The state requires that students be properly immunized and a record of shots be on file in the office. Students cannot be enrolled unless shots are up to date.
Although dangerous or rough activity is not permitted, injuries on the playground can sometimes occur. If a serious injury does occur, the parent will be notified as quickly as possible. If a parent or guardian cannot be located, the school is not allowed to act in their place for treatment of that injury. Only in the case of a life-threatening injury can the school step into emergency action. Please be certain to complete the Emergency Information Card during registration and keep the school informed of any changes to your contact information.
The wearing of excessive jewelry is discouraged when wearing the school uniform.
Students who bring their lunch are allowed to bring 100% juice. In support of our Fresh Fruits and Veggies Program, students ARE NOT allowed to bring sodas/soft drinks as part of their lunch or to drink throughout the day. .
Each child at Hardy Elementary goes to the library at least once a week for organized library time. Library class is 50 minutes long. Instruction in reference, research, and study skills is provided by the librarian.
Literacy Block
Each day the classroom will have an established period for a literacy block. The purpose is to provide uninterrupted time for students to learn to read and to practice reading skills. Administration will participate and will not schedule appointments during this time. Please be respectful of this effort for academic success for all students and make sure your child (ren) is on time for school each day to participate.
Lost and Found
From time to time students have a tendency to misplace clothing and personal items. We provide a lost and found area in the cafeteria to help students locate any missing items. If these items are not claimed by the end of each semester, Hardy Elementary makes a donation to the GoodWill organization.
Please make sure you take the opportunity to claim any missing items. You may contact the office or come in and check the lost and found area.
Students are assigned a lunch number in order to eat. In order to expedite time in the cafeteria serving line, students are encouraged to learn their lunch numbers. Through the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) provides both breakfast and lunch meals to qualified schools at no cost to the students.
Here is what it means to you:
Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child(ren) however, no outside food or beverages can be brought in.
School Board Policy states medications should be limited to those required during school hours and necessary to maintain the child in school. This policy only applies to prescription medicine. Medications should be administered by the school nurse. Any student who is required to take medication during the regular school day must comply with the following regulations.
Do not send medication of any kind to school with your child.
No Smoking Policy
The Tennessee General Assembly passed the “Children’s Right for Clean Indoor Air” on July 1, 1995. No smoking is allowed in the school building by any student, faculty member, or visiting adult. Please adhere to this policy when visiting the building. Any person smoking on school property can be charged a fine. Anyone wishing to smoke must be at least 50 ft. from the school building. No E-cigs or Vaping.
Open House
Open House is held at the beginning of the school year and allows an opportunity for parents to meet staff members, learn about the curriculum standards and requirements for a particular grade, and tour the building.
Out of Uniform
Notes will be sent home by students regarding any out of uniform day(s). Students are allowed out of uniform only on the specified day(s) and will be given passes for the specific day(s). Guidelines will be sent home as well.
Parent’s Address and Telephone Number
The school office must have a valid telephone number at which parents can be reached during the school day, even if the number is unlisted. This is particularly important when emergencies occur. If the number is unlisted, the office staff should be told so that the number is used only by authorized personnel.
Please notify the office immediately of any changes in address, home phone number, cell phone number, work phone number, and/or place of employment.
If Hardy Elementary personnel are unable to contact a student’s guardian after exhausting all forms of communication, the Chattanooga Police Department will be contacted.
A winter holiday and Valentine’s Day Party are scheduled under the direction of the teacher and homeroom parents. Look for announcements listing the details for these parties.
For the safety of students with any chemical or food allergies, any food provided for the winter holiday or Valentine’s Day Party should be purchased at a store and have a complete ingredient label attached. Balloons are not allowed even as decorations due to latex allergies and other dangers associated with balloons.
Invitations and/or thank you notes for private parties may not be distributed at school.
In order to prevent disruption of instruction and daily activities, birthday treats are only allowed at times that have been pre-arranged and designated by the teacher. Treats must be store bought. Balloons, flowers, and/or cookie bouquets will not be accepted in the main office for delivery to students in classrooms nor can they be delivered to classrooms by parents or others.
Parent Visits
To maintain the best learning conditions at Hardy Elementary School, all parents and other visitors will need to report to the school office, present identification, sign in, and wear a name tag before going to another area of the building. Please sign out when leaving. It is important that visitors wear the name tag in order for staff to know that they have stopped by the office. NO parents are to go to a teacher’s classroom prior to the school day unless prior arrangements have been made.
Parents and other visitors may not go directly to a classroom without first coming through the office. Any parent observation must be pre-arranged with the teacher and administration to ensure coordination with the student's schedule. No more than two (2) adults may be in a room at one time. No children under 18 are allowed in classrooms during observations. Duration of the observation should be a reasonable amount of time that does not exceed one subject area being taught unless, prior arrangements have been made. Visits must be for the observation of your child only. Conversations with the teacher should not take place at this time.
Parent-teacher conferences must be scheduled so as not to conflict with instructional time. If you call the school to request a conference, the teacher will call back within 24 hours to confirm a meeting time. Conferences will only be scheduled during the teacher’s planning time.
Pre – K
Pre- K students are only allowed in the building 7 hours daily. All Pre-K students must be signed in and out daily. NO EXCEPTIONS. The Pre-K door (closest to the classrooms) is open from 7:45– 8:00a.m. for sign in and between 2:30 - 2:45 p.m. to sign out. Parents who bring their child late must come to the main office to sign the student in and the office staff will take the student to class. If you have other questions, please feel free to refer to the Pre-Kindergarten Parent Handbook or set up a conference with the teacher.
Responsible Use Agreement
The Internet and email provide invaluable resources and
communications to Hamilton County students and employees (hereafter referred to as "user"). Users accessing the Internet are representing the Hamilton County School System and therefore have a responsibility to use the Internet in a productive manner that meets the ethical standards of an educational institution. The District's Internet Safety Policy and the Technology Acceptable Usage Agreement shall be reviewed, evaluated and revised, as needed, annually.
Scope of Use: To ensure that students receive a quality education in an intellectually stimulating environment, it is the goal of the Hamilton County Schools to provide all students with access to a variety of technological resources. The creation of a large and varied technological environment demands that technology usage be conducted in legally and ethically appropriate ways consistent with the policies and instructional goals of the Hamilton County Schools. Thus, it is the intention of the Hamilton County Schools that all technological resources be used in accordance with any and all school system policies and procedures as well as local, state, and federal laws and/or guidelines governing the usage of technology and its component parts. Additionally, it is understood that all users of Hamilton County Schools will use the provided technological resources so as not to waste or abuse, interfere with or cause harm to other individuals, institutions, or companies.
Rules for Usage: The primary goal of the technology environment is to support the educational and instructional endeavors of students and employees of the Hamilton County Schools. Use of any and all technological resources is a privilege and not a right. Any violation of the Acceptable Usage Agreement may result in termination of usage and/or appropriate discipline. All Hamilton County Schools students and their parent/guardians and all Hamilton County Schools employees must sign this agreement as acknowledgment of receipt of these procedures and policies.
A. Any user who accesses the district's network or any computer system for any purpose agrees to be bound by the terms of the Agreement, even if no signed Agreement is on file.
B. The use of all Hamilton County School's technological resources is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate or suspected inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges pending investigation.
C. The district's network or any computer system is in effect an extension of the classroom
experience. The user, student or employee, should use the same judgment as they would in a classroom.
D. Students accessing the internet by any means other than the District's network while in a Hamilton County School facility is prohibited unless approved by administration. The HCDE network is filtered to meet CIPA compliance. (Refer to VI. Internet Filtering.) Students are accountable for their actions when connected to an outside network. HCDE is not liable.
E. All computers connected to the Hamilton County Schools HCDE Radius (wireless) or wired must be the property of Hamilton County Schools unless approved by a principal or supervisor. Individuals are prohibited from connecting a computer to the Hamilton County School's network without first obtaining permission from a supervisor staff member. HCDE Guest wireless is available for personal and HCDE assigned devices. All devices connected to the HCDE network are subject to the same guidelines.
F. Individuals may use only accounts, files, software, and technological resources that are assigned to him/her.
G. Individuals may not log in to or attempt to log in to the network by using another person's account and/or password or allow any other person to use his/her password to access the network, e-mail, the Internet or other password protected resources
H. Individuals must take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to accounts and data and any other unauthorized usage within and/or outside the Hamilton County Schools.
I. Individuals identified as a security risk may be denied access to the District's technological resources.
J. Individuals must not disrupt or attempt to disrupt any computer services or data by spreading viruses, spamming or by any other means. Any use of technological resources that reduces the efficiency of use for others will be considered a violation of this agreement.
K. Individuals must not modify or attempt to modify hardware, utilities, and configurations, or change the restrictions associated with his/her accounts, or attempt to breach any security system, either with or without malicious intent.
L. The Supervisor and/or site administrators will determine when inappropriate use has occurred and each has the right to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts and access. Users have the right to appeal the decision to the site administrator or Director of Schools.
M. Accessing the HCDE network from outside the network is prohibited without prior authorization.
A. To maintain network integrity and to insure the network is being used responsibly, the supervisor reserves the right to review files and network communications.
B. Users should have no expectation of privacy with regards to any data stored, transmitted or accessed on any device using the HCDE network.
C. Because communications on the Internet are often public in nature, all users should be careful to maintain appropriate and responsible communications.
D. The Hamilton County Schools cannot guarantee the privacy, security, or confidentiality of any information sent or received via the Internet.
E. All computer data including search histories and email communications transmitted on school system computers or by means of the school system network are subject to monitoring and may be archived.
F. Users are encouraged to avoid storing personal and/or private information on the District and/or school's' technological resources.
G. The system-wide technology staff performs routine backups of District servers. However, all users are responsible for the backup and storage of any critical files and/or data.
A. The illegal use of copyrighted materials is prohibited. Reproductions of documents, graphics, pictures, digital recordings, music, etc. shall be subject to fair use guidelines and applicable laws and regulations. (For Fair Use guidelines, go to this link: http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html).
B. Illegal copies of software may not be created or used on school system equipment.
C. Any questions about copyright provisions should be directed to the Principal or Supervisor.
D. The legal and ethical practices of appropriate use of technological resources will be taught to all students in the system (i.e. during lab orientation, network orientation, etc).
E. If more than one copy of a software package is needed, a site license, lab pack, or network version must be purchased. The District Technology Department and the person requesting the software will be responsible for determining how many copies should be purchased.
F. The site administrator at each location is authorized to sign license agreements for a site within the system. Copies of any system-wide license agreements must be signed by the District Technology Department and/or Superintendent and distributed to all schools that will use the software.
G. The District Technology staff or site technology assistant is responsible for installation of all software in use on the local area network and/or individual workstations within the Hamilton County Schools.
H. Users should not purchase software for use on District computers or other technological resources without prior consultation with the District Technology staff.
A. Communications with students/parents/guardians, even if not using school resources, are within the jurisdiction of the school district to monitor as they arise out of one's position as an educator. For official HCDE business, HCDE employees are strongly encouraged to use an HCDE email account when communicating with a student via email.
B. Electronic communication between staff and students should be written as a professional representing HCDE. This includes word choices, tone, grammar and subject matter.
C. All data stored or transmitted on school system computers shall be monitored. Hamilton County Schools e-mail accounts may not be used for sending or attempting to send anonymous messages.
D. Photos and videos of students and staff should not be shared or posted electronically without permission.
E. Hamilton County Schools' e-mail accounts may not be used for sending district-wide emails.
F. Electronic correspondence is a public record under the public records law and may be subject to public inspection.
G. The line between professional life and personal life must be clear at all times. Staff members should only use their educational email account or other approved communication method (Google, Edmodo, etc.) to communicate with students and/or parents and guardians, and should only communicate on matters directly related to education. Relationships associated with such educational social media accounts should only be with members of the educational community, such as administrators, teachers, students, and parent of such students. It is strongly recommended that staff reject requests from individuals who do not fit into these categories.
H. All staff members will be responsible for information that they make public through the use of electronic communication. Teachers are the gatekeeper for the privacy and protection of students. When other people can see your conversations with the students (i.e.- Other "Friends" on Facebook), you may be endangering them and also violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
I. HCDE employees who wish to utilize an approved HCDE website for communication must notify parents and obtain signed permission from the parent(s) to electronically post/share student pictures.
A. The intent of the Hamilton County Schools is to provide access to resources available via the Internet with the understanding that faculty, staff, and students will access and use information that is appropriate for his/her various curricula.
B. All school rules and guidelines for appropriate technology usage shall apply to usage of the Internet.
C. Teachers are responsible for previewing Internet resources that will be presented in the classroom prior to their introduction.
D. Users will gain access to the Internet by agreeing to conduct themselves in a considerate and responsible manner and by providing written permission from parents, guardians, students, employees via this signed agreement.
E. Students who are allowed independent access to the Internet will have the capability of accessing material that has not been screened.
A. On the District's network, internet access for all users is filtered by a filtering system provided through the school system's ISP and by the District firewall system by URL and IP address.
B. URLs and IP addresses may be added to or deleted from the filtered list by the District Technology staff.
C. Employees have the ability to override filtered sites. When accessing blocked sites, it is expected to preview any resources prior to classroom presentation. Employees are also expected to refrain from any inappropriate sites.
A. Internet safety measures shall be implemented that effectively address the following:
1. Safety and security of students when using any form of direct electronic communications;
2. Preventing unauthorized access, including "hacking" and other unlawful activities by students on-line; and
3. Restricting students' access to materials that may be inappropriate or harmful to them.
B. The processes for ensuring that the system's resources are not used for purposes prohibited by law or for accessing sexually explicit material are:
1. Monitoring on-line activities of students;
2. Utilizing technology that blocks or filters Internet access (for both students and adults) to material that is obscene, pornographic or potentially harmful to students; and
3. Maintaining a usage log.
C. All students will participate in Internet safety training, which is integrated into the District's
instructional program in grades K-12. Schools will use existing avenues of communication to inform parents, grandparents, caregivers, community stakeholders and other interested parties about Internet safety.
A. The Hamilton County Department of Education does not guarantee the reliability of the data connection and does not verify the accuracy of information found on the Internet.
B. The Hamilton County Department of Education does not guarantee the confidentiality of any communications or data transmitted on its system.
C. The Hamilton County Department of Education is not liable for any communication that has taken place on a personal device.
Hamilton County Schools
Responsible Use Agreement
I have read and agree to comply with the Hamilton County Department of Education Responsible Use Policy (http://www.hcde.ore/rupV) I understand that any violations of these regulations are unethical, potentially illegal, and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination (employee) or suspension/expulsion (student) or possible criminal charges.
Student/Parent Section Only:
Student's Name (Please Print) _____________________ Location ____________________
Student's Signature _________________________________ Date _____________________
As the parent or legal guardian of the student signing above, I grant permission for him/her to access networked computer services such as electronic mail (e-mail) and the Internet. I further understand that deliberate misuse by the student resulting in hardware and/or software damage will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date ___________________
Safety Drills
Safety is always a concern for all of us. Please take time to review with your child safe practices when walking to and from school, riding on the school bus, riding in the car or van, and playing on the playground. Children succeed when we work together. We are dedicated to making the Hardy Elementary School experience safe for every child.
A crossing guard is on duty in the morning and afternoon. Children are encouraged to cross the street only under the direction and guidance of the crossing guard. During severe weather, the crossing guard may not be on duty.
Refer to Emergency Procedures.
School Hours
School hours are from 8:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. Students are tardy at 8:01 A.M. and must be picked up no later than 3:15 P.M. By contract, Hamilton County teachers are not required to serve duty after 3:15 p.m. If necessary, the Department of Human Services will be contacted if students are left at school and not picked up in a timely manner or by 3:25 p.m.
Starting & Dismissal Time Schedule:
Breakfast 7:30-7:55
Classes begin 8:00
Dismissal 3:00
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Hamilton County School System is committed to making the educational environment for students free from sexual harassment. The district prohibits sexual harassment as defined in the Board Policy to mean unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical contact of a sexual nature from student to student, adult to student, student to adult, or adult to adult, while participating in any school activity.
The district prohibits conduct that has a negative impact upon the individual’s work or academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive, educational environment. The district further prohibits sexual harassment which affects a student’s academic status, progress, benefits, services, honors, programs, or activities based upon submission to such conduct.
Students should report any sexual harassment to their school principal, assistant principal, counselor, or teacher. Persons who commit a sexual harassment offense shall be disciplined appropriately including suspension or possible expulsion. An investigation will be conducted for a reported offense.
Smoking Policy
Adults are role models for children and all of us need to set good examples for them indoors and out of doors.
See Non-smoking policy.
Study Habits
Every child needs to develop good study habits in order to be successful at school. We’ve prepared a method for you to help provide a “study routine” for your children.
School supply lists by grade level are available in the office.
Students arriving after 8:00 A.M. must report to the office accompanied by an adult to sign them in, list the reason for late arrival, and get a tardy slip before going to class. Students will walk to classrooms by themselves. Students riding late buses are not counted tardy.
Telephone Messages
Please do not call a student or ask to have a message delivered to a student unless it is an ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY. This is very disruptive to the classroom. Discuss any after school arrangements with your child before he or she leaves in the morning. We discourage interrupting the class to remind your child where he or she is to go after school. Teachers may not leave their classroom for telephone conferences with parents during class hours.
Students are not permitted to use the school telephone to make arrangements for after school activities. If needed, an adult will contact a parent.
No transportation changes will be taken over the phone. Parents/Guardians must send a written note or come to the office for transportation changes.
Textbooks/Library Books
All textbooks, including library books, are loaned to students for their use during the school year. Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled properly. Students and parents are required to pay for lost or damaged textbooks and library books. Any student who fails to pay for a lost or damaged textbook or library book shall not be issued additional textbooks, library books, or grade cards until resolution is made.
Any threat to do harm to another student, school employee, or self will be taken seriously by the school administration.
Title I
Hardy Elementary School is a Title I School-wide Program. This means any child at Hardy can benefit from Title I funds through tutors, interventionists, educational assistants, instructional materials, equipment, parental involvement, and professional development for teachers.
After school tutoring is provided based on availability of funds. For the 2022-2023 school year, guardians will receive information for tutoring when it becomes available.
Parents are welcome to visit their child in the classroom as often as they like. In order not to disrupt instruction, visiting parents must not have any interaction with their child or any other students in the classroom. Parents are asked to contact and make arrangements with the teacher to strategize the best time to visit. Before going into the classroom, parents will be required to sign a contract of appropriate behavior. Parents must use the designated observation chair specified by the teacher. See Also, Parent Visits.
Withdrawing a Student
When withdrawing a student from school, please notify the school office several days in advance. This will give teachers an opportunity to complete all records prior to the student’s last day in school. A student’s records will only be forwarded to the new school when all textbooks and library books are returned and all outstanding fees are paid. Please contact the cafeteria manager to close out your child’s lunch account.
Zero Tolerance
In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the following offenses will not be tolerated:
Students shall not possess, handle, transmit, use or attempt to use any dangerous weapon in school buildings or on school grounds at any time, or in school vehicles and/or buses or off the school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function or event.
Dangerous weapons for the purposes of this policy shall include, but are not limited to a firearm or anything manifestly designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or serious bodily injury or anything that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.
Violators of this section shall be subject to suspension and/or expulsion from school.
FIREARMS (as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921)
In accordance with state law, any student who brings or possesses a firearm on school property shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.
In accordance with state law, any student who unlawfully possesses any drug including any controlled substance or legend drug shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.
In accordance with state law, any student who commits battery upon any teacher, principal, administrator, any other employee of the school, or school resource officer, shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.
In accordance with state law, any student who transmits by an electronic device a credible threat to cause bodily injury or death to another student or school employee and the threat causes actual disruptive activity at the school shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of schools shall have the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.
When it is determined that a student has violated this policy, the principal of the school shall notify the student's parent or guardian and the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system as required by law.