Berkeley|Student Information Systems

Enrollment FAQ #1061

Switching Related Sections

Related sections are additional required class meetings, such as discussion sections. You can change your enrollment in these sections once you are enrolled in the class. They cannot be switched if you are waitlisted for the class. Switching related sections is different from a Swap.


Switching Related Sections

Currently Enrolled Class

Currently Waitlisted Class

Currently Enrolled Class

If you are enrolled in a class with more than one related section, you may change sections without being dropped or waitlisted from the class, as long as there is space in the new related section.

You cannot switch into a section that is waitlisted. If you try to do so, you will be unenrolled and moved to the waitlist for the entire class.

Go to CalCentral > My Academics > Class Enrollment > choose the desired semester tab and select “Enrollment Center”.

My Academics, Class Enrollment card, semester tab and  “Enrollment Center” button emphasized with red box highlight.

Go to Preferences / Switch Sections. Select the desired course to change sections.

Preferences / Switch Sections emphasized with red box highlight.

You will be taken to Step 1 of 3: Alternative Class Options

  1. To switch sections, select an Option then click Next.

Selecting a waitlisted section will drop you from the class and place you on the wait list.

Step 1 of 3: Alternative Class Options section with "Next" button emphasized with red box highlight.

You will be taken to Step 2 of 3: Class Preferences.

  1. Click Accept.

Step 2 of 3: Class Preferences section with "Accept" button emphasized with red box highlight.

You will be taken to Step 3 of 3: Review and Submit.

  1. Review your changes and click Submit.

Step 3 of 3: Review and Submit section with "Submit" button emphasized with red box highlight.

Currently Waitlisted Class

If you are currently on the waitlist for a class, you cannot switch related sections. Since you are not enrolled, you will not be able to select the class from the Options component.

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