What is mindfulness worksheet

Mindfulness has 2 components:

          Awareness - during the state of mindfulness, you will notice your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations as they happen. You are not trying to stop your mind from thinking, but rather to become aware of your thoughts and feelings and not to get lost in them.

          Acceptance - As you observe your internal and external experiences, try not to judge them as “good” or “bad” or even react to them at all. For example, if you notice a feeling of nervousness, simply state to yourself: “I notice that I am feeling nervous”. There’s no need to further judge or change the feeling. By doing so, your negative thoughts and feelings become less powerful.


        There are different techniques to practice mindfulness. Here are a few examples of them:


         Mindfulness meditation

Sit in a comfortable place, and begin paying attention to your breathing. Notice the physical sensation of air filling your lungs, and then slowly leaving. When your mind wanders - which it will - simply notice your thoughts, and turn your attention back to breathing.


         Body Scan

During this exercise, it is recommended that you sit or stand. In this exercise, you will move very slowly and with “micro-movements,” which should be barely visible from the outside. The goal is to inspire sensations by moving different parts of the body ever so slightly. Pay close attention to the physical sensations through your body. Begin with the head and then travel down the body until you reach the toes. Spend 15 seconds-1 minute for each body part. The overall quality of movement you are going for is slow, gentle and swaying. As you proceed through the exercise, notice what is happening in your body. If you could assign a temperature inside, what would it be?


         Mindful walk

While walking, try to notice how your body moves and feels with each step. Then, expand your awareness to your surroundings. What do you see, hear, smell or feel? It is best to let your breath be free. Notice your thoughts and let them go when they arise, gently label them, e.g. “hello, thought/my friend”.


     Five senses

Make a conscious effort to notice the present moment through each of your senses, as such:

     5 things you see

     1 thing you taste

     4 things you feel

     1 thing you smell

     3 things you hear




Ewais, T. (2021). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and depression. The Neuroscience of Depression, 413–421. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-817933-8.00042-6

Hosey, M., McWhorter, J. W., & Wegener, S. T. (2018). Psychologic Interventions for Chronic Pain. Essentials of Pain Medicine, 539-544.e1. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-323-40196-8.00059-0

Manjaly, Z.-M., & Iglesias, S. (2020). A Computational Theory of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy from the “Bayesian Brain” Perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00404


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