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Music Video Content Analysis - Jack Reed
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Music Video Form (What makes a music video?)

Watch 4 music videos from different genres from the blog post and take notes about their form & content:

Band / Song

Duration (time)

Content Ratio

Narrative : Performance


MES - how is it relevant to the genre or the narrative?

Describe the type and structure of Narrative and how it links to themes/lyrics

(Illustration, Amplification & Disjuncture)

Star Image: What does the video tell us about the star/artist/band? What adjectives would you use to describe them?

Red hot chilly peppers - Can’t stop  

4.38 minutes



Alternative rock music

The whole layout of the video doesn't really have any meaning. It is very different to any other rock music video but has aspects of normal ones. Fro example they is lots of shots of the band performing but then it just cuts to them performing random poses with objects.  

From watching the video the audience could say that the video is very Disjuncture and is very random with the artist doing anything with random objects around them.

However the music video is based around “1 minute sculptures” done by and artist called Erwin Wurm where the band create scenes that have no purpose.

Without this background knowledge it can be very confusing to understand what is going on.

From watching the video you can see that the band are different and very edgy and have don't care attitude.  They also could be rebellious and diverse to different rock bands.

Beyonce - single ladies

3.18 minutes


Pop music, R & B

Due to they being no storyline in the video you can see that the artist has gone for more oof a performance based video and has focused lots of things like the make up and dance routine in the video as this ius what the audience is focusing on the most.

This video is solely a performance based with no narrative behind it. I would say it has a amplification to it were they is little to no story line apart form what the lyrics mean.

Some adjectives that I would use when watching this video and describing the artists is …  Powerful, strong independent, frustrated, humble  

Mumford & sons - lover of the light

5.55 minutes


Neo- folk , rock

During the video the band is in it shown playing once which is very different for music videos and not down often. The body language of the man is constantly changing where one mointet he looks happy then the next he looks sad and confused.

It is very obvious from watching this video that the person in it is very tied down and wants to escape from his life to something else

At the start of the video it looks like he is getting ready for work doing his normal jobs that is very similar to many people but then he escapes and runs for the cost to get away from all of his troubles.  

Mumford and sons are renowned for there songs to be out break ups and this song is sort of similar. Although in a interview the band said that they don't even know what the video is about but happy with the meaning that it gives to people. I would describe them as upbeat, regretful and gifted.  

Nickelback - Lullaby

3.45 minutes



Pop rock , rock

The song is definitely a rock one linking well with the genre. You can also tells this from the performance of the band in the video. They are all wearing typical rock style clothes i.e black lever jackets.

The main message to take from this music video is not to give up. In the video the family are having a baby but the mum sadly dies. The dad wants to adopt the baby and struggles with it but by the end of the video decides not to.

 This story links in with the lyrics where it says “ And you're not sure, you can take this anymore

So just give it one more try to a lullaby” saying not to give up and carry on.


From the video it show both the video and the band performing together. From this the band looks very good and strong who are to play as one. The Lyrics of the song might have a important meaning to one of the members who might have been effect by something like this in the past.  This shows them as united , brave, tough and powerful.