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Updating Order Owner
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REPORTER Financials Help Documentation

Last Updated 7/29/2024

Updating Order Owner

Finance Tab>All Orders>Search for order>View Details

  1. Select All Orders
  2. Click the order to highlight
  3. Click “View Details”

Open the order and click the blue Change Order Owner button

Search for the new owner. If the new owner does not have an existing REPORTER account, click the Add Account button to add them - you will need their first and last name and email address in order to establish an account on their behalf.

  • Financial Admins: Select the Update Order Owner and Email New Order Summary button. This action will update the order owner and email the new owner a copy of the summary.
  • Financial Liaisons: You have the option to only update the order owner or update the owner and email a new copy of the order summary.

Click the update button to complete the action. In this example, the Order Owner has been updated from Morgan Rogers to Julie Talton

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