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24-25 MCPS Elementary Student Handbook docx.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Additional revisions will take place throughout the Summer



                        Accidents and Safety                                          2

Arrival to School                                                  2

                        Assemblies                                                  2

                        Attendance                                                  2

                        Bullying                                                             4

                        Bus Rules                                                  5

                        Cafeteria                                                                          5

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices                                    6

Checks-Money                                                  6

Clinic                                                                   6

Computer and Internet Acceptable Usage                           7

Conduct and Citizenship                                           8

Conferences                                                  8

Counseling                                                  9

Delayed Openings and Early Closings                          9

Dismissal                                                10

                        Disruptive Behaviors that Prohibit Teaching                        10

Dress Code                                                11

Emergency Drills and Evacuations                                11                                

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act                        11

Field Trips                                                12

504 Information                                                12

Homework                                                12

Insurance                                                12

Involvement of Non-Custodial Parents                        12                

Moment of Silence                                        13

News and Announcements                                          13

MCPS Email Notifications                                        13

                        Parties                                                        13

                        Pledge of Allegiance                                        13

                        Promotion and Retention of Students                        13

Recess                                                        13

Report Cards                                                14        

Recognition and Awards                                        14

Specialty Classes                                                15

Student Assistance Programming (Tier 3)                        15

Student Identification                                        15

Suspected Child Abuse                                        15

Telephone                                                15

Textbooks                                                15

Toys                                                        15

Visitors                                                        16

Volunteers                                                16

Weapons                                                16

Parental Rights in Reference to School Services                16

Policies that Reference Student Code of Conduct                17


The school clinic is equipped to handle routine treatment of minor injuries (e.g.. Band-Aids, daily medications, temperature checks, etc.). Contact with a parent/guardian will be attempted for injuries or emergencies of a more serious nature. It is important that a reliable daytime telephone number at which a parent/guardian may be contacted, and the name and telephone number of an emergency contact person, be on file and kept current for every student. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to update this and pertinent medical information as needed.

Please understand that 8:45-9:15 is a critical time for teachers to set the tone for the day in their classroom. We respectfully request that you make an appointment with your child’s teacher to conference and do not attempt to conference during this morning arrival time.


Students arriving at schools after 9:15 a.m. must be accompanied to the main office by an adult.

*Please also see Delayed Openings and Early Dismissals.


Special assemblies and programs are held throughout the year. There may be a small cost to students for some assemblies.


Public education is a right available to all young people of school age in Montgomery County.  It is provided at considerable expense to parents and other citizens of the county.

Student attendance is a cooperative effort among schools, parents, and students.  To achieve optimum learning, good attendance by students K-12 is crucial.  Tardies (check-ins) and early dismissals (checkouts) are disruptive to the instructional time of the entire class.  Each parent or guardian is responsible for the student’s regular and punctual attendance.

Regular class attendance is considered by the Montgomery County School Board to be essential to the educational process and to the satisfactory completion of the requirements of any class and subject offered.  Regular school attendance also is directly related to the development of good habits, which are important in the world of work and in higher education.  A ninety-five percent (95%) or better attendance rate is the goal.

School personnel shall recognize their responsibilities to motivate students to attend school and to conduct the curriculum in such a manner as to provide for the individual needs of students.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit in any way the authority of any attendance officer or the division superintendent to seek immediate compliance with the compulsory attendance law.

Compulsory Attendance Procedures

A reasonable effort will be made to contact a parent/guardian of each absent student every day and to obtain an explanation for the student’s absence, where there is no indication that the student’s parent is aware of and supports the absence.  Any time your student is absent please send a note to the teacher/school.

The following procedures apply when a student fails to report to school for scheduled school days:

Upon Fifth Absence Without Parental Awareness and Support:

After a total of five (5) scheduled school days missed, where there is no indication that the student’s parent is aware of and supports the absences, the principal or the principal’s designee will make a reasonable effort to ensure that direct contact is made with the parent, in person, through a telephone conversation, or through the use of other communications devices to obtain an explanation for the pupil’s absence and to explain to the parent consequences of continued non-attendance.  The principal or the principal’s designee, the pupil, and the pupil’s parent will develop a plan to resolve the pupil’s non-attendance.  The plan must include documentation of the reasons for the pupil’s non-attendance.

Additional Absences Without Parental Awareness and Support:

If the pupil is absent for more than one additional day after direct contact with the pupil’s parent, and  school personnel have received no indication that the pupil’s parent is aware of and supports the pupil’s absence, the principal or the principal’s designee shall schedule a conference with the pupil, his/her parent, and school personnel.  Such conferences may include the attendance officer and other community service providers to resolve issues related to the pupils' nonattendance. The conference shall be held no later than ten (10) school days after the tenth absence of the pupil, regardless of whether his parent approves of the conference.


The conference team shall monitor the pupil's attendance and may meet again as necessary to address concerns and plan additional interventions if attendance does not improve. In circumstances in which the parent is intentionally noncompliant with compulsory attendance requirements or the pupil is resisting parental efforts to comply with compulsory attendance requirements, the principal or his designee shall make a referral to the attendance officer. The attendance officer shall schedule a conference with the pupil and his parent within 10 school days and may:

  1. file a complaint with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court alleging that the pupil is a child in need of supervision as defined in Virginia Code § 16.1-228; and/or
  2. institute proceedings against the parents pursuant to § 18.2-371 or § 22.1-262.  In filing a complaint against the parents, the division superintendent’s designee shall provide written documentation of the efforts already undertaken to resolve the pupil’s absence.  If the student’s parents have joint physical custody of the student and the school has notice of the custody arrangement, then both parents shall be notified at their last known addresses.


Student absences, tardies, check-ins, and checkouts will be recorded on a daily basis for each class in the following manner:

  1. A student is counted present only when he/she is present in the classroom or other approved designated area at the time of the tardy bell or is attending or participating in an approved school-sponsored field trip or event.
  2. A student reporting after the tardy bell or after the designated starting time for the class period will be recorded as present and tardy.
  3. If a student is being transported by a County bus or vehicle that arrives late, the student will not be counted as tardy.  
  4. A student shall be considered absent when he/she does not report to class during the class period.  
  5. A student who reports to the school attendance office late with or without documentation will be marked as a check-in.
  6. A student who requests an early dismissal with documentation shall be marked as a checkout at the school attendance office.  
  7. At the beginning of the school year, teachers should inform students of how the tardy policy is implemented in their classrooms for middle and high school students.

Teachers are responsible for initiating the necessary communications with parents any time absences, check-ins or checkouts are jeopardizing the student’s progress in class.  Absences for each grading period will be reported to the parent(s)/guardian(s) on the report card.  

For elementary school students, if a student misses five (5) days within any grading period, a letter may be sent to the parent to encourage improved attendance. Retention may be considered for any student missing twenty (20) days of school.


All absences shall be identified as excused or unexcused. Each student should present to the school attendance office a written note which includes the date(s), cause(s), and the parent’s/guardian’s signature for daily absences, early dismissal or late arrival of the student.  Parental permission for early dismissal must be presented to school officials on or before the day requested.  Notes of explanation for student absences or check-ins should be received the day following the absence or check-in.  

Absences for any of the reasons listed below shall be excused.

  1. state mandated testing or other school/division testing programs;
  2. school-sponsored field trips or activities;
  3. all VHSL activities;
  4. late bus or buses which fail to run;
  5. conference with guidance counselor, administrator, or other related staff members;
  6. in-school suspension (I.S.S.);  
  7. involuntary court appearance (copy of court order or subpoena required);
  8. death in the family or household (verification may be required);
  9. religious holidays (verification may be required);
  10. college visit or work based learning opportunity (verification required) up to 3 school days;
  11. illness (if over 3 days, the school may require verification);
  12. doctor/dental appointments (verification required);
  13. extenuating circumstances which are determined by the school administration.

Any excessive check-ins, checkouts, or patterns of absences may result in administrative intervention including the development of an attendance improvement plan and/or disciplinary action.

All notes of excuse, requests, or any other correspondence concerning student absences, check-ins, and check-outs shall be preserved for a minimum of sixty (60) calendar days after the close of the school year.


It shall be the responsibility of the student and/or parent to request make-up work for absences and for the student to complete all assigned make-up work within one school day for every day missed  (Example:  miss 3 days, 3 school days to make up the work) unless the teacher extends his/her time.  Teachers shall have the discretion to extend the time limit because of extenuating circumstances.  Make-up work shall be provided for all absences, including absences caused by out-of-school suspensions.


A student may be excused from school for the observance of a religious holiday. The parent/guardian of such students shall provide a letter to the student’s school in advance of the planned absence notifying the school of the planned absence, the dates of the planned absence and the religious holiday being observed.

A student who is absent in accordance with this policy shall not be deprived of any award or eligibility or opportunity to compete for any award, or of the right to take an alternate test or examination, for any which he or she missed by reason of such absence. Make-up work shall be completed as described in “Make-Up Work,” above.


Subject to guidelines established by the Department of Education, one school day-long excused absence per school year for any middle school or high school student in the school division who is absent from school to engage in a civic event shall be permitted and additional excused absences may be permitted for such students who are absent for such purpose. Advanced notice must be provided by the student of the intended absence and the student must also provide documentation of participation in a civic event.


The definition of bullying developed for the Virginia Department of Education, is as follows:  “Repeated negative behaviors intended to frighten or cause harm that may include, but are not limited to, verbal or written threats or physical harm.” Students, either individually or as part of a group, shall not harass or bully others. Behaviors associated with bullying include, but are not limited to, intimidation, taunting, name-calling, and insults. Bullying behaviors may take a variety of forms, including by electronic means such as cell phone, text message and email.  Bullying, threatening, intimidation, harassment, or any other activity characterized by targeted, intentionally hurtful behavior (verbal or nonverbal) that results in any physical, social/relational or emotional/psychological harm to another person is not tolerated in any form in any Montgomery County Public School. Parents will receive notification within 5 days if their child is involved in a bullying incident.


Bus safety is of primary importance for both students and drivers.  Parents are urged to assist school personnel in instructing their children in bus safety and are asked to cooperate with school officials in making our bus transportation system safe and efficient. The following guidelines and rules, if practiced, should strengthen the school bus safety program.  However, please know that repeated disregard of these rules could lead to a child needing alternate transportation, often provided by the parent.  Siblings will be seated together on the bus.

  1. Students must follow the directions of their driver at all times.
  2. Bus drivers have the authority to assign specific seats.
  3. Students will keep their hands and feet off others while riding the bus.
  4. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are prohibited on the bus.
  5. There are to be no glass containers of any type on the bus.
  6. Alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are not allowed on the bus.
  7. Students should be seated immediately upon entering the bus and should remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop at their point of departure.
  8. There are to be no obscenities spoken on the bus.
  9. Fighting is prohibited.
  10. No large objects which could block the aisle are permitted.
  11. No weapons of any kind are allowed on the bus – this includes toy “look alike” weapons.
  12. No ammunition, firecrackers, explosives, or laser pointers are allowed.
  13. Animals (living or nonliving) are not allowed on the bus.
  14. Students/parents are responsible for any damage done to the bus.
  15. Parents must send a signed note to request that their child/children ride a different bus or be allowed to depart the bus at a stop different from their normal stop.
  16. For the safety of all students, discipline must be maintained on the bus. Students who habitually violate bus rules are subject to suspension from the bus.
  17. Students must be supervised to and from the bus stop before and after school.

If you need to change your child’s usual dismissal plan, please send a note with your child in the morning. You may also call the school office before 2:45 p.m. Please do not email teachers or administrators with these changes. We cannot guarantee that email will be read before dismissal time.


Any behavior that interferes with the orderly transportation of pupils on a school bus. A student is expected to cooperate with the bus driver or other MCPS employee and follow the posted rules on the bus. Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats. Failure to comply with bus rules and directions of drivers or other authorized adults may result in a loss of bus privileges.



Breakfast is served from 8:45-9:15 AM.  Students pick up their breakfast on the way in from buses or cars.

Free and reduced lunch applications are available in the office and online. A new form must be completed each year. The MCPS Food Service Department posts each month’s menu on their website.

You may add money to your child’s lunch account using My School Bucks (online), a check, or cash. There is a fee to use My School Bucks.

Microwave ovens and refrigerators are not for student use. Please do not send food items with your child that need to be microwaved or refrigerated.



Cell phone use by students during the school day, including but not limited to class time, examinations, and other educational activities, is strictly prohibited. Cell phone use is prohibited during the school day at all school-sponsored activities, both on and off school premises, unless expressly permitted by a staff member with prior permission granted from the school principal for educational or emergency purposes.

Possession of Cell Phones: While students may possess cell phones on school premises, they must be turned off and stored out of sight during the instructional day unless a staff member gives express permission for educational purposes or in cases of emergency.

Consequences for Violations: First Offense: The cell phone will be confiscated, and the student may receive a warning or counseling regarding the policy violation. The parent/guardian will be notified.

Second Offense: The cell phone will be confiscated, and the student may receive disciplinary action, including but not limited to detention, parent/guardian conference, or referral to school administration. Additionally, the student may be required to complete an educational program on responsible technology use.

Subsequent Offenses: Progressive disciplinary action will be taken, including but not limited to suspension or other appropriate consequences as outlined in the MCPS Student Code of Conduct. Repeat offenses may result in loss of privileges or alternative educational placement.

Medical Exceptions: Students who require access to a cell phone for medical reasons must provide documentation from a licensed medical professional outlining the necessity of immediate access to a cell phone.

Upon approval by the school administration, students with documented medical needs may be granted permission to possess and use cell phones as necessary for their medical condition. Accommodations shall be made to ensure the student's access to necessary technology without compromising the educational environment. The school administration will work with the student, parents/guardians, and medical professionals to establish appropriate guidelines for cell phone use in these cases.


If you change your address, phone number or email during the school year, please call your child’s school and let them know this. It is important that we always have the most current contact information for you.


Please make checks for meals, books, pictures, etc., payable to your child’s school. When sending money with children, please put money in an envelope and write your child’s name and purpose for which the money is sent.

Montgomery County Public Schools uses an outside vendor to process returned checks submitted to our schools. This includes all checks written to the school for any fees/payments.

In the event of a returned check, all communication about the check will come directly from the outside vendor, not from the school. The vendor will contact the writer of a returned check by mail and by telephone in order to make arrangements to pay before an attempt is made to collect the check electronically. Each returned check is subject to the applicable state returned check fees.


When a child becomes ill at school, parents will be notified. First aid will be administered to minor cuts and abrasions. Ill children may wait in the clinic until parents arrive.

Any student suspected to have a contagious health condition may be restricted from school at the discretion of the School Nurse. No student will be re-admitted to school until the condition has resolved and/or evidence of medical intervention is obtained.

MCPS provides written Exclusion Guidelines for parents and staff in order to prevent spread of communicable disease.

  1. Fever - Children with a fever of 100.4 or higher should stay home until fever-free for 24 hours without taking medication.
  2. Vomiting - Children who are vomiting will be sent home unless it is due to a diagnosed chronic medical condition. Children who are vomiting are not to be sent home on a bus.
  3. Diarrhea - Children with more than one episode of diarrhea will be sent home unless it is due to a diagnosed chronic medical condition. Children with diarrhea are not to be sent home on a bus.
  4. Eye Drainage - Exclude from school while symptomatic or until cleared to return by a healthcare provider.
  5. Rash - Common infectious diseases with rashes are most contagious in the early stages. A child with a suspicious rash will be excused from all school activities until they are under effective treatment/medication and no longer considered contagious. This means the child can return to school only after a health care provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child's return to school. A written note from the health care provider with a diagnosis of the rash is requested upon the child’s return.

Younger students are encouraged to have a change of clothes at school. This eliminates phone calls to parents to bring clothes to school should a spill or accident occur.

Lice are a potential problem associated with any elementary school because of the very nature of children’s close proximity to each other.  The containment and elimination of lice are of paramount importance to us.  For this reason, we will adhere to the following procedures when we have identified lice on any child:


  1. We will contact the parents of the children having live lice and ask them to take those children home.
  2. Parents are required to treat their children effectively before school officials will allow that child to re-enter school. Parents should ensure that all nits are removed from their children’s hair by using a fine-toothed comb, which will remove all nits from each individual strand of hair. Without removing these nits, lice will continue to re-infect that child.


Administration of medications will be permitted on school property only when medically necessary and under the direct supervision of appropriate staff members. We attempt to discourage the administration of medication during school hours and whenever possible, request doses of medication be scheduled other than school hours. The first dose of any newly prescribed medication should always be given at home. For the safety of the students, the following procedures must be followed:

  1. If prescription medications are to be given at school, the Montgomery County Medication Permission form must be provided and signed by the doctor/licensed prescriber, and the parent/guardian. It must specify the name of the medication, dosage, and time to be given. A separate medication permission form must be completed for each medication. Please note: Prescription bottles do not take the place of a medication form signed by a physician.
  2. If non-prescription medications are to be given at school, the medication permission form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian, indicating the name, dosage, and time to be given. Non-prescription medications can be administered for no longer than 3 consecutive days, after which time a written order from a physician/other licensed prescriber is required.
  3. All medication is to be brought to school by the parent or guardian in the original, properly labeled container. The information on the container must match the information on the medication permission form. If the parent is unable to deliver the medication to the school, he or she must call the school to report that the medication is being delivered by the student. All medication must be accompanied by a medication permission form.
  4. Self-administration of any medication, prescription or non-prescription, is prohibited for students in grades kindergarten through eight with one exception. Medications needed in a medical emergency such as inhalers, epi-pens, or glucose tablets may be kept in the possession of a student and self-administered only with a written statement from a physician/licensed prescriber.
  5. Sharing, borrowing, or distributing any medication is prohibited and may result in a recommendation of expulsion.       Medication permission forms are available in the school office and most local doctors’ offices. They can be downloaded from the MCPS website


I will read the rules for using the internet that are given in my handbook and will ask an adult at my school if I do not understand what any of them mean. I also know that if I do not use computers and equipment in the right way, I will have consequences for my choices. I may not be allowed to use computers and equipment again at school. In the event your child’s chromebook/charger is intentionally damaged, the family assumes responsibility for the cost of repair or replacement.

School information can also be accessed on any school’s website. Each  site has useful information such as SOL’s from the Virginia Department of Education, staff lists, lunch/breakfast menus, and various links to other informative parenting and teaching sites.


The Montgomery County Public School Policy towards publishing student photographs and student work on the Internet is as follows:  “Images may be used on websites, social media and publications with a signed release from the parent or guardian.”

In addition, local press such as newspapers and television stations visit MCPS schools on a regular basis.  This is a wonderful opportunity for positive publicity for the school. These visits are always arranged by the Director of Communications.


The MCPS Code of Conduct addresses responsibilities for appropriate behaviors in our schools. Students and parents are required to read and discuss the MCPS Code of Conduct. Students have the responsibility to know and conform to the rules and regulations of the school and the Code of Conduct and to accept consequences for their behavior. The Code of Conduct form is included in your online registration materials.  Please make sure you  discuss the Code of Conduct  with your student.

MCPS elementary schools encourage student freedom of expression and creativity. Elementary schools strive to promote good citizenship and provide an atmosphere which is safe, conducive to learning, and encourages personal responsibility, self-discipline, and respect for self, others, and property. Elementary students will be encouraged to express themselves in a fashion consistent with the school’s educational mission. Should student expression reflect violence not directly associated with the curriculum, the student will be redirected to a non-violent expression. Disciplinary action may be taken if appropriate.


Parents should arrange for scheduled conferences with teachers. Teachers are unable to interrupt instruction or supervision of students without prior notice. All parents are strongly encouraged to meet with teachers during fall and spring conference times. Conferences may be scheduled at other times when either party feels it is necessary.  These should be scheduled at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.

2024 - 2025 Conference Week

Fall: October 21st - 25th

Spring: March 24th - 28th

The education of children is a most important and challenging activity. We know that children learn best when parents and teachers work together.  We urge parents to keep in touch with their child’s teacher concerning academic progress and emotional growth. When differences of opinions or concerns arise, please remember… we are on the same side!  We will make every effort to address your concerns. We strive to behave in a respectful, courteous manner and request the same courtesy from you. We all want your child to be successful in school. Parents are strongly encouraged to meet with their child’s teacher to resolve conflicts. The principal will attempt to mediate conflicts that cannot be resolved otherwise.


Under MCPS Policy 6-5.1 and pursuant to Virginia law, schools will notify parents in writing of the School Counseling Programs, purpose, and resources available to students.

The goal of the MCPS School counseling program is to support the Standards of Learning by providing guidance to students in their academic, career, and social-emotional development. School counselors collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators and others to promote learning and help students establish and achieve their education, career, and personal goals. School counselors provide leadership to ensure that students benefit from effective strategies and services aligned with the Standards for School Counseling Programs in Virginia Public Schools. The standards are organized by grade level under the following goals.

Personal/Social Counseling, which assists students to develop an understanding of themselves, the rights and needs of others, how to resolve conflicts and to define individual goals, reflecting their interests, abilities, and aptitudes.

Such programs may be provided either in groups (such as all fifth graders) in which generic issues of social development are addressed or through structured individual or small group multi-session counseling which focuses on the specific concerns of the participant(s) (such as divorce, abuse, or aggressive behavior).

Parental/Guardian permission is not required for short duration personal/social counseling which is needed to maintain order, discipline, or a productive learning environment. Parents may review any materials to be used in guidance and counseling programs by contacting your school’s guidance office. In addition, parents may limit their child's participation in counseling programs by providing a request to opt out in writing to the School Principal or School Counselor.

Additional questions may be addressed at the individual school, or the Student Services Office at 540-382-5100.





Two Hour Delay

  • Two Hour Delay for students
  • Staff report two hours late (except Facilities)



Work From Home Day - Inclement Weather Assignments for students

  • School Buildings Closed to Students
  • Inclement Weather Day Assignments for students**

Twelve (12) month non-instructional personnel consult the MCPS website for arrival time

School buildings will be open and available to teachers for them to use school internet and telephones to contact students and/or for planning

Teachers may be required to attend scheduled PD and meetings



System Shutdown

Only essential personnel will need to report to work (essential personnel are designated by each department). Facilities staff will receive communication from Operations regarding work times.

  • No Inclement Weather Day Assignments
  • No meal services        

**Inclement Weather Day Assignments for Students (Code B Days)

On Code B Inclement Weather days, teachers will provide all students with an “Inclement Weather Day Assignment” for them to work on while schools are closed. This assignment should provide asynchronous instruction in order for instruction to remain on pace.

When the decision to close schools due to severe weather is made the day before a weather event, teachers will provide all students with an “Inclement Weather Day Assignment” for them to take home and work on while schools are closed (based on the anticipated number of days schools will remain closed). Teachers will make provisions for students who do not have home internet and ensure that all students have any supplemental supplies necessary to complete assignments.

When the decision to close schools due to severe weather is made on the morning of a scheduled school day (before the school start time), teachers will post an “Inclement Weather Day Assignment” in their Google Classroom for students to work on while schools are closed (based on the anticipated number of days schools will remain closed). Teachers will contact students who do not have home internet to provide them with an assignment. Students will not be penalized for work not completed due to lack of supplemental supplies, internet, power, and/or other utilities necessary to complete assignments at home during a Code B day. These students will be provided sufficient opportunity to complete instruction and/or assignments without penalty upon return to school.


Children must bring written permission from a parent or guardian if it is necessary for them to change their normal routine of departure from school. You may also call your school’s office before 2:45. Please do not email or use REMIND for teachers or administrators with these changes. We cannot guarantee that email will be read before dismissal time. Anyone picking up a student from school must sign the student out in the office.  No student shall leave the school grounds during school hours without the approval of the principal or his/her designee.  Parents should make every effort to avoid picking up children during instructional time.  If it is necessary for a child to be picked up, please notify the main office so that you can be assisted.  Students will not be permitted to leave with anyone other than the parent unless the school is notified in writing or contacted by telephone. 

It is highly discouraged to check students out after 3:15 unless for a doctor’s appointment. If the student has a doctor’s appointment please send a note so we can have the student ready so we do not interfere with bus pickup.


Creating Aggravating Circumstances in Class/School: Any behavior that impedes academic progress of the student or of other students. The following are examples, not an all-inclusive list: continual talking after being asked to cease, throwing objects not part of supervised school activities, use of accessing music or inappropriate websites, cameras, recording devices, electronic games or other non-instructional articles during regular school hours, gambling, display of pornographic material, etc. may result in suspension.


Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing to school. Clothing should not be distracting to the educational environment. The purpose of our dress code is to prevent injuries and keep children safe and comfortable. Appropriate school attire shows respect for self and others.

Children should wear clean clothes and sturdy shoes that are suitable for running during gym class and on the playground. Any items of clothing that may be removed during the day such as jackets, sweaters, mittens, etc. should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Students and parents are encouraged to check the Lost and Found area of their child’s school for items as soon as they are discovered to be missing.


Shirts and Tops

Shorts and Skirts

Schools may call home or find a suitable clothing alternative for students who are not dressed appropriately for school.


Hats, Gloves and Sunglasses (this varies per site, please check with your school)


Emergency drills and evacuations will be completed as required by the Virginia Department of Education. Typically, this includes fire drills, lockdown drills, earthquake drills, and bus evacuation drills.

Adults will teach students the processes required for each drill and will guide them throughout the exercise.  Additionally, directions for evacuating the building during a drill or actual crisis situation are posted in each room. 


The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that Montgomery County Public Schools obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records.  A student’s address, phone number, or email address cannot be released in response to a request or under FOIA unless the parent has consented in writing to the disclosure.   Appropriately designated directory information will be disclosed if you have given MCPS permission to do so in writing.

MCPS has designated the following categories as directory information:  student’s name, address, email address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended.

Any parents or eligible students who object to the release of any or all of this information without their consent must notify, in writing, the principal of the school where the records are kept. Using the Directory Consent form and PowerSchool, the objection must state what information the parent or eligible student does not want released. If a consent form is not received, your child’s information will not be shared in any of the publications listed above.


Field trips related to some phase of the class’ instructional program are taken during the school year. Students are responsible for returning a signed permission slip and any field trip fees to the teacher by the deadline specified on the permission slip.

The teachers and principal will determine how many chaperones will be needed to adequately supervise students and parents may be asked to help supervise if needed. Parents may not bring siblings or other children when chaperoning a field trip.


Information regarding 504 Plans can be found at the MCPS website by going  to Click on “Departments”, then click on “Student Services”. The 504 Coordinator for MCPS is Melissa Hipple, 750 Imperial Street SE, Christiansburg, VA  24073; (540) 382-5100 x1021.


Homework is designed to allow students to practice what has been learned in school in order to strengthen their skills and understanding. Homework should not require excessive amounts of time to complete. A very limited amount of daily homework may be assigned to kindergarten through grade 2 students. However, long-term learning activities such as learning basic sight words, daily reading and addition/subtraction facts may be assigned. Homework may be required of students in grades 3-5 when appropriate. Homework will not exceed 30 minutes.  Homework is not graded. We will provide homework for students who are absent on the first day they return from the absence. The due date for make-up homework is based on the number of days the student has been absent.


Accident and dental insurance is available through the school. Information will be distributed when school opens.


As specified by the Code of Virginia and the Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA), non-custodial parents have the full rights as parents for access to student records and for participating in school activities, “unless otherwise ordered by the court for good cause shown.”  It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide documentation of any restrictions on a non-custodial parent. Duplicate copies of report cards and other written communications mailed to a student’s home will be made available to non-custodial parents upon their request. If a person not known to school officials’ attempts to contact or pick up a child at school, a photo ID and other verification of identity/relationship to a student (including confirmation with the custodial parent) may be required before releasing the student.


The Montgomery County School Board has established the daily observance of one (1) minute of silence in each classroom of the school division (Division Policy 6-1.5).  During this minute of silence, students must remain seated and silent and make no distracting display.


We want you to have many ways to stay informed of what is happening in our schools.


To receive timely and important announcements from Montgomery County Public Schools including school closing information and breaking news, please subscribe to MCPS email notification system.  To subscribe to this service, send an email message to:


Teachers are requested to protect instructional time by limiting parties.  Birthday celebrations in school will be minimal due to time constraints. Parents wanting to bring treats for special occasions should contact the teacher ahead of time. Families may send in prepackaged snacks. We are unable to share homemade snacks. There is a wellness policy for Montgomery County Public Schools which guides the types of food items that will be allowed at school. Healthy kids who thrive and learn is our goal!

Invitations – Out of consideration of ALL students in a classroom and at a grade level, students may distribute party invitations at school if their whole class is invited.


Per School Board Policy 6-1.5, “The Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited daily in each classroom of the Montgomery County Public Schools as part of opening exercises.  During the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, students shall stand while facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts or in an appropriate salute if in uniform.  No student shall be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance if the student, the student’s parent(s), or legal guardian objects on religious, philosophical or other grounds to the student’s participation in this exercise.  Students who are exempt from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance shall stand quietly or sit at their desks while others recite the pledge and make no display that disrupts or distracts those who are reciting the pledge.  Appropriate accommodations shall be made for students who are unable to comply with the procedures described herein due to disability.”    


The Virginia Board of Education charges school principals with the ultimate responsibility of assigning pupils to classes, programs and activities that are designed to promote maximum learning. In accordance with this provision, the school principal is the final authority in all matters of promotion and retention. In making the determination for placement, such factors as reading and math achievement commensurate with ability and social maturation and other requisites necessary to predict success in placement will be considered.


We believe that outdoor recess is best for students. Parents should send their children to school with the expectation that they will be playing outside during the day. Please remember that temperatures can change drastically from morning to afternoon. Rain, sleet, falling snow or saturated ground conditions may make inside recess necessary. We may also decide that indoor recess is necessary when the wind chill dips below 32 degrees according to If the temperature, factoring in wind chill is 32 or above students will go outside for recess.

Flip-flops, Crocs and sandals pose an increased accident risk on the playground and are not appropriate for recess. Students who do not wear appropriate shoes for recess will have restricted play areas.

Teachers and administrators will evaluate students’ clothing for appropriateness to conditions. If we believe a student’s clothing is not suitable for outside play, we will keep them inside for recess.


Students are expected to master certain academic skills at each grade level. Parents will be informed concerning the child’s achievement and weaknesses through notes, phone conversations and report card grades and comments. Report cards are provided for parental review at the end of each nine-week grading period for grades K-5.

Parents should review, discuss it with their child, sign and return the report card envelope to school. Please call your child’s teacher when you have questions or concerns and arrange for a conference if necessary.


End of Grading Periods

Report Cards Home

September 12, 2024

October 11, 2024

October 20, 2024

November 15, 2024

December 20, 2024

January 10, 2025

February 4, 2025

March 7, 2025

March 27, 2025

April 17, 2025

May 23, 2025

(Last Day of School)

Elementary -Last Day of School

Secondary -Mail Home

*Subject to change based on dates.

RECOGNITION/AWARDS - Site Based Decision

Honor Roll

Students in grades 3-5 are eligible to be named to the Honor Roll by meeting one of the following criteria:

ALL A’s:  Any student earning a cumulative grade of “A” in language arts, math, science, social studies, and also making a 3 or 2 in music, art, and physical education is eligible for the all “A” Achievement List.

ALL A’s and B’s:  Any student earning cumulative grades of “A” and/or “B” in language arts, math, science, social studies, along with a 3 or 2 in music, art, and physical education is eligible for the all “A-B” Achievement List.


Outstanding Attendance

Students who have five absences or less for the entire year are awarded a certificate at the end of the year.


Students will have a 45 minute specialty class each day. Specialty classes include Art, Music, PE, STEM and Library.


It is the goal of MCPS to engage, empower, and encourage every student to succeed. Each school’s Tier 3 team’s approach to help students access necessary resources needed to be successful in both the school and community. Each school’s Tier 3 team strives to promote academic, social, and emotional well-being. To ensure this success, individualized services are developed through tiered systems of support.

Tier 3 Teams are created to identify, refer, and engage students. This team is a broad-based, flexible approach to prevention services and supports. Parent involvement, engagement, and participation is crucial in this process. The goal of the Tier 3 Team is to build resiliency in youth while empowering them for academic and emotional success. To make a referral or for more information, contact your child’s teacher or the Tier 3 Coordinator.

If you have any questions regarding the Tier 3 Team process, please contact your school’s administrator.


Each student must, upon request, properly identify himself/herself to school personnel.  Failure to identify oneself to a staff member is a serious offense which may result in disciplinary action.


All allegations of possible or suspected child abuse or neglect are reported to the principal. The Counselor or Principal  will report such cases to the child abuse coordinator of the local Department of Social Services as required by law. This agency determines reasonable cause and seriousness of the reported incidents. Any student needing further information or help should see our guidance counselor.


The office phone is for school business. Students are permitted to use the phone in case of emergency only and under the supervision of school personnel.


Montgomery County Public Schools buys textbooks for pupils to use at school. No rental fee is charged. However, students are responsible for taking good care of all books and school materials. Students must pay for books and school materials that are lost or damaged.                      


Personal items from home such as sports balls, bats, gloves, trading cards and electronic games are to remain at home unless a teacher asks to have them in the classroom.


All visitors and volunteers to our schools must have a valid government-issued ID available to scan for entry into our buildings.

All visitors, including parents, to our schools are required to enter the building through the front doors and sign in at the office where you will be given a name tag. Visitors coming to lunch should remain in the lobby for the class’ lunchtime and not go to the classroom. Instructional time is protected and conferences with teachers should be prearranged. The office staff at your school will call for students from the classroom should an early pickup be necessary.

Due to known and unknown allergies, we discourage outside food/beverages during both classroom and lunch visits. If you are celebrating your child’s birthday, please check in advance with the classroom teacher regarding food allergies.


Our schools encourage parents to volunteer to support the school and its programs. We need and welcome volunteers in our school. Some ways you can help include volunteering at special events, helping in classrooms, participating in PTA sponsored events, attending school sponsored programs, accompanying children on field trips, assisting in the school office, tutoring children and reading to classes.


NO KNIVES, GUNS or ANY TYPES OF WEAPONS (including toys and look-alikes) are allowed on school property including buses.



School-Parent Compact

Our school communities include teachers, principal, parents, students, and community partners, who share in the responsibility of educating and supporting each student to succeed in school and become a productive, responsible citizen.

Our schools focus on practicing safely, acting responsively, working together, and showing respect each day at school.

Family/Parent Responsibilities:

I will support my child's learning and...

Student Responsibilities:

I will do my best and...

School Responsibilities:

Our school will support each students' learning and...

Parent Notification of Assessment Opt Out Policies Under

Section 1112(e)(2) of The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)

On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) was signed into law.  Section 1112(e)(2) of ESSA states that parents of students in Title I schools have a right to know about state or division policies regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA, including any policy, procedure, or parental right to opt students out of such assessments.  You may contact your principal or Montgomery County Schools or find more information on the Virginia Department of Education's website:


As Required Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s):

On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law. Section 1111(h)(6)(A) states that as a parent of a student in a Title I school, receiving Title I funds, has the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers instructing your child. Federal law requires the school division to provide you this information in a timely manner if you request it. Specifically, you have the right to request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:

If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact your child’s school principal.


Emily M. Altizer

Administrator of Federal Programs, ESL, and Preschool







Policy 7-3.1: Code of Student Conduct

“Montgomery County Public Schools is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability and/or age in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 50
