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PH - Attendance
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At Lone Tree Elementary School we want all our students to reach their full potential. One way to do this is through consistent school attendance. Regular attendance is essential for success in school. Our goal is for every student to be engaged in meaningful learning every day and to attend school 100% of the time. Colorado state law requires students to attend school each day that school is open. We monitor weekly attendance reports and contact families when students have missed four or more days of school and/or when students have missed 10% or more of the days enrolled in school. This includes all absences - excused or unexcused.

How do I notify the school my child will be absent or tardy?

To notify LTE that your child will be absent call the Attendance Line (303-387-7452).  All unverified absences are processed through our automated call dialer and you will receive a call and/or email regarding your student's absence. These calls are made beginning at 8:55 a.m. each day. The Attendance Line is available 24 hours a day.

What do I do if my student needs to leave early?

For the protection of your children, parents/emergency contacts must always pick up students from school. Call the school 5-10 minutes before you arrive and park near the flagpole. We will call the student out of class and walk them out to your car. If an emergency contact will pick up your student please give the office prior notification. All emergency contacts must be at least 18 years old.

Please refrain from scheduling routine appointments during the school day. Please remember that student attendance is determined by minutes in school, not days or half-days. When routine appointments are scheduled during even the last half hour of the day, these minutes add up and appear as absences on your child’s attendance record. If there is a sudden change in after-school plans for your child/children, notify the school office before 2:45 p.m.

When should I keep my child home from school? 

Click here to read the DSCD Attendance Policy and guidance for when students should stay home due to illness.

Do I need a doctor’s note when my child is absent due to illness? 

The office always accepts notes from doctors to excuse an absence. While notes are not required, they are encouraged. If a child attends a regularly scheduled appointment outside of school (i.e. therapy appointments) please provide a note from the provider stating the day of week, time, and duration of appointment to the office to excuse the absences.

Can I report my child’s absence to their classroom teacher? 

Please notify the Lone Tree Elementary office anytime your child will be absent from school. You can also inform your child’s teacher about an absence, but the absence is not excused unless the office is notified.

What does “Excused” absence mean? 

An absence is excused when the office staff is notified by the parents that their child will be absent. Absences are excused for illness, appointments (doctor, dentist, orthodontist), and bereavement.

What is the difference between “Excused” and “Unexcused”?

An absence is marked “Unexcused” if the office staff is not contacted by parents to inform them of the child’s absence.

We’re going out of town for vacation. What should I do? 

Throughout the school year, there are several times when breaks are scheduled. We encourage families to schedule vacations during those times. Click here to view current and future Academic Calendars. If you will be gone during the school year make sure to notify the office of the dates. If a child will miss 15 or more consecutive days due to vacation they will be unenrolled due to an extended absence. Families will need to contact the Registrar to re-enroll their child upon returning from the extended absence.

How do I get make-up work for my child? 

You can request make-up work from your child’s teacher. Teachers will provide work as appropriate. Not all classwork is able to be sent home for completion.

I got an attendance notification from the school. What does this mean?

We notify families when their child has been absent for more than 10% of the school year regardless of whether it is excused or unexcused. DCSD has a truancy process schools are required to follow when students are not consistently attending school as missed instruction can create gaps in student learning. Research on chronic absenteeism shows that students who are chronically absent during the first few years of school are much less likely to be able to read at grade level by the time they reach third grade.

Attendance Resources

CDE Compulsory Attendance Law

DCSD Weather Delays and Closures

● Here is a link to Academic Calendars on the DCSD website.

DCSD Attendance Policy: Guidelines for Determining Student Attendance for illness 

DCSD Board Attendance