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Office Hierarchy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Everyone that ever worked at TysonGroup either became so successful they were never heard from again, or ended up as rich and famous CEOs. It’s the hardest firm to get into, but with your hard work ethic and sharp mind you made it. You’re a bit nervous walking into the fancy building, but a pretty blonde woman introduces herself as your supervisor and calms you down.

“This is the main lobby, you’ll be walking through here everyday. Now let me show you to your office…” Your supervisor smiles, leading you down the corridor to your new desk.

“Am I gonna be the only man here?” You joke as you walk through dozens of cubicles, “I don't think I’ve seen or heard a single one…”

Not that you’re complaining, being surrounded by attractive women is definitely not something to whine about.

“Is there a dress code?” You joke, trying not to stare too obviously as a woman with no pants casually passes you.

“Daphne’s always doing that type of stuff, she’s just kissing up to corporate.” Your tour guide says with a hint of jealousy in her voice, waving to Daphne with a put-on smile as she finishes with the copier and leaves.

You try to act naturally as your member stiffens involuntarily, and your supervisor immediately reacts as you watch Daphne walk away.

“You better enjoy that boner, it’s the last one you’re gonna have!” She laughs, her own deep cut shirt letting you see her pert breasts bounce as she giggles.

Before you can ask what she means she clips a pin to your shirt, and you watch with confusion as it fades away.

“What just happened??” You ask, voice skewing toward feminine as you feel strength leave your body.

Your lips feel dry and your body craves a drink of water, the distraction of thirst helping your mind acclimate as your pelvis rotates and bends. You don’t even feel pain as your ribs cinch in, straightening your spine as your back arches to balance the pooling fat behind you.

You want to react with surprise, but you barely have control of your face as it warps into your feminine ideal of beauty. You pout involuntarily as your lips plump up, and a stirring in your belly surges upward as fat begins to collect in your chest. Soon you’re almost fully bent over, nipples erecting and practically ripping through the fabric of your button down shirt till one of the buttons gives out.

The first one leads to a chain of several more popping off, letting your new breasts hang free and giving them space to grow even faster and larger. Luscious hair flows down your back as your supervisor giggles, then she just grabs your hand without a word. Your boobs bounce and your curves jiggle as your swollen butt forces you to strut like a model behind your supervisor, your face red with shame as she finally stops at an empty cubicle.

Suddenly hands rip your clothes off, leaving you nude for a moment before they aggressively dress you in a tight shirt and leather pencil skirt. Whoever had done that is gone by the time you turn around, aghast at how you’re now in six inch heels as well.

“What’s happening?? Wh-”

“Whoa whoa whoa, no questions!” Your supervisor interrupts you, “Now that you’ve changed you’ll be punished for asking any questions without permission first, sorry but those are the rules.

I’ll show you what happens to people that ask questions, here’s a video of a former employee. She was so close to a promotion, but then she asked a superior what he was eating for lunch. She’s stuck in Japan now, her mouth no longer under her control. Whatever she says becomes reality, and she didn’t even understand Japanese!

You see the confusion on her face? This was a few years ago, I’m sure by now she understands exactly what she says; but do you think that makes it any better?” Your supervisor sighs, looking away as her former coworker meekly moans in the foreign language.

Her body is clearly unready as the man she speaks to smiles, but then her lips curl up in a smile and she giggles. Suddenly her breasts balloon and triple in size, ripping through her outfit as she writhes orgasmically. She immediately tries putting her bosom back in her shirt, but the man behind her doesn’t let.

“I don’t want this to be you. I want you to be upstairs running things with me in a few years…” Your supervisor trails off, still looking away as the woman on screen is stripped nude.

“I’m gonna go get your laptop sent down, just sit right here, sweetie.” Your supervisor smiles, closing the door behind her as she rushes out.

You don’t move when she leaves, instead your hands immediately begin caressing your soft new body. You arch your slender shoulder and bask in your new lithe posture, all your back pain and sore muscles now feeling amazing.

Your cubicle has three sturdy walls and a glass door, making it more like an office than anything else. You grin as your finger feels the fibers of  the real wood grain wall, and your desk looks to be of great quality too.

If they spend this much on the space, you can’t imagine what your salary is gonna look like soon!

You turn away from the wall and gasp, your previously bare desk now has a sleek laptop sitting on a jumbo leather notepad. Something ice cold suddenly stimulates the center of your brain, and you feel a need to start using the laptop as confusion fills your mind. You look around the room in a desperate plea to ask what’s going on, but your hips just bend and let your body sink into the leather armchair with a soft jiggle.

They obviously altered your mind when they did your body, and now they’re controlling you; why are you so surprised?

You just hope they don’t use these powers when you’re out of the office, cuz there’s nothing else you can do but agree to all the computer’s terms and agreements. The software walks you through setting up your work email, and logs you into the office server. That’s when your first email comes in, an invite from your supervisor to a meeting upstairs starting in just a few moments!

The cold stimulus in your mind ceases as you accept the invitation, knowing this is exactly what the higher ups want from you. Willingly doing something you prefer not to is a lot better than being forced, granted the ‘force’ is just an extreme inclination… Before you can even wonder where to go for the meeting your supervisor appears in the doorway, shirt gone but a look of arousal plastered on her face.

“The guys upstairs saw what you turned into and really wanna see you, and when I told them you’re like, too busy with orientation they, like made me a little less like, uptight…

My shirt like, fell off or something in the stairwell, and like, it feels so much better to just like, not wear a top!” Your supervisor giggles, still speaking with a professional monotone even as she uses bimbo dialect.

Your body flushes with new feelings as you contemplate the meeting upstairs, knowing the immense power of the people you’re about to go see. Arousal hormones course through your body as you picture adonises in suits, using their powers to make you their perfect vision.

Your supervisor feels the erotic vibes too, and moans as she unclips her bra. Her thighs rub together as you blush, and she pulls her bra off with a relieved sigh.

You stare intently, expecting to become aroused at the site. But all you feel is pride at your chest’s size in comparison, and look down with a smug grin at your heaving cleavage.

Suddenly you feel that familiar cold in your head, and you can see your supervisor is under the same spell. Your eyes both go blank, and you mindlessly follow the topless blonde upstairs. Drool begins to drip off your bottom lip as you stop in front of an important looking door, and you stand still as your supervisor waltzes inside.

There’s a few loud bangs and some laugher, but your body stands perfectly still in the hallway. Suddenly a powerful aura grabs your attention, and you feel the cells of your body lean toward a strong presence.

Your mind tries to keep you focused on the upcoming meeting, but your body is like a melting magnet as a handsome nude man walks by. You’re floating on a cloud of bliss as he bumps into you, your body blocking the way and forcing him to brush past awkwardly.

You feel his individual chest hairs on your sensitive bosom, and smirk at the way his erect cock moves your robe.

Are your boobs bigger now??

They feel heavier…

And your lips feel so plump, were your hips always this wide? Your ass definitely used to be smaller…

Thoughts rush through your head as you watch him walk away, a new desire to be penetrated and filled now prevalent in your mind.

The door suddenly opens and a giant woman saunters into the hallway, her clothes exactly the same as your supervisor’s. Her unwieldy curves jiggle as she bounces forward, not noticing your changes at all.

“So they like, totally demoted me, and you’re like my boss now, so like, I’m totally horny way more now, and they said you’re gonna be like, bi or whatever. I don’t know if they wanna talk to you, and when I asked they totally punished me!

They said if I like, buy any new clothes for this body I’ll never get promoted, and like, I still have to totally follow the dress code!

If any of my clothes come off I have to like, spend the night with like, someone from upstairs, and like, do whatever they say!” Your former supervisor informs you, her red bra straining from the oversized pillows stuffed into the cups.

“Take off that dumb bra, you slut. You’re not gonna spend a night alone if I have a say about it.” You purr, a new lustful sense of pride in helping your corporate superiors powering your idea.

You can hear a chorus of approval from the office as the busty girl begs you to stop with her eyes, but she listens without hesitation. She shrugs and wraps her hands around the shoulder straps, gasping as the tiny underwear shoots forward like a rubberband.

Her look of worry instantly turns to arousal, and she gracefully struts back into the boardroom.

You silently walk back to your cubicle, proud of how you handled that meeting. The guys didn’t even need to see you, they know you’re corporate material; it’s just a matter of time…

Suddenly the cold lump of control awakens in your brain, and you feel the beckoning call of the boardroom. Those perverts want to let your employee watch her boss get fucked, and then they’ll probably make you fuck each other!

There’s nothing you can do now though, a smile plastered on your face as you sexily walk up the stairs.

It’s just a matter of time, soon you’ll be the one activating subordinates…