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Ever since they released the app DateMe, reality’s changed for a lot of people. Prostitution may be illegal, but bidding for dates with girls is not.

The auctions go all night, every night; and at the end, everyone selling their time can review the highest bidder to either accept or reject their offer. Some of the prettier girls claim to be making six figures using this service, creating a new class of E-Escorts.

Then there’s you, a high school dropout with adult acne and no money. That was until you discovered the magic of FemSuits, tech that allows you to become a woman for twenty four hours at a time. You immediately took advantage, signing up for DateMe and getting a huge payday the first night.

Using dating apps was always stressful, waiting for likes fruitlessly as you scroll through a laughably excessive amount of beautiful women you know will never reciprocate. Now it’s completely different, bids and messages coming in constantly in response to your provocative profile. You barely even tried when making it, just consisting of a video of you lipsyncing from your first night in the suit.

You can still remember the odd discomfort, a sticky looseness that clings to your body sweatily. The weight of your wide hips and soft breasts was surreal to begin with, and it took a little while to get over how nice your ass feels when you squeeze it.

It didn’t take long for everything to get rolling, and now you live comfortably in a big house. You don’t know about other girls, but you’re easily making six figures just working a few hours a night.

But some things are too good to be true…

Sure every guy isn’t a gentleman, but the latest guy to contact you took it to a whole other level…

‘You’re beautiful. Send some sexy vids in lingerie asap’. The weird message read, from a total stranger you never communicated with on the app. You ignore it, only ever responding to guys who’ve already paid you. Though now that you think about it, may as well record some sexy videos- good thing you’re already in your suit!

You don’t remember putting on the suit today, or where you got the red garters and matching underwear; but these are your favorite red underwear, and it just makes the vids more fun!

You let yourself flow into the graceful character of your femininity, feeling a surge of happiness as you let your body move in the exact ways it wants to. You lose yourself for a moment, brushing bangs out of your face before ending the recording and sending it to the stranger.


Why would you just send a random guy a free video??

‘That’s really nice, but I was hoping for some booty shots too…’

You furrow your brow as you read the message, anger bubbling as you type out a response: ‘Wtf is wrong w u asshole?? If you don’t bid, I’m not sending you shit! Be thankful for what I sent already!!’

You only realize after hitting send that the message you typed out is nothing even close to your intended response, instead you just send several heart emojis.

What’s happening right now?

You feel a nagging desire to show off your ass, a thought that deeply irritates your mind as you try to get rid of it. You’re completely aware of every little freckle now on your round little bum, hips protruding slenderly and begging to be gyrated. It becomes painful to hold back, a building headache that concentrates on your struggle.

Then you give in.

You don’t even consider the movements, feeling like jelly as euphoria washes over your bouncing body. You smile as the camera records, incoherent worry crossing your lips as you dig the delicate softness of your fingers deep into your bubble butt.

The last step is sending the video, an action you try to fight for what feels like hours. In reality, it’s barely ten seconds; and you caption the video with a kissing emoji, something that makes you blush intensely as the cravenous emotions suddenly flee your body.

“What is going on?

Maybe I’m wearing the suit too much…” You mumble to yourself, assuming the apparent hormone imbalance is just due to your suit being on for too long.

‘Maybe I’m being too subtle…’

You feel goosebumps crawl down your arms when you read the message, from the same stranger who seems to be in control of you.

‘You should be showing off more of your chest, and you should have more of it. I want that cute face shrouded in lust, unable to stop yourself from panting and mewing. Send me a video right now.’

What the fuck??

Is he asking for bigger boobs?

You would need a new suit, and those are super expensive…

The sunlight glaring off your screen makes you think you may have read the text wrong, but before you can go back to take another look; the oxygen suddenly leaves your lungs.

You struggle to take a breath, diaphragm desperate for air as you desperately attempt to inhale. The pressure across your chest is more intense than even the tightest shirt, but you eventually feel it alleviate as your lungs finally accept fresh air. With each breath you hear your panting rise in pitch, girly moans now accenting each breath as your lips pucker.  

Your phone vibrates and you see another text from the stranger, ‘Send me a video of you succumbing to the changes. I wanna see everything’.

Fuck this guy!

Wait… Would you fuck this guy?


Your mind races as arousing thoughts assault your senses, and you barely notice the phone recording you. Your hand moves on its own, keeping your phone upright so you can focus on your tingling tongue.

Jellowy breasts jiggle as they inflate, barely contained as you hop and giggle against your will. The world around you is blurry as your bra is stretched, but you care about nothing more than your new friend.

“I want you here, right now…” You can suddenly hear yourself say, dripping with lust as your vision clears to show a vivacious goddess posing for a selfie camera.

‘Sure thing!’ You see the text roll in, and can’t help but get excited as a picture of the person messaging you becomes clear in your mind.

This one’s a bit shorter (for obvious reasons)…

Should I continue this story in February? 🥰