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English translation: "ASL - No excuse for this."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know Tyre Nichols?  He was a man from Tennessee.  He was driving when the police pulled him over.  After they pulled him over, the police got out of the car.  Five police officers approached the car.  The police had pulled Tyre over for reckless driving.  The police got out and approached Tyre’s car.

The police had a body camera, which is now required.  What the body camera showed was horrible.

The five officers approached the car, opened the door, and grabbed Tyre.  The police shouted for Tyre to get down on the ground.  

“I didn’t do anything,” Tyre pleaded.  

The police shouted, “I’ll tase you!”

The police forced Tyre to lie down on the ground and shouted threats to pepper spray him and shoot him with a taser.  Tyre escaped, and two of the officers chased him.  

One of the remaining officers said, “I hope they stomp his ass.”

The police chased Tyre, grabbed him, and beat him with a pole.  They pushed Tyre, who fell to his knees.  The officers kicked him, pulled him back up, and beat him again.  

“Mom!  Mom!” Tyre shouted.

The police ordered Tyre to lie down on the ground, which he did.  The police handcuffed him.  By this time, Tyre was weak.  

The officers called an ambulance.  After the ambulance arrived, Tyre was moved to a hospital, where he died from internal bleeding.  

After the investigation into the incident, five officers were charged with second degree (not premeditated) murder.  

I think that’s the right charge.  These officers should face a serious penalty, but if people protest, it should be peaceful, not riots.  

CNN and other liberals are blaming the beating of Tyre on racism, even though all five officers are black.  Still, liberals are blaming racism.