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BEN ACEY Tour Poster Self Assessment
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Peer Feedback on Tour Poster / Advert

Feedback on the Brief

Your comment: YES

Feedback on colours:

  • Has the design used a consistent colour scheme?
  • Is there a relationship between the colours in the image and the colour of the graphic design?
  • Do the colours seem typical of the genre?

Your comment: Yes there is relation throughout the cover and they are typical colours of this genre.

Feedback on typeface:

  • Is all the text legible?
  • Is the typeface well chosen and does it suit the apparent genre?
  • How many typefaces are used in the design?

Your comment: not the title but the rest is. Yeh it does somewhat apart from the title however i got confused

Feedback on integration of image and graphics

  • Does the text wrap around the image well?
  • Does the eyeline of the model focus attention?

Your comment: yes it wraps well. The eyeline does not, the eyeline is not visible/towards the floor.

Feedback on image

  • Does the costume reflect a particular genre?
  • Is the body language of the model appropriate?

Your comment: it represents an edgy hip hop artist with the skateboard and cool background theme. Appropriate body language is on display however.

Feedback on copy

  • Do the words on the page prompt a sense of desire?
  • Is there a clear call and a route to action? (AIDA)

Your comment: With most hip hop/rap covers it doesn’t say much to attract or display desire. It holds a strong background however not much text to display desire however other features of AIDA are seen.

Feedback on connotations

  • What messages and ideas are being communicated in the text?
  • Do those messages and ideas seem appropriate to the genre and purpose of the text?

Your comment: not much text on display for feedback or messages to be connoted. However the lack of text is appropriate to the poster.