Energy content of a fuel 

Name of group: _________________ Name of Fuel:..................................

You will all carry out the analysis of a single fuel so that you know how to do it. And then, you will carry  out a similar analysis on a few different fuels of your choice using the same method.

The set up









Al foil draught  




improvised burner

The size of the flame on the burner can be pretty big. Ensure that the exposed wick is no bigger than 1  cm. You may want to check the flame size by lighting the burner with the wick set at a shorter length  before any measurements are made. Adjust the wick size as appropriate based on the observed flame size.  


Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Mass of fuel & burner before burning: _________ Mass of fuel & burner after burning:__________ Time fuel was burnt for (seconds): ____________ Mass of calorimeter (in g): ____________ Initial temperature of water & calorimeter: _____ Final temperature of water & calorimeter: ______

Specific heat capacity of aluminum calorimeter  (SHCCal):

Specific heat capacity of copper calorimeter  (SHCCal):

0.889 J °C1g1 0.369 J °C1 g1 

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Mass of water (grams): ____________

Specific heat capacity of water (SHCH2O): 4.18 J °C1 g1 


Mass of fuel that was burnt (Mass before burning mass after burning): _____________ Temperature rise of the water & calorimeter (Final Temperature Initial temperature): _____________ To find the energy released by the mass of fuel burnt in the experiment use the following formula

Energy released by fuel = (mass of water) (SHCH2O) (temperature rise of the water) + (mass of  calorimeter) (SHCCal) (temperature rise of the calorimeter)

Energy released by burning ______ g of _____________ for _____ seconds = __________ Joules  (name of fuel)

What is the “best” fuel for your hot air balloon?

This depends on the race you want to enter. Depending on the race you want to compete in you will need  to go on to calculate either  

the energy released each second fuel is burnt OR  

the energy released by each gram of fuel burnt OR

energy released per unit volume of fuel burnt OR

energy released by each gram of fuel burnt each second it is burnt for OR

energy released per unit cost of the fuel burnt OR

energy released per gram per unit cost of the fuel burnt OR

energy released per unit mass of the molecule burnt OR

energy released per atom of carbon in the molecule of the fuel OR

something else entirely OR

two or more combinations of the above

1. What race do you want to enter your balloon in?

2. a) Describe the most important or important specification(s) for your fuel. In other word, what  property or properties must your fuel have in order for it to be the “best” fuel for the race?

b) Using your specification, identify the value you need to calculate for your fuel from the list above  or if it is not listed above, name the property.

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c) Calculate the value(s) of the property for this particular fuel.

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Energy content of a fuel: Data for other fuels 

Name of group: _________________ Name of Fuel:..................................

You will all carry out the analysis of a single fuel so that you know how to do it. And then, you will carry  out a similar analysis on a few different fuels of your choice using the same method.


Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Mass of fuel & burner before burning: _________ Mass of fuel & burner after burning:__________ Time fuel was burnt for (seconds): ____________ Mass of calorimeter (in g): ____________ Initial temperature of water & calorimeter: _____ Final temperature of water & calorimeter: ______ Specific heat capacity of calorimeter (SHCCal): _____________

Mass of water (grams): ____________

Specific heat capacity of water (SHCH2O): 4.18 J °C1g1 


Mass of fuel that was burnt (Mass before burning mass after burning): _____________ Temperature rise of the water & calorimeter (Final Temperature Initial temperature): _____________

Energy released by fuel = (mass of water) (SHCH2O) (temperature rise of the water) + (mass of  calorimeter) (SHCCal) (temperature rise of the calorimeter)

Energy released by burning ______ g of _____________ for _____ seconds = __________ Joules  (name of fuel)

Calculate the relevant value(s) for this fuel.

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Energy content of a fuel: Data for other fuels 

Name of group: _________________ Name of Fuel:..................................

You will all carry out the analysis of a single fuel so that you know how to do it. And then, you will carry  out a similar analysis on a few different fuels of your choice using the same method.


Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Mass of fuel & burner before burning: _________ Mass of fuel & burner after burning:__________ Time fuel was burnt for (seconds): ____________ Mass of calorimeter (in g): ____________ Initial temperature of water & calorimeter: _____ Final temperature of water & calorimeter: ______ Specific heat capacity of calorimeter (SHCCal): _____________

Mass of water (grams): ____________

Specific heat capacity of water (SHCH2O): 4.18 J °C1g1 


Mass of fuel that was burnt (Mass before burning mass after burning): _____________ Temperature rise of the water & calorimeter (Final Temperature Initial temperature): _____________

Energy released by fuel = (mass of water) (SHCH2O) (temperature rise of the water) + (mass of  calorimeter) (SHCCal) (temperature rise of the calorimeter)

Energy released by burning ______ g of _____________ for _____ seconds = __________ Joules  (name of fuel)

Calculate the relevant value(s) for this fuel.

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Name: methanol

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: 0.788 g per cubic cm

Name: ethanol

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: 0.785

Name: propanol

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: 0.800

Name: butanol

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: 0.781

Name: hexanol

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: 0.814

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

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Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________

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Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

Name: __________________

Formula of compound: _________________ Relative molecular mass: _______________ Number of carbons in molecule: __________ Cost of the fuel: ________ /liter; ________ / g Density: ____________

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