Important Links and Tournament Overview
- All players should sign up for the tournament via its Challonge page.
- Tournament information:
- Prizes and event information:
- Discord server:
- The tournament has 2 phases: Qualifiers and a best of 1 bracket, which will be single elimination until Top 16, and move to become double elimination.
- There is no cap to the number of participants, but runners must complete 2 qualifiers to compete in brackets.
- All races will take place on (
- In the event of a outage, races may occur on SRL or SRTV. The admin team will determine if a fallback to these platforms will be necessary.
- Players must be signed up on the SGL 2023 Challonge page by Saturday, August 12th 2023, 11:59pm EDT
- The tournament begins Saturday, July 29th 2023
- Qualifiers will last 2 weeks starting from Saturday, July 29th 2023
- Brackets will consist of all runners who complete at least 2 qualifiers, and will last 7 weeks from August 11 - September 30th 2023.
What is expected of you, the participant
- Be in good standing with the ALTTP Randomizer community.
- Have a Twitch account in good standing
- Have a account in good standing
- Have a Discord account in good standing, and be a member of the SpeedGaming Live discord server.
- Be prepared to play scheduled matches on time.
- Play to the best of your ability.
- Have fun!
Tournament Settings
The below settings will be used for all tournament races (including qualifiers) using the latest version of ALTTPR:
Game Mode - Single Player Spoiler, Open 7/7 Defeat Ganon
- Upon race start (race room timer hitting 0) players will be provided the Spoiler Log.
- Players will have 15 minutes to review the log and plan a route through the seed.
- Players may reference the log at any point during the run, not just during the review time.
- Only basic Find, Replace, Copy and Paste functions may be used to parse the log - you are free to use any program but utilizing a “Final All” “Exclude All” are forbidden. Highlighting text is allowed. You may take the information from the log and type/paste it into any type of document for organization purposes, so long as there is no automation being done with the information or “macro-ing” to sort information.
- Once the 15 minutes has passed, runners may start playing the seed as normal. You may not begin any playthrough of the seed prior to this.
- No delay is required for Spoiler Log races.
- Players may have any stream or restream open while racing this mode.
Goal Settings
- Goal: Defeat Ganon
- Open Tower: 7 Crystals
- Ganon Vulnerable: 7 Crystals
Please see for further info on what these settings mean.
- There are 12 qualifiers races over a 2 week period
- You must compete in a minimum of 2 races
- You may participate in as many qualifiers races as you want
- Webcams/Facecams are optional for qualifiers
- If you are not ready at the start time of the race as per the Qualifier schedule the race monitor will remove you from the race.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
| July 29th 2pm EDT 8pm CEST & 8pm EDT 2am CEST |
July 30th 11am EDT 5pm CEST | July 31st
| Aug 1st 10pm EDT 4am CEST | Aug 2nd 7pm EDT 1am CEST | Aug 3rd
| Aug 4th 11pm EDT 5am CEST | Aug 5th 12pm EDT 6pm CEST & 4pm EDT 10pm CEST |
Aug 6th 8pm EDT 2am CEST | Aug 7th 1pm EDT 7pm CEST | Aug 8th | Aug 9th 9pm EDT 3am CEST | Aug 10th 4pm EDT 10pm CEST | Aug 11th | Aug 12th |
Qualifiers Scoring
For each race your score will be determined as follows:
- 2 - (your finish time / par time)
- The par time will be the mean of the top three finish times OR the mean of the top 15% of finish times (rounded up), whichever is the greater amount of finishers.
- Scores will be converted from decimal to non-decimal by multiplying by 100
- Scores will be capped at a maximum of 105 and a minimum of 0
- Forfeits will receive a score based on the last place finish time plus 15 minutes
Your final score will be calculated by taking the mean of your results. Racing 2 through 4 total Qualifier races will average all of the run races. For every 2 additional race participations beyond 3 (racing 5, 7 , 9, or 11 total qualifiers), your next best and worst scores will be excluded from calculation (so 5 races will drop highest and lowest, 7 races will drop top 2 scores and bottom 2 scores, etc). If you participate in less than 2 races, you will not be allowed to enter the bracket stage of the tournament.
Qualifier Rules
- Inability to finish a race that you have started, regardless of the reason, will still count as a race that you participated in and will result in a forfeit.
- The seed will be posted in chat and race info 5 minutes prior to race start.
- At 5 minutes until the race starts, the race room will also close to new entrants. Anyone who has not joined the race at that time will be unable to participate in the race. You are still free to leave the race, however you'll be unable to re-join.
- The room will be set to disallow talk during the race. Comments will be hidden until the race is complete. Please avoid talking in the chat room prior to the race starting to keep the channel clear for admin communications.
- All players who complete a minimum of 2 qualifiers will be seeded into the bracket stage which will be Single Elimination, Best of 1, until brackets reach Top 16, where matches will become Double Elimination, Best of 1. This starts in the 8 matches comprising the Round of 16.
- Webcams/Facecams will be required for the bracket stage.
- If a race is close (three seconds or less), the race will be re-timed by the administration team. If the race is still too close to call (as determined by tournament administrators), a tie will be declared and the race will be re-ran.
Prize Information
The prize payout division will be:
1st place: 60% total prize pool
2nd place: 30% total prize pool
3rd place: 10% total prize pool
Tournament Rules
- You must stream your races on Twitch and archive all VODs until the end of the tournament.
- You are not required to delay your stream.
- You must continue streaming until the final credits (collection rate and in-game time).
- Restreamed players may use MSU-1 music packs that are approved by SG, as found here:
- SpeedGaming does not allow MSU-1 audio that contains copyrighted material. If you're not being restreamed, you are free to use whatever MSU-1 pack you wish.
- Palette shuffle is permitted for use during restreamed races.
- Although not required it is highly recommended that you keep a local recording of your races. If your stream goes down during a race (internet issues) you may be asked to provide proof of your finish time. Local recordings of your entire stream are preferred to just raw game feed and are sufficient to determine the result of a race. If you are having internet issues leading up to the race please do not continue and race anyway. Instead please let an admin know and reschedule. If you have internet or technical issues (for a moderate/significant period of time) and cannot provide a local recording then you will be forfeited from that match. There will be no rematches.
- If for any reason you were unable to .done correctly during your race, and it will have a meaningful impact on your result, please let an admin know and we will re-time your run. During qualifiers the difference needs to be above 5 seconds for us to re-time your race. This is so we don't have large volumes of people who typed .done slightly late requesting re-times.
- Failure to appear for your scheduled race, without any notice to your opponent and the admin team, will result in a forfeiture of the race.
- If playing on an emulator you are allowed to fast forward through the end credit sequence but you must show the entirety of your game statistics sequence at normal speed. You must let the statistics sequence finish to the point where it shows your final in-game time and collection rate.
- We will be using the ruleset as set out by the ALTTPR racing council. Any ruling made by the council will go into effect for the tournament 48 hours after it is posted, to allow players in the tournament time to adjust.
We will attempt to keep you informed of any such changes, but it is recommended to follow the racing-council-news channel in the ALTTP Randomizer Discord to stay up to date:
Additional Tournament Rules:
- Players are expected to respond promptly to Admin requests made in the race channel
- Players may be in a restream channel or chat during the race
- Only may patch the game. Using a custom sprite (via a .zspr file) is allowed only by using the functionality provided by the website.
- Any unofficial (not provided by tools used to modify the ROM must be approved by the tournament admins prior to use.
- Custom sprites must still be stream appropriate. Using an offensive sprite will result in removal from the tournament. If in doubt, ask an admin first.
- Players who drop will be considered to have lost all subsequent matches.
- Records of previous matches will remain unchanged
- All forms of cheating (and most forms of receiving help) are strictly prohibited.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- ROM/RAM inspection
- Having someone "Pilot" - make routing decisions for you/provide information to you. This Includes:
- help with parsing the spoiler log
- advice on how to route the seed
- reminders/advice to go to certain locations while running the seed
- information about the status of your opponent
- Receiving help from a non-public source
- A non-public source is any form of information that your opponent may not have access to, such as DMs, Discord Servers, People in the same physical space as the runner, etc.
- Public sources of information that may be used, include:
- Watching/listening to the restream
- Watching/listening to your opponent's stream
- Reading information that is in the restream chat
- Reading information that is in your opponent's chat
- Reading information that is in your own chat that is not explicit directions/reminders on what to do (i.e. not having a chat member “pilot” you).
- Public accusations of cheating will not be tolerated
- Report any and all suspicious play to the racing council
- Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated in any way
- You should not take matters into your own hands
- Players who are removed for conduct violations will be banned from future tournaments
- Players are expected to play within the spirit of ALTTPR racing. Attempts to "game" the system will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the tournament.
Hardware/Software Rules
- All races must be streamed
- Auto-trackers are allowed as long as they comply with council guidelines (see for details).
- Allowed emulators include SNES9X 1.51+, SNESGX (Wii), BSNES/HIGAN and BizHawk
- ZSNES & older versions of SNES9X are banned
- Allowed flash cartridges include the SD2SNES and Super Everdrive
- The following console brands are allowed for play with flash cartridges or SD-cards:
- Nintendo
- RetroBit
- Analogue
- MiSTer (official SNES core only)
- The following console brands are not allowed for play with flash cartridges or SD-cards:
- Turbo controllers and functionality are both banned
- Emulator specific functionality is banned (e.g. save states, fast forward, disabling layers, etc)
- RetroArch - Run-ahead must be disabled.
- Pressing Up+Down or Left+Right simultaneously is banned
- Only one action can be mapped to any given button
- For example you cannot bind Up and Right to the same button
- Only one button can be mapped to any given action
- For example you cannot bind Up to two different buttons
If your preferred emulator isn’t listed please contact a tournament admin. You may be asked to display your input settings/hotkeys and emulator version before or after a race if asked.