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Hall of Fame Guidelines
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Falcons Hall of Fame Process


The Hall of Fame committee may select up to two inductees each year.

According to our bylaws (see Article XI, Section 8), all nominees must be:

  1. An active Falcons club member for a minimum of 5 years
  2. Involved in the LGBT community beyond the Falcons membership


The current Executive Board asks for volunteers (3-5 members) for the Hall of Fame Committee. It is usually on a first come first served basis. 

The committee should include at least:

  1. One board member
  2. One current Hall of Famer
  3. Consist of at least three Falcons

Committee members guidelines:

  1. Because the ability to look back 15 or more years would be helpful, the committee should consist primarily of people who have been in the club a long time.
  2. The committee can include Club alumni
  3. Can assign a Hall of Fame Committee chair to:
  1. Keep things organized and the process moving forward
  2. Charged by the board of its tasks, including how many Hall of Fame inductees to select and should be given any documentation available on the process and past nominees


The committee is responsible for sending the survey to all past or present members for whom the team has contact information. The club’s treasurer and/or communication officer can provide the committee with a list of current and past members.

Survey Monkey is used to administer the election survey. The board will inform the Hall of Fame Committee how to proceed with Survey Monkey prior to the start of the process. 


The selection committee should meet (via email or in person) to make the final decision.

During that meeting, they should follow the overall criteria specified on the club’s bylaws to select inductees. Also, the committee may determine specific criteria they will use to review the nominations and reduce the list of nominees. Additionally, specific criteria should serve to.

Example of additional criteria used by past committees:

  1. Someone who went above and beyond just coming out to play soccer, contributing to the continuation and well-being of the club through leadership, financial support, etc.
  2. Contributed to building camaraderie within the club
  3. Consider people who contributed during early years in the club and who might not have been recognized yet.  
  4. Because women have been active in the club since 1997, be sure that eligible women are considered, even if they had not been involved as long as some of the men.

Before making a selection, the committee should:

  1. Review the report of the previous year’s committee and the list of nominees from past years—to explore potential deserving nominees that may have been missed
  2. Use their own knowledge and experience of the history of the club and add to the list of nominees people who they think should be considered
  3. Once the selections are made, the committee sends the names to the designated board member

If a member of the selection committee is nominated, that member can still serve, but can leave the room when his/her nomination is being discussed.


In order to assist future selection committees and to ensure that eligible candidates continue to be considered in future years, each committee should write a brief report that

  1. Provides the solicitation distributed
  2. Describes the criteria uses
  3. Lists all nominees considered

Updated Jan. 2018