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Ad Skipper Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy Ad Skipper

Ad Skipper

Privacy Policy: 2024-01-21

This page lists the types of information that we collect from our users and shows what exactly we use that information for. We want to make sure you are aware of it so that you always see the whole picture of your interaction with us. Please read this Privacy Policy in full as by installing our extension or visiting our website you express your acceptance of the practices we list here. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, don’t hesitate to contact our Support service.


What type of information does Ad Skipper collect?

Ad Skipper doesn't store, nor does it collect, any user data on its own servers.


What does Ad Skipper do with the information collected? 

No data is collected, so therefore this does not apply.



Ad Skipper requires a certain amount of permissions so you can enjoy its full potential. For security reasons we use the narrowest permissions available to still provide you the full functionality.



If you have questions about this privacy policy, please contact