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Bloom Elementary

Subject of Policy:


Policy Statement

At Bloom Elementary, we believe that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment. KRS 158.148 defines bullying as “any unwanted verbal, physical, or social behavior among students that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and its repeated or has the potential to be repeated:

  1. That occurs on school premises, on school-sponsored transportation, or at school-sponsored event; or
  2. That disrupts the education process

This definition shall not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate or cultural practices protected under the state or federal Constitution where the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process.” Bloom Elementary will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety and well-being of any student.

At Bloom Elementary, students will be educated by staff in all grade levels to help them identify and respond to the dangers of bullying. There are five types of bullying recognized in this policy.

Reporting Procedures shall include the following:

Discipline Process

The counselors and/or administrators will take appropriate action following the JCPS Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook and Progressive Discipline.

Retaliation Prohibited

Employees and other students may not retaliate against a student or staff member because he or she reports bullying or assists or participates in an investigation proceeding or hearing regarding the violation. The principal or designee shall take measures needed to protect students and staff from such retaliation. Support will be provided for both parties by appropriate school staff.

Date of First Reading: September 12, 2019

Date of Second Reading: October 10, 2019

Date Adopted: October 10, 2019

Reviewed: 3.20.2024


                        SBDM Council Chairperson