Birth Justice

Module 5

Activate your Hunter/Huntress archetype as you watch, read, and learn about privilege and implicit bias. Take your time. Come back to these materials as many times as you need. Sit in awareness. Listen within.

Implicit Bias:  As a first step, choose and take one of the Implicit Association tests here.

Additional resources:

Intro to Implicit Bias series (3 mins)

Biased: How Unconscious Bias Shapes Behavior: Jennifer Eberhardt (42 mins)

Free Implicit Bias training from the Kirwan Institute

Racial Equity Tools: resources for implicit bias

Equity in Midwifery: Power and Privilege

Privilege: Spend some time with the images on the following pages.

Journal prompts: 

After looking at these images, what is becoming more clear for you? What is becoming less?

What is one small step you can take to integrate this knowledge about privilege, power, and implicit bias into your work with birthing people and families now?

What are some ways that your privilege, power, and implicit bias may show up when marketing your classes, teaching them, or structuring your business? What are some ways you can mitigate this? Consider discussing with peers and mentors ways to examine and improve your practices.  ?

What is the next step for you?

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