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Grant Categories LIVE
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Grant Categories

Single-Year Grants

General Grant -- Monies requested by administrators and staff for resources to purchase new equipment and to develop creative, new programs or projects.

Staff Grant -- Grants offered to staff for projects that enhance their in-class expertise. They can fund training, additional resources, in-the-field experiences, residencies, and partnerships.

Student Grant -- These grants are for students who want to explore further a subject they have been studying and are generally under $300 per student.  Awards above this amount will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Community Education Opportunity Grant -- Granted at the discretion of the Community Education Coordinator

Multi-Year Grants

Chris Rundle Innovation Fund for Educators

These grants are for innovative programs, creative learning ideas, and are renewable for up to five years.

An application will be provided after an informal presentation to the GLCS Foundation Grant Committee.  To schedule a presentation, contact you school liaison as listed below:

Richland Elementary:  Karen Koets                Kellogg Elementary:  Sarah Lyster

Ryan Intermediate:  Jen Weiss                        GLMS:  Laurie Klok

GLHS:  Beth Rhodes                                        GLVP:  Audra Misner

All others:  Drew Border

 revised 09-01-23