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River Grove 2020-21 COVID-19 Response Family Handbook
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School Year 2020-21 COVID-19
Response Family Handbook

Updated 12/8/2020

This document may be updated frequently


The 2020-21 school year presents new challenges and opportunities for our school and parent community. The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated many important changes to our school’s operations, health and safety protocols, and academic learning program. The purpose of this handbook is to articulate these changes to prepare families for the coming school year as well as provide an overview of our ongoing approach to our educational model during this unique period of time. The handbook should be viewed as a starting point but also a dynamic document as we fully anticipate the need to modify it to ensure the best response possible. This will be a year of change and flexibility, so we greatly appreciate the patience of all families as we work together to provide a nurturing and high-quality education for all students.

Philosophy: River Grove’s approach to the school year will emphasize three key strengths in our ability to respond to the pandemic and create the safest possible environment for our students:

Model Overview: For the 2020-21 school year, River Grove will implement three potential models of instruction:

Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) have provided guidance that each district is given autonomy to select their learning model in consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). MDH has provided a table of recommended models based on 14-day case range data as well as access to a local team of health experts to help inform a decision. It is highly expected that the school will use multiple models throughout the school year.

Learning Model Shifts

To start the 2020-21 school year, River Grove chose to use the Hybrid Model of instruction. Beginning December 3, 2020, the school moved to full Distance Learning (DL). This model will be in use at least through January 13, 2021.

Ongoing Evaluation of Model of Instruction: The River Grove Board of Directors Emergency Response Committee will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the learning model on a weekly basis and make recommendations to the Board of Directors at each regular scheduled meeting. The committee will continuously monitor local health conditions at the school and county level and work in collaboration with an assigned regional team from the Minnesota Department of Health. The school will try to anticipate model changes in advance to give families as much notice as possible. However, local health conditions might necessitate a quick shift at both the classroom and whole school level.  Changes to the model will be communicated through email, Facebook, and the River Grove website. Changes due to an emergency health situation will be communicated through an additional text and robocall.

Requirements and Recommendations: River Grove will follow the recommendations and requirements set forth by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). The school will refer to the MDE’s publication 2020-21 Planning Guidance for Minnesota Public Schools and the MDH’s publication 2020-2021 Planning Guide for Schools.

Contact Information:

Learning Models

Hybrid Learning Model

River Grove’s Hybrid Model of instruction will be delivered using many principles of the  “Inverted Classroom” and “Blended Learning” approaches. Students participating in the Hybrid Model will be given daily lessons crafted by their assigned teacher that can be accessed on campus or at-home. Using a Blended Learning approach in combination with the enrichment of interacting with our natural environment, we feel we can create unique and rigorous learning opportunities for all students. Students are expected to complete a “full day” of instruction whether working at home or on campus.

Some key principles of this model include:

Students in the Hybrid Learning model will be divided into two groups, A group and B group, as follows:

Hybrid Model

Day of the Week







Group A

Group B

Group A

Group B

(No students on campus)


Group B

Group A

Group B

Group A

Groups A & B

What does a typical Hybrid Learning day look like?

Monday-Thursday (Hybrid):

Fridays (Hybrid):

Full-Time Distance Learning (Option During Hybrid Learning)

River Grove will be implementing a Full-time Distance Learning option for our families during Hybrid Learning. In this model, students will not be required to be in-person on campus but will be given daily lessons to be accessed from home. Students selecting this model will be provided with a designated dedicated Distance Learning teacher. This instructor will craft remote instruction addressing MN State Learning Standards while remaining authentic to the unique learning environment of River Grove. Daily delivery of lessons will include live teaching sessions with the dedicated teacher, small group instruction, as well as project and collaborative opportunities.

The following teachers have been designated for assignment as dedicated distance learning teachers.

Screen Time: Given the nature of at-home/distance learning, the use of computers/technology will be necessary to help guide students virtually and provide instructional resources. It is the goal of River Grove staff to continuously assess the developmentally appropriate amount of time necessary on a screen and continue to seek ways to reduce it when possible.

Support: River Grove recognizes that full-time Distance Learning is still very new to many families. Distance learning teachers will be available daily to troubleshoot issues at home. Frequent check-ins will take places to assess learning and progress.

Learning Model Selection: When using a model that requires on campus attendance (in-person or hybrid) each family can select that learning model or full-time distance learning. Changing of models from on-campus to distance will be allowed upon written request to the school but may incur a waiting period determined by the school and distance learning teacher. Changes from full-time Distance to on-campus models is subject to availability and capacity and can occur three times throughout the year through written request to the School Director:

October 19, 2020

January 19, 2021

April 5, 2021

These are general guidelines and subject to change. Please contact Drew Goodson, School Director if you have a special circumstance you would like considered.

Daily Attendance: All students enrolled at River Grove are expected to attend and participate daily. More information about each class' attendance procedure will be shared by each individual teacher. Attendance, whether in-person, hybrid, or distance is required by all students and is subject to our local attendance policy and MN state statutes. As a reminder, any absences in excess of 10 consecutive days that are not a result of an illness may result in your child being withdrawn from the school and your child’s spot given to the next family on the waiting list. A student absent for non-illness reasons for 15 consecutive days must be dropped from the school and must formally re-enroll to be admitted to the school.

For issues with daily attendance, either for a school or distance day please contact the front office:

Participation/Completion: Students are expected to participate and complete learning activities daily whether in-person or at home. Each day of the week is considered a “full academic” day and should be treated as such. Teachers will be consistently monitoring student progress and checking in with families frequently.

Full-Time Distance Learning (for All Students)

Starting Thursday December 3, 2020 (and going through at least January 13, 2021), students will participate in the equivalent of a full and balanced school day fully online. Students will receive a mixture of direct instruction with brain breaks and flexible daily learning activities, many not directly online such as science experiments, art projects, reading, and math puzzles and games. Teachers will also provide enrichment and support such as one-on-one meetings and optional extension activities or project ideas. Efforts will be made to limit overall screen time and to get students moving and active, and to incorporate daily life tasks into the curriculum (such as cooking). Our goal is to continue learning at the similar pace as the first part of the year in order to minimize “learning loss” and continue your child’s growth and development.

Weekly Schedule for Full-School Distance Learning

Mondays to Thursdays During Full Distance Learning


Tardy/Absent Policies During Full Distance Learning

Please email in advance if your student will be late or absent during any part of Distance Learning.

How to Get Help During Full Distance Learning

Teachers will provide individualized additional supports such as “study hall” or office hours. Please contact them for more information. Teacher and administration emails can be found here on our website.

COVID Tracking Continues During Distance Learning

Please continue to report your child's COVID-19 illness and quarantines to the school's health office throughout Distance Learning. Tracking this information is vital to our planning for a shift back to in-person learning. Megan Lapos, Licensed School Nurse, can answer your healthcare questions and help find testing locations. Email her at:

Students attending critical worker childcare at River Grove and all staff should also continue to report COVID symptoms.

Technology Needs for Distance Learning

The use of technology will be a key component in the delivery of lessons during Distance Learning. If your household is in need of technology resources such as Chromebooks or hotspots during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to the front office or your child’s teacher.

Front Office Hours/Contact Info During Full Distance Learning

The front office will be generally open from 8:30 to 3:00 during Distance Learning. Office staff will be available via appointment to assist with in-person business as well as remotely via email and phone if necessary. Please use the following contact information if you have questions:

Important Health and Safety Procedures During Hybrid Learning (and School-Age Care on Campus)

River Grove strives to create the safest possible environment for our students while balancing the requirements of the MDE as well as the comfort level of each family. Our COVID Operations Team is in regular communication with the Minnesota Department of Health to help inform this guide. The information below contains many important health and safety protocols.

COVID Tracking Continues During Distance Learning

Please continue to report your child's COVID-19 illness and quarantines to the school's health office throughout Distance Learning. Tracking this information is vital to our planning for a shift back to in-person learning. Megan Lapos, Licensed School Nurse, can answer your healthcare questions and help find testing locations. Email her at: 

Students attending critical worker childcare at River Grove and all staff should also continue to report COVID symptoms.

On-Campus and Transportation Protocols

Parent Health Screenings During Hybrid Learning: River Grove is requiring all parents to conduct a daily health screening of their children before leaving home for school. The school nursing office will be providing each family with a checklist and screening questions to ask at home. However, this list is not exhaustive. Please DO NOT send your child to school if they are feeling ill.

Temperature Checks: Upon arrival to campus, each student and staff member is required to have their temperature checked by school personnel. Students or staff with registered temperatures above 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit will be asked to return home.

Ongoing Classroom Health Monitoring: Throughout the school day teachers will be monitoring students for symptoms of illness and make referrals to the school health office as necessary.

Masks/Face Coverings: In accordance with Governor Walz’s Executive Order masks or face coverings must be worn throughout Minnesota in all indoor public spaces, including buses and school buildings. This will apply to all visitors, staff, and students (kindergarten and older).

Wearing a mask while indoors is considered a school dress code requirement to attend school. Teachers will treat mask wearing as a student conduct issue and concerns with mask wearing will be addressed in a developmentally appropriate way up to including a referral to the School Director.

Families whose students are unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition will work with the school health office to consider other PPE options. A medical note is required for this accommodation or consideration through a student’s individualized education program (IEP).

Handwashing and Sanitizer Breaks: Frequent handwashing and sanitation breaks will be emphasized this year. Touchless hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in each classroom space. Teachers will also have access to a classroom supply of sanitizer and additional hygiene products. Additionally, we are asking families to send individual bottles of sanitizer labeled with their student(s) name. Students/families concerned with sanitizer use will be given ample access to restroom facilities/sinks to wash their hands in addition to the normal classroom washing breaks.

Daily Disinfectant Cleaning: River Grove has hired additional custodial staff to complete daily overnight disinfection of all classroom and commonly used spaces using EPA approved COVID-19 certified cleaning products (product link here: In addition, weekly focused deep cleaning will occur on our “C” days. Our restrooms will also be cleaned on a more frequent and scheduled basis (3-4 times a day).

Outdoor Spaces: Each class will have dedicated outdoor space. Teachers will use this space as much as possible, especially during the warmer months of the school year. Students are asked to come prepared with dress and supplies to spend a significant amount of time outside.

Ventilation: When it is deemed necessary to hold class indoors, classroom windows and doors will be opened as much as possible to promote air circulation. Additionally, our HVAC system has been inspected to ensure it is in proper order and circulating air to an acceptable standard.

Cohort Groups:  The school will make its best effort to maintain “cohort bubbles” of students. Efforts will be made to limit student interaction to only those within their cohort grade bubble including lunch and recess. The school plans to implement school wide interactions to take place virtually for grades and cohorts to connect with each other. Arrival and dismissal procedures have been modified to prevent congregation.

Social Distancing: River Grove staff will make strong efforts to encourage social distancing, especially during the use of indoor spaces, in an empathic way, recognizing age and child development.

While in the Hybrid Model strict social distancing will be enforced using indoor spaces and heavily emphasized outdoors. Modifications to our classrooms have been made to accommodate social distance requirements.

Consistent failures to abide by social distancing requirements by students will lead to progressive behavioral interventions up to and including an Administrative Referral.

Lunch/Recess: Lunch service will be delivered to each classroom/outdoor space.  There will be a school provided option for those wishing to order. Each class will have their own recess separate from other cohorts. A rotating schedule of playground spaces will be created so students can access a variety of areas of campus in a safe manner.

Drinking fountains: School drinking fountains have been turned off. Families are requested to send a large labeled water bottle with their student. Each classroom will also have a supply of individually packaged water bottles.

Limitation of visitors/volunteers on campus: To limit potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus we are limiting visitors and volunteers on campus to essential duties and business only. We encourage families to interact with the front office staff through phone call/email when possible. Additionally, a secure lockbox has been installed to drop off important items such as student fees and other documents.

Visitors to the school office will be limited to one/family at a time. We ask families waiting to meet with school office staff to wait at the front door and follow social distancing guidelines of individuals waiting ahead of them.

Scheduled visits to your child’s teacher/staff do not need a check-in at the front office. Each building will have a sign-in log to track visitors to campus. Masks will be required by all visitors while indoors.

Transportation: In the interest of reducing potential prolonged exposure to the virus through utilizing bus transportation, River Grove is requesting that parents transport their students to and from campus whenever possible.  The school is happy to provide transportation to families that are otherwise unable to make transportation arrangements on their own. When using Bus Transportation strict social distancing and safety rules will be followed including mask wearing and assigned family seating. During the Hybrid Model we will operate with a maximum of 50% bus capacity. Loading and unloading procedures have also been revised to facilitate social distancing.

Health and Safety Changes to the Learning Program

Specialists: River Grove has a continued commitment to the Arts and Physical Education. For the 20-21 school year specialists will be revised in the interest of student safety and exposure. Art and Music will be delivered by each child’s classroom teacher in consultation with lessons designed by experienced music and art teachers employed by River Grove. Physical Education will be held everyday outside when possible.  Equipment will be sanitized and used only when needed.  Online physical education will be offered through the Physical Education teachers web page.  Weekly lesson plans and ideas will be available for your family to look at as well as resources on ways to stay active at home!  The school is looking for ways to continue student access to the library.

Welcome Conferences: Given the uniqueness of the coming school year each family is given the opportunity to visit campus and meet with their teacher through an individual intake conference.

Decision Tree for Potential Cases of COVID-19

Introduction: The school will work in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Health to address potential and confirmed cases of COVID-19. For the full Decision Tree, click here.

The following decision tree will be the starting point when making decisions regarding COVID-19 cases:

All students will be screened when arriving on campus and given a temperature check. Students who are absent for the day due to illness will also be screened for symptoms from the school health office.

Students will be asked to stay home and isolate when:

— OR —

Students who are on campus that exhibit COVID-19 systems will be immediately isolated and transferred to a designated health response area.

Quarantine Protocol

Please refer to the complete Illness Policy, below.

Quarantine communication and tracking/contact tracing will be done through the school health office. Students on quarantine will be able to access assignments at home through distance learning.

Notification of Potential or Confirmed COVID cases:  The school will work with MDH to properly notify our school community of Potential or Positive Cases of COVID-19 at an individual family and whole school level while respecting the privacy rights of those involved.

When deemed necessary by the MDH, the school will have urgent and direct communication with all families whose student is determined to have had likely “direct” exposure to a confirmed or potential case of COVID-19. The school will do this through phone calls, text message, and email. Additionally, when recommended by MDH, River Grove will notify the entire school community of confirmed or potential cases on campus through email and letter.

In the case of a confirmed COVID-19 case, the school will follow the MDH’s procedures:  What To Do When Notified of a Lab-Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in a School or Child Care Setting

Quarantine of Classes/Changes to Learning Model based on COVID Cases:  The school health office and administration will coordinate with MDH to make a determination on the need to quarantine individual classes or make a change in learning models (i.e. switch to Full Time Distance Learning) based on positive COVID-19 cases.  Efforts will be made to inform families as quickly as possible of a change to an individual class or whole school learning model. Urgent changes will be communicated using our JMC Emergency Messenger system (Text, Robocall).

Cleaning of Classroom Spaces: In the event of confirmed COVID-19 cases all spaces potentially affected will be put through a deep-cleaning protocol at the guidance of MDH. Classes affected will change locations to auxiliary spaces on campus.

Illness Policy for River Grove 2020-21

Please STAY HOME IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING WELL. We are trying very hard to stay healthy this year and to keep illness out of our school.

When will you be asked to stay home and be isolated?

— OR —

Who needs to stay home?

The student with symptoms will be asked to isolate for 10 days. Siblings/parents are asked to isolate for 14 days, separate from the person with symptoms.

Is it possible to return to school before the isolation period is over?

The student with symptoms would need to get a negative test for COVID or an alternative diagnosis. With proper documentation regarding the symptomatic student (negative test result or physician note with diagnosis), a sibling would be allowed to return to on-campus learning. The symptomatic student would be able to return with the proper documentation and 24 hours of symptom improvement.

How do I let the school know of my child’s COVID test results or alternative diagnosis?

If you want your child to return to school the next day, email Megan Lapos, Licensed School Nurse, at before 4:00pm. If you get your results or diagnosis after 4:00pm, accompany your child to school in the morning and wait outside of the Earth building with your documentation. Your student will be evaluated and a determination made whether the student is able to return.

Where do I find out more information on the policy that River Grove is following?

Other Considerations

Childcare for Critical Workers:  The school appreciates the contributions of our families serving as critical workers. These families will be provided with opportunities for childcare on their students at-home days in partnership with the YMCA of the Twin Cities (during Hybrid Learning). For full Distance Learning, childcare will be on the River Grove campus. Please contact the school office for more information.

Digital Citizenship for All Online Participation: When participating in Distance or At-Home lessons students are expected to follow the same code of conduct as on campus learning and are subject to the same policies regarding behavior. Students are expected to maintain respectful and professional interactions with their peers and staff members.

Mental Health/Wellness:  The School will provide access to a licensed Social Worker and experienced Child Therapist. Whole class interactions will facilitate throughout the school year to help students process the changes of their school routines and other COVID related emotional impacts.

Nutrition Services: The school will offer daily lunch services for all students regardless of the model they are in. River Grove participates in the NSLP lunch program, granting free and reduced meals for eligible families. School lunch will include hot and cold options served directly in the classroom or outdoor learning spaces. Take-home lunch for at-home students can be provided as well. For more information please contact Sandi Bonarski, Kitchen Manager- 

Outdoor Classroom Preparations: River Grove’s desire is to promote the use of Outdoor Classrooms. Teachers will communicate with each family about specific requirements, but students should plan to spend a large amount of time outdoors. Teachers will be equipped with first aid kits and two-way radios to facilitate communication.

Special Education Services: Students receiving special education or related services will still have access to these services, regardless of learning model. Each child’s case manager will be working with each individual student/family to coordinate services. Please contact your child’s case manager or Molly Kaliher, Special Education Coordinator for more details: 

Technology Equipment: To facilitate hybrid and distance learning students will be given access to Chromebooks and other technology. These devices are assets of the school and should be treated with care. Chromebooks are available for families to check out to assist in student learning but are the sole responsibility of the family to maintain the condition of the devices. More information about technology check-out will be provided by your child’s individual teacher.

 • River Grove School Year 2020-21 COVID-19 Response Family Handbook • Page  •
• Updated 12/8/2020 • This document may be updated frequently •