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Think Beyond the Sink Fam Ltr
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Dear Fifth-Grade Families,

We will soon begin our fifth-grade science unit, “Think Beyond the Sink:  Water Consumption and Conservation.” I am writing with the hope that, if you consume beverages that come in 2-liter bottles, you will rinse, save, and donate all of your clear bottles and their lids. We will use these bottles to create water filter holders for our engineering mini-unit, “Water! Water! Everywhere.”

In the meantime, please consider donating your empty, clean, clear 2 liter bottles and lids within the first month of school. Thank you for your support.


The Fifth Grade Team

Unit:  Think Beyond the Sink: Water Consumption and Conservation

Unit-Long Compelling Question

  • How does water quality affect the ecology of a community?

Overarching Phenomenon:  

  • Human impact on water and water’s impact on humans

Science Inquiry process

During our science experiences, we invite and encourage students to ask questions to help grow their understanding about science and engineering concepts. We’ve listed unit specific questions we’ll be exploring in class and we ask that you not answer these questions for your student. We want the science experiences we’ve planned to help students develop understanding around the questions we pose in each unit.

Questions to Explore at Home

  • What investigation did you do today?
  • What questions are you thinking while doing your investigations?
  • What evidence have you gathered in your investigations?
  • How have you grown as a scientist?  Engineer?