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Introduction to

1 Samuel

Authorship: Uncertain  Some scholars believe that Samuel was largely responsible for the material put to 1 Samuel 25 and that the prophets Nathan and Gad gave significant input to the rest (1 Chronicles 29:29).[1]  Others have suggested that Abiathar the priest wrote the book.[2]  1 Samuel 27:6 suggest that the book was not completed until after the kingdom was divided.  Originally 1 and 2 Samuel were one book but were divided when the Greek Septuagint was translated.

Theme:  Transition  “First Samuel offers us a contrast between two very different national leaders: Soul, who relied on his own abilities and reason to make crucial decisions about God’s people; and David, who chose a path of humility and faith in God.”[3]

Key Verses: 1 Samuel 15:22-23 (KJV) And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.  23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

Key Concepts:[4] 


  1.  Renewal under Samuel (1:1-7:17)
  1. Birth and Childhood of Samuel (1:1-2:36)
  1. Birth and Dedication of Samuel (1:1-2:11)
  2. Growth of Samuel and the Corruption of Eli’s Sons (2:12-36)
  1. Beginning of Samuel’s Prophetic Ministry (3:1-4:1)
  1. His Call from God (3:1-9)
  2. His Word for Eli (3:10-18)
  3. His Ministry to All Israel (3:19-4:1)
  1. Samuel’s Ministry as Judge (4:2-7:17)
  1. The Capture of the Ark by the Philistines (4:2-11)
  2. Death of Eli (4:12-22)
  3. Recovery of the Ark by Israel (5:1-7:1)
  4. Samuel’s Call for Repentance (7:2-6)
  5. Defeat of the Philistines (7:7-17)
  1. The Reign of Saul (8:1-15:35)
  1. Saul’s Establishment as King (8:1-12:25)
  1. Israel’s Demand for a King (8:1-22)
  2. Saul Chosen and Anointed as King (9:1-12:25)
  1. Saul’s Wars (13:1-14:52)
  2. Saul’s Rejection by God (15:1-35)
  1. Saul’s Decline and David’s Rise (16:1-31:13)
  1. David’s Increasing Prominence (16:1-17:58)
  1. His Anointing by Samuel (16:1-13)
  2. His Singing before Saul (16:14-23)
  3. His Defeat of Goliath (17:1-58)
  1. Saul’s Decreasing Influence (18:1-31:13)
  1. Saul’s Persecution of David (18:1-27:12)
  2. Saul’s Visit to a Medium (28:1-25)
  3. David’s Conflicts with the Philistines and the Amalekites (29:1-30:31)
  4. Saul’s Death (31:1-13)

[1] The Spurgeon Study Bible CSB; Holman Bible Publishers; Nashville, TN; 2017; p. 342

[2] Ed. Hayford, Jack W.; Spirit Filled Life Bible New King James Version; Thomas Nelson Publishers; Nashville, Tennessee; 1991; p. 395

[3] Ed. Lee, Richard G.; The American Patriot’s Bible NKJV; Thomas Nelson; Nashville, Tennessee; 2009; p. 302

[4] Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible; Zondervan; Grand Rapids, MI; 2017; p. 480

[5] Ed. Hayford, Jack W.; Spirit Filled Life Bible New King James Version; Thomas Nelson Publishers; Nashville, Tennessee; 1991; p. 396-97