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WEC Server Cookbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Table of contents

Introduction        6

WEC Forward log file        6

WEF via HTTPS (instead of HTTP)        7

Disclaimer        7

WEC Server setup        9

Preparation & Configuration        9

$GroupList        11

$ProviderList        12

$ChannelList        12

$FFProfile        13

Other variables        14

$NewGroupOU        14

$BaseOU        14

$WlbProcessorsExtra, $WlbEventLogsExtra, $WlbEventLogOptions        14

Creating additional forward log files        15

Install the Windows 8.1 SDK        15

Create the custom channels/events manifest        16

Build the custom events .dll        16

Set up the WEC subscriptions        18

Install the custom events (man/dll) on the WEC server        18

Configure the custom event channels        19

Create WEC subscriptions        19

Start WEC Server        20

Active Directory configuration (GPO, OUs, and Groups)        21

Maintaining Group assignments        21

Configure an Audit Policy        24

Creating an Audit Policy        24

Generic minimal audit policy        27

Domain Controller audit policy        29

Domain Server audit policy        31

Domain Workstation audit policy        32

Applying / Linking an audit policy        34

Logging addendum        35

Configure Windows Event Forwarding (WEF)        35

Set up Winlogbeat        45

Auto-configure output with Cloud ID        47

Manually configure the Elasticsearch output        49

Other useful winlogbeat.yml configuration options        52

Appendix        54

Troubleshooting        54

WEC Server troubleshooting        54

WEC on Windows Server 2016 or 2019 and no Subscription is working        54

Only receive Event ID 111        55

References & further reading        57

Creating Custom Windows Event Forwarding Logs        57

Use Windows Event Forwarding to help with intrusion detection (WEF-ID)        57

WEF-ID Appendix A - Minimum recommended minimum audit policy        57

WEF-ID Appendix B - Recommended minimum registry system ACL policy        57

WEF-ID Appendix C - Event channel settings (enable and channel access) methods        57

WEF-ID Appendix D - Minimum GPO for WEF Client configuration        57

WEF-ID Appendix E – Annotated baseline subscription event query        58

WEF-ID Appendix F – Annotated Suspect Subscription Event Query        58

Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)        58

SAP Security auditing        58

SAP Advanced security audit policies        58

SAP Advanced security audit policy settings        58

SAP Advanced security auditing FAQ        58

Events are not forwarded if the collector is running Windows Server        59

Palantir WEC        59

Author        60


Using Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) to a Windows Event Collector (WEC) server, and then ingesting those Event Logs with Winlogbeats seems simple enough; however, there are a number of serious pitfalls that this document will guide you through.

WEC Forward log file

The windows server, on which you enable the WEC role, has only one log file for forwarded events.
Consider the consequences of sending all forwarded events to this one file:

Even the Microsoft Security team uses multiple log files [MS Blog: Creating Custom Windows Event Forwarding Logs] on the WEC servers, and this document will guide you though doing the same.

There are many ways that one might divide event logs over multiple log files. There are projects and guides on the internet that use an event-type paradigm; that is all DNS logs in a DNS file, all PowerShell logs in another file, etc.

This guide uses an asset-type paradigm. i.e. All domain controller logs in one set of files, client systems in another set of files, etc.

WEF via HTTPS (instead of HTTP)

If you are only using hosts/systems that are all Domain members, it is safe to use the standard HTTP connectivity. In this setup encryption and authentication is handled via AD mechanisms, such as Kerberos. Even though HTTP is being used only the WEC server will be able to decrypt and read forwarded event logs.

However, if you wish to forward logs from an non-Domain member, you will want to use HTTPS for encryption and certificate-based authentication.


This cookbook guide is written with the best of intentions, but it may contain mistakes, or mistakes may be made in the implementation of the steps documented herein. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranties, express or implied. You are responsible for the changes you enact on your environment; neither the author nor Elastic are accountable for anything that may break as a result. If you do not understand the changes you are making, we recommend that you desist and seek assistance.

The accompanying code to this guide is provided under the AGPL 3.0 licence (

WEC Server setup

Preparation and configuration

The PowerShell scripts provided here will define your WEC server’s entire setup, and thus how it fits into your Active Directory (AD) architecture. Therefore you will need to understand this setup, so that you can adapt it to your AD environment.

It all starts with what are known as “Providers” and “Channels” therein. You can have multiple Providers; however, each Provider can only have upto 8 log “Channels,” and a Channel ultimately means a log file.

In our setup we have created a Provider based on the usual Domain member assets:

You can alter the list of Providers to match your AD’s hierarchy — perhaps to create a Provider per Business Unit or Area of Operation. Source Hosts are mapped to Providers via AD Groups (a limitation of the WEC server); however, we provide a script to keep these AD group members synchronised with your AD’s OUs. It is important that membership of these groups is exclusive; a source host being in more than one group will forward its logs to more than one Provider, leading to duplication. This can be made easier to handle through group exclusions, such as the Domain-Members Provider uses.

All of the Providers, which should map to asset groups, have the same set of (max eight) Channels; our defaults are:

You can change this list of Channels and the Event Log filter associated with them. These filters select what events are forwarded to that given Channel from all source hosts assigned to that Channel’s Provider.

Let's discuss each of these configuration variables:


This Hashmap lists groups that we want to keep synchronised with our OU hierarchy. The Key/Name is the Group name, and the value is an array of one or more OU distinguished names.

Note: Do not list “Domain Computers”, “Domain Controllers”, or any other group that is already automatically managed by Active Directory.


This Hashmap lists the Providers we are going to create and their configuration:

Note: The “Domain-Members” Provider (example in wec_config.ps1) has some special logic in this configuration file. It uses “Domain Computers” to ‘include’ all domain computers, but then ‘excludes’ all groups used in the ‘include’ list of any other Providers. This creates a catch-all to capture any system that has not yet been assigned to another WEC Group (or OU mapped to such a group).


This Hashmap lists the (maximum) eight Channels that all Providers get. The value is a hashmap of possible forward filter profiles; these filters are used to select what events are sent to a Channel (log file) from all systems mapped to that Channel's Provider.

You can use Event Viewer to help create this (XML) XPath-based filter.


This selects which Forward Filter (FF) is used, from those available in the $ChannelList definition. Two FF profiles are included in the current version of wec_config.ps1:

Note: $FFProfile = “Standard” would select “FFStandard” from $ChannelList. (i.e. “FF${$FFProfile}”)

Other variables


The scripts that use $GroupList and $ProviderList will create any missing groups; these groups will be created under the OU distinguished name provided here. Its default is the AD’s “Users” container.


The Base OU of the AD LDAP tree, used in various places to save typing, and so that the script will just work in different AD environments. The default is the current AD’s distinguished name (i.e. its Base).

$WlbProcessorsExtra, $WlbEventLogsExtra, $WlbEventLogOptions

You can use these to insert extra configuration and options into the winlogbeat.yml generated by gen_winlogbeat_config.ps1. See: Set up Winlogbeat.


Creating additional forward log files

The following will add new forward log files on your WEC server that can be stored on a dedicated disk (if need be) and have individual controls for data lifecycle and access control:

  1. Install the Windows 8.1 SDK

Although this guide used (and was tested with) Windows 10, we will use utilities that are in the Windows 8.1 SDK and not in the Windows 10 SDK.

Note: These three steps can be done on another computer than the WEC server to avoid installing an SDK on it. Just be sure to use exactly the same wec_config.ps1 here as you will use on the WEC server, so that the DLL is correctly built.

  1. Create the custom Channels manifest

Be sure to have all the scripts available, as detailed above.


  1. Build the custom Channels .dll

To build the DLL from the MAN file do the following:


A new WecFwdChans.dll will be created in the same directory, as well as a number of other intermediary files that you can ignore.

Set up the WEC subscriptions

The following will setup all the required WEC server subscriptions:

  1. Install the custom Channels (man/dll) on the WEC server

This step will install the new Event log Channels on the current system.


Note: If you built the WecFwdChans.dll and on a different system with the Windows SDK, be sure to have copied them into the wec_pepped directory here, and that the wec_config.ps1 is the same on both systems.

  1. Configure the custom Channels

This step will configure the new event Channels/log files, such as log location and size.


You can re-run the script to apply can configuration changes made in wec_config.ps1

  1. Start the WEC Server

Before we can setup our WEC subscriptions, we need to initiate the WEC Service.

wecutil.exe qc

This just runs a “quick config” setup, there are other more in depths methods to setup the WEC Service.

  1. Create WEC subscriptions

This step will create and configure all the WEC Subscriptions needed for all the Channels you have created. Each Channel will have its own Subscription, and presumably each of your Providers has eight Channels.


Note: If you make changes in wec_config.ps1 that affect these Subscriptions, such as changing a Channel’s filter, you can run this script again to update all your existing Subscriptions.

Active Directory configuration (GPO, OUs, and Groups)

You will need Domain Administrator privileges for this part of the guide.

  1. Maintaining group assignments

Source hosts are assigned to Subscriptions (and thus Providers) via AD Group membership. However, it is very likely that you would like to manage this via the OU that the host system is placed in. To enable this we provide the map_ou2group.ps1 script.

Create a new Scheduled Tasks

Ensure it runs with Domain Administrator privileges, so that it can update Domain Groups

Set it to Trigger Daily at 00:00:10

During the day you might want it to repeat, for example every 2 hours.

Be sure the repeats do not run longer than 1 day.

You could set the task to be stopped if it takes longer than 1 hour.

Add a “Start a program” action.

Set the program to powershell.exe. To find where this is on your system type “echo $PSHOME” in a powershell window.

Set the argument to:


-File C:\Path\To\map_ou2groups.ps1


We recommend you avoid Paths with spaces or other special characters!

You can leave the Conditions on default

You can leave or tune the further Settings

When you click OK to save/create the Task, you will be asked for the Password to the Domain Admin user that you set.

  1. Configure an Audit Policy

It is no use to have Event Log Forwarding setup if the source host is not logging anything. At the very minimum you will need to set up one or more Audit Policy GPO within your domain.

Creating an Audit Policy

In Group Policy Management navigate to your domain’s “Group Policy Objects” folder.

Right Click and select “New”

Name your new policy

Right Click on the new Policy and select Edit

In the Policy Editor navigate to:

→ Computer Configuration

→ Policies

→ Windows Settings

→ Security Settings

→ Advanced Audit Policy Configuration

→ Audit Policies

We will be configuring each of the items in each of the Categories under “Audit Policies”

You can repeat the previous steps to create any of the following policies.

Generic minimal audit policy

The following is based on guides, such as this recommendation on a minimal policy by Microsoft Security [WEF-ID Appendix A - Minimum recommended minimum audit policy]. This policy does not consider a systems role and could be used as a minimum fallback policy.

Note: Remember this is a minimum recommendation; you can deviate from this list.



Audit settings

Account Logon

Credential Validation

Success & Failure

Account Management

Security Group Management


Account Management

User Account Management

Success and Failure

Account Management

Computer Account Management

Success and Failure

Account Management

Other Account Management Events

Success and Failure

Detailed Tracking

Process Creation


Detailed Tracking

Process Termination



User/Device Claims

Not configured


IPsec Extended Mode

Not configured


IPsec Quick Mode

Not configured



Success and Failure





Other Logon/Logoff Events

Success and Failure


Special Logon

Success and Failure


Account Lockout


Object Access

Application Generated

Not configured

Object Access

File Share


Object Access

File System

Not configured

Object Access

Other Object Access Events

Not configured

Object Access


Not configured

Object Access

Removable Storage


Policy Change

Audit Policy Change

Success and Failure

Policy Change

MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Success and Failure

Policy Change

Other Policy Change Events

Success and Failure

Policy Change

Authentication Policy Change

Success and Failure

Policy Change

Authorization Policy Change

Success and Failure

Privilege Use

Sensitive Privilege Use

Not configured


Security State Change

Success and Failure


Security System Extension

Success and Failure


System Integrity

Success and Failure

Domain Controller audit policy

These policy recommendations are based on the advice given in Microsoft’s own guides (SAP Security auditing); they are based on this spreadsheet [Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)], which aggregates all the tables from the source documentation.

Note: Remember these are just recommendations; you can deviate as you see fit, and you should consult the detailed information linked from the main table (Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)), if you so wish.



Audit Setting (Enable)

Account Logon

Audit Credential Validation

Success & Failure

Account Logon

Kerberos Authentication Service

Success & Failure

Account Logon

Kerberos Service Ticket Operations

Success & Failure

Account Management

Computer Account Management

Success only

Account Management

Distribution Group Management

Success only

Account Management

Other Account Management Events

Success only

Account Management

Security Group Management

Success only

Account Management

User Account Management

Success & Failure

Detailed Tracking

PNP Activity

Success only

Detailed Tracking

Process Creation

Success only

DS Access

Directory Service Access

Failure only

DS Access

Directory Service Changes

Success only


Account Lockout

Failure only


User/Device Claims

Success only


Group Membership

Success only



Success only



Success & Failure


Other Logon/Logoff Events

Success & Failure


Special Logon

Success only

Object Access

Detailed File Share

Failure only

Object Access

File Share

Success & Failure

Object Access

Filtering Platform Connection

Failure only

Object Access

Other Object Access Events

Success & Failure

Object Access

Removable Storage

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Audit Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

Authentication Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Other Policy Change Events

Failure only

Privilege Use

Sensitive Privilege Use Events

Success & Failure


Other System Events

Success & Failure


Security State Change

Success only


Security System Extension

Success only


System Integrity

Success & Failure

Domain Server audit policy

These policy recommendations are based on the advice given in Microsoft’s own documentation (SAP Security auditing); they are based on this spreadsheet [Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)], which aggregates all the tables from the source documentation.

Note: Remember these are just recommendations; you can deviate as you see fit, and you should consult the detailed information linked from the main table (Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)), if you so wish.



Audit Setting (Enable)

Account Logon

Audit Credential Validation

Success & Failure

Account Management

Security Group Management

Success only

Account Management

User Account Management

Success & Failure

Detailed Tracking

PNP Activity

Success only

Detailed Tracking

Process Creation

Success only


Account Lockout

Failure only


User/Device Claims

Success only


Group Membership

Success only



Success only



Success & Failure


Other Logon/Logoff Events

Success & Failure


Special Logon

Success only

Object Access

Certification Services

IF CA Server Role installed

Object Access

Detailed File Share

If File Server: Failure only
Others: Success & Failure

Object Access

File Share

Success & Failure

Object Access

Filtering Platform Connection

Failure only

Object Access

Other Object Access Events

Success & Failure

Object Access

Removable Storage

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Audit Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

Authentication Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Other Policy Change Events

Failure only

Privilege Use

Sensitive Privilege Use Events

Success & Failure


Other System Events

Success & Failure


Security State Change

Success only


Security System Extension

Success only


System Integrity

Success & Failure

Domain Workstation audit policy

These policy recommendations are based on the advice given in Microsoft’s own documentation (SAP Security auditing); they are based on this spreadsheet [Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)], which aggregates all the tables from the source documentation.

Note: Remember these are just recommendations; you can deviate as you see fit, and you should consult the detailed information linked from the main table (Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)), if you so wish.



Audit Setting (Enable)

Account Logon

Audit Credential Validation

Success & Failure

Account Management

Security Group Management

Success only

Account Management

User Account Management

Success & Failure

Detailed Tracking

PNP Activity

Success only

Detailed Tracking

Process Creation

Success only


Account Lockout

Failure only


User/Device Claims

Success only


Group Membership

Success only



Success only



Success & Failure


Other Logon/Logoff Events

Success & Failure


Special Logon

Success only

Object Access

Detailed File Share

Success & Failure

Object Access

File Share

Success & Failure

Object Access

Filtering Platform Connection

Failure only

Object Access

Other Object Access Events

Success & Failure

Object Access

Removable Storage

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Audit Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

Authentication Policy Changes

Success only

Policy Change

MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

Success & Failure

Policy Change

Other Policy Change Events

Failure only

Privilege Use

Sensitive Privilege Use Events

Success & Failure


Other System Events

Success & Failure


Security State Change

Success only


Security System Extension

Success only


System Integrity

Success & Failure

Applying/linking an audit policy

You will need to link each of the policies created above into appropriate OUs:

Logging addendum

You might want to consider enabling further event Channels (logging), such as CAPI; see: WEF-ID Appendix C - Event channel settings (enable and channel access) methods

  1. Configure Windows Event Forwarding (WEF)

We need to configure a GPO to tell systems to forward their logs.

In Group Policy Management, navigate to your AD’s “Group Policy Objects” folder

Right-Click and select New

Name the Policy

Right-Click it and select Edit

Navigate to:

→ Computer Configuration

→ Policies

→ Administrative Templates

→ Windows Components

→ Event Forwarding

Open “Configure target Subscription Manager” to edit.

Enable the policy

Then next to SubscriptionManagers click Show

Enter the URL to your WEC server’s Subscription Manager

(you can have more than one WEC).

Use the form:




Note: For redundancy you can forward to multiple WEC servers!

Next (in the same GPO edit) navigate to:

→ Computer Configuration

→ Policies

→ Windows Settings

→ Security Settings

→ System Services

The WEF service is a part of WS Management, so that needs to be running.

Edit “Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)”

Enable the policy and set the startup mode to Automatic

Since we are using Source Initiated WEF, we do not need to open the WinRM ports on the Firewall, as these connections are outbound.

(For Collector Initiated, you will need to make WinRM reachable from WEC server.)

Next (in the same GPO edit) navigate to:

→ Computer Configuration

→ Preferences

→ Control Panel Settings

→ Local Users and Groups

We need to allow the WEF service, which runs as “Network Service” to be able to access and read all Event Logs.

Right-Click and select New-->Local Group

Click the “...” button next to Group Name.

Be sure that location is set to the local system and not the AD domain.

Enter the “Event Log Readers” group

Under Members, Click the Add button

Next to the Name field click the “...” button

Be sure that location is set to the local system and not the AD domain.

Enter the “Network Service” user.

Finally you should have the displayed (left) Group name; note the “(built-in)” next to it.

You should also be ‘Updating’ this group with “BUILTIN\NETWORK SERVICE” with SID S-1-5-20 and action ADD

Your new WEF Policy is now complete and you can close the Editor

Set up Winlogbeat

The Winlogbeat MSI installer can be found here: 

Download the Winlogbeat MSI installer from:

Run and Click next through the installer

The last screen will give you the option to open the configuration directory in Windows Explorer


Note: If this is the first time it will take winlogbeat.example.yml and generate a new configuration. All subsequent runs it will take winlogbeat.yml and update it with any changes from wec_config.ps1, keeping other configurations, like output, intact.

It does this by replacing everything between “winlogbeat.event_logs:” or “processors:” and the first comment line starting with “# =”

Auto-configure output with Cloud ID

In the winlogbeat.yml config you can set “” and “cloud.auth”, which will then automatically configure everything else for you. You have a Cloud ID if you use Elastic Cloud ( for Cloud SaaS deployments or you use ECE/ECK on-premises (or in your own VPC); if not follow: Manually configure the Elasticsearch output

.\beat_cmd.ps1 keystore add CLOUD_ID

Enter value for CLOUD_ID: <<PASTE CLOUD ID>>

Successfully updated the keystore

You can use --force to overwrite an existing value

.\beat_cmd.ps1 keystore add CLOUD_AUTH


Successfully updated the keystore

Note: Do not use the Elasticsearch “elastic” user. This user is equivalent to Administrator for Elasticsearch, and so using it for Beats is a big security risk. We recommend you create and use the “beat_agent” user as documented here: ${CLOUD_ID}

cloud.auth: ${CLOUD_AUTH}

You might want to comment the output.elasticsearch out, as it will not be used when one uses

Don’t forget to save.

.\beat_cmd.ps1 setup

Note: If you ever upgrade Beats again to a new version you will have to run setup again to prepare Elasticsearch and Kibana for that version of Beats.

Restart-Service -name winlogbeat

Manually configure the Elasticsearch output

In the winlogbeat.yml you will need to configure “output.elasticsearch:” and “setup.kibana:”

.\beat_cmd.ps1 keystore add BEAT_UN

Enter value for BEAT_UN: <<PASTE BEAT USERNAME>>

Successfully updated the keystore

You can use --force to overwrite an existing value

.\beat_cmd.ps1 keystore add BEAT_PW

Enter value for BEAT_PW: <<PASTE BEAT PASSWORD>>

Successfully updated the keystore

Note: Do not use the Elasticsearch “elastic” user. This user is equivalent to Administrator for Elasticsearch, and so using it for Beats is a big security risk. We recommend you create and use the “beat_agent” user as documented here: 


  host: ""


  hosts: ["FQDN-of-ES1:9200","FQDN-of-ES2:9200","FQDN-of-ES3:9200"]

  protocol: "https"

  username: ${BEAT_UN}

  password: ${BEAT_PW}

Don’t forget to save.

.\beat_cmd.ps1 setup

Note: If you ever upgrade Beats again to a new version you will have to run setup again to prepare Elasticsearch and Kibana for that version of Beats.

Restart-Service -name winlogbeat

Other useful winlogbeat.yml configuration options



WEC Server troubleshooting

WEC on Windows Server 2016 or 2019 and no Subscription is working

If you’ve set up WEC on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019, you will probably find that Event Logs are not being forwarded.

If you look at a source host, you will find a log entry similar to:

To fix this:

netsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:5985/wsman/

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:5985/wsman/ sddl='D:(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-569256582-2953403351-2909559716-1301513147-412116970)(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-4059739203-877974739-1245631912-527174227-2996563517)'

netsh http delete urlacl url=https://+:5986/wsman/

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:5986/wsman/ sddl='D:(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-569256582-2953403351-2909559716-1301513147-412116970)(A;;GX;;;S-1-5-80-4059739203-877974739-1245631912-527174227-2996563517)'

Restart-Service -name wecsvc

Reference: [Events are not forwarded if the collector is running Windows Server]

Only receive Event ID 111

Once you deployed your WEC and the required GPOs, you might see the following from source hosts:

This is likely because the Event Forwarder (running as Network Service) can not read the local logs. For this reason the WEF Policy (detailed in Configure Windows Event Forwarding (WEF)) adds the local “Network Service” user to the local “Event Log Readers” group. However, if that GPO was published recently many of the source systems will have already started their services without that new group assignment.

To fix this problem, simply reboot the source host. However you may want to ensure that it has up-to-date GPOs by running the following command in an Administrator console:

gpupdate.exe /force /boot

Despite the /boot argument, the new group assignment won't trigger a reboot, so you still need to do that. This is because any already started process will already have the old group assignment. You can also check the membership of the local “Event Log Readers” group.

This problem will also resolve itself over time. It only affects systems that last booted before the new GPO existed. So it won't affect any new systems (new domain members) or existing systems that have booted after receiving the new GPO.

References & further reading

Creating Custom Windows Event Forwarding Logs

Use Windows Event Forwarding to help with intrusion detection (WEF-ID)

WEF-ID Appendix A - Minimum recommended minimum audit policy

WEF-ID Appendix B - Recommended minimum registry system ACL policy

WEF-ID Appendix C - Event channel settings (enable and channel access) methods

WEF-ID Appendix D - Minimum GPO for WEF Client configuration

WEF-ID Appendix E – Annotated baseline subscription event query

WEF-ID Appendix F – Annotated Suspect Subscription Event Query

Security (threat detection) Audit Policies and windows events (SAP)

This spreadsheet summaries and maps the recommendations of the follow document:

SAP Security auditing 

SAP Advanced security audit policies 

SAP Advanced security audit policy settings

SAP Advanced security auditing FAQ 

Events are not forwarded if the collector is running Windows Server

Palantir WEC

An alternate way to setup a WEC server: (for your consideration)


See other Cookbook guides that I have written:


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