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2023-2024 Student Handbook
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Student Handbook

IvyTech Charter School

6591 Collins Dr, Suite E-4

Moorpark, CA  93021

(805) 222-5188

I N D P E N D E N T  S T U D Y  E X P E C T A T I O N S

Expectations of all students:


Tiered Reengagement Strategies- When a student is not generating attendance for more than 10% of the required minimum instructional time over four continuous weeks of the school calendar or found not participatory in synchronous instructions, or is in violation of the written agreement, IvyTech will implement the following strategies:

  1. Verification of current contact information for each student
  2. Notification to parents or guardians of lack of participation within one (1) school day of the recording of non-attendance or lack of participation.
  3. A plan for outreach to determine the student’s needs, including connection with health and social services as necessary.
  4. A clear standard for requiring a student-parent-educator conference to review a student’s written agreement and reconsider how independent study is impacting the student’s achievement and well-being is consistent with the policies adopted pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (g) of Education Code Section 51747.

In the event that a student fails to complete five (5) assignments during any learning period (20 school days) or educational progress falls below satisfactory levels, IvyTech will conduct an evaluation to determine whether it is in the best interest of the student to remain in the independent study program.


Students meet weekly with their assigned advisor teacher to check that they are making adequate academic progress and to set weekly goals. Students can access and work on their courses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through this option. In general, students will need to login each day to complete work in order to stay on pace for their courses and meet independent study requirements. Subject-specific teachers grade and monitor student work. There are opportunities on Mondays and Fridays for engagement with subject-specific teachers during scheduled office hours. Teachers can also set up appointments with students for additional support beyond these hours.   Everything students need is generally accessed through our online learning management systems.

Benefits include:


Students can participate in this program in-person or virtually through the Zoom Virtual Campus*. All structured synchronous program students meet 3-days per week. Structured classes begin as early as 8:45 am and end as late as 3:30, depending on each student’s schedule, and focus on both core subjects and onsite electives. Availability of onsite electives will be determined by student interest, and in our ability to safely execute the course. Students complete the majority of coursework onsite with some coursework completed independently.

Virtual synchronous options are available for math, English, and Global Awareness (history) courses.

        Program emphasizes:

        Benefits include:

E N R O L L M E N T  &  W I T H D R A W A L  P R O C E D U R E

Prospective students & School Tours

Parents and prospective students wishing to learn more about IvyTech Charter School and/or tour the campus will need to contact our office at (805) 222-5188 to make an appointment to meet with the principal, Ms. Diaz.

To better assist you and answer any questions you might have, please bring a copy of your most recent transcript.

Registering As A New Student for Fall & Spring Semesters

Registering is a 4 step process:

Step 1: Schedule a tour and meet with the principal.

Step 2: Complete an online registration form. Fill-out the registration form on our website ( or pick up a form in our front office.

PLEASE NOTE: Students already enrolled in another school DO NOT withdraw until we have completed the registration review process and have contacted you to confirm an orientation date to begin enrollment with IvyTech. Your orientation will be your first day of attendance with us; at that time you MUST be withdrawn from your previous school and provide a withdraw notice with withdrawal date printed on it to confirm the student will not be dually enrolled.

Step 3: Once we receive your registration, we will call you to schedule an appointment for admission/orientation.

PLEASE NOTE: Parents will need to bring the following documentation to the orientation appointment:

Step 4: Orientation- Once students are registered, they will meet with the counselor/principal to fill out and sign all required documents, enroll in classes, complete baseline diagnostic assessments, and review the program. Students under the age of 18 years must have a parent or legal guardian present to sign the Written Agreement. Required documentation includes:

        Students will also be assigned the following:

NOTE: All students in grades 7-12 will be required to take a English and math test for placement.

Students from schools outside of California must meet California State graduation requirements and IvyTech Charter School’s graduation requirements in order to receive a diploma from IvyTech Charter School.

Registering as a Returning Student for Fall & Spring Semesters

Ms. Diaz will work with you to plan and schedule your classes each semester. Please contact her,, with any questions you might have or special circumstances for consideration of your upcoming schedules.

Withdrawal Procedure

Parents wishing to withdraw their student from IvyTech Charter School need to notify the office coordinator by calling (805) 222-5188. The office coordinator will distribute a withdrawal form to the student’s teachers and teachers will provide a withdrawal grade and signature. The student must return his or her assigned Chromebook, as well as all cases, chargers, accessories, etc. to the Director of Operations. The student will be given a copy of the Withdrawal Form, as well as a copy of their unofficial transcript. Failure to comply with this procedure will delay the release of student’s transcripts and other pertinent documentation.

Attendance for Blended-Learning Classes and Electives

Regular attendance is a critical component for success in school. Parents are requested to schedule family vacations during school vacation periods. Our blended-learning schedule offers a great deal of flexibility throughout each week for opportunities to enroll in electives, college courses, Career Education Courses (CEC)  (formerly ROP) classes, work experience and other extracurricular activities outside of school such as sports and dance.

Each semester may have a slight variation in start times, so please see the most current school calendar and semester schedule that was provided to you at orientation or the start of a new semester. .

S T U D E N T  E X P E C T A T I O N S

IvyTech Charter has the right and responsibility to control access and activities to ensure the safety, physical, and mental well being of those on site. Please remember that you, as a student, have enrolled subject to the following conditions:

School Equipment

It is the responsibility of the student to monitor and take care of their assigned electronics. Books, or other material needed for IvyTech curriculum. Please read and adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) handbook that was given to you at orientation.

School Environment

Student Behavior

The student’s behavior must be appropriate or the student will be asked to leave or possibly dropped from enrollment, depending on the nature of the problem. In the event of any direct threat, violent act, possession of any weapon, narcotics, illegal substance, or any other act considered illegal by the state of California, the student will be suspended and/or expelled from IvyTech Charter.

Dress Code

Students should come appropriately dressed to school. Attire that is considered distracting, immodest, revealing, gang related, vulgar, or that mocks others on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, or national origin is prohibited. Consequences for Dress Code Violations will be to leave or change clothing.

Safety Drills

Students will participate in all safety drills and will familiarize themselves with the emergency escape plan posted at the school.

Internet Code of Conduct Policy

All students will sign an “Acceptable Uses Policy” during orientation.

G E N E R A L  A N D  M I S C E L L A N E O U S  I N F O R M A T I O N

School and Office Hours

Our office is open from 8am – 3:30 pm Monday – Friday.

Classes are scheduled throughout the day for grades 9-12. Teacher appointments for tutoring or to schedule a test are between the students and teachers to make.

Campus Visitors

IvyTech welcomes parents/guardians to visit our school.  For safety, all visitors, including parents and guardians, are required to report to the D1-A office upon arrival and departure. No parent or non-enrolled student

Students not enrolled in IvyTech are not permitted to visit or wait for classes to end.

Updating Student Information

When families move during the course of a school year, it is critical that they notify the school office of this change so the school can maintain necessary and appropriate contact with the family. If you move during the course of the year, please submit all pertinent information to the school office prior to the move. This is the same in regards to new phone or email information.

Conference Scheduling

The staff is always happy to discuss a student’s progress or address any questions during a scheduled conference time.

Field Trips

During the school year, teachers may schedule educational or service-based field trips. The teacher or school office will announce trips in an email in advance. A permission slip must be signed and returned to the school in order for the student to attend the field trip.  The permission form will provide details of the trip (destination, times, transportation, cost, etc.).

Lunch/Snacks Program

Due to Ivytech is an Independent Study school and all students have different schedules (Less than 4 hours on site) IvyTech does not serve lunch or snacks.


IvyTech Charter School (ITCS) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. ITCS is committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and bullying in any employment practice, education program, educational activity, and facilities on the basis of an actual or perceived protected category, and an environment free from retaliation for participation in any protected activity covered by this policy. ITCS does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, religious creed, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, immigration status or citizenship, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, parental, family, registered domestic partner status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, veteran and/or military status, protected medical leaves, status as a victim of domestic violence, assault or stalking, political affiliation, and any other or any other basis protected by California state or federal nondiscrimination laws respectively. Reporting, or assisting in reporting, suspected violations of this policy and cooperating in investigations or proceedings arising out of a violation of this policy are protected activities under this policy. Not all bases of discrimination will apply to both educational services and employment. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination and civil rights should be directed to ITCS' Title IX Coordinator:



IvyTech’s Principal, Ms. Diaz, is also the school counselor. Students may meet with the school  counselor during school hours Monday through Friday. Please keep in mind that meetings with the counselor are available on a first-come, first -served basis when the counselor is available, unless an appointment is made.

Parents may contact the Ms. Diaz for appointments, graduation progress updates, or other concerns during school hours by calling (805) 222-5188, or by email at


The school counselor provides:


Your counselor can help you with post-secondary higher education exploration and college admission information, as well as career information for most occupations, future prospects, salary expectations, location of available jobs, expected job growth, and sources for more information. Additionally, your counselor can help administer career inventories for further exploration and guidance.

U N D E R S T A N D I N G  H I G H  S C H O O L  C O U R S E  &  C R E D I T  P O L I C I E S

To graduate high school, students need to earn a set number of credits. California has an established set of minimum graduation requirements every public school must adhere to at minimum. Every school district sets the number of credits needed to graduate from their school on top of the minimum required by the state.. IvyTech requires 230 credits to graduate and receive a high school diploma

Students earn 5 credits per semester for high school semester-long courses. In order to earn all 5 credits, students must earn a grade of at least a D- (60%). Students earn 10 credits for a year-long class, or two semester of a class. There are some exceptions to this, such as Advisory class and work experience or organized PE. Approximately 15 hours of work equals one credit.

Please note, while students can earn high school credit with a grade of D, colleges and universities require a minimum grade of C in order to count toward admissions requirements.

It’s important that you understand and are familiar with how to earn credits in order to monitor your progress toward graduation.

Course Enrollment Requirements & Limits

All students must be enrolled in enough courses each semester in order to earn the credits necessary to complete IvyTech’s graduation requirements. (See chart on pg. *** for an overview of the requirements.)

On average, students need to take 5 or 6 classes, 25-30 credits, each semester. Usually, students in grades 9 through 11 take 6 classes, or 30 credits each semester, while students in grade 12 take at least 5 classes, or  25 credits each semester.

There might be exceptions for the average minimum, such as a request to take more classes/credits during a semester (i.e., retaking a failed course while staying on track to graduate, taking more courses for an accelerated course of study). If a student wants or needs to take more than 30 credits a semester, the principal must approve the additional credits before the semester starts or before the students enrolls in these courses.  

Work closely with your counselor to plan and schedule your courses each semester.

Variable Credit

IvyTech Charter will issue variable (or partial) credits for the semester grading period. IvyTech will also accept variable credits from transfer students when listed on an official transcript or quarter report card from an accredited public school, juvenile court school, non-public or nonsectarian school or agency.

All students at IvyTech will be given variable credit for work completed when a course is not fully complete by the end of a grading period.  

Repeat Policy

Students may repeat a class to improve their GPA only if the original grade was a D or F. To be accepted by the UC system, students may repeat the course only once. UC will not accept repeat grades for grades of C or better

High School Coursework Completed in Grades 7 and 8

Students can complete high school level coursework in a language other than English (LOTE) and/or mathematics (e.g., Algebra 1, Math 1, and higher). Students who earn a grade of C or better in these classes will fulfill high school graduation and admission requirements for these subjects.

Course Change Policy

Students can drop/change a course within the first 4 weeks of the semester without it appearing on the student’s transcript. Parents and/or students must initiate the request to the principal, Ms. Diaz, within the first 4 weeks of the semester.

Please remember that students must take at least 4 classes each semester, or 20 credits. If a student drops a class but is in need of credits, they will need to replace that class with another in order to make up the deficiency.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards will be issued each semester approximately one week after the last day of each semester.  Progress reports will be issued each quarter.

Student Transcripts

School transcripts are maintained for each student at the secondary level. The transcripts include records of the student’s courses, grades, and credits earned for each course. The transcripts are completed each semester  with the heading on each semester of the date, time, courses taken, and school credits earned. The transcript is an important resource for determining the courses a student needs to complete in meeting the graduation requirements.

Transcript Ordering & Fees

Copies of transcripts may be obtained from the ITCS Registrar. Unofficial transcripts are free of charge. They are available to current students and families through the student/parent portal. For former students, they are generally available immediately upon request.

If you need a copy of an official transcript, please contact our registrar to request one. The first two copies of an official transcript are free. Each copy thereafter is $5. Please allow 24 hours for processing. Payment is due upon receipt.

Students are responsible for mailing their official transcripts to schools that do not accept electronic submissions. Transcripts must be picked up within 10 days or they will be destroyed and will need to be requested again.

G R A D U A T I O N  R E Q U I R E M E N T S

Students must complete 230 credits in the following areas:

ENGLISH …………………………………………………………………..        4 YEARS/8 SEMESTERS         (40 credits)

HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE ………………………………..        3 YEARS/6 SEMESTERS         (30 credits)

        Grade 10 = World History ………………………        1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

        Grade 11 = US History ……………………….……        1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

        Grade 12 = US Government …………………..        .5 YEAR/1 SEMESTER                ( 5 credits)

                      Economics ……………………………        .5 YEAR/1 SEMESTER                ( 5 credits)

SCIENCE …………………………………………………………….……        2 YEARS/4 SEMESTERS        (20 credits)

Physical Science …………………………………….        1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

Life Science                                1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

MATHEMATICS ………………………………………………………        3 YEARS/6 SEMESTERS         (30 credits)

***All students must pass Algebra 1 Sequence***

Algebra …………………………………………………...……        1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

Additional Math                                  2 YEARS/4 SEMESTERS        (20 credits)

HEALTH …………………………………………………………………….          .5 YEAR/1 SEMESTER                ( 5 credits)

FINE ARTS …………………………………………………..……………        1 YEAR/ 2 SEMESTERS                (10 credits)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION …………………………………………        2 YEARS/4 SEMESTERS        (20 credits)

Grade 9: Two (2) semesters of P.E.

Grade 10-12: Two (2) semesters of P.E.

ADDITIONAL CLASSES …………………………………………        4 YEARS/15 SEMESTERS        (75 credits)s)

***Duplicate courses in classes, excluding P.E., may not be given double credit***

IvyTech Graduation Requirements:

Electives should include: College and Career Readiness, Google Apps for Education, and Money Math.

See course catalog for listing of all current electives.

IvyTech Charter School Graduation Requirements &

University of California/California State University Requirements

IvyTech requires students to complete a diverse course of study to earn 230 credits in order to graduate.

The University of California and the California State University have designated a minimum of 15 college-prepatory courses known as “A-G courses” in all subject areas as courses students must complete in order to qualify for admission to these universities.


“A-G” Subject Requirement

ITCS Graduation Requirements

UC and CSU

Admission Requirements

Social Studies

Subject “A” Requirement

10 credits World History

10 credits United States History

5 credits U.S. Government

5 credits Economics

Two years required:

One year World History

One year  U.S. History

Or 1 semester of US History  and 1 semester of civics or American government


Subject “B” Requirement

10 credits English 9

10 credits English 10

10 credits English 11

10 credits English 12

Four years required:

English composition and literature


Subject “C” Requirement

10 credits Algebra 1

20 credits Mathematics

Three years required, Four years recommended:

Algebra I, Geometry,  and Algebra II

Math 1, Math 2, or Math 3, or higher mathematics


Subject “D” Requirement

10 credits Life Science

10 credits Physical Science

Two years required, Three years recommended, with at least two in one of the following foundational subjects:

Laboratory Science- Biology, Chemistry, and/or Physics

Foreign Language

Subject “E” Requirement

10 credits in a foreign language or fine art (see fine arts)

Two years required, Three years recommended: (must be in same language)

Visual and Performing Arts

Subject “F” Requirement

10 credits in a visual or performing art or fine art (see foreign language)

One year required: (must be in same subject area)


Subject “G” Requirement

75 credits in various courses

One year required:

“a-f” courses beyond required above or UC/CSU approved elective courses

Physical Education

20 credits

No Requirement


5 credits Health

Admission Test(s) Required:

CSU: SAT Reasoning or ACT

UC: SAT Reasoning or ACT + Writing section



15 courses required, 18 recommended

IvyTech Graduation Requirements:

Requirements for UC and Cal State Universities:

Requirements for California Community Colleges:

IvyTech Charter School A-G Course List;academicYearId=23


UC Admissions:

CSU admissions:

*NOTE: A-G requirements are used for the UC and CSU only. Private colleges and universities in California and other states, as well as public colleges and universities outside of California, follow their own specific admission requirements. It’s important to look at these individually and speak with your counselor for more information.

A C A D E M I C  P L A N N I N G

It’s important to consider the courses you need to take and successfully pass in order to meet all high school graduation requirements and graduate in 4 years.

On average, students take 30 credits or 6 classes each semester. Students can take more or less depending on needs, plans for summer, and courses taken. (College courses award more credits than high school courses.)

What you plan to do after high school is important in determining which classes you will need to take. There are specific courses required for attending a 4-year college or university opposed to a 2-year community college. Different career paths and vocational goals will also have different requirements.

For students interested in pursuing higher education at a community or 4-year university, it is important to check out the recommended course of study for admissions. Speak to your counselor for more information about that.

Below are suggested 4-year plans for students taking independent study or structured synchronous courses. These are ONLY examples of options. Each student’s plan is different and will need to be tailored to their goals and plans. Again, it’s important to meet with your counselor regularly to discuss and make these plans.





11th GRADE



Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semeseter 1

Semester 2


World History

United States History




English 9

English 10

English 11

English 12


Algebra 1/Math 1/Geometry/Math 2

Geometry/Math 2/Algebra 2/Math 3

Algebra 2/Math 3/Pre Calc

PreCalc/CC Math Course


Life Science/Biology

Life Science/Biology/Chemistry

Chemistry/Other Science

Othere Science


LOTE- Spanish/French

LOTE- Spanish/French

LOTE- Spanish/French


Visual/Performing Arts





Elective/CC course

Elective/CC course

Elective/CC course

Elective/CC course








11th GRADE



Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semeseter 1

Semester 2


Global Awareness: World History

Global Awareness: United States History



English 9

English 10

English 11

English 12


Algebra 1/Math 1/Geometry/Math 2

Geometry/Math 2/Algebra 2/Math 3

Algebra 2/IS Math 3/IS Pre Calc

IS PreCalc/CC Math Course


Forensic Science/Anatomy/Earth and Space Science/

Forensic Science/Anatomy/Earth and Space Science/

Forensic Science/Anatomy/Earth and Space Science/

Forensic Science/Anatomy/Earth and Space Science


IS LOTE- Spanish/French

IS LOTE- Spanish/French

IS LOTE- Spanish/French


IS Visual/Performing Arts




IS Health/OS Elective

OS Elective

OS Elective

OS Elective

OS Elective

OS Elective

Global Awareness

Global Awareness

CC course

CC course

CC course

CC course



Use the chart below to plan your school year or keep track of classes you’ve taken.


A-G Req



Semester 1

Semester 2

Credits Earned

Semester 1

Semester 2

Credits Earned









A-G Req



Semester 1

Semester 2

Credits Earned

Semester 1

Semester 2

Credits Earned









S P E C I A L  P R O G R A M S

IvyTech is committed to providing a quality and personalized learning experience that will prepare students for college, career and life. Our programs allow students flexibility to explore their interests and passions while earning high school credits. Students must take the minimum number of required courses and credits each semester (4 classes or 20 credits), but coures can be a combination of traditional classes and the following special programs.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment, or concurrent enrollment, programs mean students take classes at a local community college while taking high school courses. “Research suggests that participation in dual enrollment can lead to better grades in high school, increased enrollment in college following high school, higher rates of persistence in college, greater credit accumulation, and increased rates of credential attainment[5],[6]” ( Other benefits of enrolling in college courses while in high school include:

In order to enroll in college courses you must obtain the following:

Registration dates  for high school students at community colleges can vary, but generally take place in May for the Summer and Fall semesters and in November for the Spring semester.  

Please see your Ms. Diaz for more information about the dual enrollment program, the process and procedure for registering.


*High school students do not need to pay the college enrollment fee of $46 per unit, but may need to pay for textbooks, parking permits, and additional course fees.

Dual Enrollment Policies

The maximum number of college units permitted by the community colleges for high school students is 11. (12 units is considered full time enrollment.) You must meet with Ms. Diaz in order to have all college courses approved.

Taking college courses in addition to a regular high school course load will be rigorous and challenging. Please consider the decision to take college courses carefully and discuss what it means to take college courses with your parent(s)/guardian(s). You will want to make sure you are able to successfully manage all your courses.

Carnegie Hours

American colleges and universities use a formula called the Carnegie unit formula  to measure how much time a student is expected to work in a class and how much credit they will earn.  The formula directly relates to instructional assignments, both in and out of class. The Carnegie formula requires three (3) hours of work per week by the student, either in or out of class, for the duration of the term. Three hours of weekly work– whether through lecture, lab, and/or homework- is assigned a value of one (1) unit.

Therefore, to estimate how much time you will need to dedicate to a college class, you would use the following formula:

# of units x 3 hours = # of estimated hours needed for all assignments/work per week.

Keep this formula in mind when considering which and how many college courses to take.

College Credit to High School Credit Conversion

College Units

High School Credits




3.0 (5.0 for PE)

















Community Service

IvyTech recognizes that performing community service is an important part of academic, social, and character development. Many students wish to complete community service in order to give back to their community, boost their high school transcript, or explore a desired career option. IvyTech will award elective credit for community service.

In order to earn credit for community service, students must first find a community service placement that will allow them to serve a minimum 60 hours for the duration of a semester. They will then need to have the community service placement approved for credit by Ms. Diaz  and will need to enroll in the Community Service class. They will need to provide the organization's name, address, and phone number, as well as their direct supervisor’s contact information. Students will need to record their hours, include a description of how time was spent and have a supervisor sign to verify.

Students will earn 5 elective credits for 60 verified hours of community service.

Students will earn a maximum of 10 elective credits for up to 120 hours of verified service.

Please see Ms. Diaz for more information.  

Work Experience

Many students work part-time while in high school. Some work to earn income, gain job experience, or connect their course of study or interests with the real world. IvyTech recognizes the benefits of early work experience and awards students credits for the earned work hours completed at their jobs.

Students will need to enroll in the Work Experience class in order to earn credits for any job they have. Students will need to submit copies of their pay stubs to the Work Experience class in order to verify hours.

Students will earn 5 elective credits for 75 hours of work.

Students will earn a maximum of 10 elective credits for up to 150 hours of work.  

Minors employed in the State of California must have a “Work Permit,” which is issued by IvyTech to currently enrolled students. Students are eligible for a work permit as long as they are in good academic and behavioral standing and are following the requirements of the written agreement.

Please see Ms. Diaz for more information about the work experience program and all requirements.

Organized PE

Students choose IvyTech for an assortment of reasons. One of these reasons is a need for a flexible schedule that allows students to pursue other passions, such as sports. IvyTech recognizes the level of commitment and time some students put forth in their sports, playing for clubs, going pro, or spending hours at a dance studio. IvyTech will award students credits for completed hours spent training, playing, and competing in an organized sport.

In order to earn credit for the organized sport or activity in which they participate, students will need to

Have the organized sport or activity approved for credit by Ms. Diaz  and will need to enroll in the Organized  class. They will need to provide the organization's name, address, and phone number, as well as their direct supervisor or coach’s contact information. Students will need to record their hours and have a supervisor sign to verify.

Students will earn 5 elective credits for 60 verified hours of organized PE.

Students will earn a maximum of 10 elective credits for up to 12 hours of organized PE.

Please see Ms. Diaz for more information about the organized PE program and all requirements.

Exploratory Elective/Alternative Course Options

IvyTech offers a multitude of opportunities for students to explore various extracurricular activities. Students with an interest and passion for extracurriculars outside the scope of the IvyTech curriculum may pursue these personal interests within an approved program while earning elective credits.

Students and parents will need to work closely with Ms. Diaz to have electives approved. The following information needs to be submitted:

Please see your counselor for more information about the alternative course optoins and all requirements.

Ventura County Career Education Center (CEC)/ Regional Occupational Program (ROP)

CEC/ROP is a job training program that provides hands-on career preparation held at various locations and school campuses throughout Ventura County. Programs are open to all eligible high school students, although they are designed for junior and seniors. This program offers students the opportunity to earn high school elective credit, while partaking in career exploration, as well as gaining experience and training for entry-level jobs in a variety of industries. Community-based internships at local businesses and industry sites are offered. The program is scheduled to fit into student schedules, with classes taking place in the afternoons or evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Transportation is provided for most courses to and from a high school within students’ communities.

Satisfactory attendance is required and students will be dropped from a program or earn a FAIL grade if they fail to complete all required hours and work for a program. Enrollment takes place prior to the start of every new semester.

To enroll in a CEC course:

Registration begins in the Spring. Late registration generally ends in early August as space permits. .

Please see your counselor for more information about the CEC/ROP program and visit the Ventura County Office of Education website for more information about the CEC/ROP program.

High School Credit for CEC Courses

Students are awarded 1 high school credit for every 15 hours of training completed and document in a CEC course up to a maximum of 10 credits per semester. The CEC office will share final course grades with IvyTech and IvyTech will then transfer these grades to the student’s transcript. Credits will be awarded under the electives category.  

Career Technical Education

Career technical education (CTE) engages all students in a dynamic and seamless learning experience resulting in their mastery of the career and academic knowledge and skills necessary to become productive, contributing members of society. The internet address for the portion of the CDE web site where pupils can learn more about CTE is:

G R A D I N G  P O L I C Y  &  G R A D E  S C A L E

The grade given in any course represents the credentialed teacher’s considered judgment of the degree to which the student has achieved the goals and objectives of the course. It represents the teacher’s professional judgment of the quality of the student’s work and the student’s degree of mastery. No grade may be changed by an administrator unless a clerical or mechanical mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence can be identified.

Five credits are awarded for each semester course completed successfully with a grade A, B, C or D. The related credits earned are applied towards IvyTech Charter graduation requirements in accordance with each courses’ “Required” or “Elective” credit designation. Once an academic requirement has been met, any excess credits may be applied towards the Elective requirement..

No Mark (NM) 

This grade may only be issued on a report card when a student was enrolled in the course for less than 15 days prior to the end of the grading period. Teachers must use a letter grade or an “I” incomplete in all other circumstances.

Incomplete (I) 

This grade may be given when a student is unable to complete coursework or take final exams due to extenuating circumstances. Students will have until the next official grading period (Quarter) to make up the missing work. Otherwise, the “I” incomplete will turn to a “F” fail.

Weighted Grades 

IvyTech does not offer Advanced Placement or Honor courses to issue weighted grades.

Grading Scale


























59% & below






Grade Point Average

Grade point average (GPA) is calculated based on all grades earned in all classes taken from 9th through 12th grade. Pluses and minuses have no value when determining GPA.  

Class Ranking

IvyTech does not report class rank.

A C A D E M I C  I N T E G R I T Y  P O L I C Y

IvyTech Charter School expects all students to abide by ethical academic standards. Academic dishonesty—including plagiarism, cheating or copying the work of another, using technology for illicit purposes, or any unauthorized communication between students for the purpose of gaining advantage during an examination—is strictly prohibited. IvyTech Charter ‘s Academic Integrity Policy covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, class assignments, and projects, both in and out of class. The purpose of IvyTech Charter’s Academic Integrity Policy is to prepare students for the reality created by the technology explosion, for the world of college and beyond, where cheating and plagiarism have dire consequences.

It is the student’s responsibility to understand and be familiar with the academic integrity policy.

It is everyone’s responsibility, including students, staff, administrators, and parents/guardians, to create and maintain a positive school climate that encourages honesty and integrity.

Plagiarism is not the same as cooperation or collaboration. Teachers often expect, even encourage, students to work on assignments collectively. This is okay, as long as whose work being presented is clearly stated.

The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on specific evidence provided by the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from others.

Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to disciplinary as well as academic penalties, as outlined below.

Range of Possible Consequences

Copying class work or homework

Zero on assignment
Parent notification

Contract (i.e., probation)

Plagiarizing or cheating on an Exam or assignment

Counselor notification
Parent / student / teacher / counselor conference

Notice to administration

Forgery or stealing

Involuntary transfer to Home District

Dismissal from extracurricular activities (i.e. field trips).

A S S E S S M E N T S  &  T E S T I N G

Testing and assessment tools are an integral part of IvyTech Charter School’s educational environment. All students are encouraged to demonstrate their abilities to their fullest capacity on each test. Local, state, and national test results are kept in each student’s file, and may be considered a part of the graduation requirement.

All IvyTech courses have Midterms and Finals. Testing will be conducted on-site, NO EXCEPTIONS, unless otherwise arranged.

State Mandated Assessments

These tests are facilitated and proctored at the IvyTech site.         

Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents/guardians may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all of the CAASPP assessments.

Other tests proctored by outside agencies and discussed by our staff:

SAT, ACT, AP Exam Scores-  IvyTech transcripts do not reflect these scores. When submitting college and /or scholarship applications, seniors are reminded to have their scores sent directly to colleges by the College Board and ACT.

California High School Proficiency Exam

The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a voluntary test that assesses proficiency in the basic reading, writing and mathematics skills taught in public schools. (CA Education Code Section 48412). Eligible students who pass both parts of the CHSPE are awarded a Certificate of Proficiency by the State Board of Education. By law it is equivalent to a high school diploma, but not equivalent to completing all requirements for regular graduation from high school.)


You may take the CHSPE only if on the test date, you:

Please note the Certificate of Proficiency is currently only valid in California. Additionally, students who complete high school by taking the CHSPE are not eligible for FAFSA.

Additional information may be found at

NCAA Eligibility                        

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is an athletic association that consists of three divisions (Division I, II, and III) and oversees 23 sports. Division I and II both offer athletic scholarships; however, Division II student-athletes can only receive academic or non-athletics scholarships. For current NCAA academic requirements go to

IvyTech is accredited by the NCAA. Students who wish to participate in NCAA Division sports are required to complete academic core requirements, earn a required minimum grade point average, and earn a minimum score on the ACT or the SAT, as determined by the NCAA. The testing requirement is currently waived.

You can find IvyTech list of NCAA approved courses at

Prospective student athletes must also register with the NCAA. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center at for more information and consult with Ms. Diaz regarding the process.

Cal Grant Opt Out (for 11th graders ONLY)

In order to be considered for a Cal Grant, California public high schools and charter schools are required to submit a high school Grade Point Average (GPA) to the California Student Aid Commission by October 1 for all graduating seniors, unless the student or parent has opted out. California Education Code section 69432.9 requires the school district or charter school, to notify all grade 11 pupils and their parent/guardian (if under the age of 18), in writing and no later than January 1 of a pupil’s grade 11 academic year, that the pupil will be deemed a Cal Grant applicant unless the pupil has opted out prior to the date below (as specified by the high school). Students who do not opt out will have their GPA submitted to the Commission to be considered for a Cal Grant award.


Graduations are an important moment in the culmination of a student’s educational journey. We celebrate this accomplishment with a high school graduation ceremony. To participate in the graduation ceremony, seniors must have completed all graduation requirements by the end of the 2nd semester of their senior year.

Seniors are notified in the spring of their progress toward graduation. Students on track to graduate will be contacted by our office manager for information related to caps and gowns, ceremony information, etc.

IvyTech graduation ceremonies are intimate and special. We ask that seniors limit the number of invitations to SIX guests. Student names are printed on diplomas as they are in our Student Information System.

P O S T - S E C O N D A R Y  E D U C A T I O N  O P T I O N S

Students have several options for pursuing higher education post-high school. Below are some options:

  1. University of California
  1. 9 campuses
  2. 4-year undergraduate education & post-graduate options
  3. Designed to select from the top 12% of the state’s high school graduates, as well as transfer students who have successfully completed a specific pattern of community college coursework.
  4. High school applicants must fulfill the A-G course requirements, attain a minimum 3.0 GPA, submit personal insight question answers, and other required documents and activities.
  5. Visit to learn more about the University of California
  1. California State University
  1. 23 campuses
  2. 4-year undergraduate education & post-graduate options
  3. Designed to select from the top33% of the state’s high school graduates, as well as transfer students who have successfully completed a specific pattern of community college coursework.
  4. High school applicants must fulfill the A-G course requirements, attain a minimum 2.0 GPA or the minimum GPA required for a specific campus or major, submit personal insight question answers, and other required documents and activities.
  5. Visit to learn more about the California State University.
  1. California Community College System
  1. 109 campuses; 3 in Ventura County
  1. Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura
  2. Visit for more information about the Ventura County Community College system.
  1. 2-or more years of undergraduate education, including Associate’s degree & certificate options
  2. Students can attend ANY community college in the state- no residency requirement
  3. High school graduates and students who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to apply and enroll for community college assessments.
  4. Visit for information about transferring to the UC or CSU from a community college
  1. Both UC and CSU offer guaranteed transfers to some campus
  1. Transfer Programs:
  1. To UC system after completion of a minimum of 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable courses (2-years of college work)
  2. To CSU system after completion of a minimum of 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable courses (2-years of college work)
  3. To private colleges or universities: requirements vary by school
  1. In-State or Out-of-State Public or Private Colleges and Universities
  1. Requirements vary by school. See Ms. Diaz to discuss a specific school or program.
  1. Career Technical Education
  1. Programs or courses that focus on career preparation
  2. Visit for more information.


Helpful Websites for College and University Admissions                         (California Community College Sytem) (University of California) (California State University) (Search for majors and transfer options through CSU and UC) (Search CA public, private, and four year colleges) (Search for colleges, majors and scholarships)

Scholarship and Financial Aid Resources (The primary financial aid application for all colleges) (Information for financial aid at CA colleges) (A national search tool for scholarships)


Please note: These are just a few of the many resources available to families in the search for scholarships and financial aid.



IvyTech Charter School Course List


Middle School

MS English 7                                 (2 semesters, Edgenuity)

MS English 8                                 (2 semesters; Edgenuity)

High School

English Language Arts- English 9        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

English Language Arts- English 10         (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

English Language Arts- English 11         (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

English Language Arts- English 12         (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

        Common Core English 9                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Common Core English 10                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Common Core English 11                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Common Core English 12                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)


Middle School

MS World History                         (2 semesters, Edgenuity)

MS US History                                (2 semesters, Edgenuity)

High School

Global Awareness-Geography 9        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Global Awareness- World History        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Global Awareness- US History                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Global Awareness- Global Awareness 12  (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Government                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Economics                                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

World Geography & Cultures                (1 semester, 5 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

World History                                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

US History                                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

United States History                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Government                                (1 semester, 5 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

Economics                                (1 semester, 5 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)


Middle School

        Pre-Algebra                                (2 semesters, Edgenuity)

        Algebra 1A                                (2 semesters, Edgenuity)

        Algebra 1                                (2 semesters, Buzz)

High School

Algebra 1                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous or

Independent Study)

Geometry                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous or

Independent Study)

Algebra 2                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous or

Independent Study)

Precalculus                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Money Math                                 (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

Financial Math                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; APEX; Independent Study)

General Math                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)


Middle School

        MS Science 7                                 (2 semesters, Buzz)

        MS Science 8                                (2 semesters, Buzz)

High School

        Earth & Space Science                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz/Edgenuity;



Biology                                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

        Oceanography                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

Chemistry                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Environmental Science                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Physics                                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Forensics                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Earth Science                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

        Astronomy                                (1 semester, 5 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)


Middle School

        Spanish 1                                (2 semesters; Edgenuity)

        Spanish 2                                (2 semesters; Edgenuity)

High School                

Spanish I                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        Spanish II                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)        

        Spanish III                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

        French I                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)


Middle School

High School

Art                                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

IS Fine Arts                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

Visual Arts                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Art History                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Art Appreciation                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Apex; Independent Study)


Middle School

        Career Explorations                        (2 semesters; Edgenuity)

Keyboarding & Applications                (1 semester; Edgenuity)

        Online Learning & Digital Citizenship        (1 semester; Edgenuity)

High School

3D Printing                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Fencing                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Creative Writing                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Cooking                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Baking                                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

Minecraft Discovery Project                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Buzz; Structured/Synchronous)

        World Geography & Cultures                (1 semester, 5 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

        Ethnic Studies                                (1 semester, 5 credits; Apex; Independent Study)

Psychology                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Sociology                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

College & Career Readiness                (1 semester, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Computer Education                        (1 semester, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)

Creative writing                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Apex; Independent Study)

        Media Literacy                                (2 semesters, 10 credits; Apex; Independent Study)


Middle School

        MS PE                                        (2 semesters; Buzz)

High School

        HS Physical Education                        (4 semesters, 20 credits; Buzz; Independent Study)

        Lifetime Fitness                        (2 semesters, 10 credits; Edgenuity; Independent Study)





Board approved 6/13/2023