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Speaker 1 - Ad

Speaker 2 - Charlie Ward

Speaker 3 - Dave Mahoney

Speaker 4 - Emily


00:00:16 Ad

War, inflation and stock market uncertainty and all after a global



00:00:22 Ad

It's no surprise that you feel uneasy about the future. There's so many things out of your control, but your finances do not need to be.

00:00:29 Ad

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00:01:00 Charlie Ward

People have been waiting for for a very long time, and Emily's gonna enlighten us. She has a full grasp on the QFS.

00:01:10 Charlie Ward

XRP, XLM, and the Central bank digital currency, and she's gonna explain it all for you so you understand it.

00:01:19 Charlie Ward

And for me, it's very exciting. Before we do that while we just building up the last few numbers and I'm gonna point out something that's very important for everyone to watch.

00:01:29 Charlie Ward

At the moment we've all heard the term Boomerang.

00:01:34 Charlie Ward

And it's everything they did to Trump.

00:01:38 Charlie Ward

Everything they did to Bannon.

00:01:40 Charlie Ward

Everything they did to everyone out there is now coming back

00:01:44 Charlie Ward

to haunt them.

00:01:45 Charlie Ward

So, when they were investigating Trump's tax issues

00:01:50 Charlie Ward

which was squeaky clean,

00:01:53 Charlie Ward

and they're now gonna investigate Bidens. And they've got no nobody can argue anymore. He can't say you're picking on him because they did it to Trump.

00:02:03 Charlie Ward

This is absolutely beautiful. This is poetry. What they did to Steve Bannon.

00:02:08 Charlie Ward

They're gonna do through the entire

00:02:11 Charlie Ward

corrupt cabal. They're gonna pick them off 1 by 1. They've already gone through one of Biden's houses, his holiday home.

00:02:21 Charlie Ward

And of course, they found documents there that he shouldn't have had. He had no authority to have.

00:02:27 Charlie Ward

Trump, as president before, had the rights to have certain documentation.

00:02:33 Charlie Ward

As Vice President, he had no rights to have them

00:02:37 Charlie Ward

when he was vice president and these were all from those days.

00:02:41 Charlie Ward

And he's been sharing that information with people he shouldn't have been.

00:02:45 Charlie Ward

Such as the Chinese.

00:02:48 Charlie Ward

And this is all gonna come out.

00:02:50 Charlie Ward

And he's been caught. And do you know what he said? Ohh. I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

00:02:55 Charlie Ward

And he thinks for some reason.

00:02:58 Charlie Ward

That, or, of course, the mainstream media, they'll forgive him.

00:03:02 Charlie Ward

That there was an honest mistake.

00:03:05 Charlie Ward

I mean this is how this is how crazy it's got. It's absolutely crazy.

00:03:13 Charlie Ward

But what they've got coming towards them, there'll be raids that.

00:03:18 Charlie Ward

They tried to impeach Trump.

00:03:21 Charlie Ward

Never worked.

00:03:22 Charlie Ward

I can assure you when they try and impeach Biden.

00:03:26 Charlie Ward

They've got more ammunition and more than they would ever, ever need.

00:03:32 Charlie Ward

That's without even his son Hunter.

00:03:35 Charlie Ward

They got enough without him.

00:03:37 Charlie Ward

That's just a cherry on the cake.

00:03:40 Charlie Ward

The uh, what he's been up to is at, well, it's mind blowing and we'll all, we'll all see this. But that was I needed to get that out beforehand and also at the same time there's two or three other major things happening in the last 24 48 hours.

00:03:57 Charlie Ward

First things first is, is they're voting today, I believe it is, on whether they should get rid of the IRS.

00:04:08 Charlie Ward

Now I told you a year ago

00:04:12 Charlie Ward

that the IRS was over. The Inland Revenue and England was over. The Federal Reserve was over. That central banks are over and people thought I was completely mad.

00:04:22 Charlie Ward

Well, obviously I am completely mad cause that's what they're doing.

00:04:27 Charlie Ward

That's exactly what they're doing. They're, they're dismantling it. There's, there's walls around them right now and they're being dismantled. The IRS, the buildings are empty.

00:04:38 Charlie Ward

The, the White House is still being used

00:04:43 Charlie Ward

for military tribunals.

00:04:46 Charlie Ward

And what, what I told you two years ago was happening, happened two years ago but is actually being shown to the world right now.

00:04:56 Charlie Ward

Everything that's happened, as I say, is pantomime. It's being run through there.

00:05:01 Charlie Ward

The other one that was interesting was Robert Robert F Kennedy junior.

00:05:05 Charlie Ward

His lawsuit against mainstream media.

00:05:09 Charlie Ward

And all of these things, it's it's a boomerang. Everything has come back to haunt them.

00:05:14 Charlie Ward

But while we've got the privilege, and in fact I've got another show in 10 hours’ time with Emily.

00:05:21 Charlie Ward

With a round table with a group of

00:05:22 Charlie Ward

us. But I'm gonna hand over to Emily because Emily's gonna explain to my audience here. Now we're, we're over 2000 already. Explain to the audience and I'll let you have free reign, Emily, to explain to my audience

00:05:38 Charlie Ward

exactly about the quantum financial system, the Central bank digital currency, XRP, XLM all of them.

00:05:46 Charlie Ward

It's over to you, girl.

00:05:50 Emily

Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. Are you able to give me screen share by chance?

00:05:55 Charlie Ward

Yep, you've got it. Oh, in fact, I'll have to ask Drew. Drew, can you or is it? Is it Dave?

00:06:00 Dave Mahoney

I think OK.

00:06:02 Dave Mahoney

Cohost. I can do that for Emily.

00:06:05 Charlie Ward

OK. Thank you.

00:06:06 Dave Mahoney

Try now you got it.

00:06:08 Emily

Perfect. Yes, thank you.

00:06:13 Emily

So, I'm going to kind of break things up into two different PDFs because I actually had it separate for a different call uh and I want to kind of make really clear. So, I will go into like the most abundant amount of detail for how Trump controls, obviously the treasury.

00:06:30 Emily

Bbt how the treasury controls the Federal Reserve and central

00:06:32 Emily

banks, because that's actually part of the call for later this evening that we're doing with my friend Nick. And Nick is actually the person that came up. He found the Intel. And so one thing that we love about this Intel is we try really, really hard where we don't really want to focus on decodes anymore. We want to focus on public confirmations. That way

00:06:52 Emily

anybody can go validate this research, do it for themselves and know in full confidence that the plan is real and everything is proceeding according to plan. So, I'm just kind of going to overview the information that Nick will be talking about later this evening with you Charlie.

00:07:08 Charlie Ward


00:07:09 Emily

So, first of all, let's talk about the market crash, because there are a couple of big narratives that people are, I guess, kind of getting a little bit confused because in the public's eye with the media, with everything going on, there's a lot of discourse saying, you know, the WEF is still in control. We're still on their path towards the great reset.

00:07:30 Emily

And guys, that's not true whatsoever. Please know the market crash, The Federal Reserve, the CBDC's, etc., which I will get into more detail. It's actually all controlled by the white hats. So, this is intentional guys and I need you to put your, um your psychological thinking caps on right now to follow along.

00:07:48 Emily

So, the quick version of this is

00:07:50 Emily

the market crash, in order to move our money from the old system into the new system, you have to crash the old system first, right? You cannot have two coexisting simultaneously. And so, what's happening is the, not just the Federal Reserve, but all the central banks,

00:08:10 Emily

all the other banks, all the other financial institutions, including hedge funds, venture capital firms, etcetera, they're all being forced to, not only close, but the ones that are still remaining open are being forced to actually self-implode.

00:08:26 Emily

So, what Nick found in his research is through a whole plethora of multiple Black Swan market crashes. So now we're talking about not just the stock market crash, but we've got the housing crash, the government bonds we've got, you know, as an example, with World War three scenario, you're gonna have the global martial law.

00:08:45 Emily

Sorry, global martial law, global martial law lockdown, things of that nature. So, you have multiple black swans

00:08:52 Emily

lining up and when you collect everything together, the total amount that we're looking at guys is 2.3 quadrillion dollars. So, I'm just gonna read two quick quotes from Nick and because I'm not sure if the, the screen is large enough for everybody to see, but

00:09:12 Emily

quick background on Nick Ragone, before I give the quote is he is a consummate professional in Wall Street. He's been working in Wall Street for 30 years before he

00:09:20 Emily

retired, he actually was a whistleblower long before the Q movement, and I won't get into detail on it on tonight's call. Maybe he'll be present it to you later on, Charlie, but one of his most famous whistleblowing declas’ ended up being arguably Fox News's most viral declas expose’ they've ever had.

00:09:42 Emily

In the history of Fox News, which then of course, got carried over into all the other news stations so Nick knows what he's talking about, and he is a veteran in in Wall Street. So, through all of his analysis he had said

00:09:54 Emily

that there's no logical explanation why the Federal Reserve would have exploded their own balance sheet unless being ordered to by the white hats. And that puts an end to the Federal Reserve. This is part of the plan to get rid of the the Federal Reserve once and for all. He then goes on to say all you really need to know.

00:10:15 Emily

Is the amount of derivative exposure we have, because if they fall apart, you can say goodbye to the entire financial system of the world and 2.3 quadrillion dollars will definitely do the job. So guys, this is a global movement, as we all know, this is not just tied to the US.

00:10:35 Emily

We do have this all on the on the detailed video, I think it's about like a two hour video, Charlie, if you want me to, I can, I can send it to you. It’s over on YouTube from our QSI channel. But let me move on to the next slide.

00:10:47 Emily

So in terms of the Federal Reserve and the central banks and again Nick, go into much, much more detail on this, this evening, but what he did essentially is, he went through a lot of databases, government databases and found a whole treasure trove of goodies. But what's on the screen right now are two different letters.

00:11:08 Emily

Essentially talking about how Mnuchin baited chairman Powell at the time, right, Federal Federal Reserve Chairman Powell at the time into confessing that the Federal Reserve does not have any power and that the US Treasury actually owns and controls the Federal Reserve.

00:11:27 Emily

And so the Federal Reserve cannot make any moves, cannot you know, mint any dollar, cannot buy any asset without the US Treasury giving them the go ahead. So, guys, this is absolutely massive because this is in, in writing in a congressional letter.

00:11:43 Emily

To verify everything and then so there's something that is called an SPV. It's a special purpose vehicle and essentially all that really means is it's a, it's a asset purchasing mechanism that allows Trump and Mnuchin to tell the Treasury to tell the reserve, the Federal Reserve,

00:12:04 Emily

you have to buy whatever I tell you to buy at whatever amount, and you basically cannot dispute it.

00:12:11 Emily

So, it's kind of like a, a free for all to whatever the white hats want to do. On top of all this, there's something called the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which is almost like a back door that the black hats were using to siphon money out of the US and again,

00:12:26 Emily

buy whatever they

00:12:26 Emily

want to do. So, essentially, Trump has taken both sides of the situation through the STV's and through the ESF’s to say we control every single dollar, and you have no say so whatsoever. So that's why, as an example, anybody who's been following The Care’s

00:12:43 Emily

Act, you know that when they when they talk about coronavirus credits and this and that for small businesses or for individuals, all these tax breaks and people keep saying these are Gesara confirmations and people think well, that doesn't sound right because we know with Gesara it's a lot more than just a couple of thousand or a couple $100. Guys,

00:13:03 Emily

The Cares Act through the SPD are just baby test runs for Gesara. These are kind of like the beta testing just to make sure everything's functioning smoothly, but also to make sure that people who are really in need have a little bit to hold on to until we push fully into Gesara.

00:13:22 Emily

And one other key thing to note is Nick also discovered that, through the Federal Reserve, they actually hired BlackRock, of all institutions in the world, to make all their trades for them. But, the most essential thing about this is Black Rock is not allowed to make a single penny in commissions. So again,

00:13:41 Emily

Guys, because of the Art of War, the white hats have confiscated the resources, the technology, the money, the people, the brand name, everything of the Black Hats, and they're literally letting them explode themselves, right now.

00:13:56 Emily

So, I know, Charlie, that you guys have discussed probably ad nauseum, Basel 3 and Basel 4, has your audience also been discussing Bretton Woods 3 by chance?

00:14:07 Charlie Ward

No, I think it would be very good for you to, to go over Bretton Woods and Basil Three and Basil 4 for my audience.

00:14:13 Emily

OK, sure, absolutely. So, Bretton Woods 3, I'll kind of give it a, a quicker recap so we can move on to CDC’s next since that's a little bit more juicy, but everybody probably remembers a long time ago with Bretton Woods 1, the US dollar was backed by the gold standard and then in Bretton Woods 2, it came off the gold standard. It became backed by virtually thin

00:14:34 Emily

air and that's what everybody thinks is going on. And technically, yes, it still is until they make the public announcement that Bretton Woods 3 has actually already been signed and Bretton Woods 3 isn't just the gold standard guys, it's actually backed by all physical precious metals. So, every other metal in the world on top of gold.

00:14:54 Emily

But, more importantly, it's also backed by physical commodities, and this is really essential to know because when you're looking at the level playing field that Trump and all the white hats have been talking about,

00:15:06 Emily

there are so many countries all over the world who may not have access to mining facilities, right? If they don't have, you know, gold mine, silver mine, platinum mine, etcetera, then they're going to be missing out on the backing. But in this case, it doesn't matter anymore because you can still back it by commodities and make sure that your country's currency is worth a lot of value.

00:15:26 Emily

And that's what gives it…

00:15:26 Charlie Ward

Just very quickly on that point, Zimbabwe is backing it with diamonds.

00:15:31 Charlie Ward

And Iraq and Iran and Syria and Libya are backing it with, with oil and just so that people understand what we're talking about here, it has to be backed by something physical, a commodity. It's not just silver and gold and precious metals. Sorry, Emily. I just wanted to mention that.

00:15:48 Emily

No, absolutely. Thank you so much, Charlie, for that. And then Basel 3, the quick overview there, there's so many moving parts to it, but kind of the main thing to really focus in on is the fact that gold becomes a tier one asset.

00:16:02 Emily

And what that means is these banks all over the world have to er, banks and central banks all over the world, now have to have a significantly larger amount of gold in their reserves, otherwise they're going to default. Um and, and I added in this red text over here some of the other important, I guess, aspects of Basel 3.

00:16:23 Emily

But when you look at Basel 3, the implementation was actually January 1st, which I think Charlie talked about before. And so now we're moving into also nicknamed Basel 3.1, also known as Basel 4. The Basel 4 is literally the implementation of Basel 3. So, this is why a lot of banks and

00:16:44 Emily

central banks are defaulting all over the world and more and more will come out in the news in the next couple of weeks and months ahead to basically just verify everything, all the information that all of us have been studying for a very long time.

00:16:57 Emily

So This is why it's really, really, not just interesting, but more exciting, because I'm gonna start transitioning over to the digital side of things. One thing that I think none of us knew about years ago, we were discussing and researching the RV and Gesara, is the introduction of cryptocurrency.

00:17:16 Emily

And, so it’s a, I know it's a brand new topic and I know that there are a lot of rumors being spread around by the black hats, a lot of misinformation. So, I want to get into some of that this evening as well. But guys know that it's not just physical currency, but digital currency will also be backed by the same thing. So, by your physical metals, your physical commodities,

00:17:38 Emily

what they're doing is something called tokenization. So, when you tokenize these assets, that's what gives a digital asset, AKA a cryptocurrency, that valuation that we're looking for now. So let me just double check, OK, let me now switch over to the other presentation.

00:17:57 Emily

Now we can

00:17:57 Emily

go into a little bit more detail.

00:18:02 Emily

Oh, I had to switch my screen too.

00:18:06 Emily

OK, so CBDC’s, I really want to kind of hit on this in a lot more detail today because there's a lot of information going around, especially by the media, saying that CBDC's, because in the name itself is central bank digital currency, that it's a bad thing, it's, it's being run by the WEF.

00:18:27 Emily

It’s part of the great reset, etc.

00:18:29 Emily

That is actually not true. What the white hats are doing again, guys, it's just, just like psychological operation. They know that the vast majority of people, the normies, don't know what we know, so they're going to need to use names that are familiar with everybody, so they have the buy in at 99% of the world. So, it's really

00:18:49 Emily

only us who needs to start to understand the subtle differences between

00:18:52 Emily

the two. So, let's talk about the pros really quickly of a CDC. If you look at the left hand side of the screen and all these bullet points over here, you're gonna see that this is actually pro QFS and pro Gesara, right? Lower fees, fast transactions, smart contracts, which I'll get into a little bit more in another slide.

00:19:12 Emily

But you're reducing the fraud. You're reducing the need for banks and central banks to make money off of people sending their money all over the world, obviously reducing the friction time as well, which as many people probably already know, the reason why when you send money from one bank to another and it takes multiple business days

00:19:30 Emily

is because what these banks are doing is they're taking your money and they're exchanging it multiple times making

00:19:37 Emily

money off that

00:19:38 Emily

before the other person ever receives it. So, by sending this instantaneously within fractions of a second, you're going to be able to cut all that middle men and all the middle men's

00:19:48 Emily

fees out, which is much more important to everybody. So again guys, the pros for a CDC is in favor of QFS and Gesara. So, let's talk about the cons really quickly then.

00:20:02 Emily

So, in the cons, if you look again at the right hand side of the screen, it actually again is in favor of the QFS and of Gesara. And the reason why I say that is because again guys, it says we're ending bank lending practices, we're using liquidity to reduce volatility and volatility is where

00:20:22 Emily

you know the, the investment firms and the hedge funds make the vast majority of their wealth, guys, if you didn't know that. You also have major competition, which of course makes it much more stringent, much more tight. You wanna make sure that competition is really what drives like lower costs and everything.

00:20:39 Emily

And then on top of that says you significantly increase the risk of system wide bank runs. Again guys, this is code. Because for us who are already understanding and researching this topic, we're looking for this system wide bank run. We're looking for people to freak out and go, oh my gosh, this system isn't working. Something's wrong.

00:20:59 Emily

So, when you see words like that know that, aha, that's the white hats in control going, we want them to purposely fail. So, so again, guys, both the pros and the cons are in favor.

00:21:10 Emily

So, let's move to the next slide. Quantum compliant banks. I know this is a hot buzzword that people have been talking about recently. I know Charlie has mentioned it as well, so I have a friend who works for Wells Fargo and he's one of the top, top people over there and he has access to something called The Atom.

00:21:31 Emily

I guess machine or technology, for lack of a better word, and Atom is a technology that was invented by

00:21:36 Emily

Deloitte and what it does is it has quantum capabilities and it basically tracks the blockchain ledgers, but because not only does it work for Wells Fargo, and he's one of the top people at Wells Fargo, he's also been trained by the US Treasury as well as, let's see the US Treasury and

00:21:56 Emily

Secret Service. And so, this guy has the capability to KYC AML every single account in the whole world. What does KYC AML stands for? It's Know Your Customer Anti Money Laundering, which means not only can you see like in our normal existing 3D bank

00:22:15 Emily

account you go to your bank, you open it up, you need your government id and they have all the information about you. But, when you open up an account in crypto, depending on what exchange or what wallet you use, there might be more relaxed restrictions as of the moment and so basically because of that, they're in the middle of installing

00:22:35 Emily

more stringent, basically protocols and measures. So, what he can do is he can tap into both sides, the physical bank and the online cryptocurrency side, and cross verify through government databases exactly who people are.

00:22:50 Emily

And so, what he discovered and what he informed us of was, in the middle of September, that's when his first NDA expired, and so he let us know at that time, that every bank in the world that is ‘quantum compliant’ has in the equivalent, so not just U.S. dollar but you know, obviously every currency of every bank in the world,

00:23:09 Emily

has the equivalent of both XRP and XLM waiting in the background for them.

00:23:16 Emily

And so, what quantum compliant means is it's actually that not only have they been contracted with XRP and they must be on the seller blockchain, but they also have to mint an asset, meaning having a tokenized token on the seller blockchain to become quantum compliant. And so, if you don't have the two

00:23:36 Emily

you become non-compliant and those are the banks and the central banks that are closing down, guys. So that's really, really important to know. And then in terms of over here, I've got kind of notes for Stellar Starlight, Starbridge, and SpaceWalk.

00:23:50 Emily

These are basically just, you know, technical terms in the crypto ecosystem that talk about something called a smart contract interact asset. I don't want to get into too much technical detail because it's not really needed for an introductory call. But suffice it to say, a smart contract is really important, guys. And when you start hearing the words

00:24:10 Emily

interoperable being spread all over media, please remember that actually means a smart contract and also means wrapped assets. And so, the the, the easy way to think about a smart contract guys is

00:24:24 Emily

in normal, everyday life, everybody understands a contract as an agreement that is written out, signed by both parties, and then it's kind of just documented right there. And if you need to change anything, you have to go back and make all these different amendments to it, and then again counter sign it and execute it. Well, what a smart contract does is, on the blockchain

00:24:45 Emily

these white hats are programming quantum algorithms.

00:24:47 Emily

And they're accounting for millions upon millions of iterations, so that when you sign it the first time, you actually don't have to sign it again, because all of these other amendments will be done with your, with your validation, unless you choose to stop it, to reauthorize the validation afterwards. And so,

00:25:07 Emily

In like in terms of crypto,

00:25:09 Emily

what they're doing is, as they're moving all these assets out of the, the Black Hat control into White Hat control because the money, the remittances have to fly through all these different channels, they're purposely programming it so it flows through seamlessly from bank to bank, central bank to central bank into people's hands. So that's a beautiful thing. And then in terms of a wrapped asset,

00:25:31 Emily

because there are so many block chains all over the world, the way to understand a block a, a blockchain

00:25:37 Emily

rather, is, think of it kind of like different devices, so like different computers and different phones. When you have a motherboard your information is stored on just that motherboard and in order for it to send over, so, for instance, like a Mac to a PC, you've got to convert all of your information right? Like Keynote into PowerPoint,

00:25:57 Emily

as an example. And so, because normally they don't interoperate, what they're doing is they're having these wrapped assets that kind of mimic one another, so they actually can wrap them and pair them together, so they function on the same wavelength. So, hopefully that is clear for everybody to understand.

00:26:17 Emily

So, I'm going to try to talk quickly about Stellar StarBridge. I don't want to go into too much detail about that because again, it's a lot of details for an introductory call. But one thing I really, really want to highlight about this is this information came out in March of last year and this information is directly from Stellar Development Fund directly.

00:26:37 Emily

And what it says, especially right here, the CBC's it says a CBC mints and burns legal tender.

00:26:46 Emily

And I actually wanted to disprove that, which I will in the next slide. But it's key to know because now they're saying CBDC is officially have the go ahead to use real money real assets to move around the blockchain.

00:27:00 Emily

So all Stellar StarBridge did is introduced the concept of being able to move it from blockchain to blockchain. But specifically in this example from the Ethereum blockchain over into Stellar blockchain, because what they're getting ready to do in March is flush a lot of that volume over. So, we're probably talking billions potentially trillions of dollars of volume starting to be moved

00:27:21 Emily

at the end of March. So let me go to the next line.

00:27:26 Emily

I mentioned earlier that Nick is going to go into way more detail this evening about how the CBDC is actually managed by the US Treasury. But one thing I wanted to note is remember in the previous slide, I said the STF said the CBDC's mint and burn legal tender. Well, what is legal tender guys, it's basically controlled

00:27:45 Emily

by the US Treasury.

00:27:47 Emily

And so how does it work? I found, you know, three different pictures kind of walk us through it. So over here on the left-hand side. And I guys, I know it's really small. I can send the slides to Charlie later on. But this is confirmation that when the USDC coin, which is a cryptocurrency, goes on and off ramp, so, for instance, like when somebody wants to cash out

00:28:08 Emily

of a CBDC and and collect a U.S. dollar, it's gotta get burned through the system.

00:28:14 Emily

And so, when that happens, it actually goes through the US Treasury and the US Treasury is actually managed by BlackRock. So again, guys, it's all tying together. It really means that the CBDC is just a tokenized coin on the Stellar blockchain. But the real people behind it who are actioning the items are BlackRock and the US Treasury. So that's why

00:28:34 Emily

guys, you know, full confirmation that the CBDC's are under White Hat control.

00:28:41 Emily

OK, next I'm going to move on. I'm not going to play this video again, guys. It's part of the, the video that we already have on YouTube, but I want to kind of highlight one thing. So again, this is I think at the end of 2021 and, and so in the middle of the screen, you're going to see, there's a circle with half blue and

00:29:00 Emily

half orange and what that's showing is an example like a beta testing wallet and it says blue is one person, orange is another person and then a typical transaction for me to send Charlie as an example $1M, but $1.00 each time that's 1,000,000 transactions and normally what I would have to do is send it

00:29:21 Emily

you know 1111111 to Infinity and then Charlie has a claim, claim, claim, claim, claim to Infinity and obviously that takes a lot of

00:29:28 Emily

time. And so what they're programming with Starlight is you press one button and a series of millions of transactions flow, so all that volume in blue disappeared and it showed up as orange volume. And that represents my $1M flowing and Charlie’s $1M with a click of a single button. So, when I saw that information, I knew

00:29:50 Emily

instantly that that's what they were building up for the CBDC before they made that public information later on.

00:29:57 Emily

So, let's talk really quickly about collateralized assets because I know this is a hot topic. People are wondering are their assets safe, how we get our money back from, as an example, UBI, because of all the money that the block has been stealing from us? Well, guys, it's being done through collateralized assets. So, the long story short of this is

00:30:17 Emily

the white hats have been collecting Bitcoin, Ethereum, and essentially every other asset on every other blockchain, plus physical assets, right? And they've been collecting it and basically amassing it in a hoard.

00:30:32 Emily

And when you over collateralize something, if you look at the, the middle box right here, it says that is actually what gives the white hats the ability to claw back assets. And so, in case it's too small, I want to read this out loud. It says if the vault owner misbehaves, then parts of their collateral will be slashed. And any user who was affected negatively

00:30:54 Emily

will be refunded through the collateral and the collateral value being higher than the locked Bitcoin value ensures full refunds for users even if their vault owner spends all the lost tokens.

00:31:06 Emily

So essentially, if somebody's being very naughty, then they're going to have their assets taken from them and giving them back to the people and that's how we're going to get our UBI's in way, way more things coming down the pipeline. So, I just wanted to give people confirmation that this is why they're choosing Bitcoin and Ethereum to flush over into these

00:31:26 Emily

ISO compliant blockchains. But we're actually gonna collect it physically through the Stellar blockchain, which is why we focus so much on Stellar these days.

00:31:37 Emily

This slide really quickly. I know XRP is a hot topic. Guys, I love XRP as well.  XRP is one of the tokens that is also ISO compliant. But the key difference between XRP and XLM is XRP is what's known as the institutional coin. That means this token is going to be used for governments,

00:31:55 Emily

banks, central banks, etc.

00:31:58 Emily

And one major development that happened is, over the course of time, I think in the beginning, people were thinking this would be the, the new like the reserve currency of the world. That's actually not true. So, I wanted to make sure that the people understand that. What ended up happening is, as Ripple started developing over time, they came out and became more clear

00:32:19 Emily

of what they were doing with the XRP token, so they had themselves said it is not a stable coin. It is not worth a dollar or or it is not the the reserve

00:32:29 Emily

currency rather, it is something called ODL and that stands for on demand liquidity, which means XRP is actually a liquidity token. So, it's a utility token and not a stable coin. So very big differentiating factor for people who are studying this and, and then also XML

00:32:49 Emily

yeah, sorry, XLM will also be a liquidity token and I want to highlight something really quickly on this screen before I move on, but this article came out in November of last

00:33:00 Emily

year guys and it says XLM was already being used in over 300 banks and financial service providers in 45 countries for settlement. So even though publicly you're not going to see too much if you dig into it, you're going to see that they have been beta testing XRP and XLM all over the world to make sure that everything is neatly wrapped up

00:33:21 Emily

for when we actually crash the market and roll into Gesara coming soon, so a couple of big deadlines to watch out for March 20th is going to be massive and the reason behind that, guys, is because Swift,

00:33:34 Emily

the European central banks, the EBA clearing, they're all going to be fully adopting that third deadline to adopt the ISO 20022 standard. On top of that, Fed Wire, which is the conglomeration of the Federal Reserve banks, they are not going to be forced to adopt, but their messaging service will be forced to adopt, which means they have to now

00:33:54 Emily

be interoperability in alignment with all the other payment services. So, March 20th will be a really key date will be to be looking out for. The US Federal Reserve, on the other hand, their adoption date isn't until the end of this year. So, they're looking at around October, November at this moment right now.

00:34:13 Emily

OK, let's see what else I've got for you guys. OK, so Project Cedar, if you guys want to research this, it was actually talking about the New York Federal Reserve and how this was a confirmation that their beta test was successful. And so, this is really great because it talks about what we call DLT.

00:34:33 Emily

That's the Distributed Ledger Technology which is the fancier name for blockchain. It basically just means much more functionality in the newer version of a faster blockchain. And it says in this article that the banks that were included were BNY Mellon, Citibank, HSBC,

00:34:49 Emily

MasterCard, PNC Bank, TD Bank Trust Bank, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo. So again, guys, lots of big names that we are all very familiar with are already starting to do this. And then well, the last slide was more about the IRS and I know Charlie said this ad nauseam, but I want to just show another proof of why the

00:35:09 Emily

IRS is defunct because this gave me quite a giggle. So, somebody sent this to me and it was a letter they received from the IRS, it says

00:35:19 Emily

I owed $6000 to the IRS back in July 2021 for not paying my taxes, essentially, and the IRS threatened to seize my assets if they did not receive the $6000 by August 21 of 2021. Well, almost one year later, so in November of 2022,

00:35:39 Emily

still nothing has happened. Nobody's gone to jail, even though all these documents and they're talked about, you know, all all the implications like legal implications and ramifications of not

00:35:51 Emily

paying it. So, just want to give you know another great confirmation from people that we know personally who receive this letter. Alright, so that's what I've got for you, Charlie, for in terms of CDC, hopefully that helps to explain to people that that.

00:36:03 Charlie Ward

Yeah, it's, I'm sure it does. I'm sure it does. And there's a lot of my audience are as old as me, if not older, so it'll feel, feel like they've been hit by a, a lorry with the amount of information coming through to them. So, I would highly recommend that you watch it again.

00:36:24 Charlie Ward

Because Emily is was trying to get through it as much as she possibly could. I did a video 18 hours ago with Emily, which has only just gone up there, which is basically an overview. I phoned Emily and said do you wanna hop on my insiders club so that my insiders can get a grasp on what's happening?

00:36:45 Charlie Ward

Because there's a lot that is happening and this is now, we're moving into the phase

00:36:49 Charlie Ward

of education of under people understanding exactly where we're going and it's better to hear it directly from Emily than it was Emily tell me and me tell

00:36:59 Charlie Ward

you. I'm also doing another show with Emily in

00:37:04 Charlie Ward

about 10 hours’ time.

00:37:06 Emily

Charlie, you're gonna get sick of me

00:37:07 Charlie Ward

Soon. I'll never get sick of you. I'll never get sick of you, because at this moment in time, this information is so valuable for my audience. Because, yes, there will be those that sit there going what just hit me because it was a mountain of information.

00:37:24 Charlie Ward

And I would recommend that people watch it over again. The most important thing to understand is is the structure of where we're

00:37:31 Charlie Ward

going and how it's all working and we will be doing it week after week, twice a week going through so that we help people understand how the new system is working as we transition

00:37:47 Charlie Ward

from the old system to the new system, I was, there was something funny enough. I was just talking to the quantum team.

00:37:54 Charlie Ward

And, and we were talking about the fact that we've talked about the Q phones and the transition between now and the Q phones and there will be a period of time where we'll be using Elon Musk phones as we transition as like a mark one phone. I'll let you into that information and they'll also be what's known as

00:38:15 Charlie Ward

a Lobstr wallet.

00:38:17 Charlie Ward

Which will act for those people until we've got a quantum wallet.

00:38:21 Charlie Ward

So, they'll have, they'll have something there to look after your assets before you actually get, so you won't be left behind waiting for your new phone and your new wallet and everything else. You'll, you'll have access to it pretty much straight away, and you'll have what we call bridging.

00:38:41 Charlie Ward

There'll be a lot of bridging going on as we transition from one system to another. We will be providing guidance to try and help people so that you don't feel lost. You don't think how on Earth is this gonna work? How do I do this? This is what myself, Mahoney and Emily and

00:39:00 Charlie Ward

all of us will be trying to do

00:39:02 Charlie Ward

to try and help you. Today, I can tell you, it's been a long day because I'm already 18 hours working, already and I haven't finished yet. And in the middle of that, I was helping the homeless put a roof on their kitchen. So I have a very varied day.

00:39:21 Charlie Ward

But we're in a we're in a good place right now. I cannot stress to you enough and how much we're in a good place. And this is why I bought Emily here.

00:39:29 Charlie Ward

Because Emily has the information on what is going on as we transition from an old system to a new system, the most important thing to know is that the central bank digital currency was originally a blackout operation. It was by the Cabal. It was by the deep state. It has been arrested

00:39:50 Charlie Ward

by the good guys.

00:39:53 Charlie Ward

But, but it is very important, having spoken to General Michael Flynn, that people stand up against the old system so they understand where we are and, and how we got here.

00:40:07 Charlie Ward

He's very, very strong on the fact that people need to stand up against what the CBD stood for as in complete and utter control by the central banks and by governments. Thank God that my audience, Mahoney's audience, Emily's audience, all know that we're in a safe place.

00:40:27 Charlie Ward

But there are millions, if not billions, of people out there who don't know that.

00:40:32 Charlie Ward

Who we need to get them to stand up against it and then, then they'll realize, a bit like a gymnast, they'll realize that there's a safety net under there. But we don't want to be… We're promoting the safety net to our insiders and to those that are following us. But this is the way that we wake people up when they understand the control that these people planned to have over humanity.

00:40:54 Charlie Ward

People that, people need to stand up and when they do stand up, you can lead them across and say, look, we have this under control, but you need to understand this. You need to know what could have happened to you if people like Emily, Mahoney, and myself, had not stood up,

00:41:10 Charlie Ward

you would have become enslaved to a central bank digital currency completely controlled by government and the banks.

00:41:17 Charlie Ward

And thank God that people have held them accountable. They underestimated us. They never dreamt that a few digital warriors in front of laptops and computers and cameras could destroy the mainstream media and destroy the narrative that they've been pumping out there. And they're,

00:41:35 Charlie Ward

they're now between a rock and a very hard place and

00:41:41 Charlie Ward

what is happening now? Everything that has happened over the last year, you just went. Oh no, not again. Oh no, not again. Why is this? Why that? Now this year you're gonna see exactly why we had to suffer. Because they're gonna have to suffer now. It's boomerang. It's come back and smacked them in the mouth. So, everything they did to

00:42:01 Charlie Ward

everything they did to Trump. Everything they did to Bannon. Everything they did to everybody who, who was fighting for good.

00:42:09 Charlie Ward

Even, even down to people like Andrew Tate and Jordan

00:42:13 Charlie Ward

Peterson. And many other people who've been trying to wake people up. Russell Brand come under massive attack. Ricky Gervais. All these people come under attack and it's gonna come back to haunt them. And I'm looking forward to seeing somebody slap Piers Morgan in the face for his contempt.

00:42:33 Charlie Ward

The fact that he claims he's such a, such a good journalist and he has no journalistic integrity whatsoever. This is a guy, he's nothing more than a, he's not even a high-class hooker.

00:42:45 Dave Mahoney

He’s a bully.

00:42:46 Charlie Ward

Middle of the road. Ah hooker, who's a bully who get who, who gets paid for fucking people. Let's put it in simple language. And then it, but when he gets caught, a bit like Biden, oh sorry. It was a mistake.

00:43:01 Charlie Ward

Sorry, sorry, that doesn't wash anymore.

00:43:07 Charlie Ward

That you will be held accountable. You. The good thing is, is you won't be held accountable by me. I'd love to hold you accountable, but you you don't have me to worry about. What you have to worry about is God. Because God, God will judge you according to what you've done.

00:43:22 Charlie Ward

And if you've been involved in crimes against humanity

00:43:27 Charlie Ward

that's what you'll be held responsible for. As with all the Nuremberg trials of the past, Nuremberg 2.

00:43:35 Charlie Ward


00:43:36 Charlie Ward

I actually had a very interesting phone call today and I didn't, first of all, I didn't know quite how to handle it. Because I actually had somebody who phoned me up and apologized that they were wrong, and I was right.

00:43:50 Charlie Ward

And I didn't get that feeling of “I told you so”. I didn't get that at all because I tell you what it was. It told me that this was a real man.

00:44:01 Charlie Ward

And there's not many out there.

00:44:04 Charlie Ward

There's a lot of idiots out there, but there's not many real men cause it takes a real man to stand up and say sorry, Charlie, I was wrong and you were right.

00:44:13 Charlie Ward

And there was not one ounce of me that wanted to say “I told you so”. It wasn't there because the realization that that, that there's a shortage of real men out there and we will have that and you'll go through the same emotions. But that particular person may well be watching us now and I appreciated that comment immensely because at the time,

00:44:33 Charlie Ward

he told me he was 100% sure he was right,

00:44:36 Charlie Ward

and he was 100% sure I was wrong.

00:44:39 Charlie Ward

And the, the wonderful thing with the truth is it always comes out.

00:44:45 Charlie Ward

But we're in a special place. What's happening now behind the scenes. The Speaker of the House…

00:44:55 Charlie Ward

Wow. Anybody who's been to see a Punch and Judy show knows that these little wooden animals have strings attached to them. Well, this little wooden animal has lots of strings and lots of people pulling them.

00:45:06 Charlie Ward

And, and it, it's gonna be fun to watch. Because the first thing to do was to, to stop the funding of the 85,000 IRS bullies that they wanted. That's been stopped. Then, no money for that. The next thing is, is the, the do we need the IRS? That's going to be very interesting.

00:45:27 Charlie Ward

For some reason we had a glitch today in America where all the aircraft were grounded.

00:45:32 Charlie Ward

For the whole, for, for, for a number of hours. I don't even know if

00:45:35 Charlie Ward

they've started again yet.

00:45:37 Charlie Ward

There was also a glitch in the UK today where no, where Royal Mail just stopped sending anything abroad. Everything got stopped.

00:45:47 Charlie Ward

For the last two days, everything has stopped from going abroad. It's all stuck in the system, so something's going on. I don't know what.

00:45:55 Charlie Ward

But I'm just sitting back with a smile on my face because I know what's happening. And I know that I was told to expect, expect complete and utter confusion and distractions here, there, and everywhere. And that's what we're getting. But I hope that

00:46:12 Charlie Ward

the audience today have, have, have picked up. You only need to pick up on 5% of what Emily said and then then the rest will come together over the next few days. Because I'm doing a third show with Emily in the next

00:46:27 Charlie Ward

10 hours and there'll be 3. There'll be one that was done yesterday, which is, is it was put out today. It's only just gone out and that that gives you an overview of what Emily told us today. And then we've got a bit more depth now.

00:46:43 Charlie Ward

And a lot more depth tonight. Tomorrow. So, it there's plenty there for you to digest.

00:46:52 Charlie Ward

You can understand the path that we're going down.

00:46:57 Charlie Ward

So Mahoney, go on. Sorry. Go on, Emily.

00:46:58 Emily

If I oh.

00:47:02 Ad

Well, I was.

00:47:02 Emily

Sorry, I didn't mean.

00:47:02 Dave Mahoney

Gonna make one.

00:47:03 Dave Mahoney

Quick suggestion, Emily, why don't you do a 5 minute recap because the audience that we reach

00:47:08 Dave Mahoney

which are older than you. And I can see your brain is fine. You're very, very fast talking and I'm watching the chat this thing. We always do a recap at the end of every show. So, give us a a round of, because instead of me saying

00:47:21 Dave Mahoney

OK, which banks?

00:47:22 Dave Mahoney

Which crypto, starlight, credit unions, Bitcoin survival, lobster wallets. Do it two to three to four minute

00:47:29 Dave Mahoney

recap and make it simple so we can, they can understand it and I can understand it because it's very, very, very deep.

00:47:35 Emily

Sure, I'll, I'll make it even faster than a 5-minute recap. The big points to really understand is Trump and Mnuchin took control of obviously the US Treasury, which then took control of the Federal Reserve, which then took control of the central banks, and obviously the banks at the same time. And because of how they, they

00:47:55 Emily

implemented various bills, they took control of all of the global wealth of the cabal, and they're using that to implode the banking system around

00:48:05 Emily

the world. And so, because of Trump's executive orders, plus the USMCA Act, specifically Section 27, they're, they're legally going to be able to confiscate all the assets and give it back to we, the people. And how they're doing it is, they're flushing both physical, physical

00:48:25 Emily

you know currencies, the valuation of

00:48:28 Emily

the valuation of, you know, the stock market, the bond market, etc.

00:48:32 Emily

housing market and commodities. They're pumping it into the new QFS. Which, at the center of the QFS, will be Stellar. The reason why I say that it's the center of the QFS isn't because the other ones are any less important. It's just, I think for the average person, because the Stellar blockchain is the one that we will be interfacing with,

00:48:54 Emily

it will become the keystone for us, right, because we're not a government, we're not an institution. We're not touching the other blockchain so much.

00:49:02 Emily

And so, all you really need to know is, eventually you're going to be transitioning over to rainbow currency notes, which that will be part of our call for, I think tonight. Proof that the, the rainbow currency printing press has been turned on. And, and then eventually they'll transition. They'll help to transition you

00:49:21 Emily

over into digital currency as well.

00:49:23 Emily

So, whether you want to pick it up now or later is totally up to you. That money will be sitting there in your quantum Stellar wallet, waiting for you to access it whenever you want. I have all the technology that the, the know how they're going to be doing that as well, which we can talk about on a on a future call Charlie. And so,

00:49:43 Emily

the only really key difference is if you want to get started now it's gonna give you incredible positions.

00:49:50 Emily

Because not only are there a lot of assets on Stellar and other blockchains that you can purchase, but it's going to be very similar guys to like, you know, purchasing your Zims, Dinars Dongs, etc. You're going to buy it for a fraction of the price before the RV hits because what happens is XRP XLM in the block chains are going to be backed by physical precious metals.

00:50:12 Emily

So when the RV hits, those assets will skyrocket and we're gonna make that big difference in between.

00:50:18 Emily

If you wish to come and join us, I work very closely with somebody called Whiplash 347. I think many of you are familiar with who he is. Yeah, and he and I are partners in basically getting this information out to the masses in a way that people can understand it. So, he has a channel over on telegram. Please note he is not on Facebook,

00:50:37 Emily

Twitter, Truth Social, all of those are scam ones. He's only on Telegram. You can reach him at the at sign Whiplash 347. I also have Telegram channels as well. Whip puts out a lot of Intel.

00:50:51 Emily

We both work with the white hat Stellar developers in, basically, companies and, and banks and governments and large organizations like the WEF, IMF, UN, etcetera. They're all minting assets on the Stellar blockchain. So, with liaises daily with these developers,

00:51:11 Emily

to make sure that if you want to invest in these assets, you can get in position right now and under what's called an ICO, but it's equal of, of an IPO for a company.

00:51:21 Emily

My channel, even though we overlap with some Intel, we focus much more on actually teaching people how does it work. Sok we have a plethora of tutorials for beginners if they want to, kind of, you know, self-pace walk step by step through what does this all mean. How do I get started? What's safe to do? What should I avoid?

00:51:42 Emily

Trust me, there's a lot of pitfalls in here that I have personally done, so we put everything out on a tutorial to make sure other people don't fall for the same trap.

00:51:52 Emily

So, we, you know, you can reach whiplash or myself on Telegram. I have a YouTube channel with a lot of videos that you can watch in repetition, including much larger, more detailed videos of what we talked about today and what else they want to mention really quickly.

00:52:08 Charlie Ward

What's your YouTube channel? Quantum Stellar Initiative?

00:52:12 Emily

Yes, correct. Guys, I want to address a couple key things. First of all,

00:52:19 Emily

the Lobstr wallet that Charlie mentioned a second ago, there are other Stellar wallets that exist and you can use any of them that you wish to. The only reason why we're currently recommending a Lobstr wallet is because if you're brand new to trading, which many of us are, it is the most user friendly. But I want people to know

00:52:39 Emily

That, because it also is the most user friendly, the black hats were actually the ones that created the Lobstr wallet because they were using it to basically money launder.

00:52:50 Emily

The good news is, the white hats have actually already arrested the two founders of Lobstr wallet, and they've taken over control of their servers. I think back last October or so. And, so it is under white hat control. If you are already using the Lobstr wallet, you may notice that a lot of these QFS and Gesara assets have

00:53:09 Emily

what we call the scam warning label on them. It's because, again guys, the black hats were working together to try to thwart this initiative, but luckily the white hats again are in control and they've been working night and day for the last couple weeks, I wanna say, to slowly start taking

00:53:26 Emily

them off. So, day after day you're gonna see more and more of those scam warnings disappearing from your screen, which is amazing. And I wanna also, I see there's a question on the chat that says, is Charlie recommending CBDC? First of all, I can't speak on behalf of Charlie, but what I can say is CBDC's guys,

00:53:46 Emily

if you go back and you rewatch the information from earlier, it's not a building. It's not a, a thing that you visit with employees. It's literally a token on the Stellar blockchain.

00:53:59 Emily

And so, what the white hats are doing is they're automating everything so that you can get rid of the physical building and get rid of the employees. They're gonna go back into society as normal people soon.

00:54:10 Charlie Ward

And the other thing with the CBDC so that my audience understand it is, is the white hats are gonna use the CBDC to bring down the old banking system.

00:54:22 Charlie Ward

So, if they can't point the finger at Trump. They can't point it at, at.

00:54:30 Charlie Ward

Vladimir Putin. They can't put point at at Xi Xinping or Modi. It'll be the, the banking system themselves, the CBDC will destroy the, the, the old banking system. And then what would the QFS will do is pick up the pieces that they need of that.

00:54:50 Charlie Ward

And there'll be bridges between the two systems so that they bring it back into their system. But it's like bankrupting a business and then picking it up cheap.

00:55:01 Charlie Ward

And then moving it into your big business and that's what they'll do. That the, the structure will be done and just we, I'm just very thankful to know that the good guys, the white hats have, have now got full control of the CBDC, but it's important that people see what,

00:55:19 Charlie Ward

what could have happened?

00:55:21 Charlie Ward

It's important that people see that. But for my insiders, for Mahoney's followers, for Emily's followers, it's inside information to know that

00:55:33 Charlie Ward

the white hats have control over this now. It was started up by the bad guys, the World Economic Forum. These were the people who wanted total control over the world.

00:55:47 Charlie Ward

And thank God that God has intervened in this.

00:55:51 Charlie Ward

And taking control and giving it back to the good guys, we will live through a period of time where, as we transition, where you have to be proactive, it has to be a conscious decision to stand up against evil and stand for good.

00:56:08 Charlie Ward

If you do nothing, you'll fall on the

00:56:10 Charlie Ward

side of bad.

00:56:12 Charlie Ward

And evil.

00:56:13 Charlie Ward

You, you can't. This is not a time to sit and do nothing. This is the time to stand up for what's good, and we're gonna give you the knowledge to do that.

00:56:21 Charlie Ward

To guide you

00:56:23 Charlie Ward

to what is the right way forward.

00:56:25 Charlie Ward

And the, the rest is down to you then.

00:56:30 Charlie Ward

Anymore questions there, Mahoney?

00:56:32 Dave Mahoney

There's tons of questions mate. But I mean, I don't even know

00:56:35 Dave Mahoney

where to start. I think

00:56:37 Charlie Ward

Well start with Emily.

00:56:40 Emily

And I want to reiterate what, what Charlie and Mahoney already said earlier, guys. Because I'm just kind of skimming through some of the chat commentary right now. I apologize because, you know, I just got the, the message about an hour ago saying can you hop on. So, I was not prepared for this particular call.

00:56:58 Emily

To give a 101, this is kind of like a 201 because the 101 was on the previous call with Charlie. So please guys, go back and listen to that

00:57:07 Emily

because I basically summarized from let's say a 17,000,000 foot view with the bigger picture looks like. So, when you have that that information you know the high level picture in mind. It's much easier to digest this information because this is a lot more detailed. So, I want to make that abundantly clear.

00:57:28 Charlie Ward

And I'll get, I'll get the documentation from Emily that we can put in our back office. And we'll send it out. We'll, I'll get Libby to send it out on the newsletter so that everyone can just take their time and look at it and go through it and study it and understand it at their own leisure at their own pace.

00:57:44 Dave Mahoney

The biggest question I think that I'm reading between the lines is what should people do to prepare for this? Should they open another account or should they close

00:57:52 Dave Mahoney

an account, should they they'll.

00:57:53 Dave Mahoney

buy a little bit of XRP, little bit of Ripple.

00:57:59 Dave Mahoney

But a lot of people don't understand this, this digital currency, these bitcoins and these…

00:58:04 Charlie Ward

They don't need to worry, Dave. They, they just need to be, be in the knowledge that we’ll keep them informed that when the, when they've got access, when the, when the, when the US USN USTN.

00:58:18 Charlie Ward

And when they, when these currencies come into play, all we're doing is mentally preparing our audience for it and we will guide them through step by step as it filters in and all we're doing now is just making sure that everybody's prepared. That's all.

00:58:32 Dave Mahoney

I think what you've done today is tasered everybody, is what you've done today.

00:58:36 Emily

Yeah, yeah. If people would like to get involved with Stellar assets or XRP, they can come to our channel. We'll guide them through it again, through the tutorials that we already have where they can self-pace, walk them through. We also have a chat channel where they can come and ask their questions. We only please ask that you first read the tutorials.

00:58:57 Emily

It answers about 90% of everybody's questions, so that way it's just much faster for you to find that Intel because our chat has about 10,000 people in the chat, so it flies very, very quickly every single day. So, if you would like to get started in it, we have a method for you to walk you step by step through.

00:59:17 Emily

If you are already in the system and you want to get a little bit more involved and participate in some of these ICO’s for these QFS Gesara assets then whiplash and I have actually been doing almost like a group fund for multiple

00:59:32 Emily

assets that are the

00:59:33 Emily

the well, from our understanding, based on what the developers have told us, these are the last remaining assets that are going to be minted that are the tokenized assets of original precious metals. So, a lot of the other precious metals they've already sold out, the ICO’s have been completed and you can still buy them, but just at a much different price

00:59:54 Emily

Point. These are at the rock bottom price point. And so if you want to get it, so, for instance, like tokenized gold, tokenized silver all around the world, we do have access to that. The great news is, because this information is coming before it becomes public to the world,

01:00:10 Emily

and, and as an aside, by the end of this year into 2024, you're gonna start seeing companies, governments, and Stellar themselves, start to validate the information that whiplash and I have been sharing. So, this is how far ahead of the curve we are. A lot of those companies are under NDA, but as Charlie

01:00:29 Emily

 Knows, a lot of NDA’s are lifting in Q2 of this year and then in Q4 of this year, guys. So, if you want to go ahead and you know, kind of

01:00:39 Emily

get involved. This is almost like the,

01:00:43 Emily

the cheaper version, so to speak, of getting a physical currency like a physical, you know Zim, Dong, Dinar because, for a fraction of that cost, you can get a number of tokens. As an example, if you want to put just one U.S. dollar in there, you can get anywhere from one token up to a billion token.

01:01:04 Emily

And so that's kind of the, the, the difference that we're looking at to really help people who might have felt, did I miss the boat? No, guys, you didn't miss the boat. There's still an opportunity for you if you want to participate. If you don't want to participate, that's completely fine as well. Because I mentioned earlier with all those quantum bank accounts that have the

01:01:24 Emily

one to one equivalent of a dollar to an XRP to an XLM. The white hats have actually already helped you move your money into a Stellar wallet for whenever you want to go and pick it up, whether it's now or two years from now.

01:01:37 Emily

So, it's, it's all being taken care of for you guys.

01:01:40 Charlie Ward

Well, thank you.

01:01:41 Charlie Ward

Thank you very much, Emily, and I shall see you again in nine hours’ time.

01:01:46 Emily

I look forward to it.

01:01:48 Charlie Ward

Yep, same same and for those people who want to know more in depth, they'll be. This is part two of three, and this was just for the insiders, this part. But the first part was an introduction. The third part is more in depth. And what I can assure my audience is, is we're in a very, very good place right now. I can assure you.

01:01:49 Dave Mahoney

I think, yeah.

01:02:08 Charlie Ward

Things are very, very positive right now.

01:02:12 Charlie Ward

And thank you very, very much for joining us, Emily, and thank you very much, Mahoney.

01:02:17 Emily

For having me my pleasure.