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Personal Data Protection Policy for Customers_EN_20230821 Edit_22-8-2023
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Personal Data Protection Policy

Me Television Co., Ltd.


Welcome to NT IPTV!

NT IPTV is developed and maintained by Me Television Co., Ltd (“the Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) as an internet video service (the Service) branded and provided by NT (National Telecom Public Company Limited), for an audience (“the user(s)”, “you”, or “your”) in Thailand to watch live TV and on-demand video content. We collect certain information from your device via the NT IPTV application (the App) in order to set up and operate the Service upon your acknowledgement and agreement. We respect your concerns about privacy and appreciate your trust and confidence in us.

What information do we need to provide the Service?

If you register an account to use the Service, we will need some information from you to set it up, verify and secure the account, and operate and improve the Service. You can set up the Service with your mobile phone number. If you choose to set up your profile using a social media or third-party account, such as Facebook, LINE, WeChat, or Sign in with Apple, we also collect information, including contact details, gender, and birth date, from that social media account when you link it with the App. If you choose, you can provide certain other optional information to set up your account and/or to enable certain Service features. If you need to get in touch with us, we will also retain some information so that we can get back in touch with you and address any concerns.

Who do we share your information with?

We do not share your information with any third parties except where we need to in order to provide the Service
or monitor the success of our marketing and advertising programs, or where we are instructed to by a court, authority, or compelled by law. For more information, please refer to:

Where do we process your information?

Our service platform, including the servers, storage, CDN, and backend systems, are located and secured by NT in Thailand. Our operation teams located in our offices in Thailand, supported by certain technical personnel located in the PRC, will have access to your information.  

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We generally retain your information for the period during which you maintain an account for the Service, after
which time your data is deleted (as further described in this Privacy Policy) unless otherwise required by
applicable laws. For more information, please refer to

How can I exercise my rights over my information?

Depending on where you are, you may have certain rights with respect to your information, such as rights of
access, to receive a copy of your data, to delete your data, or restrict or object to our processing of your data. For more information, please refer to

How to get in touch with us?

If you have any questions about anything in this Privacy Policy or want to exercise any rights you may have,
please contact us here.  

Contact Information

Data Controller: Me Television Co., Ltd.


How will we notify you of changes?

Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted here. Please check this page frequently to see if there are any updates or changes to this Privacy Policy.

The Company has prepared this Personal Data Protection Policy to declare the structure of the control, protection, management, and appropriate security to the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data processed and protected by the Company - in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E.2562, hereinafter referred to as “PDPA.” Therefore, the Company has announced the Personal Protection Data Policy as follows:


Personal Data means any information relating to a person which enables the identification of such person, whether directly or indirectly, but not including the information of the deceased persons in particular;

Data Subject means you who is a customer of the Company, whether an ordinary person or a juristic person, which has its representatives, directors, or agents (officers) on behalf of customers who are juristic persons who are ordinary persons;

Data Controller means Me Television Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as “the Company”;

Data Processor means a person or a juristic person who operates in relation to the collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data pursuant to the orders given by the Data Controller;


        2.1        The Types of Personal Information We Use

                2.1.1 account registration information: you give us information about you when you set up an account to register for the Service: your name, email address, phone number, profile picture, gender, birth date, ID number, and login details. If you choose to register for the Service using your social media account (such as Facebook, LINE, WeChat, or Apple), your information from your social media account, including your

username, profile picture, gender, and birth date, and

                2.1.2 customer support and feedback information: relevant information that you voluntarily provide to us when you communicate with our customer service, when you give us reviews or feedback, set preferences on the “Settings” page of the Service, or otherwise provide information to us through the Service.


        2.2        Information about you generated as part of the Service: we automatically collect certain data from you when you use the Service, namely:

                2.2.1 your IP address, Account ID, virtual user ID (VUID), and device information, including device ID, the device you use to access the Service (e.g., computer, gaming systems, smart TVs, mobile devices, etc.) and its type and configuration, connection information;

                2.2.2 information regarding your use of the Service, such as statistics on page views, referral URLs and ad data, predicted age range, and gender;

                2.2.3 user log and running log information (i.e., log information on all the actions that you conduct when using the Service);  

                2.2.4 each time you interact with us, for example, if you contact our customer support team, we collect information including your name, date and time of contacting customer support, chat transcripts with customer support, your phone number (if you call us), Account ID, device ID, application version, battery level, WiFi strength, free space on a device, iOS version, platform, network type, carrier, country code, and details of the ticket and error. You also have the option of providing your email address and a photo to illustrate the error;

                2.2.5 your search history on NT IPTV, including what content you select, what videos you watch, and what videos you almost watched on NT IPTV;

                2.2.6 if you click on a link that advertises the Service, we store the marketing and analytics data for that advertisement and marketing analytics data (e.g., device ID (IDFA (iOS) or Ad ID (Google)), engagement data, and search terms) with your profile;

                2.2.7 if you choose a paid subscription for the Service, we collect transaction information to facilitate your paid subscription and to maintain transaction records (Account ID, cost, product purchased, IP address, device details, and, if it is a web-based transaction, your email address);

                2.2.8 if you enable push notifications, we use a third-party SDK to automatically collect data sufficient to deliver those notifications;

                2.2.9 when you are using the Service, our security feature collects (in addition to the categories of data listed above) device information, including a list of installed hack software, equipment brand and model, available space on the device, and information about your internet connection including the type (WiFi/4G/3G);

        2.3        We do NOT collect your credit card details (name, credit card number, expiry date, and billing address), which will be collected by third-party payment processors instead (for example, if you choose to subscribe via in-app purchase).  

        2.4        Please note that NT IPTV collects Installed Application information to enable push notifications to be delivered.

        2.5        NT IPTV allows you to test and use the Service without registering for an account as Guest User. During the test use, we will collect your device information, including your device ID (IDFA (iOS) or Ad ID (Google), IP address, and usage behavior.

        2.5        We use cookies and other similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, log files, scripts, and eTags) (“Cookies”) to enhance your experience using the Service. Cookies are small files which, when placed on your device, enable us to provide certain features and functionalities.

        2.6        Children must not use the Service for any purpose, except where their parent or guardian has provided consent. By children, we mean users under the age of 20 years old as regulated by Thailand law.

        2.7        How We User the Personal Data: we aggregate and anonymize the information listed below and use such information for purposes of Service improvement, insights (including into our Services and campaigns), analytics, and research.  

                2.7.1 Information you provide to us (either directly or through NT or a third party)


Purpose of Use

Personal details:

  • given name
  • surname
  • profile picture
  • gender
  • birth date
  • ID number
  • login details

We use this information to create your account for the Service in accordance with your request and for account verification and security check.  

We also use your name, ID number, and profile picture for short video service when you choose to upload videos on NT IPTV.

Contact details

  • email address
  • mobile phone number
  • social media account

We use this information to create your account for the Service in accordance with your request. We also use this information to provide and administrate customer services.

Communication information

  • record of communication information with the customer service
  • correspondences via emails

We also use this information to provide:

  • troubleshooting, such as addressing, fixing, and remediating technical issues and bugs; and/or
  • administering customer support services to you.

                2.7.2 Information generated as part of the Service


Purpose of Use

Account ID: username, profile picture, login channel, gender, birthday, subscription status, and payment status

We use this information to:

  • assign you an ID within the Service and identify and

remember you when you log in to the Service;

  • store your Service data with your account; and
  • remember your subscription information to provide the Service.  

Technical information

  • IP address number of the device,
  • ID activated, including equipment ID

We use this information to allow you to connect to our server and to deliver you personalized recommendations. We also use this information to geo-block unauthorized access to the Service outside of the territory of Thailand.

Device information: Device ID (IDFA (iOS) or Ad ID (Google)), the device you use to access the Service (e.g., computer, gaming systems, smart TVs, mobile devices, etc.), and its type and configuration and connection information  

We use this information:

  • to improve our services, including the features and functionality of the Service;
  • for security and verification purposes; and
  • to identify and address bugs and assess Service function for optimization.

Information regarding your use of the Service: such as statistics on page views, referral URLs and ad data, channel viewership, predicted gender and age range  

We use this information to:

  • improve the accuracy of advertising display and service delivery;
  • enable better content selection for you; and
  • train our algorithm for content recommendation to ensure you see content that may interest you.

User log and running log information: log information on all the actions that you conduct when using the Service

We use this information to:

  • verify your subscription status
  • update the watching history of the same account across multiple platforms
  • provide you with personalized recommendations on the Service
  • improve the accuracy of advertising display and service delivery, and train our algorithm for content recommendation to ensure you see content that may interest you

Crash reports, error logs, and troubleshooting: device model, device brand, Android OS version, Android API version, device manufacturer and version, CPU model, whether a device is rooted, disk memory, SD card space, internal storage space, free space on the device, connectivity information, current process information and process IDs on your device.

We use this information to:

  • detect and manage technical issues and crashes (such as when the Service is not responding or has crashed unexpectedly)
  • provide troubleshooting
  • improve the stability of the Service

Customer support log information: name, date and time of contacting customer support, chat transcripts with customer support, phone number (if you call our customer service), Account ID, application version, battery level, WiFi strength, free space on a device, iOS version, platform, network type, carrier, country code, details of the ticket and error, email address and photo (if you provide us this to illustrate the error)

We use this information to:

  • provide troubleshooting such as addressing, fixing, and remediating technical issues and bugs and/or
  • administrate customer support services to you

Search information: your search history on NT IPTV, including what content you select, what videos you watch, and what videos you almost watched on NT IPTV

We use this information to improve the Service, including the functionality of the Service.

Advertising data: gender, date of birth, age range, location (IP address), and watch history (such as statistics on page views, referral URLs, and ad data including device ID (IDFA (iOS) or Ad ID (Google)))

We use this information to understand your interests and to deliver personalized recommendations on the Service and advertising and marketing to you on and off the Service.

Marketing analytics data: your device ID (IDFA (iOS) or Ad ID (Google)), region, engagement data, watch history, payment actions, open sessions, and search terms

If you click on a link or interact with content that advertises the Service, we store the marketing and analytics data for that advertisement and certain marketing analytics data with your profile.

Transaction records: Account ID, cost, product purchased, IP address, device details, email

address (if web-based transaction), form, channel, place and record of payment

We use this information to facilitate your paid subscription and to maintain a record of your transaction history.

Security-related information: list of hacking or cheating software, device operation system settings, device information including mobile phone brand, model, CPU structure, CPU model, kernel version and resolution

We use this information to:  

  • provide a fair and secure user environment
  • solve crashes and optimize compatibility

Push notification data: device information (manufacturer, model, system type and version, language, ID, resolution, country code, network type, boot time, network status, RAM/ROM), network information (IP address, carrier), interactions, app version

We use this information to provide you with relevant push notifications.

Installed app: AppName, StartTime, EndTime, VisitTime, VersionCode, VersionName, and PackageName

We use this information to facilitate the content service relevancy and viewing quality improvement.


        The Company may collect your Personal Data from sources as follows

        3.1        Collect data directly from you, such as

                3.1.1 Procedures for applying for the Company’s services, signing an agreement, filling out an application filling out questionnaires, or any relevant registration by way of creating an account via the Company website or application,

                3.1.2 Your communication with the Company via the Company’s contact channels such as telephone, e-mail, Line Official Account, and so forth;

                3.1.3 Your information about the participation in the Company’s activities, such as slides or videos and so forth, and

                3.1.4 The Company may collect data automatically, for example: when you use the Company website or application. The Company may collect your Personal Data through the use of Cookies, which will help them improve their services more efficiently and securely. To protect your Personal Data, Cookies are used as text files that gather information about your computer’s login, internet usage, and browsing behavior when you use the Company’s services or access their platform or upon your response to the Customer Relationship of the Company.

        3.2         Collect data from other sources, such as

                3.2.1 Our customers, agents, or service providers of the Company,

                3.2.3 Subsidiary companies or business alliances of the Company,

                3.2.3 State authorities or other publicly available sources, such as the Company website, data made available on the internet or social media platforms, e.g., Line Official Account, etc.


        The Company will collect, use, and disclose your Personal Data for many purposes which depend on the relationship between you and the Company or for any other purposes as specified in this Policy as follow:

        4.1         Contractual Basis 


        For the purpose of performance of the contracts in which you are a customer and a direct contracting party or a director or representative (an officer) on behalf of a customer as a juristic person, whether an employment agreement, a service agreement, NT IPTV, or business agreement or any memorandum of agreement for the Company’s businesses or a juristic person whom you are a representative before making an agreement with the Company as the case may be. The purposes that your Personal Data is collected, used, and disclosed by the Company shall, for example, be for


                4.1.1 Consideration of applications for using the Company’s products or services or entering into an agreement between you or a legal entity in which you are an authorized representative of the Company who supports and improves the services.                        

                4.1.2 Use of products, benefits, or services of the Company, including products, benefits or services of the Company’s affiliates and the Company’s partners which are jointly launched with the Company to perform contractual obligations, to comply with the Company’s internal procedures, receipt or delivery of information or documents between you and the Company including to comply with any regulations of government authorities which are necessary for the performance of the agreement between you and the Company or a juristic person who you are a representative.

        Possible effects where you do not provide Personal data are as follows

        (1) The Company may not be able to collect or pay money according to the agreement, via transfer to your account.

        (2) The Company cannot perform its duties under laws partly or wholly;

        (3) You may be performed under laws by the Company slowly or being inconvenient, obstructed because you do not provide your Personal Data, which may affect the Company to increase any procedures as necessary; or

        (4) Any other effect mentioned in (1) and (3) that may occur in the future, about which the company will notify you as soon as possible on a case-by-case basis.


        4.2         Legal Obligation

                To comply with the laws specified, such as

                4.2.1 Civil and Commercial Code, Insurance Laws, Labor Protection Law, Social Security Law, Workmen’s Compensation Fund Law, Labor Relation Law, Provident Fund Law, Revenue Code, Bankruptcy Law, Prevention and Combating Money Laundering and Computer Crime Law and so forth;        

        4.2.2 Other applicable laws, including rules and regulations issued under the authority of the

applicable laws of Thailand; and

                4.2.3 Monitoring by supervisory authorities or other legal proceedings, including reporting or legally disclosing Personal Data to governmental offices.

        Possible effects where you do not provide Personal data are as follows:

        (1) The Company cannot perform its duties under laws partly or wholly;

        (2) You may be performed under laws by the Company slowly or being inconvenient, obstructed because you do not provide your Personal Data, which may affect the Company to increase any procedures as necessary; and

        (3) Any other effect mentioned in (1) and (2) that may occur in the future, about which the company will notify you as soon as possible on a case-by-case basis.

         4.3         Legitimate Interest

                For the purpose of the legitimate interest of the Company, other persons, or other entities, provided that such interest shall not go beyond reasonable expectation, or for any other purposes permitted by law such as

                4.3.1 Verification of your identity,

                4.3.2 Voice recordings, pictures, motion pictures or CCTV,

                4.3.3 Survey, participation in organizational activities, result announcement, parcel receipt delivery, analysis, research, or statistics,

                4.3.4 Risk management, compliance, supervision, complaint resolution, internal organizational

management, and the prevention, handling, and mitigation of risks that may be incurred from fraud and corruption,

                4.3.5 Cyberattacks, violation of law and data examination on electronic devices for work efficiency enhancement, examination of performance behavior, and court proceedings,

                4.3.6 Creation of the Company’s website, the reserve of data in cloud backups or servers,

                4.3.7 Accounting, making payslips or of the Company auditing,

                4.3.8 Business management, including planning, reporting, and forecasting,

                4.3.9 Management of the Company’s relationship with customers/clients, such as communicating on any information enquiry, managing your feedback, offering benefits, and informing you of any notification without marketing purposes,

                4.3.10 Disclosure of your data to the Company’s agents, contractors, sub-contractors, and service providers for the Company’s businesses, and

                4.3.11 Establishment of, compliance with, or exercise or defense of legal claims.          

           4.4  Consent

                To collect, use and disclose your Personal Data as deemed necessary such as,

                4.4.1 Delivery or transfer of your Personal Data to countries with inadequate Personal Data protection standards (unless the PDPA specifies that we may proceed without obtaining consent),

                4.4.2 When you are classified as a minor, incompetent, or quasi-incompetent whose consent must be given by their parent, guardian, or curator (as the case may be),

                4.4.3 Other activities for which we may require your consent,

                4.4.4 Benefits of assessment, improvement, and development of the Company products, services, and sales promotion,

                4.4.5 Informing you of any information about the Company's and its affiliates' products or services, benefits, sales promotion, marketing activities, activity invitations, and offering products or services,

                4.4.6 Survey of needs, satisfaction, and suggestions about the Company products and services and your interests in offering products or services, including developing the Company products or services to meet your needs, and

                4.4.7 Disclosure to affiliates and business partners to improve the Company’s services and offer benefits and current products of the Company, affiliates, and business partners, including products and services to be jointly launched in the future and inform any benefits and sales promotions.

                4.5         Other lawful basis

                The Company may collect, use, or disclose your Personal Data based on the following lawful basis:

                 4.5.1 Prepare historical documents or archives for the public interest or for purposes relating to research or statistics;

                 4.5.2 Prevent or suppress a danger to a person’s life, body, or health; and/or

                 4.5.3 Required to carry out a public task or to exercise official authority.



        The Company shall collect Personal Data according to its objectives and necessities. When Personal Data

is not required to be collected according to its objectives and necessities, the Company shall delete, destroy or anonymize Personal Data to become anonymous data - which cannot identify the Data Subject at once - as set off in the data protection standards. However, the Company shall further collect Personal Data not exceeding ten (10) years from the dates on which the collected Personal Data ended.

In addition, in the event as prescribed by law or incurred any necessary reason resulting in the Company being required to collect, use or disclose Personal Data further as stated above, the Company reserves the right to extend the time as required, in which case the Company shall notify you for acknowledgment in advance.


        The Company will not disclose your Personal Data to any office of a third party unless it is necessary to do so to achieve a specific purpose related to a legal proceeding or if an office has a legal duty to request access to your Personal Data. The Company may disclose your Personal Data to third parties as follows:  

        6.1 Department of Marketing, Department of Accounting, Department of Customer Relationship, Department of Sale, and Department of Product Delivery;

        6.2 The Company’s vendors, such as National Telecom Public Company Limited, product sellers, lessors, service providers, contractors employed by the Company to provide services for data collection, or marketing consultants relating to the Company’s businesses, and so forth;

        6.3 Professionals such as doctors, auditors, legal consultants, attorneys, and so forth;

        6.4 State offices or any other offices supervising any businesses as prescribed by laws, e.g., the Office of Personal Data Protection Committee, and so forth; or

        6.5 Related third person(s), e.g., banks providing credit facilities, life insurance companies or insurance companies, asset management companies, etc.,

        6.6 Online advertising platform; and

        6.7 Service providers receive their service fees via online transactions.


        Under the duration of the collection of Personal Data, as prescribed in this Policy, you are entitled to proceed as follows:

        7.1 Rights to withdraw consent to a collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data, in particular, that

the Company is required to seek Data Subject's consent;

        7.2 Rights to request the viewing of Personal Data and obtain a copy(s) thereof or disclosing the acquiring of Personal Data, which the Data Subject has not granted consent;

        7.3 Rights to receive Personal Data, requesting to send or transfer of Personal Data to another Company or requesting for the receiving of Personal Data, which the Company has sent or transferred;

         7.4 Rights to object from a collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data, which the Company has collected without the Data Subject's consent - as prescribed by the law;

        7.5 Rights to request the Company to delete, destroy or anonymize Personal Data in the case where Personal Data is no longer necessary, or the Data Subject withdraws the consent, or the Data Subject exercises the right - according to clause 7.4.;

        7.6 Rights to request for a restriction from using Personal Data in the case where Personal Data is pending the examination process to be up-to-date, complete, and not misleading or no longer necessary for collection or being proved - as prescribed by the law; or

        7.7 Rights to request for updating and completing of Personal Data - as not to cause any misunderstanding.

        Provided that the details for each type of your exercising of his or her rights shall be in the Company’s requesting form (s), which the Company so prepared and secured at the Department of Marketing, Department of Accounting, and Department of Customer Relationship of the Company.

        Nonetheless, you are not liable for any cost/expense in exercising said foregoing rights as fixed by the Company.  Provided that the Company shall consider and provide feedback of the Company’s consideration, as per your request, within 30 days from the date of the Company having received the said request.


        The Company may collect your Personal by using its cookies and technology similarly when you use the Company’s products and/or services, including using the website, conducting financial transactions via an internet connection, and its application.

        By collecting your Personal Data and utilizing cookies, the Company can recognize and acknowledge your preferences, leading to an improved approach to proposing its products and/or services to you. These cookies serve various purposes, such as assisting basic functions, aiding the Company in understanding its website mechanism or emails, providing better online experiences and communication with you, and ensuring that online advertising media provided to you is more relevant to your interests. For more information, please refer to the cookies policy.


        The Company has provided the Security Measure of Personal Data, covering management security measures, technique security measures, and physical security measures in connection with the accession or usage of Personal Data.  On the effective date of this policy, the Company has collected Personal Data in terms of documents locked up in file cabinets. Regarding Personal Data collected in terms of electronic files, the Company has limited rights to access Personal Data by fixing passwords for only a person(s) assigned by the Company and entitled to access to Personal Data.  In addition, the Company has a team to inspect and update the control of Personal Data held by the Company regularly and to monitor the Company systems to check for any data breach which may occur and notify such breach of Personal Data.

        The Company has assigned its relevant officers to Personal Data or Personal Data processing to make a memorandum of understanding or an agreement to protect them from collecting, using, or disclosing Personal Data without authority or illegally.

        In this regard, the Company shall provide terms and conditions of the measure of security of Personal Data particularly.


        The Company shall always review and revise Personal Data Protection Policy to comply with the guideline(s), law(s), and the relevant regulation(s).  Provided that - in the event of any amendment to the Personal Data Protection Policy, the Company shall inform you of acknowledgment by promotion via the Department of Customer Relationship at the soonest.  


        The Company’s name: Me Television Co., Ltd.

        Address: 89/2, Chaengwattana Road, Thung Song Hong Sub-District, Lak Si District, Bangkok.

        Phone: 02-568-1905
