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Chair: Thomas Hope, Eastwood CI (Seasonal Committee)

Chair Elect: Bob Kline, Kitchener-Waterloo C&VS (Seasonal Committee)

Past Chair: David Linnerth, Cameron Heights CI (Seasonal Committee)

WRDSB Representative: Bill Lemon, Board Office (Seasonal Committee)

Secretary: Candy Adam, Huron Heights SS

Treasurer: Ben Crane, Grand River CI

Principal Representative: Brad Marsh, Jacob Hespeler S.S.

Vice Principal Representative: Tim Sargeant, Bluevale CI

P.H.E. Representative: Scott Tupling, Southwood SS

CWOSSA Representative: Jennifer Armatage, Kitchener-Waterloo C&VS

Chair of Scheduling: Scott McCulloch, Board Office (Seasonal Committee)

Chair of Procedures: Josh Windsor, Eastwood CI (Seasonal Committee)

Chair of Rules and Regulations: Candy Adam, Huron Heights SS

Chair of Championship Committee: David Thompson, Kitchener-Waterloo C&VS

Chair of Publicity: Michael Matura, Grand River CI

Co-Chair of Student Assistance Fund: Shannon Walker, Huron Heights SS

Co-Chair of Student Assistance Fund: David Thompson, Kitchener-Waterloo C&VS