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Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline

The Academic Technology Alliance (ATA), in partnership with Information Technology Services (ITS), is pleased to announce the Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline—a three-tiered, multi-phase grant funding system that builds from small-scale, local campus innovation to district-wide program implementation with $50,000 available yearly.

This grant system, funded by Maricopa ITS, differs from the other excellent grant opportunities available in MCCCD because it will allow recipients to test academic technology innovations on a small scale without risk, while also pushing innovators to dream big. Innovation requires the opportunity to fail and build upon both failure and success, and innovation as a District requires the ability to learn from one another, build on strong ideas, and collaborate to identify the best ways we can use educational technology to improve student success. The Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline supports these varying degrees of innovation over three year-long phases.

The Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline does more than offer the opportunity to innovate one time and on a small scale; it provides a system that encourages, develops, and builds upon innovation to make Maricopa a leader in education. This three-year, three-phase Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline develops a system of innovation where ideas are collaboratively fostered, implemented, evaluated, and shared so that MCCCD may be recognized as a leading innovator among institutions of higher learning in the nation, while continuing to build access and success for Maricopa students and communities. The Academic Innovation Pipeline dares you to take try something new, take a risk and dream big.

Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline FAQs

How much money is available?

$50,000 is available for each phase. For Phase I, CTLs at each campus will have $5,000 to award to innovators to buy technology (hardware or software). For Phase II, the ATA determines the top five innovations (from all of the innovations from the first phase) to move to Phase II. These five Phase II innovations would each be awarded up to $10,000 to expand beyond the scope of their initial work. At least one innovation will receive up to $50,000 to expand beyond Phase II to help implement the innovation across the district.

Can the money be used for faculty time?

Phase I of this grant does not fund faculty hours or reassigned time. Future phases can fund faculty time.

What is the purpose of this grant?

The purpose of this grant is to encourage innovation through the use of academic technology. This grant allows recipients to test innovations on a small scale without risk, while also pushing innovators to dream big.

Can adjunct faculty receive this funding?

Adjunct faculty can apply for this funding in connection with a full-time faculty member. They are not eligible to apply on their own.

What is ATA?

ATA stands for Academic Technology Alliance. This is a group of faculty and staff who are focused on advocating for the effective use of academic technology across the district. This group meets regularly throughout the academic year.

Why is it called a pipeline?

The idea of this grant is to help faculty move forward with innovation.

What if I am already innovating with this technology? Can I still be considered for Phase II?

All Phase I participants who complete the deliverables can be considered by the college for advancement to Phase II. Additionally, faculty who have been using an academic technology prior to the Innovation Pipeline Grant process (or were not funded by Phase I and innovated anyway) and wish to be considered for Phase II must submit the Phase I deliverables to be included in the review for Phase II. Colleges will decide from both pools which innovations to forward to the Academic Technology Alliance (ATA) who will choose five innovations to fund in Phase II.

Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline Phase I Deliverables

At the end of Phase I of the Academic Technology Innovation Pipeline, faculty are expected to deliver the following information to their college CTLs no later than May 15, 2018 at 5:00 pm:

Short recorded presentation

Phase I Report

Background Information

Technology Innovation  

Include the following details:


Include the following details:

Phase II Considerations  

Phase II can provide funding up to $10,000 which can include reassign time. Please include the following details about how you will scale your technology and collaborate with colleagues in Phase II:

Phase III Considerations

Phase III of the Innovation Pipeline will involve scaling your project at the District-level. While all colleges may not implement this technology, the intent is that a majority will be able to. The same considerations that need to be taken into account for Phase II will also need to be taken into account for Phase III. To be successful moving forward to Phase III, you will need to think about and plan for what will be necessary to implement this technology at the District-level.

More information about Phase III will be shared as we move closer to this part of the grant.