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Secondary 1:1 Overview and FAQ for Families
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Tahoma School District

1:1 For Secondary Students

FAQ for Families

Why is 1:1 access necessary?

Reliable and equitable computer access is essential to ensure that our students have easy access to digital information and resources that support empowered learning; collaboration, creativity, and communication; productivity; differentiated and personalized learning; and opportunities to develop and demonstrate the District’s Future Ready Skills. Students in third through fifth grade have access to a 1:1 environment when they are at school. Secondary students need this access at school and at home. Starting in the fall of 2021, all secondary students were expected to bring a fully charged device to school every day. Regardless of grade level, technology use is prioritized where it can accelerate and improve learning. The Tahoma School District is committed to ensuring that students have ready and reliable access to digital tools, information, and resources that support empowered learning; collaboration, productivity, and creativity; differentiated and personalized learning; and opportunities to develop and demonstrate the District’s Future Ready Skills.

Middle School 1:1 (2024-25 and Beyond)

All middle school students will be assigned a district Chromebook to use at school and at home and will be expected to use that device throughout middle and high school. The district no longer supports personal devices at middle school.

High School 1:1

BYOD is also being phased out for high school students, but they may continue to bring their own device or opt to borrow a district Chromebook until the 2025-26 school year when all students, 6-12, will be expected to use a district device.

How can a student get a district Chromebook?

A simple checkout form is required. The form can be found in Skyward Family Access (directions). Devices will be distributed before school starts.

How long can a student borrow a district Chromebook?

Loaner devices are intended to be kept by students until they graduate, leave our district, or no longer need it because they are opting to bring their own device (whichever comes first).

Will loaner devices be collected every summer?

No. Loaned devices will only be collected when a student leaves our system or no longer needs to borrow a device.

My child was bringing their own device, but now we’d like a district device--can we do that?

Of course, the form to request a Chromebook for those who don’t have one can be found in Skyward Family Access (directions).

What if a student is enrolled in classes that require specialty software that don’t work on a personal device or a borrowed Chromebook?

As in the past, classes that require specialized software will have devices available in the classroom to support the specific needs of that class.

Is there content filtering software installed on borrowed devices?

Yes. Content filtering software is installed on the loaner devices. However, no filter catches everything so we encourage parents to supervise any computer use at home if concerned.

What kind of device is acceptable for BYOD? (only allowed in grades 9 and above)

A fully functioning laptop is preferred, but tablets (iPads, etc.) with keyboards may also meet the needs of your student. Smart phones are not appropriate for BYOD.

 Student devices must be able to

In order to ensure optimal functionality and security at school, students’ personal devices should

What can I do to help prepare my student for bringing a device to and from school?

What happens if the device I borrowed breaks? 

Normal wear and tear is to be expected. However, substantial breakage or damage that falls outside the scope of normal wear and tear or appears to be intentional or the result of negligence may be subject to a repair fee. Below are some examples.

Type of Repair

Typical Repair Cost

Replace cracked or damaged screen

Up to $140

Replace lost or damaged power adaptor


Replace keyboard


Replace entire device

Prorated based on age of device--up to $250

What happens if a Tahoma device is stolen or lost?

The student/family is responsible for replacing any lost or stolen district device that is assigned to them.

What happens if a personal device is stolen or lost?

The student/family is responsible for personal devices.

Will borrowed devices get software updates as needed?


Where will students securely store devices during PE and other times they may not be near their backpack, etc.?

Each school has plans for safe and expected storage. These expectations will be shared with students when school starts.

Is there an insurance option for borrowed devices?

No. Similar to other districts, we have decided to move toward treating borrowed laptops the same way we treat borrowed textbooks, musical instruments, etc. We will provide padded storage sleeves, as well as options for safe storage while on campus, to offer sufficient protection for student’s devices, and we will assess damage beyond normal wear and tear on a case-by-case basis.

Can I put removable stickers on my borrowed Chromebook?

Yes, but they must be school appropriate. Also, we encourage students to put their name on their power supply so that it doesn’t get mixed up with someone else’s.

Our home doesn’t have internet access, can we borrow a hotspot so my child can connect wirelessly at home?

The Tahoma School District is committed to ensuring every student has access to Wi-Fi in their homes. The district maintains a limited number of hotspots for students who do not currently have this access. Information for requesting a hotspot can be found here.