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Submissions for the United Haiku and Tanka Society’s 3rd Edition of Songbirds Online Anthology are open from 1 November 2024 until 1 December 2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Submissions for the United Haiku and Tanka Society’s 3rd Edition of Songbirds Online  Anthology are open from 1 November 2024 until 1 December 2024. (midnight) GMT.    


Before submitting, please read this article on Waka from the Japan Times, #6 talks about Waka composed in languages other than Japanese (English). To respect Japanese Culture, please study this whole article in depth. We hope to receive some lovely Court Poetry. Thank you, the UHTS

Submission Guidelines: become a “Songbird”...

1. Please send your work in the body of an email with no attachments, and be sure to include your name, country, and email address.

2. Only works that have not been previously published will be considered.

3. Works submitted elsewhere simultaneously will not be considered.

4. No set theme or season, and no limit to the number of submissions.

5. Works must be in English, no special syllable or word count is required, however, a “songlike” waka rhythm of short/long/short/long/long is necessary.

6. Poets should be open to considering constructive suggestions.

Response Time: Please resend if you’ve not heard back within a week of submitting. Email your work with a subject heading of SONGBIRDS to the United Haiku and Tanka Society Submissions Coordinator Marilyn Humbert:

Copyright Policy:

All rights revert to authors upon publication, although credits for having been first published in Songbirds Online, are required.