Oraculi Data Dictionary | Ecosystem module
Oraculi Data Dictionary | Ecosystem module
# | Name | Data Key | Description | Sample Data |
1 | Bank Verification Number | bvn | This is an 11-digit number that uniquely identifies the borrower across the banking industry in Nigeria as well as an identifier the borrower has used to sign into applications in the Lendsqr's ecosystem. | 22112345678 |
2 | First Name | first_name | This is the first name a borrower has used to sign in to different applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. | Mark |
3 | Last Name | last_name | This is the last name a borrower has used to sign in to different applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. | John-Sule |
4 | Phone Number on BVN | bvn_phone_number | This is the phone number attached to the BVN used to sign up on the applications across the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 7034138291 |
5 | Date of Birth | date_of_birth | This is the date of birth of a particular customer, entailing the day, month and year. This is validated against the customer BVN, done while onboarding to the Lendsqr ecosystem. If the date of birth does not match the one registered with the customer's BVN, the customer is unable to proceed with the onboarding process. | 1/6/1978 |
6 | Age | age | This is the age of the borrower from the date of birth that the borrower has put in in various applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. It is usually used to build the borrower's credit score using the Scoring model | 45 |
7 | Unique Phone Numbers | unique_phone_numbers | This is the number of unique phone numbers a user has across the ecosystem. A number higher than 2 may mean the user has a fraudulent intent | 2 |
8 | Phone Number | phone_number | This is an 11-digit number that is assigned to a specific phone line or mobile phone. It is also an identifier with which a borrower uses to sign into applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. A number higher than 2 may mean the user has a fraudulent intent | 7034138291 |
9 | Unique Emails | unique_emails | This is the number of unique emails a user has across the ecosystem | 2 |
10 | This is the unique email address of a customer, used while signing up across the Lendsqr ecosystem. This also serves as an identifier for a customer across all Lendsqr lending platforms. | someone@example.com | ||
11 | Gender | gender | This is the gender of the borrower which is usually Male or Female. The gender is also used to build a credit score using the Scoring model | Male |
12 | Lenders | lenders | This number indicates the number of lenders a user has signed up on within the Lendsqr ecosystem | 1 |
13 | First Account Opened | first_account | This is the date and time a borrower first opened an account on any of the different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 2/28/20 19:08 |
14 | Last Account Opened | last_account | This is the date and time a borrower last opened an account on any of the different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 9/5/23 12:18 |
15 | Failed Selfie BVN check | failed_selfie_bvn_check | This is the number of failed Selfie BVN checks that a borrower has across the Lendsqr ecosystem | 0 |
16 | Lending Lenders | lending_lenders | This the number of lenders in Lendsqr's ecosystem that are lending and are currently being used by the borrower. | 0 |
17 | Loans | loans | This is the number of loans a borrower has taken across different applications within the Lensqr ecosystem. A lender can decide the threshold that they want their borrowers to have. E.g., max loans: 10 | 0 |
18 | Loan Amount | loan_amount | This is the total amount of loans a borrower has previously taken across different applications within the Lendsqr's ecosystem. | 0 |
19 | Loan Amount Minimum | loan_amount_minimum | This is the minimum loan amount a user has taken within the Lendsqr ecosysytem. Lenders can use this history to decide on the kind of borrowers they want to give loans to. | 1,000 |
20 | Loan Amount Maximum | loan_amount_maximum | This refers to the maximum loan amount that a user has taken in the Lendsqr ecosystem. Lenders can use this history to decide on the kind of borrowers they want to give loans to. | 5,000,000 |
21 | Loan Amount Average | loan_amount_average | This is the average loan amount a borrower has previously taken in different applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. | 456,348.13 |
22 | Settled Loans | settled_loans | This is the number of loans that have been settled by a user borrower from different applications across the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 10 |
23 | Settled Loan Amount | settled_loan_amount | This is the total amount of loans previously settled by a borrower from different applications across the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 20,000 |
24 | Settled Loan Amount Paid | settled_loan_amount_paid | This is the total amount of settled loans previously paid by a borrower from different applications across the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 20,000 |
25 | Running Loans | running_loans | This refers to the total number of active loans a user has across the Lendsqr ecosystem. It is advised that loans should not be given to borrowers who have running loans on other loan applications | 0 |
26 | Running Loan Amount | running_loan_amount | This refers to the total amount of active loans a user has across the Lendsqr ecosystem. It is advised that loans should not be given to borrowers who have running loans on other loan applications | 0 |
27 | Past Due Loans | past_due_loans | This is the total number of past due loans a borrower has had in the Lendsqr ecosystem. A number higher than zero means the customer is a defaulter and should not be given a loan. | 2 |
28 | Past Due Loan Amount | past_due_loan_amount | This is the total amount of past due loans a borrower has had in the Lendsqr ecosystem. An amount higher than zero means the customer is a defaulter and should not be given a loan. | 0 |
29 | Past Due Loan Amount Due | past_due_loan_amount_due | This is the total loan amount due of a past due loan a user has had in the Lendsqr ecosystem. An amount higher than zero means the customer is a defaulter and should not be given a loan. | 0 |
30 | Penalty | penalty | This refers to the fee that a borrower has to pay for failing to meet up with the due date for loan repayment. If a borrower has a history of penalty payments, it means they are possible defaulters and should not be given loans. | 0 |
31 | Penalty Paid | penalty_paid | This refers to the total amount of fees that a borrower has to pay for failing to meet up with the due date for loan repayment. If a borrower has a history of penalty payments, it means they are possible defaulters and should not be given loans. | 0 |
32 | Penalty Loan Ratio | penalty_loan_ratio | This is used to determine the allowable penalty incurred for a user to still access a loan. | 0.15 |
33 | Delayed Paid Loans | delayed_paid_loans | This is the total number of loans a borrower did not pay on time across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
34 | Delayed Paid Loans Amount | delayed_paid_loan_amount | This is the total amount of loans a borrower did not pay on time across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
35 | delayed_paid_loans_trials | Total number of trials on loans paid but not on time | 0 | |
36 | Delayed Paid Loans Average | delayed_paid_loans_avg | This is theaverage number of loans a borrower did not pay on time across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
37 | Delayed Paid Loans Trials Max | delayed_paid_loans_trials_max | This is the allowable maximum total number of loans a borrower did not pay on time across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
38 | Delayed Paid Loans Trials Min | delayed_paid_loans_trials_min | This is the allowable minimum total number of loans a borrower did not pay on time across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
39 | First Loan Date | first_loan_date | This is the first date the borrower took a loan across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 7/2/20 13:09 |
40 | Last Loan Date | last_loan_date | This is the last date the borrower took a loan across different applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 9/13/23 19:18 |
41 | Loan Requests | loan_requests | This is the total number of loan requests a user has made within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 0 |
42 | Failed Loan Requests | failed_loan_requests | This is the total number of unsuccessful loans requests across the Lendsqr ecosystem | 0 |
43 | Logins | logins | This is the total number of logins a borrower has made on different lender applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 280 |
44 | First login | first_login | This is the first login a user made on lender applications in the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 6/30/23 0:48 |
45 | Last Login | last_login | This is the last login a user made on lender applications in the Lendsqr ecosystem. | 9/15/23 12:23 |
46 | Unique Login IPs | unique_login_ips | The count of different IP addresses from which this user has logged into any of Lendsqr lenders' apps. Very high numbers may indicate a fraudulent behavior. | 3 |
47 | Unique Device IDs | unique_device_ids | This is the total count of unique devices that a borrower has used to engage with different lender applications within the Lendsqr ecosystem | 1 |
48 | Distinct Mobile OS | distinct_mobile_os | This is the count of unique mobile operating system a borrower has used to engage with different lender applications in Lendsqr's ecosystem. | 1 |
49 | Duplicated Devices | duplicated_devices | This is the count to show how many time the users device has been used by another user within the ecosystem | 1 |
50 | Shared Devices | shared_device_users | 0 | |
51 | Credit Delinquency | credit_delinquency | This is the number of delinquent credit facilities from the Credit Bureau. This data is gotten from the activity of the lender across different lenders accounts. | 0 |
Oraculi Data Dictionary | Loci module
Oraculi Data Dictionary | Loci module
id | Name | Data Key | Description | Sample Data |
1 | Loan requests | loan_requests | This is the number of loan requests a borrower has made on a lender's application | 160 |
2 | Gender | gender | This is the number of times that a customer have changed their gender over a period of time. It if its more than 1, this may signify a fraudulent intent. | Female |
3 | Marital Status | marital_status | This is the number of times a borrower has updated their marital status over a period of time. | Single |
4 | Number of Dependents | no_of_dependent | This refers to the number of individuals a borrower is responsible for, and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this number indicates a fraudulent intent | 2 |
5 | Type of Residence | type_of_residence | This refers to the type of residence a borrower lives in, and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this number indicates a fraudulent intent | Rented apartment |
6 | Educational Attainment | educational_attainment | This refers to the different educational attainment by the borrower, and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this number indicates a fraudulent intent | Masters and above |
7 | Employment Status | employment_status | This refers to the borrower's current employment status and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this can indicate a fraudulent intent | Employed |
8 | Sector of Employment | sector_of_employment | This refers to the sector of employment a borrower works in and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this can indicate a fraudulent intent | Private |
9 | Monthly net income | monthly_net_income | This refers to the income range earned by the borrower and it is used to build a credit score using the scoring model. A frequent update to this can indicate a fraudulent intent | 200,000 - 399,000 |
10 | Work Email | work_email | This is the official work email of the borrower and it is usually verified in the event that the lender requires a work email. Unless the work email has been validated by the borrower, the loan status remains 'Pending". | someone@lendsqr.com |
11 | Purpose | purpose | This is the reason for stated by the borrower for taking the loan | Personal |
12 | Gender 7 day | gender_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their gender over a period of 7 days. If it is more than the maximum limit in 7 days, it might indicate fraudulent activity | 1 |
13 | Marital Status 7 Day | marital_status_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their marital status over a period of 7 days. If it is more than the maximum limit in 7 days, it can signify a fraudulent intent | 1 |
14 | Number of Dependents | no_of_dependent_7_day | This is how many times a user has updated how many people they're responsible for within 7 days. If it's more than the allowed number in 7 days, it can signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
15 | Type of Residence & Day | type_of_residence_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their place of residence over a period of 7 days. If it is more than the maximum limit in 7 days, this may signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
16 | Educational Attainment 7 Day | educational_attainment_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their educational attainment over a period of 7 days. If it's more than the maximum limit in 7 days, this may signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
17 | Employment Status 7 day | employment_status_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their employment status over a period of 7 days. If it is more than the maximum limit in 7 days, it can signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
18 | Sector of Employment 7 Day | sector_of_employment_7_day | This is the number of times a borrower has changed their sector of employment over a period of 7 days. If it is more than the maximum limit in 7 days, it can signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
19 | Monthly Income 7 Day | monthly_net_income_7_day | This tells us how many times a user has updated their monthly net income within 7 days. If it exceeds the highest allowed number in 7 days, it can signify a fraudulent intent. | 1 |
20 | Loan Requests Last 1 hour | loan_requests_last_1_hour | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within an hour. | 2 |
21 | Loan Requests Last 5 hours | loan_requests_last_5_hour | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 5 hours. | 1 |
22 | Loan Requests Last 10 Hour | loan_requests_last_10_hour | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 10 hours. | 1 |
23 | Loan Requests Last 24 Hour | loan_requests_last_24_hour | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 24 hours. | 5 |
24 | Loan Requests Last 7 Day | loan_requests_last_7_day | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 7 days. | 7 |
25 | Loan Requests Last 30 Day | loan_requests_last_30_day | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 30 days. | 10 |
26 | Loan Requests Last 90 Day | loan_requests_last_90_day | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 90 days. | 20 |
27 | Loan Requests 180 Day | loan_requests_last_180_day | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 180 days. | 30 |
28 | Loan Requests Last 360 Day | loan_requests_last_360_day | This is the total number of allowable loan requests that can be made by a borrower within 360 days. | 46 |
29 | Loan Requests Failed 1 Hour | loan_requests_failed_1_hour | This is the allowable number of times a loan request can be failed within 1 hour. A borrower's failed loan request reason can be checked using the decision data. | 0 |
30 | Loan Requests Failed 24 Hours | loan_requests_failed_24_hour | This is the allowable number of times a loan request can be failed within 1 hour. A borrower's failed loan request reason can be checked using the decision data. | 0 |
31 | Failed Credit Bureau 24 hour | failed_credit_bureau_24_hour | The total number of times the loan requests have failed the dredit bureau checks in the last 24 hours. | 0 |
32 | Failed Credit Bureau 30 Day | failed_credit_bureau_30_day | The total number of times the loan requests have failed the dredit bureau checks within the last 30 days. | 0 |
33 | Used Credit Bureau 30 days | used_credit_bureau_30_day >= 1 | The total number of time credit bureau has been checked for a borrower in the past 30 days | 1 |
34 | Passed Credit Bureau 30 Day | passed_credit_bureau_30_day >= 1 | The total number of times a borrower passed the credit bureau check in the past 30 days. If the borrower passed the check, the credit bureau data isn't checked anymore | 1 |
35 | Work Email Domain | work_email_domain | This is the work email domain of a borrower which is gotten from the work email address. The work email domain is specified after the "@" symbol in the work email address. | example.com |
36 | State | state | This is the state that the borrower is based in. | Lagos |
37 | Loans | loans | This is the total number of loans that a customer has taken from the borrower | 64 |
38 | Loans Canceled | loans_canceled | This is the number of canceled loans by a borrower. | 23 |
39 | Loans Declined | loans_declined | This is the total number of loans declined by an admin. | 11 |
40 | loan_declined_1_hour | This is the allowable number of declined loans within the last 1 hour by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 0 | |
41 | Loan Declined 24 Hour | loan_declined_24_hour | This is the allowable number of declined loans within the last 24 hours by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 0 |
42 | Loans Declined 7 days | loan_declined_7_day | This is the allowable number of declined loans within the last 7 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 0 |
43 | Loans Declined 30 days | loan_declined_30_day | This is the allowable number of declined loans within the last 30 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 1 |
44 | Loans Approved | loans_approved | This is the total number of loans approved by an admin for a borrower | 10 |
45 | loans_approved_amount | This is the total amount of loans approved by an admin for a borrower | 200,000.00 | |
46 | Loan Approved 1 Day | loan_approved_1_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 1 day by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 1 |
47 | Loan Approved 2 Day | loan_approved_2_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 2 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 1 |
48 | Loan Approved 3 day | loan_approved_3_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 3 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 1 |
49 | Loan Approved 7 day | loan_approved_7_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 7 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 2 |
50 | Loan Approved 30 day | loan_approved_30_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 30 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 3 |
51 | Loan Approved 90 Day | loan_approved_90_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 90 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 5 |
52 | Loan Approved 180 Day | loan_approved_180_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 180 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 9 |
53 | Loan Approved 360 Day | loan_approved_360_day | This is the allowable number of approved loans within the last 360 days by an admin that a borrower has before they can reapply for a loan | 10 |
54 | Loans running | loans_running | This is the total number of loans that are still running at a particular point in time. Running loans are active loans that are not overdue. | 1 |
55 | Loans Settled | loans_settled | This is the total number of loans settled by a borrower | 10 |
56 | Loans Settled Amount | loans_settled_amount | This is the total amount of loans that have been settled by a borrower. | 673,507.85 |
57 | Cards | cards | This is the unique bank debit card of a borrower, linked to the borrower's bank account and BVN | 3 |
58 | Card Mastercard | card_mastercard | This shows the type of card added by the borrower | 4 |
59 | Card Verve | card_verve | This shows the type of card added by the borrower | 0 |
60 | Card Visa | card_visa | This shows the type of card added by the borrower | 1 |
61 | Transactions | transactions | Total number of transactions performed by a user. | 167 |
62 | Amount | amount | This refers to the value of a transaction. | 6,458,001.85 |
63 | Credit Transaction | credit_transactions | This is the number of credit transactions on the card added by the borrower. | 93 |
64 | Credit Transaction Amount | credit_transaction_amount | This is the total amount of credit transactions on the card added by the borrower. | 2,943,111.44 |
65 | Debit Transactions | debit_transactions | This is the number of debit transactions on the cards added by the borrower. | 74 |
66 | Debit Transaction Amount | debit_transaction_amount | The total sum of debit transactions performed by a user. | 3,514,890.41 |
67 | Loan Payments | loan_payments | This is the total number of loan payments that have been made by the borrower. | 53 |
68 | Loan Payments Sucessful | loan_payments_successful | This is the total number of loan payments by the borrower that have been successful. | 49 |
69 | Loan Amount Successful | loan_amount_successful | This is the monetary value of all successful loan payments that have been made by the borrower. | 724,507.85 |
70 | Loan Payments Failed | loan_payments_failed | This is the total number of failed loan payment transactions by the borrower. | 4 |
71 | Loan Amount Failed | loan_amount_failed | This is the total sum of all failed loan payments that have been made by a user. | 570,969 |
72 | Apple Device | apple_device | This is the total number of apple devices the user has used to sign into the account. | 0 |
73 | Android Device | android_device | This is the total number of android devices the user has used to sign into the account. | 1 |
74 | Documents Uploaded | documents_uploaded | This is the total number of documents that have been added by the borrower. | 3 |
75 | Documents Pending | documents_pending | This is the number of documents added by a borrower pending approval from an admin. | 0 |
76 | Documents Approved | documents_approved | This is the number of documents added by a user that have been approved by an admin. | 2 |
77 | Documents Rejected | documents_rejected | This is the number of documents added by a user that have been rejected by an admin. | 1 |
78 | Documents Pending or Approved | documents_pending_or_approved | This is the total number of documents added by a borrower pending approval from an admin or already approved by an admin. | Pending |
79 | Device Name | device_name | This is the name of the device a borrower used to sign in. | K |
80 | Disallowed Device | disallowed_device | This is the total number of devices disallowed from accessing a borrower's account. | 0 |
81 | Tier Id | tier_id | Unique Id allocated to a tier | 4 |
82 | Tier | tier | This indicates the level or grade of a customer within the application. | Tier 2 |
83 | Selfie BVN Check | selfie_bvn_check | This indicates if the selfie uploaded by the borrower matches the selfies associated with the BVN of the borrower. | 1 |
84 | Selfie ID Check | selfie_id_check | This shows if the uploaded selfie image matches the image on the borrower's ID. | 0 |
85 | Staff Profiles | staff_profiles | This is an indicator to verify if a borrower is a staff or has an existing staff profile in the organization they added during onboarding. | 1 |
86 | Current Hour | current_hour | This tells the current hour of the day | 16 |
87 | Current Day | current_day | This tells the current day | 6 |