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U.S. History and Geography 9_2019-2020.docx
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Unit of Study



Learning Targets


Formative Assessments

Summative Assessments

Civil War

Week 1

September 3,4,5,6









Target:  Get caught up and refresh ourselves with our knowledge of the Civil War so far.  Today we begin reading, writing, discussing, mapping, watching the "Greatest battle in the Western Hemisphere!"

Target:  "The Greatest Battle Ever Fought in the Western Hemisphere"...Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.  Who, what, where, events!  Read, write, discuss, map, watch!  Awesome, baby!

Target:  Review Gettysburg (Days 1 & 2).  Today, Pickett's charge!  Read/write/discuss/map/watch!  What are the results from Gettysburg?


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Pass out/review/go over DG Miscellaneous Civil War Topics:

Monitor vs. Merrimack, Emancipation Proclamation, 54th Massachusetts, Copperheads, Draft laws, War in the West (Shiloh, Vicksburg)

War in the East?  Battles/generals, etc.

Pass out new Map/DG (Gettysburg):


Begin reading/writing/discussing/mapping watching Gettysburg:

Day 1-Background and Confederates take the town.

Day 2-Little Round Top

Day 3-Pickett's Charge

Who? Where? Details?

Ken Burns -Episode 5Day 1 - 1:28:41 Day 2 - 1:18:51 Day 3 - 1:02:54 (1:05:54)

Continue Map/DG (Gettysburg)

Review/finish/wrap-up the Battle of Gettysburg (Ken Burns)

Pickett's Charge - read/write/discuss/watch/map


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guides

Civil War Miscellaneous

Map/Discussion Guide - Gettysburg

Discussion Guide:

Total War/End in Sight

Civil War

Week 2

September 9,10,11,12








Target:  Today finish/review/go over Gettysburg - Day 1 and 2!  Today, Day 3 (Pickett's Charge).  Read/write/discuss/map/watch!  If time, new DG: The End in Sight!

Target:  Today finish/review/go over Gettysburg  Day 3 (Pickett's Charge).  Today Total War!  What is it?  Read/write/discuss/map/watch how Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan perform Total War!

Target:  9-11:  Review/finish General Grants war philosophy...Total War?  Who? Where? details.  What happens in the election of 1864?  Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.  Final drive to capture Robert E. Lee (battles, details, and more!)

Target:  After reviewing Total War (who? where? how?), we begin reading, writing, discussing, watching, mapping the final days of the Civil War...Appomattox!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Pass out new DG (Total War/End in Sight):  Begin reading/writing/discussing/mapping/watching Total War.  What is it?  Phillip Sheridan (Shenandoah Valley), William Tecumseh Sherman and Sherman's March to the Sea!  Election of 1864, Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.  The end of the war: List final battles in the east, Petersburg, Appomattox Court House, the surrender and events of the surrender.  It is OVER!

Continue DG (Total War/End in Sight):  Continue reading/writing/discussing/mapping/watching Total War.  What is it?  Phillip Sheridan (Shenandoah Valley), William Tecumseh Sherman and Sherman's March to the Sea!  Election of 1864, Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.  The end of the war: List final battles in the east, Petersburg, Appomattox Court House, the surrender and events of the surrender.  It is OVER!

Finish DG (Total War/End in Sight):  Finish reading/writing/discussing/mapping/watching Total War.  What is it?  Phillip Sheridan (Shenandoah Valley), William Tecumseh Sherman and Sherman's March to the Sea!  Election of 1864, Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.  The end of the war: List final battles in the east, Petersburg, Appomattox Court House, the surrender and events of the surrender.  It is OVER!

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Total War the End in Sight

Discussion Guide: Gettysburg

End of War Map Q & A

Civil War


Week 3

September 16,17,18,19,20





Target:    Continue reviewing for the Civil War Quiz, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address!  

Target:   Begin problems after the Civil War. Today we read/write/discuss Reconstruction!  What is it?  Who had plans?  What will happen?  Can't wait to to roll!

Target:  Quiz Time!  We will continue reading/writing/discussing Plans for Reconstruction.

Target:  Review Reconstruction so far (plans).  Today we work finish DG.  Begin reading/writing/discussing Black Codes, Radical Republicans (another plan?), 14th, 15th Amendments, and possibly a very important event in U.S. History!

Target: Review President Johnson's Reconstruction Plan.  What are Black Codes?  Next, read/write/discuss Radical Republicans vs. President Johnson.  Show down in D.C!  Slavery Amendments?






Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Pass out and read/discuss Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

New DG:  Reconstruction

Read/write/discuss Reconstruction - Northern and Southern  post war problems, Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction, Wade-Davis Bill, Lincoln's Assassination, President Johnson's Plan, Congress' Plan

Review Problems in the North and South post Civil War.

Continue/Finalize Reconstruction Discussion Guide:  Read/write discuss Reconstruction Plans (Lincoln's 10% Plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Freedmen's Bureau, Lincoln's Assassination, President Johnson, and his Reconstruction Plan, Radical Republicans.

Homework "Death at Ford's Theater"

 Review Finish DG:  Freedmen's Bureau, President Lincoln's Assassination, President Andrew Johnson and his Reconstruction Plan, Radical Reconstruction Plan.

Turn in homework:  John Wilkes Booth and Lincoln's Assassination

Begin new DG:  Radical Reconstruction - Black Codes, Radical Republicans in Congress, goals.  Why did they control both houses of Congress?  14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Election of 1866, the impeachment of President Johnson, U.S. Grant.

Go over homework - Death at Ford's Theater and DG (First Steps to Reunion)

Review President Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction and Black Codes so far...

Continue DG: Radical Reconstruction Plan (details) Goals, How/why did they control both houses of Congress?  14th, 15th Amendments, Election of 1866, Compare/contrast the 4 Reconstruction Plans/Impeachment of President Johnson/Election of 1868


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Reconstruction

Homework:Death at Ford’s Theater

Homework:  John Wilkes Booth and Lincoln's Assassination

Discussion Guide:  Radical Reconstruction

Civil War Quiz



Week 4

September 23, 24, 25, 26, 27







Target: Review President Johnson's Plan.  Today, Radical Republicans and their goals.   (Congress vs. President Johnson!) Reconstruction Act, 14th, and 15th Amendments...Impeachment???

Target: Today we begin the Impeachment of President Johnson.  Next, we read/write/discuss what happens under Radical Reconstruction.  Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, KKK!   Then,we will get ready for our essay!  

Target:  Review Radical Reconstruction/President Johnson's Impeachment.  Now, what happens in the South during Radical Reconstruction?  Scalawags?  Carpetbaggers? Freedmen? KKK?  DG onward!

Target:  What are the Radicals up to?  I know 3 new groups who controlled the South during Reconstruction.  Today KKK, Sharecropping, what led to Radical's decline?  New Southern economy?

Target:  I will review the KKK and what they did.  Next, we read/write discuss sharecropping, Reconstruction positives, and finally, Radicals in Decline!

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Review Radical Republicans and  their goals/leaders

Work/finish DG Radical Reconstruction:  Read/write/discuss how Republicans were able to control both houses of Congress, 14th, 15th Amendments, Election of 1866 outcomes, Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan and Johnson's reaction, Impeachment of President Johnson, Election of 1868.

Review Radical Republicans/goals/beliefs/accomplishments

Review/go over Reconstruction and the Radicals.  Review Impeachment Process and President Johnson's Impeachment

Pass out/Go over Essay Options

New DG:  Changes in the South - Carpetbaggers/Scalawags/Freedmen in Government, KKK, Positives of Reconstruction?/Sharecropping/End of Reconstruction/Radicals in Decline

Review Impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Radical Republican Plan

Andrew Johnson's Impeachment:  Radical Reconstruction:

Pass out and begin new DG (Changes in the South):  Begin reading/writing/discussing Sharecroppers, Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, African Americans in Congress, KKK,Radicals in Decline, Southern Industry Growth.

Review/go over Reconstruction and the Radicals.  Review Impeachment Process and President Johnson's Impeachment  Review Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, African Americans in the "New South"

Go over Essay Options:   Important question - Why are the radicals doing this?  Goals/motives.

Continue New DG:  Changes in the South 

Carpetbaggers/Scalawags/Freedmen in Government, KKK, Positives of Reconstruction?/Sharecropping/End of Reconstruction/Radicals in Decline

Review New Southern Governments (Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, African Americans,KKK and how/why they spread terror).

Essay Questions due Monday


Continue DG: Resistance, KKK, positives of Radical Reconstruction, Sharecropping, Reconstruction Ends (Radicals in Decline), New South.



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

DG: Radical Reconstruction

DG:  Changes in the South

Essay Choice

Radical Republicans or


Of President




Week 5

September 30, October 1,2,3,4

Target: Review Sharecropping.  Today we finish the DG.  What led to Radical Decline?  Crops and industry (yes industry) help the South!  New DG if time.  Go over Essays!

Target:  Wrap up DG!  "New" Southern economy/decline of Radicals!  Today, read/write/discuss/watch really sad codes...Jim Crow laws!

Target: Election of 1876:  Strange?  I will be able to explain it's importance in ending Reconstruction.  Next, we will look at the various ways the South kept rights away from freedmen!  Quiz next Tuesday/Wednesday?


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Go over essays

Review Sharecropping/Cycle of Poverty

Work/finish DG Changes in the South.  Read/write/discuss Radicals in Decline, what crops restored Southern economy, industries, and new industries in the south.

New DG: Restricting the Rights of African Americans.

Read/write/discuss 3 ways the Southern States kept Freedmen from voting, segregation, Jim Crow laws, Plessy vs.Ferguson

Work/finish DG - Changes in the South.  Continue/finish Radicals in Decline. What crops and industry restored the Southern Economy.

Pass out and begin new DG Restricting Rights of African Americans.  Read/write/discuss 3 ways the Southern States kept Freedmen from voting, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, Plessy vs. Ferguson.

Review End of Reconstruction

Work/Finish Election of 1876

New DG: Restricting African American Rights - read/write/discuss poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses,  Jim Crow Laws, segregation, Plessy vs. Ferguson  




Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

 DG: Changes in the South

DG: Restricting the Rights of African Americans

 DG: Restricting Rights of African Americans.

Election of 1876 Q&A


Native American




Week 6

October 7,8,9,10,11









Target:  Election of 1876 (Compromise of 1877), Why is it called this?  Read/write/discuss 3 voting restrictions, segregation, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Jim Crow Laws.  Quiz Wednesday!

Target:  Review segregation/Jim Crow.  Bring on my quiz tomorrow!  SAT/PSAT practice (historical reading).  If time, begin Native American resistance in the West.

Target: Wrap-Up Reconstruction...quiz tomorrow (review).  Now, new DG!  Native American resistance.  Read/write/discuss what happens to Native Americans out west.

Target:  Begin reading/writing/discussing Native American resistance "out west."  Treaties, battles...Sand Creek, Little Big Horn, Wounded Knee and


Target:  Review Treaty of Fort Laramie treaty breaking and Sand Creek.  Today read/write/discuss Little Big Horn and Custer's Last Stand, Ghost Dance, and Wounded Knee.



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Review Election of 1876 (Compromise of 1877)

Finish DG (Restricting African American Rights):  Read/write discuss Poll Taxes, Grandfather Clauses, Literacy Tests, Segregation, Jim Crow Laws, Plessy vs. Ferguson

Review for Quiz

Review/finish Jim Crow Laws, Plessy vs. Ferguson - Segregation

New DG Native American Resistance:

Read/write/discuss Treaty of Fort Laramie (promises made, promises broken), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sand Creek Massacre, Sioux resistance (Black Hills-Little Big Horn), Ghost Dance (Wounded Knee Massacre), Long Walk (Navajos), Chief Joseph (Nez Perces), assimilation.

Begin/Continue DG Native American Resistance:

Read/write/discuss Treaty of Fort Laramie (promises made, promises broken), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sand Creek Massacre, Sioux resistance (Black Hills-Little Big Horn), Ghost Dance (Wounded Knee Massacre), Long Walk (Navajos), Chief Joseph (Nez Perces), assimilation.

Review Sand Creek: Ken Burns the West

Episode 4 Who is the Savage (31:40)    13 minutes

Continue DG Native American Resistance:  Read/write/discuss/watch Little Big Horn/Custer's Last Stand, ghost dance



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

DG: Restricting African American Rights

DG: Native American Resistance

Reconstruction Quiz

Native American


Western Settlement

Week 7

October 14,15,16,17,18



Target: Review/finish Little Big Horn!  Today we read/write/discuss/watch The Ghost Dance/Wounded Knee.  Then 3 more tribes, and finally assimilation.

Target: Go over Reconstruction Quiz.  Review Little Big Horn/Custer's Last Stand.  Today, DG on!  Ghost Dance/Wounded Knee/new government policy...assimilation.

Target: Review Ghost Dance/Wounded Knee.  Today we work/finish the DG by reading/writing discussing what happens to the Navajos, Nez Perces (Chief Joseph), and the Apaches.  Then we go over assimilation and the Dawes Act.

Target:  Today we wrap up the U.S. government's Indian policies.  Next we will work on a map of this period (tribes/reservations/battles/marches).  Oh, review Navajos, Nez Perces, Apaches, assimilation, Dawes Act.


Daily Power Point Warm-ups

Various Video Clips

Review/finish/go over Little Big Horn/Custer's Last Stand

Ken Burns The West - Episode 6 "A Good Day to Die" 59:25

Today we read/write/discuss the Ghost Dance/Wounded Knee Massacre/Navajos,Chief Joseph (Nez Perces), Apaches/assimilation policies.

Finish DG (Native American Resistance)  

Read/write/discuss Navajos (Long Walk), Chief Joseph and the Nez Perces, the Apaches in Arizona.  Rethinking Indian Policy - assimilation/Dawes Act of 1887

Review Wounded Knee/ghost dance


Finish DG (Native American Resistance)  

Read/write/discuss Navajos (Long Walk), Chief Joseph and the Nez Perces, the Apaches in Arizona.  Rethinking Indian Policy - assimilation/Dawes Act of 1887

Review/go over/finish DG (Native American Resistance): Review Navajo (Long Walk), Nez Perces (Chief Joseph), Apache (Geronimo).  Finish assimilation.

Read/write/discuss Dawes Act

Hand in DG

Pass out Indian Reservation/Battle Map - work/finish map!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Native American Resistance

Map: Native American Reservations and Indian Battles

Week 8

October 21,22,23,24,25



Target:  Wrap-Up/Finish Native American Resistance.  Dawes Act?  Begin reading/writing/discussing "Western Farmers and Cattle Ranchers

Target: Today we continue to read/write/discuss Western Farmers/Cattle Ranchers.  Who/how did people move west?  Acts, Oklahoma, Choo! Choo!

 Target: Review the acts that allowed people to move west.  Today Oklahoma, Choo! Choo! and who actually moved west.  Then  on to problems with farming the west and possibly cattle boom!

Target:  Today we wrap-up cattle boom/cattle drive.  Continue DG: Read/write/discuss/map/watch who moved west? Problems with the west? Cattle Boom! beginning to end.

Target: Review end of Cattle read/write/discuss/map/watch Transcontinental Railroad!

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Finish/Wrap-Up/review DG:  assimilation/Dawes Act

Turn in homework map

Pass out New DG Western Farmers and Cattle Ranchers:  Begin reading/writing/discussing Land Acts (Homestead Act/Pacific Railway Act/Morrill Act.  Transcontinental Railroad, who moved west?  Problems with farming on the Great Plains.

Hand in/go over homework map

Review assimilation/Dawes Act

New DG: Western Farmers and Cattle Ranchers

Read/write/discuss Homestead Act, Pacific Railway Act, Morrill Act, Transcontinental Railroad, Oklahoma Land Rush, Who moved West (3), problems with farming, Cattle Boom, Texas Longhorn, long drive, railheads, open range, exodusters,  what led to the end of the open range.

Review Land Acts that enabled settlement in the west (Homestead Act, Pacific Railway Act, Morrill Act)

Work/Finish DG(Western Farmers and Cattle Ranchers): Read/write discuss Oklahoma Land Rush, Transcontinental Railroad, 3 groups of people who moved west, problems with farming in the west, cattle ranching, boom and bust, what led to the end of cattle in the West.

Target:  Today we wrap-up cattle boom/cattle drive.  Continue DG: Read/write/discuss/map/watch who moved west? Problems with the west? Cattle Boom! beginning to end.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

DG: Western Farmers and Cattle Ranchers  

Native American Resistance

Western Settlement

Industry’s Golden Age

Week 9

October 28, 29,30,31









Target:  Today we continue reading/writing/discussing/mapping/watching the building of the Transcontinental Railroad.

Target:  Review Choo! Choo!  Final group were the miners!  Seward's Folly!  Review for quiz!  BIG BUSINESS (industry's golden age).

Target:  Quiz Review.  Review Seward's Folly.  Today, BIG BUSINESS!  What? Why? Who? Vocabulary!  Awesome!



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Today continue/finish reading/writing/discussing/watching Transcontinental RR.  

Work/finish Building the Transcontinental Railroad Q&A

Review - How did settlers handle the problems of the west?  What are longhorns?  What were factors that led to the cattle drives?  Why were they successful?  What ultimately led to the end of the cattle drives?

Transcontinental Railroad:  Pass out and begin working on Map Q&A

Review Seward's Folly/Quiz review sheet!

Continue/finish DG: Industry's Golden Age.  Continue reading/writing/discussing factors that led to rise of big business (steel, trunk lines, proprietorship, partnership, trust, stock, stockholder, corporation, dividends, monopoly.  Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Sherman Anti-trust Act.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Building the Transcontinental Railroad

Discussion Guide: Industry’s Golden Age

Quiz: Western Settlement


First Quarter Summative Assessment

Industry’s Golden Age

Immigration and Urban Life

Gilded Age

Week 10

Novermber 4,5,6,7,8







Target: Today  we continue reading/writing/discussing BIG BUSINESS!  Why? Who? Vocabulary and terminology!

Target: Today continue Gilded Age/Reform/Progressives.  Corruption in our Government? Assassination of a President? Civil Service Act.

Target: Gilded Age!  Today read/write/discuss/watch Political Machines, Boss Tweed, Credit Moblier, Spoils System, Civil Service Act, President DG.  

Target: Wrap-Up/Finish Civil Service Act.  Today assassination of President Garfield.  Next, begin reading/writing discussing immigration and urban life. New Social Classes/new immigrants, problems they faced.

Target: Review "New Social Order".  Then, read/write/discuss immigration (who/why/from/where?).  Nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform...blah, blah, blah!

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Readings

Continue/finish DG: Industry's Golden Age.  Continue reading/writing/discussing factors that led to rise of big business (steel, trunk lines, proprietorship, partnership, trust, stock, stockholder, corporation, dividends, monopoly.  Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Sherman Anti-trust Act

Begin/Continue Reading/writing/discussing Political Corruption/scandals:  Political Machines, Boss Tweed, Credit Moblier Scandal, assassination of President Garfield, Civil Service Act, Spoils System

Continue/review/finish Political Corruption:  Political Machines,Boss Tweed, Credit Moblier, Civil Service Act, Spoils System, Assassination of President Garfield

Pass out and begin New DG (Immigration and Urban Life):  New Social Order (classes), new vs. old immigrants (who/why/where?), nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform, leisure time.

review/finish Political Corruption:  Political Machines,Boss Tweed, Credit Moblier, Civil Service Act, Spoils System, Assassination of President Garfield


Continue New DG (Immigration and Urban Life):  New Social Order (classes), new vs. old immigrants (who/why/where?), nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform, leisure time.

Continue New DG (Immigration and Urban Life):  New Social Order (classes), new vs. old immigrants (who/why/where?), nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform, leisure time.


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Industry’s Golden Age

Civil Service Act

Discussion Guide:  Immigration and Urban Life

Gilded Age

Immigration/Urban Life


War with Spain

Week 11

November 11,12,13,14,15










Target:Finish Gov't Corruption/Civil Service Act.  Next review "New Social Order".  Then, read/write/discuss immigration (who/why/from/where?).  Nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform...blah, blah, blah!

Target: Let's go!  Review/finish immigration.  Why limit immigration? Did we?  Urban life...tenements, problems.  How fix?(reform).  Free time? (not what you think).

Target: Review immigration restriction.  Today reform! Settlement Houses, Education, Social Gospel, Salvation Army, Social Darwinism, philanthropy.  Free time? (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!)  

Target: Wrap up Industry's Golden Age. Then, I will begin reading/writing/discussing imperialism!  What it is, why it happened, and where it happened.  Why was the U.S. involved?  War with Spain!

Target: Continue reading/writing/discussing imperialism!  What it is, why it happened, and where it happened.  Why was the U.S. involved?  War with Spain!


Wrap-Up/finish/review Government Corruption (Boss Tweed/Civil Service Act).

 Pass out and begin new DG (Immigration and Urban Life):  New Social Order (classes), new vs. old immigrants (who/why/where?), nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform, leisure time.

Review New Social Order (classes), new vs. old immigrants (who/why/where?), nativists, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigration Restriction League, tenements, reform, leisure time.

Review attempts to limit immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act/Immigration Restriction League).  


Today attempts at reform:  Settlement Houses, Social Gospel, Education, Salvation Army, Social Darwinism, philanthropy.  Finally, Leisure Time - museums, art galleries, newspapers, books, sports, baseball, football.

Finish DG

Review Laissez-faire Capitalism and the Sherman Anti-trust Act

Begin Monroe Doctrine/President Washington's views of U.S. involvement in foreign affairs.

Begin reading/writing/discussing imperialism and reasons for U.S. imperialism.  Begin reading/writing/discussing the causes of the Spanish - American War.

Begin Monroe Doctrine/President Washington's views of U.S. involvement in foreign affairs.

Begin reading/writing/discussing imperialism and reasons for U.S. imperialism.  Begin reading/writing/discussing the causes of the Spanish - American War.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Readings

Various Video Clips

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide:  Immigration and Urban Life

Discussion Guide: War with Spain

Imperialism: Spanish-American War

Week 12

November 18, 19. 20. 21. 22



Target: Review/wrap-up Immigration/Urban Life.  Today Monroe Doctrine? (I think I remember).  Today begin reading/writing/discussing Imperialism!  Who? What? Why?

Target:   Imperialism continued!  I know who, what, and why.  How about the U.S?  Today we read/write discuss the causes and events that led to the Spanish-American War.

Target:  I know why the U.S. went to war with Spain in the 1890's!  Today we read/write/discuss the major events of the Spanish-American War.

Target:  Today we continue with the major events of the Spanish American war!  What happened in the Philippines?  Now on to Cuba, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders (not a rock band).  What were the outcomes of the war?

Target:  Continue Spanish-American War!  5th finishes Cuba, Both what are the results of the war?  Back to original DG - What do we do with the Philippines now that we own them?

Daily Power-Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Begin Monroe Doctrine/President Washington's views of U.S. involvement in foreign affairs.


Begin reading/writing/discussing imperialism and reasons for U.S. imperialism.  Begin reading/writing/discussing the causes of the Spanish - American War.

Continue reasons for United States imperialism.  Today, we begin reading/writing/discussing the causes/events/ of the Spanish American War.  What is going on in Cuba?  The Butcher, Yellow Press, Remember the Maine! The DeLome Letter.

Review/Finish: Yellow Press/President McKinley/DeLome Letter/The Maine/Teller Amendment/Was the war necessary?


Pass out/begin new DG (Spanish-American War: Battles and Outcomes)

Map of territorial expansion, early battles of the war, problems the U.S. faced in Cuba, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, results of the Spanish-American War

Review/Finish: Spanish American War DG (Spanish-American War: Battles and Outcomes):


Continue reading/writing/discussing map of territorial expansion, early battles of the war, problems the U.S. faced in Cuba, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, results of the Spanish-American War.

Review the war in the Philippines and the war in Cuba.  Review/finish/start Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders and charge up San Juan Hill.  

Finish DG with what are the results of the Spanish-American who gets what?

If time, begin what happens next in the Philippines and Hawaii (annexation)

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide Spanish-American War

Discussion Guide Spanish American War Beginnings

Discussion Guide: Spanish American War Battles

Week 13

Thanksgiving Week:

November 25,26,27



Target: Now that we own the Philippines what do we do with them?  Today I find out how the U.S. gets control of Hawaii!

 Target:  After going over/wrapping up the Philippines, we will continue with annexation.  Today, Hawaii!  How did we acquire Hawaii?  Did we buy it?  Conquer it?  Discover it?  Make your predictions now!

Daily Power-Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Review annexation and reasons for and against annexing Philippines

Read/write/discuss how the U.S. took over and controlled the Philippines.  Philippine resistance/William Howard Taft/Philippine Government Act. - Finish DG

Review/finish/wrap-up U.S. control of the Philippines

Read/write/discuss how the U.S. acquired Hawaii:  Hawaiian League, Bayonet Constitution, Queen Liluokalani


Discussion Guide: Expansion in the Pacific

U.S. Imperialism

Japan/China/Panama Canal/Mexico/Puerto Rico/Cuba

Week 14

December 2,3,4,5 2019








Target: After reviewing how the U.S. acquired Hawaii, we will begin reading/writing/discussing more expanison in the Pacific...China and Japan.

 Target:  I know how the U.S. was involved in China during the late 1800's.  Boxer Rebellion, Open Door Policy.  Today we learn about U.S. involvement in Japan.  Next, back to the Caribbean...Protectorate?   Acts?  TR?

Target:  Review Platt Amendment/Cuba/Puerto Rico.  Today we read/write/discuss more expansion in Latin America.  What happens in Panama?  Details behind the building of the Panama Canal!

Target:  I know how/why the U.S. took over building the Panama Canal!  Today, we read/map/discuss the events/process of building the Panama Canal.  If time, we begin looking at U.S. the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.  Mexico?

Target:  After going over our U.S. physical features maps and reviewing the Panama Canal, we move on the the Roosevelt Corallary.  Then conflict with Mexico?  Man, who's business aren't we in?

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Review How the U.S. acquired Hawaii?

Begin reading/writing/discussing how the U.S. got involved in China.  Spheres of influence, Boxer Rebellion, Open Door Policy.  Japan - emerging power, why? how?  Russo-Japanese War, President Roosevelt's decisions/moves

Review/finish/wrap-up the events and details U.S. involvement in China/Boxer Rebellion

Continue/finish DG (More U.S. Expansion):   What happens in Japan? - Commodore Perry, Russo-Japanese War (significance?)  U.S. stance? (read/write/discuss)

Back to the Caribbean: (Cuba/Puerto Rico)

What is a protectorate?  Platt Amendment, Foraker Act, Jones Act

eview Platt Amendment, Protectorate, Cuba.


Continue reading/writing/discussing Expanison in Latin America:  Hay-Pauncefoot,  Treaty, Hay-Herran Treaty, Revolution in Panama (Colombia).  What does Presisent Roosevelt do?  Roosevelt Corallary to the Monroe Doctrine.

Review Panama Canal, Revlolution in Colombia (Panama), Roosevelt Corallary to the Monroe Doctrine

Pass out/work on Panama Canal Map.

Review Panama Canal, Revlolution in Colombia (Panama), Roosevelt Corallary to the Monroe Doctrine

Pass out/work on Panama Canal Map.

Daily Power-Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Expansion in the Pacific

Panama Canal Map

Discussion Guide: U.S. Involvement in Latin America

Imperialism/Panama Canal/Roosevelt Corollary/Conflict with Mexico

Week 15

December 9, 10, 11, 12,13




Target:  After going over our U.S. physical features maps and reviewing the Panama Canal, we move on the the Roosevelt Corallary.  Then conflict with Mexico?  Man, who's business aren't we in?

Target:  Review Panama Canal/Roosevelt Corollary.  Today begin reading/writing/discussing U.S. involvement in the Mexican Revolution.  "Musical Generals?"

Target:  DG on!  Read/write/discuss the events of the Mexican Revolution, and how and why the U.S. gets involved.

Target: Today we wrap-up Imperialism and U.S. involvement in Mexico.  I will review/prepare for my Imperialism quiz which is Tuesday.  U.S.A. Physical Map Quiz is Monday.  Now we move on to WWI if we have time.  Causes of the Great War!

Target:  Take my quiz on USA physical features.  Review for tomorrow's imperialism quiz.  Khan Academy?  WWI?

Review Panama Canal, Revlolution in Colombia (Panama), Roosevelt Corallary to the Monroe Doctrine

Pass out/work on Panama Canal Map.

Today - read/write/discuss  Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, MEXICO: "Musical Generals" (Diaz, Madero, Carranza, Pancho Villa, Zapata, Obregon).  What happens here?  President Wilson's reaction/stance.  USS Dolphin incident, President Wilson's decison (General Pershing vs. Pancho Villa)  results.

Review Panama Canal, Revlolution in Colombia (Panama), Roosevelt Corallary to the Monroe Doctrine

Pass out/work on Panama Canal Map.

Today - read/write/discuss  Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, MEXICO: "Musical Generals" (Diaz, Madero, Carranza, Pancho Villa, Zapata, Obregon).  What happens here?  President Wilson's reaction/stance.  USS Dolphin incident, President Wilson's decison (General Pershing vs. Pancho Villa)  results.

Review/go over/finish DG:  Conflict with Mexico


Begin Reading/writing/discussing the Events of the Mexican Revolution and U.S. involvement.

Musical Generals, President Wilson (watchful waiting), USS Dolphin incident/Germany?  Pancho Villa's raid in New Mexico, U.S.A. vs. Mexico..what happens?  what ended it?

Review U.S. involvement in the Mexican Revolution.  Pancho Villa, why didn't the U.S. go to war with Mexico?

Any questions about Imperialism Quiz - Tomorrow?

Begin reading/writing/discussing causes of WWI:

Nationalism, militarism, alliances.  Assassination  of Archduke Franz Ferdninand and how this led to war.

Pass out and begin new DG The Great War: The Beginning.  Begin reading/writing/discussing the causes of WWI (isms). The spark that started WWI (assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand).  Schlieffen Plan, sucessful?



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Readings

Various Video Clips

Discussion Guide: President Roosevelt/Panama Canal/Mexican Revolution

Map/Puzzle: Panama Canal

Discussion Guide: Causes of WWI

Quiz on Imperialism (Illuminate)


Week 16

December 16, 17,18,19,20




Target:  Quiz(s) results!  Today we begin the causes of WWI..."isms"????  If time move forward to the early stages of the war.  New DG/packet!

Target:  After reviewing the the causes of WWI, we will read/write/discuss the "spark" and early events of WWI, then, we move on the the U.S. stance, and what eventually pulled us into war.

Target:  Today we review causes/spark/strategy.  Next up, early events of WWI, and trench warfare.  Next, we will begin working on a WWI map.

Target:  Wrap up causes/early events of the war.  Today we look at the U.S.'s stance in the war, and the events that led to the U.S. becoming involved.

Target:  I am beginning to understand how/why the U.S. entered WWI.  Today we continue and enter the war.  


Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Begin reading/writing/discussing the  WWI Causes:  Causes - Nationalism, Militarism, Imperialism, Entangling Alliances (Triple Alliance/Triple Entente)

Continue reading/writing/discussing causes of WWI (DG). "Spark" (assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  Early events of the War (Schflieffen Plan), Battle of the Marne, Trench Warfare

Review Causes/spark/ and early stages of the War (Finish DG)

Militarism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Alliances, Archduke Francis  Ferdinand, German Plan, what ruined the plan?

Review Schlieffen Plan/Trench Warfare/New Weapons

Pass out/work on/finish Map of WWI Alliances

Turn in Map of WWI Alliances

Review Causes/Schlieffen Plan/Trench Warfare

Continue DG (WWI): read/write/discuss Challenges of American Neutrality

At first the U.S. was to be neutral - why?

British vs. Germany at sea, German U-boat warfare, Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex pledge, Prepardedness (National Defense Act), Zimmermann Note, Selective Service Act, Congress Declares War.

Review Challegenges to American Neutrality so far.

Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Great War Beginnings: Q&A/Discussion Guide

50 States Map

Discussion Guide: WWI


Week 17

January 2020



Target:  Review/finish the events that drew the United States into WWI.  Next, how does the U.S. mobilize for war?  Project research time...use it!

Target:  Review Selective Service Act.  Today, new DG:  Mobilization for war.  How does the U.S. prepare for WWI?

Target:  Today WWI continues...Today we read/write/discuss how the U.S. mobilized for war.  What does mobilized mean

Target: WWI weapons project is due tomorrow (Thursday).  Today we continue mobilize, mobilize, mobilize, mobilize!  Review so far!  Today, labor, attitudes!

Target:  Today we continue/finish reading, writing, discussing how the U.S. mobilized for war.  Mobilizing attitudes and suppressing dissent.  


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review/finish the steps that brought the U.S. into WWI


If time, new DG War at Home (Mobilizing for War):


Read/write/discuss Mobilizing for WWWI - Economy (Liberty and Victory Bonds), Conserving Food and Fuel (Herbert Hoover and the Food Administration - wheatless and meatless days), Organizing Industry (War Industries Board), Mobilizing Labor (National War Labor Board), Great Migration, Mobilizing Attitudes (Committee on Public Information), Supressing Dissent (Espionage Act, Sedition Act).

Continue DG War at Home (Mobilizing for War):


Continue Reading/writing/discussing Mobilizing for WWWI - Economy (Liberty and Victory Bonds), Conserving Food and Fuel (Herbert Hoover and the Food Administration - wheatless and meatless days), Organizing Industry (War Industries Board), Mobilizing Labor (National War Labor Board), Great Migration, Mobilizing Attitudes (Committee on Public Information), Supressing Dissent (Espionage Act, Sedition Act).

Continue reading/writing/discussing mobilizing attitudes, and suppressing dissent.  (CPI, Sedition Act, Espionage Act, Schenck vs. United States)


If time, begin new DG (America Goes to War):  Begin reading/writing/discussing what happens when the United States begins fighting in WWI.  Battles: Cantigny, Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierry, Reims, Verdun.  What happens in Russia? (Bolshevik Revolution), Armistice.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide:  WWI

Map: WWI Alliances

Discussion Guide:  War at Home

Project: WWI Weapons

Week 18

Midterm Summative Assessment

Week 19

World War I

Wilson’s 14 Points/Treaty of Versailles

Week 20

January 27,28,29,30,31, 2020




Target:  Today we begin reading, writing, discussing the events of the Paris Peace Conference (Treaty of Versailles).  What does the U.S. do?

Target:  Today we continue reading, writing, discussing the events of the Paris Peace Conference (Treaty of Versailles).  What does the U.S. do?

Target:  Treaty of Versailles...wrap up/finish.  What happened to the League of Nations?  President Wilson?  What were the outcomes of WWI?

Target:  Finish Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations.  What happens to President Wilson and his League of Nations?  Read/write/discuss/map outcomes of WWI!  Quiz Tuesday!

Target:  Quiz Thursday!  I will be ready!  Wrap-up WWI...effects/outcomes.  Work on my map.


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Text Readings

Various Video Clips

 Pass out and begin reading/writing/discussing Wilson's 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles (so far).  Continue/finish Treaty of Versailles.  Terms, What new nations were developed?  Germany's punishments, League of Nations, did the U.S. join?  Why/why not?  What happens to President Wilson?  (NEW DISCUSSION GUIDE)


Review Wilson's 14 Points and the Treaty of Versailles (so far).  Continue/finish Treaty of Versailles.  Terms, What new nations were developed?  Germany's punishments, League of Nations, did the U.S. join?  Why/why not?  What happens to President Wilson?

Review League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles

Begin reading, writing, discussing the results of WWI.  Casualties, damages, bitter feelings, the influenza outbreak.

Pass out/work/finish WWI Before and After Map.  Work on DG.

Review/finish/go over the DG (Results of the War/effects/outcomes)

Complete the Map on the front side (WWI in Europe - Before and After)

Daily Power Point Warm-ups

Discussion Guide:  Treaty of Versailles

Discussion Guide/Map:  Results of WWI

World War I

Postwar Troubles

1920’s Republicans in Power

Week 21

February 3,4,5,6,7,2020










Target: Finish/review/wrap up WWI!  Quiz tomorrow!  WWI outcomes/map work!

Target:  WWI quiz!  Go over WWI outcomes map.  Khan Academy when finished. Maybe begin reading, writing, discussing postwar trouble in the U.S.  Demobilization!

Target:  Today we read, write, discuss that WWI is over, what happens to the U.S?

Target:  I know what demobilization is and the problems the occurred after WWI in the U.S.

Target:  After reviewing the ultimate outcome of WWI we continue reading/writing/discussing Red Scare/Palmer Raids/Sacco and Vanzetti.


Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Work/finish DG:  Effects of WWI/WWI results map

Go over/turn in homework, answer questions, take quiz.

Depending on time, begin reading,writing,discussing postwar problems for the U.S.  Demobilization, sky-rocketing cost of living (causes), recession, Red Scare, Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti.

Pass back and go over WWI quizzes

New DG (Postwar Troubles):  Pass it out and begin reading, writing, discussing now that WWI is over, what happens next?  The U.S. must demobilize.  What happens to women, soldiers, industry, farmers?  What is the Red Scare?  Sacco and Vanzetti?  Strikes, etc.  Palmer Raids

Review Postwar Troubles - Read/write/discuss Sacco and Vanzetti

Review Postwar Troubles - Read/write/discuss Palmer Raids/Red Scare and finish with Sacco and Vanzetti. Who? What? Importance?

New DG/Q&A Republicans in Power:  Begin reading/writing/discussing President Harding and Republican philosophy. Harding Administration (Ohio Gang), corruption, scandals Veteran's affairs, Teapot Dome, Death of Harding.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Map/Q&A: After the War Changes in Europe

Discussion Guide: Postwar Troubles

Election of President Harding Map/Q&A/Discussion Guide

World War I Summative Assessment on Illuminate

NWEA (2 days)

PBIS Reteach

President Harding/Republicans in Power

Roaring 20’s

Week 22

February 10, 11, 12,13, 14










NWEA (2 days) PBIS reteach

Target: What is the Republican philosophy during the 1920's?  What happens during President Harding's term?  Ohio Gang?  Veterans Bureau?  Teapot Dome?  (Scandals)  Harding guilty or innocent?

Target:  DG onward!  Today we continue reading, writing, discussing President Harding's term in office.  Philosophies and scandals.  Ohio Gang, Veterans affairs, Tea Pot Dome...was Harding involved?  If time on to "Silent Cal!"




NWEA (2 days) PBIS Reteach

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Readings

Various Video Clips

Review Postwar Troubles/Sacco and Vanzetti

New DG/Q&A Republicans in Power:  Begin reading/writing/discussing President Harding and Republican philosophy. Harding Administration (Ohio Gang), corruption, scandals Veteran's affairs, Teapot Dome, Death of Harding.

Wrap-up/finish/review Harding and Coolidges administrations, scandals, philosophies.

Pass out and begin new DG (Boom Times):  Begin reading, writing, discussing prosperity and productivity.  Ford Motor Company (Model T), Henry Ford, and the assembly line, land of automobiles, advertisment, popular entertainment, movies, sports stars, electricity led to...

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Election of 1920 Map/Q&A/Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide:  Boom Times/Life in the 1920’2

NWEA (2 days)

Roaring 20’s

Week 23

February 17,18,19,20,21, 2020


Target:  Review President Harding and scandals.  Who's in charge now?  Now it rolls...prosperity, electricity, Tin Lizzy, Henry Ford, Entertainment!  Boom Times!

Target:  Today we continue reading/writing/discussing factors that led to "Boom Times".  Now that we can make cars, what does that lead to?  Entertainment (movies/sports).  DG On!

Target:  Today we continue reading/writing/discussing  "Boom Times". Review the importance of automobiles.  Next up entertainment (sports, movies).  Then what happens to women in the 20's and why?

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Wrap-up/finish/review Harding and Coolidges administrations, scandals, philosophies.

Pass out and begin new DG (Boom Times):  Begin reading, writing, discussing prosperity and productivity.  Ford Motor Company (Model T), Henry Ford, and the assembly line, land of automobiles, advertisment, popular entertainment, movies, sports stars, electricity led to…

Review Boom Times so far (what led to them? importance of electricity, assembly line)

Continue reading, writing, discussing prosperity and productivity.  Ford Motor Company (Model T), Henry Ford, and the assembly line, land of automobiles, advertisement, popular entertainment, movies, sports stars, electricity led to...?

 Review Boom Times so far (what led to them? importance of electricity, assembly line)

Continue reading, writing, discussing prosperity and productivity.  Ford Motor Company (Model T), Henry Ford, and the assembly line, land of automobiles, advertisement, popular entertainment, movies, sports stars, electricity led to...?


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Boom Times/Life in the 1920’s

Roaring 20’s

Week 24

February 24,25,26,27,28, 2020



Target:  Where are we?  Assembly Line? (review).  Continue reading/writing/discussing Roaring 20's/Boom Times!  Cars?  What did they lead to?  Entertainment/celebrities!

Target:  Today we continue reading, writing, discussing the Roaring 20's.  Entertainment/celebrities.  Prohibition, crisis of values, bootleggers, fundamentalists, and the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Target:  Conitnue reading/writing/discussing "Life in the Roaring 20's!" Flappers, crisis of values, prohibition, 18th Amendment, Fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.

Target: Today continue/finish DG: Read/write/discuss1st review Flappers, crisis of values, Prohibition, 18th Amendment, Volstead Act,now read/write/discuss bootleggers, Fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.

Target:  Review Crisis of Values/Prohibition.  Today continue DG: Read/write/discuss, 18th Amendment, Volstead Act, bootleggers, Fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Wrap-Up/finish turn in DG Boom Times.  Review assembly line/Tin Lizzy.  Today finish DG:  What did the automobile lead to, and entertainment/sports/radio.

Review/Wrap-Up/finish turn in DG "Boom Times" - entertainment/sports/celebrities

Continue new DG (Roaring 20's - Take II):  Begin reading, writing, discussing "The New Women" (flappers), crisis of values, prohibition, Volstead Act, bootleggers, Al Capone, fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.

Continue new DG (Roaring 20's Take II)  Begin reading/writing/discussing "New Woman", flappers, A crisis of values, Prohibition, 18th Amendment, Volstead Act, speakeasies, bootlegging, Fundamentalists, Scopes

Continue DG:  Life in the Roaring 20's II: Read/write/discuss Flappers, crisis of values, Prohibition, 18th Amendment, Volstead Act, bootleggers, Fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.

Continue DG:  Life in the Roaring 20's II: Read/write/discuss Flappers, crisis of values, Prohibition, 18th Amendment, Volstead Act, bootleggers, Fundamentalists, Scopes Monkey Trial.





Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide:Boom Times/Life in the 1920’s

Discussion Guide Roaring 20’s Take II

Roaring 20’s

Week 25

March 2,3,4,5,6, 2020



Target: Finish DG (Scopes Monkey Trial).  Then "Great Migration" anyone remember?  Who? What? Why? Where? Results?

Target:   Continue reading/writing/discussing race riots, Black Nationalism, "new" KKK, immigration laws, jazz, Black Renaissance, Lost Generation.

Target: Review/finish race riots, Black Nationalism, "new" KKK immigration laws, jazz, Black Renaissance, Lost Generation.  DG forward!

Target:  Today we work/finish DG!  Review Immigration/Jazz/Klan.  On to Black Renaissance, and Lost Generation!  What goes up...?  Quiz! (review)



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review Fundamentalism/Prohibition/Bootleggers

Today, finish DG: Read/write/discuss/brainstorm/work in groups to take notes/answer questions on the Scopes Monkey Trial.

Review Scopes Trial/Great Migration so far

Today continue reading/writing/discussing Chicago Race Riots, NAACP, Marcus Garvey (Black Nationalism), the "new" KKK, immigration laws, jazz, Black Renaissance, Lost Generation.

Today continue reading/writing/discussing Chicago Race Riots, NAACP, Marcus Garvey (Black Nationalism), the "new" KKK, immigration laws, jazz, Black Renaissance, Lost Generation.

Wrap-Up Life in the Roaring 20's

Begin reading/writing/discussing the events that led to the Stock Market Crash.  Bull Market, Bear Market, Speculation Buying, Black Tuesday, Black Thursday, GNP, run on banks, Election of 1928, Herbert Hoover.



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide Roaring 20’s Take II

Discussion Guide: A Nation Divided

Roaring 20’s Writing Rubric

Roaring 20’s

Stock Market Crash/Causes of the Great Depression

Great Depression/President Hover

Week 26

March 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2020




Target:  Today we finish/review Lost Generation.  Next, we examine the causes of the Great Depression.  What goes up...?  Election of 1928, Stock Market, etc.

Target:  Bull Market, Bear Market, Speculation, Margin Buying, Election of 1928, Causes of the Great Depression!  Read/write/discuss/watch.

Target:  Continue reading/writing/discussing the events that led to the Stock Market Crash in 1929 which led to the Great Depression.

Target: Finish causes of the Great Depression.  Today, we cover the Election of 1928 (Herbert Hoover).  Then we start reading, writing, discussing how President Hoover handled the Great Depression during his term in office.

Target:  Wrap-up causes of the Great Depression...begin reading/writing/discussing why President Hoover gets the blame.  How does he try to get the U.S. out of the Depression?



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Next up...what goes up, must come down!  New DG/Q&A - Students will read/write/discuss/brainstorm/work in  groups to take notes and answer questions on the causes of the Great Depression. Election of 1928 (Hoover), Bull Market, Bear Market, Margin Buying, Speculative Buying, Black Thursday, Black Tuesday, Gross National Product, Run on Banks, Banks Close.  Why did this all happen?

Continue reading/writing/discussing the events that led to the Stock Market Crash.  Bull Market, Bear Market, Speculation Buying, Black Tuesday, Black Thursday, GNP, run on banks, Election of 1928, Herbert Hoover.

DG/Map Election of 1928

Continue reading/writing/discussing the events that led to the Stock Market Crash.  Bull Market, Bear Market, Speculation Buying, Black Tuesday, Black Thursday, GNP, run on banks, Election of 1928, Herbert Hoover.

Pass out/begin new DG (Hard Times):

Begin reading/writing/discussing unemployment stats, industrial output, map (unemployment), breadlines, shantytowns, Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Flags, How did families help one another, divorce rate, suicide, was their entertainment?

Review Hard times so far:

Continue DG (Hard Times):

Continue reading/writing/discussing unemployment stats, industrial output, map (unemployment), breadlines, shantytowns, Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Flags, How did families help one another, divorce rate, suicide, was their entertainment?


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Roaring 20’s Writing Rubric

Discussion Guide: A Nation Divided

Election of 1929 Great Crash Q&A/Map/Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide: Hard Times

Summative Assesment Roaring 20’s on Illuminate

Stock Market Crash/Causes of Great Depression

Great Depression/President Hoover

Week 27

March 16, 17,18,19,20, 2020


Target: Finish causes of the Great Depression.  Today, we cover the Election of 1928 (Herbert Hoover).  Then we start reading, writing, discussing how President Hoover handled the Great Depression during his term in office.

Target:  Wrap-up causes of the Great Depression...begin reading/writing/discussing why President Hoover gets the blame.  How does he try to get the U.S. out of the Depression?

Target:  Take Quiz!  Today we continue/finish DG (Hard Times).  More evidence that times were tough!  Then we review for Monday's quiz!

Target:  Continue to read/write/discuss Hard Times DG.  Go over Story.  Confusion? Life during the Great Depression.

Target:   Finish Hard Times DG.  Next up, President Hoover tries to help?  How? Successful?


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Continue/finish reading/writing/discussing the events that led to the Stock Market Crash.  Bull Market, Bear Market, Speculation Buying, Black Tuesday, Black Thursday, GNP, run on banks, Election of 1928, Herbert Hoover.

Pass out/begin new DG (Hard Times):

Begin reading/writing/discussing unemployment stats, industrial output, map (unemployment), breadlines, shantytowns, Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Flags, How did families help one another, divorce rate, suicide, was their entertainment?

Review Hard times so far:

 Continue DG (Hard Times):

Continue reading/writing/discussing unemployment stats, industrial output, map (unemployment), breadlines, shantytowns, Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Flags, How did families help one another, divorce rate, suicide, was their entertainment?

Review Hard times so far (unemployment, immigration, industry, terminology (story)

Continue DG (Hard Times):

Continue reading/writing/discussing unemployment stats, industrial output, map (unemployment), breadlines, shantytowns, Hoovervilles, Hoover Blankets, Hoover Flags, How did families help one another, divorce rate, suicide, was their entertainment?

Hard Times DG

Review terms, and what is up with farmers?  How did families help one another?  Divorce rate? suicide? What possible fun/entertainment happened in the early stages of the Great Depression?




Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Election of 1928 Map/Q&A/Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide: Hard DTimes

Third Quarter Summative Assessment

Great Depression/President Hoover

Election of FDR

Week 28

March 23, 24, 25, 26, 27



Target:  Hopefully go over quiz!  Review/finish Hard Times.  Begin reading/writing/discussing how President Hoover tried to help...philosophy, programs, successful?

Target:  Continue reading/writing/discussing rugged individualism (eh?).  Public Works programs under President Hoover.  Well, how did President Hoover do?

Target:  Today we continue President Hoover's efforts to end the Great Depression.  Rugged Individualism?  Public Works?  more programs...Bonus Army?  Election of 1932

Target:  FDR's first 100 days!  Let's look at the New Deal.  How many programs did he have again?  Let's start to examine them!



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review Hard Times

Pass out/begin new DG (Hoover Fails):  Begin reading, writing, discussing President Hoover's most urgent task, a shift in government intervention, rugged individualism, voluntary efforts, Public Works Programs under Hoover, grumblings of discontent and who took advantage of the situation?  Spontaneous activism in rural areas, Bonus Army (what did they want, did they get it?)  How did President Hoover react?

Review Hoover Fails so far:

Continue DG (Hoover Fails):

Continue reading,writing,discussing President Hoover's most urgent task, A shift in thought towards government intervention, Hoover's philosophy, rugged individualism, voluntary efforts, Public Works Programs, more government action, government activism (discontent), rural areas, Bonus Army, President Hoover's actions.

Review Hoover Fails  (public works - Hoover Dam, rugged individualism)

Read/write/discuss more government intervention - Agricultural Marketing Act, Home Loan Bank Act, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, government activism, rumblings of discontent, Bonus Army.

Pass out and begin new DG Q&A (Election of 1932: FDR)

Begin reading, writing, discussing, mapping the Election of 1932.  FDR's platform vs. Hoover.  Election results. First 100 days (New Deal Begins):  CCC, TVA, FERA, AAA, NRA, PWA, FDIC, Bank Holiday, Emergency Banking Act, FCA, HOLC, CWA, NIRA....

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Hard Times

Discussion Guide: Hoover Helps

Election of 1932 Roosevelt/Map/Q&A/Discussion Guide

New Deal/Great Depression

Week 29

April 7, 8, 9, 10, 2020



Target:  FDR's first 100 days!  Let's look at the New Deal.  How many programs did he have again?  Let's continue to examine them!

Target:  Review FDR's Programs, so far.  Next up, more programs.  What do they all have in common?

Target:  Review FDR's Programs, so far.  Next up, more programs. Roosevelt gets reelected/2nd New Deal...something starts happening…

Target:  Time for another election!  What is the Supreme Court up to?  2nd New Deal!  Social Security, REA, and more!  Quiz forthcoming!  Of course I remember my New Deal Program project!?



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review election of 1932 and the New Deal so far.

Great Depression: DG Q&A New Deal

 Continue reading, writing, discussing FDR's  First 100 days (New Deal Begins):  CCC, TVA, FERA, AAA, NRA, PWA, FDIC, Bank Holiday, Emergency Banking Act, FCA, HOLC, CWA, NIRA…

Review FDR's first term/first 100 Days, New Deal so far. (Bank Holiday, Emergency Banking Act, FDIC, FCA, and HOLC.

DG Q&A New Deal

Continue reading, writing, discussing FDR's  First 100 days (New Deal Begins):  CCC, TVA, FERA, AAA, NRA, PWA, FDIC, Bank Holiday, Emergency Banking Act, FCA, HOLC, CWA, NIRA....Critics of the New Deal, WPA, Social Security, REA.

Reveiw FDR's programs during his first term.

Begin reading/writing/discussing who and why would people criticize the New Deal. What is the Supreme Court up to?  

Later New Deal Programs and the Election of 1936.  Graph and map the results of the Election.  Read/write/discuss Social Security Act, Rural Electrification Administration, Court Packing (what does this mean?  2nd New Deal.




Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Election of 1932 Map/Q&A/Discussion Guide

New Deal Programs Discussion Guide

Later New Deal Programs Election of 1936

New Deal/Great Depression

World War II

Week 30

April 10,11,12,13,14, 2020







Target:  Review/Finish Social Security!  Begin reading/writing/discussing REA, Election of 1936, and court packing.  What is this?  Project questions? Quiz = Friday

Target:  Quiz Thursday (Review Sheet) - Today continue/finish FDR's 2nd New Deal (Court Packing).  Did his policies work?  Was the New Deal successful?

Target:  New Deal quiz Monday, Yeah Boiiiiii!  Today we will continue reviewing so we will do well.  A little Crash Course video should help! Begin reading/writing/discussing background to WWII

Target:   Quiz (New Deal)  I am ready!  Now, on to the causes of WWII.  Dig into a new DG!

Target:  After going over our New Deal quizzes, we continue to read/write/discuss the rise of dictatorships as a cause of WWII!  Continue/finish Mussolini, then on to he who shall not be named!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Redings

Various Video Clips

Review Social Security and who would criticize FDR's New Deal Programs.

Read/write/discuss REA and the 2nd New Deal

Later New Deal Programs and the Election of 1936.  Graph and map the results of the Election.  Read/write/discuss Social Security Act, Rural Electrification Administration, Court Packing (what does this mean?  2nd New Deal.

Review/finish FDR's 2nd New Deal Programs (REA, Election of 1936, Court Packing)

Review Activity

Did the New Deal actually work?

Pass out and review for New Deal Quiz (Monday)

Continue reviewing/answering any questions about Monday's quiz.  

New Deal Program Project is due

Quiz - Thursday New Deal...questions???

Begin reading/writing/discussing the background to WWII.  New DG.

Quiz questions????

Students take New Deal Quiz

Begin reading/writing discussing the events that led to WWII.  The rise of dictatorships (Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, Franco in Spain). FASCISM.  How did each rise to power?  What were their acts of aggression?  Axis powers.  Japan?  What were they doing in the Pacific and why?  Munich Conference of 1938 (What was decided there?  American response?)  Neutrality Laws.

Review Rise of Dictatorships (so far)

Continue reading/writing discussing the events that led to WWII.  The rise of dictatorships (Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, Franco in Spain).  How did each rise to power?  What were their acts of aggression?  Axis powers.  Japan?  What were they doing in the Pacific and why?  Munich Conference of 1938 (What was decided there?  American response?)  Neutrality Laws.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Later New Deal Program Discussion Guide

Map Q&A Elections of 1936

New Deal/Great Depression Quiz Review Sheet

Discussion Guide: Road to War

Quiz: New Deal/Great Depression

World War II

Week 31 April 20,21,22,23,24, 2020





Target:  After reviewing/finishing how Mussolini rose to power in Italy, we now focus on Germany's dictatorship (who know who).  How did this man rise to power?

Target:  Today we review/finish Hitler's rise to power.  Now on to Franco. Next,  Japan!  What are they doing, why?  How does the U.S. respond?  WWII begins...early events.  DG on!

Target:  Review Japanese expansion, appeasement, Neutrality Laws.  Now, WWII begins!  Germany invades Poland!  Suprise...nonaggression pact!  What happens to France?  Maybe we should pay attention more!

Target:  What happened in Sept. of 1939?  This led to what?  Okay now, what happens?  Election of 1940, War in Europe, France, Blitzkrieg? Vichy France? Resistance?  Sounds like we are DGing!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review Rise of Mussolini/Facists in Italy


Continue reading/writing discussing the events that led to WWII.  The rise of dictatorships - Hitler in Germany, Franco in Spain).  How did each rise to power?  What were their acts of aggression?  Axis powers.  Japan?  What were they doing in the Pacific and why?  Munich Conference of 1938 (What was decided there?  American response?)  Neutrality Laws.

Review/Finish Hitler and Franco's Rise to Power and Acts of Aggression


Today begin reading/writing/discussing the situation in the Pacific and the rise of the Japanese Empire.  Response to Fascism: Munich Conference (appeasement) and Neutrality Laws.

Finish and turn in DG:  Road to War


If time, pass out and begin new DG (WWII Beginnings)

Review road to war (go over old DG)

Pass out and begin new DG (WWII Begins):  Begin reading/writing/discussing Germany's invasion of Poland and the nonaggression pact between Stalin and Hitler.  U.S. response, Election of 1940, Germany's Blitzkrieg through Europe, Fall of France, Free France vs. Vichy France,  Germany air raids over Britain,  Britain stands alone.

Review Germany invades Poland and nonaggression pact.

 Continue DG (WWII Begins):  Continue reading/writing/discussing Germany's invasion of Poland and the nonaggression pact between Stalin and Hitler.  U.S. response, Election of 1940, Germany's Blitzkrieg through Europe, Fall of France, Free France vs. Vichy France,  Germany air raids over Britain,  Britain stands alone.



Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Road to War

Discussion Guide: WWII Beginnings

World War II

Geography - Political Europe Map

Week 32

April 27, 28,29,30, May 1, 2020





Target: Blitzkreig - Fall of France...Today finish Britain stands alone.  Read/write/discuss Japanese expansion in the Pacific.  U.S. response, here it comes....

arget:  Wrap-up/finish/review WWII in Europe (early events).  Blitzkrieg, France, Britain.  Now on to the other side of the world...Japan!  What are they up to?  It is almost time for....

Target:  Today we start/continue reading, writing, discussing the events that led to Pearl Harbor.  Japanese aggression, "attempts" at peace and the actual attack!  Tora! Tora! Tora!

Target:  Europe Quiz - Friday! (review).  Review events leading up to and events of Pearl Harbor!  Then, Tora! Tora! Tora!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Text Readings

Various Video Clips

Movie Tora! Tora! Tora!

Review Election of 1940, Blitzkrieg, Fall of France


Continue DG (WWII Begins):  Continue reading/writing/discussing Germany's invasion of Poland and the nonaggression pact between Stalin and Hitler.  U.S. response, Election of 1940, Germany's Blitzkrieg through Europe, Fall of France, Free France vs. Vichy France,  Germany air raids over Britain,  Britain stands alone.

Review WWII Beginnings:  Vichy France/Free France/RAF/German Air Raids/Britain stands alone/Atlantic Charter

Pass out and begin new DG (Growing Threat from Japan):  Begin reading/writing/discussing more Japanese expansion and the U.S. responses.   Events leading up to and the actual events/results of Pearl Harbor

Review/finish/go over/wrap-up DG (Growing Threat from Japan):  Japanese Expansion/U.S. response/Pearl Harbor

Review background to Pearl Harbor.  FDR's Speech "A day that will live in infamy":


Discussion Guide WWII Beginnings

Discussion Guide: Japanese Expansion

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Quiz: Political Europe Map


Week 33

May 4,5,6,7,8, 2020




Target:  Review Pearl Harbor/begin watching Tora! Tora! Tora!  Ferguson has your back!  Remember Quiz Friday (Europe Political)

Target:  Review and continue watching Tora! Tora! Tora!  The Japanese are in range!

Target:  Take Europe Political Quiz, then continue Tora! Tora! Tora!  Today we review and finish the movie?  How many warning signs did the U.S. have prior to Pearl Harbor.  New DG? What does Japan do next?

Target:  Wrap-Up/Review Tora! Tora! Tora!  Now, Japan is continuing to roll!  How? Why? Where?  Can we stop them?  Bataan Death March/Philippines "I shall return"...

Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Text Readings

Various Video Clips

Movie - “Tora! Tora! Tora!”

Review the movie Tora! Tora! Tora!

Pass out and begin new DG (Early Difficulties):

Begin reading/writing/discussing WWII in the Pacific.  Japan was where?  Locate on map, Japanese expansion/conquerings.  MacArthur "I shall return" Philippines, Batan Death March, Guadalcanal, Japanese halted.  Fighting in Europe and the Mediterranean.  Axis Momentum in Europe, Hitler turns against the Soviet Union, Afrika Corps (Rommel), Allied Cooperation.

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Discussion Guide: Early Difficulties

Quiz: Political Map of Europe


Week 34

May 11,12,13,14,15, 2020





Target:  Review Japanese expansion...Can they be stopped?  Today we find out!  Then, we switch gears to Europe.  2 Front war!

Target: Halting the Japanese!  Now on to the European theater.  How do we halt Germany?  Africa? Desert Fox? Stalingrad?  Allied Cooperation.

Target: Review halting the Japanese!  Now on to the European theater.  How do we halt Germany?  Africa? Desert Fox? Stalingrad?  Allied Cooperation.

Target: Review halting Germany.  Today we finish Allied Cooperation.  Now on to what happens to the Japanese in the U.S?,  the 442nd, then the defeat of the Axis Powers.

Target:  Review Internment...Today we begin reading/writing/discussing the defeat of Germany!  Ready Operation Torch, Invasion of Italy, Battle of the Atlantic, Operation Overlord, Battle of the Bulge...

Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Various VideoClips

Text Readings

Review Halting the Japanese: (Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal)

Continue DG (Early Difficulties):

Continue reading/writing/discussing WWII in the Pacific.  Japan was where?  Locate on map, Japanese expansion/conquerings.  MacArthur "I shall return" Philippines, Batan Death March, Guadalcanal, Japanese halted.  Fighting in Europe and the Mediterranean.  Axis Momentum in Europe, Hitler turns against the Soviet Union, Afrika Corps (Rommel), Allied Cooperation.

Review Axis Momentum/Hitler turns against the Soviet Union, Afrika Corps

Continue DG/Finish (Early Difficulties):  Allied Cooperation (United Nations and Cairo)

Pass out and begin new DG (WWII):

Begin reading/writing/discussion Japanese-American Relocation (Internment Camps), Issei, Nisei, 442nd.  Defeat of the Axis Powers (Operation Torch, Allied Invasion of Italy, Battle of the Atlantic), Normandy (D-Day), results, what followed?  Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day.

Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Discussion Guide: Early Difficulties

WWII Pacific Map

Discussion Guide: WWII Battles

Map: North Africa

Map: Invasion of Sicily/Italy


Week 35

May 18,19,20,21,22,2020






 Target:  Today we review/finish/go over the 3 phases of defeating Germany.  Now on to #4 - Normandy!  Who? What? Where? How?  What happens after that?

Target:  Review Operation Overlord so far.  Now that the allies have a foothold, what happens next.  France, German counteroffensive, fall of Germany.

Target:  Review/go over/finish the end of Germany.  Battle of the Bulge?  What happens to Hitler?  V-E Day!  Meanwhile, what's happening in the Pacific?  Strategy for defeating Japan...DG onward!

Target:  Go over WWII Europe map.  Begin Pacific Offensives vs. Japan.  Strategy, Island Hooping?  Saipan, Guam, Who returns?

Target:  The noose continues to tighten on Japan!  Review strategy to win, 2 key battles today...Iwo Jima and Okinawa.  The allies are closing in!


Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review the Allied Plan to defeat Germany (Invasion of Africa, Italy, and Battle of Atlantic)

Today begin reading, writing, discussing brainstorming, working in groups to take notes/answer questions about the Allied Invasion of France (D-Day, Operation Overlord), liberation of Paris, Soviet advances in the east, German couterattack (Battle of the Bulge)...

Saving Private Ryan Omaha Beach Scene:

Review Operation Overlord (the landing).  Also, 4 parts to the Allied defeat of Germany.

Continue DG (WWII)

Read/write/discuss the Allied invasion of Europe after D-Day.  Liberating France, What are the Soviets doing?  Last German counteroffensive (Battle of the Bulge).  What do we do with the Soviet Union? (Churchill and Eisenhower disagree) - April 30, 1945?  V-E Day?

Review the end of WWII in Europe (Battle of Bulge/V-E day)

Pass out and begin working on WWII map of Europe (Battles/Offensives)

Pass out and begin new DG (Pacific Offensives):  Begin reading/writing/discussing the Allied strategy for defeating Japan (2 parts).  What is island hopping?  Where was it done? How?  Saipan and Guam (why important?)  Does MacArthur return to the Philippines?  Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the death of FDR, President Truman's decision.

Daily Power Point Warm Up

Discussion Guide: WWII

Operation Overlord (D-Day): Map

WWII Europe Battle Map

Discussion Guide: Pacific Advances

Map: Pacific Battles/Advances


Week 36

May 25,26,27,28,29, 2020









Target:  Review Iwo Jima!  Now, read/write/discuss, map, watch Okinawa.  New President?  What decision does he have to make and why?  If time, Manhattan Project.  

Target: Today we analyze and breakdown President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb vs. Japan.  Was it justified?  The decision is now mine...I get to make the call!

Target: Today we continue to analyze and breakdown President Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb vs. Japan.  Was it justified?  The decision is now mine...I get to make the call!

Target:  Turn in/review President Truman and YOUR decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Now, the price of victory and healing the wounds of war...devastation, holocaust, genocide, superpowers, punish Germany? Nuremberg Trials, United Nations, Cold War, Truman Doctrine.  New DG!

Daily Power Point Warm-Ups

Various Video Clips

Text Readings

Review Iwo Jima

Finish DG:  Okinawa/What happened on April 12th 1945?  Now who is in charge?  What major decision does President Truman have to make?

Pass out and begin new DG (The Price of Victory):

Begin reading/writing/discussing the Manhattan Project (Enola Gay), Hiroshima, Nagasaki.  Why did President Truman do this?  Japanese surrender, V-J Day.  Was President Truman's decision justified?  Why/why not?  Student will write short essay using 3 facts.  The Holocaust

Review Manhattan Project/Hiroshima/Nagasaki


Review/finish/(start -6th hour) Was President Truman's decision to drop the bomb justified?  Breakdown reason why it was and it wasn't.  Preparation for student write:  Was Truman's decision justified?  Why/Why not?

Begin New DG (The Price of Victory):  Examples of devastation, casualties, holocaust, genocide, Superpowers, Healing the wounds of war, who occupies Germany, Nuremberg Trials, United Nations, Roots of the Cold War, beliefs, Truman Doctrine.

Continue/Begin New DG Post WWII:  Begin reading why WWII was so devastating.  Who had the highest casualties?  Holocaust, genocide, Superpowers.  Healing the Wounds of War (Occupation? who? how?), Nuremberg Trials, United Nations (what? goal?) Roots of the Cold War - 2 sides (beliefs), Truman Doctrine.

Daily Power Point Warm-Up

Discussion Guide: Pacific Advances

Discussion Guide: The Price of Victory

Summative Quiz WWII

Comprehensive Final Exam of Second Semester Material

(Both on Illuminate)