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PSMO Handbook 2016-17
Updated automatically every 5 minutes





225/900 Moo 11, Tambon Ban Waen,

Amphoe Hang Dong, Chiang Mai 50230


Phone:  052-088 777         


Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges,

Association of Christian Schools International, and

The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment, Thailand


Table of Contents

Parents and students are expected to be familiar with the contents of this handbook.  We hope it helps you understand more about our school and the policies and procedures which help us operate safely and efficiently.  We encourage you to contact your student’s Principal at any time if you have questions.  If you are new to the American education system, some of the terms in the handbook may be confusing.  Words in italics are explained in a glossary toward the back of the handbook.  The section on Extension Services Division (ESD) is required reading for ESD families only.  










General Guidelines

School Uniforms

Boys’ Dress Code

Girls’ Dress Code

Dress at School Functions

Formal Wear

Inappropriate Clothing for informal school functions



Absence types

Absence Consequences

Early Departures/Late Arrivals

Excused Absences

Unexcused Absences

Make-up Policies and Procedures

Returning to School

Tardy Policy


Adding/Dropping Courses (Secondary)

Chapel – Guidelines for Student Chapel Team Members Conduct

Class Size (Revised May, 2011)

Communication of Grades

Eligibility Policy for Extra Curricular Activities


Extra-Curricular Activities

Gifted Program

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grading Scales - Elementary Division

Grading Scales - Secondary Division

Adademic Honesty Policy (Updated Jan 2017)


Graduation Eligibility

Graduation Requirements

Honor Roll

Homework Policies

Interscholastic Sports

Retention in Grade

Remediation, Academic (grades 7 – 12)


School Hours

Transfer Credit Policy - Secondary


Cell Phones

Classroom Guidelines

Closed Campus Policy

Food and Drink

Information Bulletin Boards

Lockers - General

Lockers - Secondary PE

Lost and Found


Office and School Phones

Personal Electronic Equipment

Personal Property

School Property

Thai Staff Members





General Guidelines

Elementary Discipline Policy



Cyberbullying and Social Networking

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

Moral Purity

Public Display of Affection (PDA)


Weapons on Campus

Athletic Program


Immunization Policy

Required Immunizations

Recommended Immunizations

Annual Physical Examination

Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance

Life Threatening Allergies


HIV and AIDS (Revised May, 2011)

Pandemic Flu: Provision, Response, Recovery

Policy and Procedures for Communicable Diseases

Preventing and Addressing Eating Disorders

Managing Student Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollutants

Food Service and Nutrition

Traveling Student Group Health Guidelines (Update February 2015)


Access to Records

Acceptable Use Policy

Accident Insurance

Address Lists

Admission / Re-Admission

Advancement Division

Annual Calendar

Assistance for Struggling Students

Athletic Vision

Bible Version

Board of Trustees (BoT)

Car and Songtaew Pools

Child Harm, Abuse or Neglect

Community Bulletin Board

Computer Policy

Counseling Services

Complaints – January 2009


Extended Travel for Students

Family Home Weekends

Gifts to GIS Staff Members


Late Pick Up

Lunch Program

Messages for Students

Moms In Prayer

Office Hours

Office Services

Parent Staff Community

Parking and Traffic

PAWS – Athletic Boosters



Reporting Unsafe, Unbiblical, Undignified, Disorganized, or Unfair Behavior by the School

School Cancellations

School Supplies

Math Placement Exams

Staff Member/Student Guidelines

Standardized Tests (updated October 21, 2014)

Student Activities on Staff Work and Professional Development Days

Student Council




Wednesday Evenings and Sundays

Withdrawal from School



Methods of payment

Multiple Child Discount

Student Visa

Late Fee Penalty

Delinquent Accounts








2016-17 School Year Calendar







ABSENCE SLIP – 2016-17 (for absences less than two days)

PLANNED ABSENCE REQUEST (for absences more than two days)











Grace International School was established to meet the educational needs of children of missionaries and Christian workers in Southeast Asia.  Throughout GIS’s short history the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff have continually endeavored to maintain the original focus while providing a high quality Christian education to its students.

In late 1997, representatives from a variety of mission organizations met to begin the formal process of establishing Grace International School.  In the following months, five organizations made financial commitments to become Founding Members and eight other organizations made commitments to become Founding Associate Members.  This gave them tuition discounts, priority admission for their students, and seats on the Board of Trustees.  The founding organizations have five permanent seats, and the founding associates have three rotating seats on the BoT.  Since then, over 100 like-minded organizations have joined as Associate Members.  The Board of Trustees, operating under 11the authority of the Grace International School Educational Foundation, also includes four additional members elected at large from the associate organizations.  

When GIS opened in 1999, the 176 students in kindergarten through grade 12 met in rented space in World Club Sports Complex. As the school grew, it became necessary to rent more of the facility until in June 2001, GIS purchased the property.  Presently, over 500 students benefit from GIS programs that include not just core curriculum but also educational support services, fine arts, extra-curricular sports, and ministry opportunities.  Our high school offerings have grown to include Advanced Placement courses to meet the needs of our college-bound students, whether they are from American or international backgrounds.  GIS also offers support and assistance to homeschooling families through our special Extension Services Division.  Non-Thai faculty and staff at GIS raise their own support in order to keep tuition costs affordable.  The result is a dedicated team committed to providing students with an outstanding education from a Christian perspective.

The school is located in a suburban area southwest of Chiang Mai, Thailand.  Chiang Mai, the second largest province in Thailand, is nestled in the scenic Ping River valley at the foot of Doi Suthep Mountain.  With an international airport, rail and bus lines, and major highway routes, Chiang Mai is well-connected with the rest of Southeast Asia and the world.

Brief background on court case and temporary campus at Satit Bilingual School (SBS)

After being on the same property for 15 years, legal action was levied against the school to vacate and turn over the property that was once part of a former sports club. In year 2008, the homeowner association sued the school as they believed the school should never have been given the right to purchase a building that was meant to serve as a public facility.  In December 2015 the Supreme Court rejected the school’s appeal that the property was rightfully and legally ours, which resulted in the school’s loss of ownership of the buildings and property.  An extensive search for a suitable property to build a new school had been made since and eventually a plot of land in Harn Kaew District was purchased in 2010. Through the feasibility study done by the school’s management with the input from staff and parents in early 2016, the Board of Trustees made a decision to move out from World Club Land after having made an agreement with the Satit Rangsit Bilingual School (SBS) to rent part of their property to operate the school until the construction on the new campus is completed.


Mission Inspired. Called Staff. Christ-integrated education.

Equipping students to influence the world for Christ.

Mission Inspired: Grace was founded by Christian workers, for Christian workers. We will continue to be a school that enables Christian workers to focus on their ministries while we provide an education for their children. Grace was also founded to be a light to the Thai people. We desire to demonstrate Christ’s love to all families.

Called Staff: we have a sense of calling to work at Grace and understand that we serve a higher purpose.

Christ-integrated education: Christ and His truth permeate all areas of our school and guide the decisions, relationships and teaching.  

These are the three key components that describe the identity of Grace.

Equipping students: we believe in a holistic approach to education and character development for our students. This is what we do at Grace: equipping students.

Influencing the world for Christ: This describes our desired outcome: that our students are equipped to engage wherever they live with the person and message of Jesus.


A vibrant workplace for staff. An inspiring learning environment for students.

Our Vision statement describes where we are going, the path we have set for ourselves for the next 4 years (up until 2021). We expect to be a lot closer to the goals we have set in our Vision statement than we are now.

Vibrant : A healthy, flourishing organization per BCWI metrics (calling & passion, trustworthy culture, talent management, high impact strategy, innovation through collaboration, authentic Christian leadership, clarity and alignment)

Inspiring:  innovative, creative, engaging. This will compel us to challenge ourselves and the status quo. To always be looking to improve and develop ourselves.


We are Christ-centered. We care for students. We are committed to excellence.

Our Values describe how we behave. Core Values are those values that are inherent to Grace; it is part of our organizational DNA. We have also chosen Aspirational Values; areas where we desire to grow.

Our Core Value of being ‘committed to excellence’ does not communicate that we believe that we are excellent in all that we do, but we do have a commitment to strive for excellence in all that we undertake.

(Revised, Feb 2017)


  1. GIS stresses the restorative power of God’s grace in individual lives and within the world community.

The school focuses on redemption, restoration, and transformation. Students are taught that God the Father is in control, that Christ is triumphant, and that the Holy Spirit is present and working.  They are challenged to respond to God’s grace.  

Because moral and ethical learning are essential, the school’s program is designed to cultivate the values and skills of service, cooperation, and group accomplishment.  

  1. GIS fosters student responsibility in making informed choices based on God’s Word and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  

Teachers and students translate stewardship, justice, and compassion into practice.  Students are given opportunities to display in their actions biblical truth and moral principles.  When students choose poorly, teachers nurture, provide guidance, and discipline redemptively.

  1. GIS takes the future seriously by addressing the cultural values of people that students will encounter throughout life.

GIS equips students not only to live in a world in upheaval, but also to transform it to reflect the coming of Christ’s kingdom of love, restoration, and peace.

We encourage students to be “rooted” – to value their heritage – but also to evaluate their ethnic, religious, and cultural traditions.  Students must have an understanding of the world’s diverse cultures and be able to relate to people with different viewpoints and lifestyles, but they must not confuse biblical and secular norms.  

  1. GIS uses curriculum that reflects the complexity and richness of God’s world to equip students to live constructive Christian lives.

GIS students will be able to apply skills, knowledge, and attitudes to address real problems.  GIS is committed to presenting students with ideas, activities, and role models that are consistent with a Christian worldview.  Students will learn to analyze information and situations from a biblical perspective.

The GIS environment fosters education as exciting, worth pursuing, and deserving of celebration.  Excellence in the pursuit of education honors God.

  1. GIS pays attention to and affirms each student’s developmental level.

GIS focuses on a student’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, aesthetic, and spiritual growth, not simply his/her grade level.  Providing effective, meaningful learning opportunities for students is a high priority.  

GIS recognizes that each student is made in the image of God and nurtures in each student healthy expression of the full range of God-given emotions.  The school, through its curriculum, practice, and supportive environment, strives for success in some form for all students.  Self-esteem is based on an understanding of one’s identity from God’s perspective and developed through service to others.

  1. GIS teachers have the freedom and responsibility to exercise their expertise and artistry within the framework of the curriculum.

At the heart of Christian education is the teacher who loves the Lord, the learning experience, and the students.  GIS teachers are curriculum creators, coaches, models, community members, and change agents.

GIS curriculum recognizes that teachers are professionals who know both the science and the art of teaching.  GIS encourages and supports teachers in the pursuit of professional growth.  

  1. GIS fosters a biblical spirit of community.

Trust, built on the idea that the Spirit speaks through the Body of Christ and not just by one person or a few, characterizes student, staff, and community relationships. Christian love in action means worshiping, sharing, counseling, encouraging, and celebrating with Christian joy and hope.

Authentic community arises out of a common purpose and commitment. This effort requires resources and good communication. Teachers prepare students for a future in which cooperation and collaboration are valued and team play is important.  The home, church, and school actively support and reinforce the work of one another.


Grace International School is committed to consistent Biblical Christianity as expressed in the following statement of faith.  It is non-denominational in character.

  1. We believe that the Bible is inspired and inerrant, that all 66 books of the Old and New Testament are God's complete written revelation to mankind, the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  1. We believe in one triune God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the same in substance and equal in power and glory.

  1. We believe in the complete humanity and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and future personal return in power and glory.

  1. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells and empowers all believers and enables them to live a godly life.

  1. We believe that through Adam's sin all have inherited a sinful nature and therefore all choose to sin. All are thus sinners and deserving of death.

  1. We believe that salvation of lost and sinful man is only by the grace of God through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, accomplished through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

  1. We believe that our sins block our fellowship with God. As we confess those sins, God forgives us and our fellowship is restored.

  1. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal blessedness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.

  1. We believe that saving faith in Jesus Christ unites all Christians as members of the body of Christ. Such a position brings both privileges and responsibilities before God and toward one another in the Christian life.

Grace International School


(updated Expected Schoolwide Learning Results)

While acquiring a foundation of knowledge and skills, Grace students are becoming:


  1. God Seekers who . . .
  1. Know essential biblical truths and concepts
  2. Pursue a genuine relationship with God
  3. Choose to participate in biblical community

  1. Image Bearers who . . .  
  1. Understand their personal identity from God’s perspective
  2. Cultivate healthy interpersonal relationships
  3. Choose a balanced and healthy lifestyle


  1. Passionate Learners who . . .
  1. Take responsibility for life-long growth in knowledge and skills  
  2. Display teachable attitudes

  1. Critical Thinkers who . . .
  1. Apply diverse problem solving processes to real-life situations
  2. Evaluate issues and worldviews in terms of biblical truths
  3. Communicate effectively and wisely through a variety of forms


  1. Global Citizens who . . .  
  1. Serve others compassionately and advocate for the oppressed  
  2. Exhibit genuine respect and cultural sensitivity
  3. Exercise stewardship of personal and global resources
  4. Work as team members, whether as leaders or followers
  5. Impact their world by applying biblical truth


GIS FamilyWeb is our primary means of routine communication about school calendars, activities, your child(ren)’s attendance and grades, and so on.  Please check GIS FamilyWeb frequently by going to this link, clicking on “Create New ParentsWeb Account, and then logging in with your user name and password.  Once you log in, you will see a column on the left side with the following listings.  Here is a brief description of each one so you can easily locate needed information:

If you are a parent or guardian, you will also see tabs for Student Information and Family Information which will have many more details of attendance, grades, report cards and transcripts, financial information, and more.  If you have any questions or problems accessing GIS FamilyWeb, please email


General Guidelines

A student’s appearance during school and at school functions should be neat, clean, modest, and appropriate. Grace International School reserves the right to make final decisions as to what is acceptable school dress.

It is the desire of Grace International School that students refrain from drawing negative attention to themselves. Dress or hair that distracts either students or staff from maintaining a positive academic climate is discouraged.

All students are to wear the school uniform purchased through the GIS approved vendor and adhere to the dress code.  Uniform prices are fixed; store staff should not be asked to give discounts.  

School Uniforms

School uniforms are to be neat and clean upon arrival at school every day. Uniforms are to fit properly.

Students are expected to be in uniform during the school day.  Any student arriving at school out of uniform will be sent to the office where he or she may call parents if necessary. The student will not be allowed to attend class until in proper uniform.  Time out of class will be unexcused.

“Out of uniform” includes:

“Wearing a uniform incorrectly” includes:

Any student not complying with the dress code will receive a verbal warning.  This warning will be reported to administration on a Dress Code Violation form.

Discipline will be:  (see Detention Policy Page 32)

School uniform choices are:

Navy blue or khaki jumpers (K-6 girls); skirts (7-12 girls); shorts, skorts (K-12 girls) or long trousers (boys and girls); green, maroon, yellow, light blue, or white polo shirts; navy blue fleece GIS jacket.

All visible clothing, including jackets, must be GIS uniform.    An exception may be made for round-necked t-shirts visible at the collar. 

Shoes may be dress, athletic, or sandal type.  Rubber or plastic “flip-flops” and similar footwear do not qualify as sandals and are not acceptable footwear.  These rubber or plastic “shower shoes” with a piece between the big toe and the 4 other toes, undecorated or decorated (with beads, etc.), are not allowed.  Rubber or plastic beach shoes with a strap, double strap, or crossed strap across the top of the foot behind the toes are not allowed.  

Trousers, shorts, and skirts are to be worn above the hip in the area commonly called the waist or above the hipbone. The trousers should be long enough to touch the shoe, but not go lower than the heel of the shoe.  Shorts, jumpers, and skirts are to be no more than one (1) inch above the knee while standing.

PE uniforms from the GIS approved vendor are required during PE classes.  Athletic shoes and/or sport specific shoes are required.  Spandex may be worn under the required uniform.

High School – PE shorts may be no more than four inches (10 cm) above the knee.  The PE shirt is the standard gray, short-sleeved shirt with the Grace Tiger on the front.  Shirts must cover the midriff.

High school sports teams use the same shorts as PE for all practices and games.  PE shirts are used for practices.  Game jerseys are provided by GIS upon payment of a refundable deposit.  Jerseys are to be worn for games only, not for PE or for practice.  A white, gray, or navy t-shirt may be worn under the jersey at the coach’s discretion.

Elementary – PE shorts are navy blue.  The PE shirt is the standard gray, short-sleeved shirt with a Grace logo on the front.  Shirts must cover the midriff.  The PE uniform is also the primary sports uniform.

Boys’ Dress Code

The boys’ uniform is comprised of a shirt, trousers or shorts, belt, socks (optional) and shoes or sandals.  

Undergarments are required, except boys may choose not to wear an undershirt.

Swimsuits are to be boxer type. These should be full-cut and modest.  Exceptions may be made for swim team members during swim meets.  However, swimmers will be expected to put on boxers or conventional shorts when not in the pool.

Hair must be neat, off the collar, and not covering the eyes. No distracting hair coloring or style is to be worn.  No headbands, hair clips, or ponytails, etc., will be permitted.

Hats are highly recommended during any outdoor activity. This includes P.E., recess, sports days, field trips, etc.  Hats may not be worn inside the building.

Jewelry may include watches, rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Long necklaces must be worn under the shirt during school hours. Earrings may not be worn. No jewelry may be worn in any other visible body piercing.  No chains or other items are to be hanging from belts while at school. Tattoos, including temporary tattoos, must be covered while at school and school functions.

Girls’ Dress Code

The girls’ uniform is comprised of a jumper (K-6), skirt (7-12), skorts (K-12 girls), shorts, or long trousers, shirt, socks (optional), and shoes or sandals.

Shoes may be dress, athletic, or sandal type and may not exceed two inches at the heel.

Undergarments are required.

Swimsuits may be one or two piece, but midriffs must be covered. High-cut legs, low necklines, front cutouts, or excessively low backs are considered to be immodest and may not be worn.

Hair must be neat. No unnatural hair coloring, accessories, or styles are to be worn while school is in session.

Hats are highly recommended during any outdoor activity. This includes P.E., recess, sports days, field trips, etc.  Hats may not be worn inside the building.

Jewelry may include watches, rings, bracelets, ankle bracelets, necklaces, earrings and nose studs.  Tattoos, including temporary tattoos, must be covered while at school and school functions.

Dress at School Functions

School functions are activities on or off campus at which one may reasonably assume students attending either as participants or spectators are there because of their relationship to the school.  While standards of modesty vary in different cultures, GIS represents a conservative Christian perspective.  Additionally, we operate in a national culture that tends to cover more skin than most western cultures.   We also seek to be sensitive to the effects of attire on members of the opposite sex.  We expect students and staff to dress in ways that are not generally offensive or provocative.

Formal Wear

The basic principles of modesty, neatness, and cleanliness are always applicable, but what is appropriate at formal occasions might be different from what is appropriate at other times.

Inappropriate Clothing for informal school functions

Students who wear inappropriate clothing to school functions will be asked to change clothes or to arrange for a ride home.  


Campus Opens to Students at 7:20 a.m.

Students may enter the academic buiding before 7:20 a.m. only for pre-planned events with adult oversight. Students who arrive before 7:20 a.m. may wait in the Cafeteria area until 7:20 am.

Regular class attendance is important because:

At the same time, GIS recognizes the value of out-of-class experiences.  In order to allow families to make appropriate choices for each student, the school will inform families as early as possible about the out-of-class expectations (field trips, performances, competitions, and so on) of each class or activity.  Families are then responsible to select classes and activities, both school and personal, in harmony with GIS attendance policies.


If a student is absent, the parents are expected to contact the office between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence.  In all grades, the returning student is to present an absence slip or note signed by a parent to the office immediately upon return.  In order for a note to be accepted in lieu of an absence slip, it must state dates and reason for absence.  A note is also necessary should the student need to leave the campus during the day for any reason.

A student may not participate in or attend school functions on a day he or she is absent more than two classes due to illness or unexcused absence. Students may be excused up to one day per quarter for legitimate participation in sports, fine arts, or other specialty events for which they have trained outside the GIS program, at the discretion of the Principal.

Absence types


Any absence due to unavoidable flight scheduling or for medical, visa, mission-required, or school sponsored activity reasons will be excused. The Principal may excuse planned absences if good cause is shown and three school days’ prior notice is given in writing.


Any absence that is not excused as specified above will be considered unexcused.  Exceptions may be made at administrative discretion.

Planned Absences

  1. The office should be notified of anticipated absences as early as possible.
  2. Planned absence forms are available from the reception desk.  Forms must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian.  If the absence relates to a school activity such as a sports event or a secondary field trip, the coach or sponsor coach must also sign.  
  3. The student must obtain the signature of all of his or her teachers.  They will write in the arrangements necessary to complete academic work.
  4. The student will return the form to the reception desk for an administrative signature and will be given a copy to keep.
  5. Missed work for excused or unexcused absences on all assignments, quizzes, tests, etc., must be made up and completed within the number of school days equal to the number of consecutive school days of absence plus one (1).  
  6. Failure to make advance arrangements may result in an unexcused absence and applicable grade reductions.

Please see the planned absence form for more details.

Procedures for Reporting an Absence (updated Oct 18, 2016)

Secondary (Grades 7 to 12)

This is to seek to clarify to families the process to follow when a student is absent.

There are 3 options parents can use in order to inform the school of their child’s absence.

Option 1.The parent or guardian can call 052 088 777.  Please call the school as soon as you know your child will not attend classes.  Extension #1 is for the Secondary.   When you call, the office will register your call so that we have a record in our system of your parental acknowledgement of your child’s absence.  Would you please call prior to 8 am.

Option 2.  A parent or guardian can e-mail and explain the reasons that the student is absent.  Would you please email prior to 8am.

Option 3. The parent or guardian can write a note stating the reason of the absence.  The student then brings the note to the office (Loft, Admin Building, or Registrar’s office in admin building,) first thing in the morning or upon returning to school.


Reasons of absence that are excused by our office without the need of Linda Fisher, the Secondary Principal viewing it:

made on whether the absence is excused or not.   

Signing Secondary Students In and Out of School

Secondary student arriving tardy to school

  1.  If during 1st period, they report to Khun Aun in the downstairs “office (C152).”  She gives a pink slip for the student to take to class.  Khun Aun will then go in to RenWeb to change the absence marked to a tardy.
  2. If a student arrives AFTER first period (after 8.40 am.), they need to check in with the front office in the Admin Building to be signed in and given a note to class.

3.           Stephen Keefer monitors the tardies via RenWeb.

Absence Consequences


Any student who is absent for fifteen (15) sessions of a course in one semester will not receive credit for that class.  Absences count as follows:

  1. Any period out of class counts toward the fifteen session limit, whether the absence is excused, unexcused, or due to a school-sponsored activity.  Absences are counted from the first day of attendance at the beginning of the school year until the last day of attendance in the second semester.  While late arrival and early departure are discouraged, they do not count toward the absence limit.
  2. Missing a block period (double period) counts as two absences.
  3. An unexcused absence counts double.  For example: Missing one standard period counts as two absences from that class.  Missing one block period counts as four absences from that class.
  4. Unexcused absences from non-credit courses (tutorial, study hall) will receive the same consequences as tardies.  See Tardy Policy below..
  5. Time out of class that involves entire grades, such as ministry days, does not count toward the absence total.

Principals may make exceptions for extraordinary circumstances.


Any student in grades 4-6 who is absent for fifteen days in one semester will not be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities such as rec league, leadership activities such as chapel team, or extended field trips.

Absences count as follows:

  1. Any half-day or more out of class counts toward the fifteen day limit, whether the absence is excused, unexcused, or due to a school-sponsored activity. Absences are counted from the first day of attendance at the beginning of the school year until the last day of attendance in the second semester.  While late arrival and early departure are discouraged, they do not count toward the absence limit.
  2. An unexcused absence counts double.
  3. Time out of class that involves entire grades, such as field trips, does not count toward the absence total.

Principals may make exceptions for extraordinary circumstances.

Early Departures/Late Arrivals

Parents of any GIS student who is arriving late in the year or leaving early due to unavoidable circumstances must contact the appropriate school Principal at least one month in advance or as soon as possible. If the absence meets standards set by the administration and does not extend beyond nine weeks, Extension Services Division (ESD) will coordinate with teachers to maintain the student’s education during that time. Once the absence has been approved, the Principal will contact the ESD Coordinator who will then notify teachers and be the liaison to prepare for the student’s absence. Individual teachers should not make arrangements directly with the parent for absences over three weeks long. Parents must understand that not all courses can be maintained through long-distance and the primary responsibility of continuing their child’s education will be their responsibility during the student’s absence.  For more information contact: or the appropriate school Principal.  For extension services or correspondence options, please refer to the Extension Services Division section at the end of the handbook before the appendices.

Excused Absences

In the event of an excused absence, all assignments, quizzes, tests, etc., missed must be made up and will receive full credit provided the makeup is completed within the number of school days equal to the number of consecutive school days of absence plus one (1).

Unexcused Absences

All assignments, quizzes, tests, etc., missed during an unexcused absence must be made up but may receive reduced credit. Work must be completed within the same time limits as for an excused absence.

Make-up Policies and Procedures

It is the student’s responsibility to meet with his/her teacher(s) to get all missed assignments, tests and quizzes.

Returning to School

Upon being absent from a class (or classes), the student is to bring a completed absence slip to the office before school on the day of return for a full day absence or afternoon absence, or at lunchtime for a morning absence. The office staff will give the student an admission pass. This admission pass is to be signed by all teachers and turned in to the teacher of the last period missed. Additional absence slips are available from homeroom teachers and the GIS office.

Tardy Policy

It is important for our students to be prompt in reporting to classes. Students arriving to school late must report to the office for an admission slip prior to reporting to classes. Students will be marked tardy to a class if they fail to report, ready for the class, prior to the starting time for that class. Being ready for a class means that the student has all materials and books necessary for that class.

Overall tardies will accumulate for each semester. Consequences of tardies are as follows:

Each additional group of 3 tardies will result in a one-day, in-school suspension

Detention Procedures--click this link


Adding/Dropping Courses (Secondary)

Students with permission of parents and administration may add or drop courses during the first week of the year only.  No record of a course change will be made during the first week of the semester.  However, any changes made after the first week will be recorded in the student’s transcript as a “WP” (Withdrawal with a passing grade) or “WF” (Withdrawal with a failing grade).  

Chapel – Guidelines for Student Chapel Team Members Conduct

“…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

The chapel program is under the spiritual life division at GIS.  This program is designed to be student-led as a way to serve the GIS student body.  Our intention is to aid the GIS student body to draw closer to our Heavenly Father mainly through weekly chapels, retreats, and special events.  Secondary students join the chapel team with the desire to serve their fellow students.  All students who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are welcome to apply.  Jesus Christ is our model of servanthood.  Each applicant needs to prayerfully consider God’s will in serving in this capacity and needs to evaluate his/her academic load before applying.  

The pre-requisites for joining the Chapel Team are:

Before a secondary student becomes a member of the chapel team, he/she must fill out an application form and have an interview with the spiritual life director or other chapel sponsor (adult), if deemed necessary by the Spiritual Life Director.  Once the application has been approved and there is a favorable review of the student’s academic work load, the student becomes a member of the chapel team.  

There are specific expectations of members of the chapel team.  Members serving on the chapel team understand that he/she will:

The chapel team members are expected to be exemplary both in academics and spiritual practice.  The following actions will be taken if a student is cited for any behavioral issues warranting student discipline:

  1. Warnings.  If one warning is given to a student on the chapel team, the spiritual life director will talk with the student, and if he/she seems to have a repentant heart, notify them that after a second warning, they will not be able to participate in the chapel program for three chapels.  If they seem not to be repentant of their action, he may tell them that they are suspended from chapel band immediately, for the next three chapels.
  2. In-School Suspension.  If a student receives in-school suspension (except for tardiness), then they will not be able to participate in the chapel program for the next four chapels after their suspension ends. Further, at the end of the period, they must talk with the spiritual life director to determine if they are ready to be reinstated.
  3. Probation. Same as in-school suspension.
  4. Extra-curricular Suspension. Same as in-school suspension.
  5. Suspension. If a student is suspended, then they will not be able to participate in the chapel program for the rest of the quarter, or the next four chapels after their suspension ends, whichever is longer. Further, at the end of the period, they must talk with the Spiritual Life Director to determine if they are ready to be reinstated.

The above guidelines apply to all chapel program leaders and members with respect to their participation in chapel team meetings.

Class Size

Class sizes will generally be within the following limits:

When elementary classes exceed limits, effort will be made to provide a classroom instructional aide.  

Additional Guidelines for Class/Grade Size

Elementary (K-6) - class enrollment should not exceed

Secondary (Grades 7-12) - grade level enrollment should not exceed

Individual classes may have a disproportionate number of educational support needs students in order to facilitate accommodations for those students.

Note that class size policies are subject to change in the event temporary relocation or re-allocation of rooms becomes necessary.

Communication of Grades

Report cards for all grades are sent electronically by email at the end of each of the four quarters. Parents will be notified of exceptional progress or difficulties through progress reports at the middle of each quarter.  

Double Promotion Policy  (revised Jan. 2014)

Teachers or parents/guardians may initiate a request that a child be double promoted (skip a grade).

Double promotions may be made in exceptional circumstances upon consideration of such factors as the student’s academic achievement, attendance, demonstrated effort, attitude, ability, and parents’/guardians’ support.

Students considered for double promotion must exhibit social and emotional maturity significantly above their peers.

Double promotion may be considered during the spring as teachers and parents plan fall placements or after a child has attended a grade for at least 3 weeks.

Classroom teachers and the Principal, in joint agreement, are responsible for the final decision regarding double promotions, but parents’/guardians’ consent must be obtained prior to the decision. Where double promotion involves two divisions, the decision must include the approval of both Principals.


Appeals Process

1. If double promotion is not recommended and parents/guardians choose to appeal, they are responsible for providing the superintendent with evidence of the student’s exceptional performance or ability. This includes, but is not limited to, 1) the results of ability testing (IQ) done by a qualified practitioner, showing that the student’s score is 2 standard deviations above the mean. Test results must be less than three years old; and 2) results from standardized achievement test (ITBS, Stanford, Woodcock-Johnson, or comparable) showing scores in the 95th percentile or higher. Achievement test results may come from school-wide testing and must be less than one year old; 3) evidence of social / emotional maturity as demonstrated on a standardized test administered by a qualified practitioner.


2. The school will provide a list of qualified practitioners. However, testing and payment arrangements are the responsibility of the parents.


3. The superintendent will review both the basis for the original decision and materials submitted by the parents. The superintendent will communicate the final decision to the parents/guardians and Principal.

Eligibility Policy for Extra Curricular Activities

  1. A student must be enrolled at Grace International School as a full time student or in the Extension Services Division to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.
  2. Students begin the academic year in August eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.
  3. In the secondary division, if at the first marking period or at any subsequent marking period the student receives below a “C-“ (69% or below) in any course, he or she will be ineligible to participate.  An ineligible student will still be able to practice but will not be able to participate in competition, plays, or other performance events.  The high school counselor will provide the athletic director, drama coordinators, intramural director, music director, student council (StuCo) staff advisor, and spiritual life director with eligibility reports.  See #8 for additional details.
  4. Extra-curricular activities eligibility will be determined at seven marking periods during the year (see chart below).  

In terms of this policy, participation refers to playing, performing, or joining in activities but is distinct from practices.

  1. A student who feels a grade is in error can check with the specific teacher. If a mistake has been made, the student then needs to bring a note to the Principal before being allowed to participate.  The Principal will notify the sponsor or coach.  
  2. Eligibility may be restricted due to behavioral issues or if a student is on probation.  The Principal will determine if a student is ineligible due to behavioral issues.
  3. Teachers may hold an ineligible student from a practice in order to assist the student in improving performance in that class.
  4. Extra-curricular activities academic eligibility requirements may be waived for extenuating circumstances with a consensus of the Principal, guidance counselor, and appropriate staff director overseeing that ECA (athletic director, coach, StuCo staff advisor, etc.).
  1. ESD parents are responsible for submitting monitoring reports to the ESD director to ensure academic eligibility for extra-curricular activities, including sports, just as GIS teachers are responsible to communicate academic progress of GIS full day students. Parents must submit a report of academic progress at the beginning of each marking period indicating that their student has completed all necessary assignments satisfactorily and is on track with academic expectations set by parents. We support homeschooling parents by reinforcing that extra-curricular activities, including sports, are not to be in competition with the academic responsibilities that parents have established for their children. Instead, we support and partner with parents as they set academic goals for their children to ensure success in all areas of life.

Marking Periods for Eligibility

Semester 1 Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 1

Quarter 1 Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 2

Semester 1 Grades

Semester 2 Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 3

Quarter 3 Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 4


Semester exams for students taking high school courses are given at the end of each semester according to the schedule determined by the Principal.  Courses in the following areas will have semester final examinations: English, social studies, mathematics, science, foreign language, and religious studies. Other courses may or may not include final semester exams.

Extra-Curricular Activities

The participation in extra-curricular activities is provided for GIS students as a means to develop the vision of Grace: “GIS cultivates students of Christ-like character and values who will transform their world.” Participation is voluntary and therefore a privilege. The following policy guides participation in extra-curricular activities.

Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) are defined as any activity that is not a requirement directly related to a course and necessary for course completion and credit.  Activities covered by this policy include, but are not limited to:

Activities that are primarily ministry oriented are not subject to ECA participation policies. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Gifted Program

The gifted program at Grace caters to students who are identified as having been endowed by God with the gift of exceptional academic/intellectual ability and students who perform or show the potential to perform at a remarkably high level of achievement and/or creativity.

When teaching staff is available, gifted students have the opportunity for formal enrichment and mentoring". Please contact for more information".  

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A cumulative grade point average is computed for all grade 9 through 12 students at the end of each semester. Pass/fail courses are not considered in the determination of the cumulative GPA. GPA may be obtained from the counselor upon submission of a written request by the parent or student over 18 years of age.  Cumulative GPA is also printed on the student Report Card.

AP and Honors courses carry additional GPA values based on the difficulty of these courses.

Grading Scales - Elementary Division


In grades K-3 students are evaluated using numbers and descriptors:

1 - Emergent: I am just beginning to understand and need my teacher's help.  Does not meet grade level standards.

2 - Basic: I am developing more confidence.  Partially meets grade level standards.

3 - Proficient: I've got it!  Meets grade level standards.

4 - Advanced: I've got it and I can do more!  Exceeds grade level standards.


In grades 4-6 students are evaluated using numbers and an overall letter grade:

1 - Emergent: Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of concepts, skills, and processes and needs constant support.  Does not meet grade level standards.

2 - Basic: Student does not consistently demonstrate an understanding of concepts, skills, and processes.  Partially meets grade level standards.

3 - Proficient: Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of concepts, skills, and processes.  Meets grade level standards.

4 - Advanced: Student demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills, and processes.  Exceeds grade level standards.

The following behavior standards are assessed using the number scale below:

Comes prepared to class

Follows oral directions

Uses class time wisely

Completes tasks on time

Works independently

Works well in groups

Demonstrates passion for learning

Takes responsibility for actions

Demonstrates self-control

Shows respect to peers

Shows respect to authority

Show respect to property

1 - Rarely

2 - Occasionally

3 - Frequently

4 - Consistently

Behavior standards are the same in grades K-6

A color coding system is used throughout to identify a student's areas of strength and challenge

1 - Red

2 - Yellow

3 - White

4 - Green 

Students with educational support needs (elementary grades)

Students qualified to receive modified grading should be determined by the classroom teacher, Principal, and educational support division personnel in cooperation.  These students will be identified at the beginning of each school year or as needs arise.

Grades given for modified benchmarks in a regular course will be denoted on a report card by ** after the grade.

A note will be included with the report card explaining what benchmarks were reached.

Grading Scales - Secondary Division

Grades 7 -12:

The following grading scale will be used at GIS for all classes in grades 7 -12:

























F                Below 60 - NO CREDIT

Semester Grade for Grades 9 – 12

The semester grade will be made up of the two quarter grades plus the final exam.  The semester exam grade will count no more than 20% of the semester grade.   Each semester is to be graded separately. There will be no overall “year grade.”

Students with educational support needs (Secondary grades)

Courses that fall under the educational support division will be listed on the report card/transcript as “...Foundations (e.g., Math Foundations)” and are understood to have modified benchmarks automatically.

Students qualified to receive modified grading in regular classes should be determined by the classroom teacher, Principal, and educational support division personnel in cooperation.  These students will be identified at the beginning of each school year or as needs arise.

Grades given for modified benchmarks in a regular course will be denoted on a report card by ** after the grade.

For both Academic Support Independent classes and modified benchmarks in a regular course, a note will be included with the report card explaining what benchmarks were reached.

Academic Honesty Policy (Updated Jan 2017)

Grace International School (GIS) exists to educate and prepare our students for lives of service and leadership that will reflect the character of God through the values upon which they live.  As Christians, the standard for our choices and behavior flow from the very nature of God (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).  God is holy and righteous in all He does; He cannot lie (I Samuel 15:29; Titus 1:2).  Those who claim His name and who desire to imitate God’s nature in their lives should exhibit a high standard of integrity and honesty.  GIS believes that the basis for personal and academic development is honesty.                  (ACU Academic Integrity and Honesty)

The basic Judeo-Christian ethical mandate begins with “Thou shalt not steal” (Exodus 20:15). Cheating and plagiarism are acts of theft and fraud. To claim others’ work as your own without acknowledgement or citation is an example of academic fraud. Students need to produce their own work on assignments given at GIS. While collaboration in learning is a valuable process, when students produce material to be assessed—it must be their individual work.                                                                      

(Biola Student Handbook)

Grace International School teaches its students and models as a staff and faculty the importance of properly citing any material that is borrowed from other sources. The school’s policy is that any action which knowingly or unknowingly claims others’ work as your own without acknowledgement or citation is an example of plagiarism and essentially fraud. At GIS students and staff are taught that any use of someone else’s words, ideas and data must include a citation of the sources of that information. This use includes papers written, Powerpoint presentations created, posters made, speeches given and any other representation which may include borrowed information.                                              

(San Juan College Academic Honesty Rules)


Types of Academic Dishonesty

A. Cheating:  using materials, information or study aids other than those authorized by the teacher during graded activities, quizzes or exams. Cheating includes but is not limited to:

       Copying, faxing, emailing or in any way duplicating assignments that are turned in as original work

       Exchanging assignments with other students whether you believe they will be copied or not.  This  would most certainly include the sharing of Google files.

       Using any form of memory aid during quizzes or tests without the permission of the instructor

       Unauthorized use of electronic devices such as calculators or cell phones

       Giving or receiving answers during quizzes or tests; it is a student’s responsibility to secure papers  so other students cannot copy

       Accessing a quiz or test for the purpose of determining the questions in advance of its administration

       Using summaries/commentaries (CliffsNotes, Sparks Notes etc. ) instead of reading assigned materials

       Submitting work from one teacher’s class for use in another class without permission of both teachers


B. Plagiarism:   Using another person’s or group’s ideas, words, or data as one’s own without proper citation.  Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

       -- This would include the use of photographs taken from online sources.  They need to be cited.


C. Fabrication:  Knowingly giving false data, information sources or testimony in any work,

activities, projects or writings submitted for credit.


                 →            Portions borrowed from: Fort Worth Christian School Parent and Student Handbook


GIS uses the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) approved style of citation. The MLA style requires crediting sources in two ways. First, a parenthetical citation in the text must be included indicating the source of a particular quote, paraphrased statement or idea, summarized material, or fact. Second, a Works Cited page must be included at the end of a paper or project that enables others to locate the sources used. All students and faculty are to use the Purdue University Online Writing Lab web site for particular details of how to cite any material. This web site will serve as the informational source for all questions pertaining to citation practices as well as paper formatting for classes.  (


School staff plans the graduation program.  No other school-sponsored activities are planned for the evening of graduation.  Activities before and/or following high school graduation are parent-planned and sponsored.  

Graduation Eligibility

In order for a student to participate in GIS graduation ceremonies and to receive a GIS diploma, it is necessary that the student meet the following criteria:

  1. Successful completion of the courses indicated below as required credits for graduation.
  2. Be a full time student with Grace International School for the entire 12th grade year.  Exceptions may be granted for students whose long-term enrollment is temporarily interrupted, but must be pre-approved by the GIS administration.

Any student who completes his/her 12th grade courses through a homeschooling program or an extension program should seek his/her diploma through that program.  Those students may inquire with the extension services division about an alternate graduation ceremony.

Graduation Requirements

Full-time students must be taking classes in the context of a graduation plan. Students are expected to attend four years of high school (grades 9-12), whether at GIS or elsewhere, prior to graduating in order to benefit from relationships with mentors and peers and to develop the maturity to be successful in a university setting.

Grace International School is a college preparatory high school with a foundation in the US educational system. This system grants credits earned for courses successfully passed according to the Carnegie credit allocation system. Grades are determined by teachers in subject courses during the term.  Although our curriculum is US based, we are a Christian international school and seek to meet the needs of our diverse student body.

GIS seeks to help all our students to be well-educated and prepared to transition to post-graduate educational institutions, whether in their passport country or wherever they desire to pursue higher education. As a result, students may choose which of the following graduation requirement options best support their plans for education after graduation from GIS. Parents must indicate which option they are following and sign a contract agreeing to the requirements and consequences of following that option.

Graduation Requirement Option A: 

All students who are US citizens, hold dual citizenship with the US, or any student who plans to study in the U.S. must follow option A.  Non-US citizens can choose option A or B depending on the country where they plan to attend university.  Students choosing option A may choose from one of the following three tracks to earn a high school diploma from GIS. A minimum of 24 credits is required for graduation from GIS.  Graduation is not an end in itself but a stepping stone to other opportunities.   Because not all students have the same goals, the following tracks are provided to assist in planning a student’s GIS course of study.

Each track is not a rigid criteria but a guided suggestion depending on post-graduation goals. There is flexibility in changing tracks to meet changing goals. All educational plans should be in conference between parents, students, and the academic counselor. All tracks lead to a high school diploma from GIS.

Subject Area

High School Track

Credits Required

College Prep Track

Credits Required

AP College Prep Track*

Credits Required

Religious Studies(a)

0.5 for each year of attendance

0.5 for each year of attendance

0.5 for each year of attendance


4 (b)


    4 (including AP English)


2 (c)


    4 (including AP math)

Social Studies

3 (d)


    3-4 (including AP social studies)




    3-4 (including AP sciences)







3 (e)

3-4 (may include AP foreign language)









Minimum Total*




Grade Point Average (GPA)

2.0 (Required)

3.0 (Recommended)

3.0 (Recommended)

*This track can also lead to an AP International Diploma as issued by the College Board.  To earn an APID, a student must earn grades of 3 or higher on at least five AP exams in five content areas.  For more information, contact the academic counselor or visit the website:  

(a) Students are required to have ½ credit in religious studies for each year in attendance at GIS.  The total number of credits required for graduation is not reduced for transfer students; a minimum of 24 total credits is required so additional electives may be necessary.  A student may accumulate more than 24 credits.

(b) English 9, English 10, English 11, and English 12 are required.  An AP English class may be substituted by permission.

(c) Must include Algebra 1 and Geometry.

(d) All U.S. citizens must include U.S. History or U.S. Government.  Beginning with graduates in the class of 2020, all US citizens must have U.S. Government and 3.5 Social Studies credits.  Non-U.S. citizens will be required to complete Comparative Government.

(e) Requires two credits in the same foreign language.

(f) Upon recommendation of the academic counselor and educational support department, with administrative approval, a student may enter a program of study leading to the granting of a diploma with 22 credits.

Graduation Requirement Option B:

Students who are citizens from countries using standardized external exams may require AP courses for admission into universities and may use this diploma option. A diploma contract must be signed prior to pursuing this diploma. Parents and students should research the policies of their country and specific university polices to find out what courses they need to take and what AP scores will count for admission.  Not all credits within a subject will be AP courses, but there are pre-requisites for admission into an AP course and a usual progression building on prior material. For more information on course progressions please, visit the GIS website or contact the Academic Counselor.

AP courses may not be offered due to teacher availability or low student enrollment. Students who are US citizens are not eligible for this option.

Subject Area

AP University Track


AP Courses Offered

By subject area


Religious Studies

0.5 for each year of attendance

Religious Studies credits are to be from GIS courses. Exceptions may be considered in case of transfer students.



English Literature & Composition

Students may take US or British Literature in 11th grade and AP English 12th grade with counselor & instructor prior approval.



Calculus, Statistics

Social Studies


World History,

US History, Psychology



Biology, Physics, Chemistry


0.5 Health


National Thai students must take  National Thai every year





With prior permission a student may independently study an AP course not offered and take the exam. GIS is not obligated to provide resources or a teacher.

Electives depend on credits in other categories. Students must have 18 total credits with a minimum of 4 AP courses.

Minimum Total



Total number of credits required for graduation is not reduced for transfer students.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

3.0 (Recommended)

*Please note that while languages, computers, and a variety of elective courses are not required in this option, universities may expect or require that you have skills in these areas.  Check the specific requirements of your country and university.

Rationale for Specific Graduation Requirements:

  1. The ability to read and write is critical to all endeavors, especially to university admittance and continuing education. Therefore, GIS requires 4 years of English.
  2. As a Christian school our religious studies courses are essential to fulfilling our mission and vision and achieving our GOALs.  In accordance with ACSI accreditation policies, the teaching of religious study courses is a priority.
  3. The health course instructs students in information that is not included elsewhere in the curriculum and fulfills our GOALs of maintaining balanced, healthy lifestyles; understanding personal identity from God’s perspective; and cultivating healthy interpersonal relationships.

Honor Roll

The academic counselor will publish the honor roll list each semester for grades 9 through 12.  Students with a GPA for the semester of 3.75 to 3.99 will be on the Honor Roll and students with a GPA of 4.0 and above will be on the High Honor Roll.         

Homework Policies

Homework is considered to be an important part of the education process.  Therefore, all assignments are to be completed neatly and on time.

Homework is to be given to aid in the development of individual study skills, support classroom learning, and to promote extended learning.  At times, teachers may enlist the help of parents to guide in the homework.

Homework should involve parents’ encouragement, oversight, and monitoring of the student’s study management.  Homework assignments should keep required parental involvement in the academic content to a minimum.  During SEW, students may expect reduced homework loads. Teachers may give quizzes but not major exams.

Elementary (Grades 2 and 3)

Students in 2nd and 3rd grade may have approximately one hour of homework per night/or 5 hours per week. Students should expect weekly homework in the following areas:

In the case of projects, teachers will send home specific information ahead of time, including a rubric and due date to enable students to use their time wisely and plan accordingly.  If a student is absent the day a project is due, they will be expected to turn in the project the day that they return to school, unless the severity of the illness dictates otherwise.  

Elementary (Grades 4-6)

Students in Grades 4-6 will have approximately one hour of homework per night/or 5 hours per week.

Students should expect weekly homework in the following areas:

All of the materials for the above assignments are given one week prior to the due date, therefore if a student is absent during the week, they are still expected to be ready to take the corresponding tests each Friday and hand in reading logs and spelling/vocabulary assignments. If the student is absent on the day of the test, they are expected to be ready to take the test on the day that they return to school unless the severity of the illness dictates otherwise.

If the student is absent when assignments are issued or if they miss two or more consecutive days of school, they will be given an extension allowing them to complete their homework in the same number of days as their classmates.  

Besides the above weekly assignments, students may be asked to complete other assignments not completed in class, work on special projects, or study for tests.  These may require a slightly longer period of time.  In the case of long-term projects, teachers will send home specific information ahead of time, including a rubric and due date to enable students to use their time wisely and plan accordingly.  If a student is absent the day a project is due, they will be expected to turn the project in the day that they return to school, unless the severity of the illness dictates otherwise.  

Middle School (Grades 7-8)

Middle school students should expect progressively greater proportions of their assignments would be done at home. These assignments may average from approximately 10 to 20 minutes per subject, although some courses may require a slightly longer period of time each night to complete a reasonable assignment.

High School (Grades 9-12)

High school students should expect that most homework assignments will be completed outside of class time, although often there will be some class time available for them to start homework assignments. High school assignments should average no more than 30 minutes per class per night.  However, students taking Advanced Placement courses should expect significantly more homework.

Interscholastic Sports

During any season, a student may participate in not more than one team sport and one individual sport.  Permission for an exception may be given when seasons overlap briefly due to tournament scheduling.

Marking Periods for Eligibility

Semester 1

Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 1

Quarter 1

Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 2

Semester 1 Grades

Semester  2

 Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 3

Quarter 3

Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 4

Retention in Grade

The decision to retain a student will take into account teacher evaluation and consultation with parents and administration.  Students in grades 7 - 8 may be retained in a grade upon receiving a grade below 60% (F) in two or more classes if the teachers and administration deem it in the student’s best interest.  The final decision for all retentions in grade is the responsibility of the Principal.  

Remediation, Academic (grades 7 – 12)

(Academic remediation is concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil’s general competence and not attributed to specific learning disabilities.)

Academic remediation is designed to help students who are experiencing academic difficulties to succeed at school.  The Principal may place students into academic remediation by written communication with the parents and notice given to the student. The Principal, working with the student’s teachers and guidance counselor, determines the parameters of the remediation. While involved in academic remediation, the student may be required to meet regularly with an assigned staff member.  The terms of the remediation may address the issue of eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.  Academic remediation may be waived by the Principal if it is the consensus of the student’s Principal, teachers, and counselor that the student is working at or near his/her potential but still achieving low grades.

In grades 7-12, students with one F (below 60%) or two D’s (below 70%) on the report card at the end of any given quarter will be placed into academic remediation for the following quarter.  At the end of the quarter in remediation, if the terms of the remediation period are not followed, the staff member supervising the remediation will refer the student to the Principal.  At that time, the student who is not complying with the terms of the remediation may be placed on academic probation.


Teachers at GIS believe that God is Sovereign Creator of the universe.  The details of how He did it are subject to interpretation and, to a large extent, awesomely beyond our ability to comprehend. Many of our science books are written from an evolutionary viewpoint.  They have been chosen for many other qualities, knowing that they would pass through the filter of teachers with a Christian worldview. Teachers in every grade affected stress that evolution and earth age as presented in the books are theories, and that students need to think analytically and be prepared to defend what they believe.  Students also hear what the Bible says about creation and the different interpretations of Scripture.  We consistently encourage students to talk with their parents about their beliefs about creation.   

Our Personnel Handbook, section 825.00, says this about Christian Unity:

In an interdenominational school such as Grace International School, promoting controversial doctrinal matters is unethical and is contrary to Christian courtesy and charity.  The faculty and staff must be careful not to impose any such doctrine on students.  The school does not dictate what positions to hold on denominational issues.  

The faculty or staff member is encouraged to teach from a Christian worldview and share beliefs consistent with the GIS Statement of Faith.  When asked by students, staff may tactfully share their personal views on these matters.

While the issue of creation may not be strictly denominational, the essence of the policy is applicable.  

For many of us, part of the joy and blessing of the GIS community is the opportunity to come together with believers from other backgrounds and traditions to examine what are the essentials of being Christ-followers.  We simultaneously challenge each other and find our own thinking stretched to appreciate the diversity of gifts God has given for the fulfillment of His purposes.

School Hours (revised August 2016)

The school day runs from 7:50 a.m. until 3:15 p.m.

Effective from school year 2016-17, the following options have been offered to parents of kindergartners.


OPTION 1 - Half-day program

Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


OPTION 2 - Full day Kindergarten Program

Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.



The plan for 2016-17 (subject to sufficient enrollment numbers) is to run TWO morning classes (KA & KB) which will follow the same developmentally appropriate academic curriculum that exists right now.  There will be space for 12-14 students in each class.  KA and KB students will receive exactly the same instruction in Bible, math, phonics, reading activities, centers, and specials.  



ONE afternoon session will also be offered in 2016-17 under the supervision of our Kindergarten teaching team.  


During this first year, space will be limited to 12 students and allocated according to previously existing criteria for general enrollment.

Transfer Credit Policy - Secondary

It is the policy of GIS to accept credit from other accredited institutions (CHEA-recognized accrediting bodies), non-accredited schools and home school situations depending on meeting the criteria explained below while reserving the right to determine what courses are accepted and receive credit.

Credit Earned in GIS courses

Credit is earned for the numbers of hours of instruction or its equivalent based upon a Carnegie credit (usually  120 hours of instruction for one year). GIS issues credit on a semester basis, meaning that grades and credits are issued after each semester.

Credit is not allotted for courses taken in middle school except with the following criteria:

Students may receive high school credit for Thai if they pass a Thai I equivalency exam at the end of their 8th grade year.  This must be passed with an 80% level of proficiency.  Students will be allotted credit for Algebra I taken and successfully passed in the 7th or 8th grade.

Transfer Credits from Accredited Schools

Upon review and approval by the guidance counselor, students transferring in to GIS from an accredited school may receive credit toward graduation for courses successfully completed within the following guidelines:

  1. Documentation must be provided to GIS by the sending school or home school as to the course of study the student followed, grade earned and credit allotted. This must in the form of an official transcript issued by the school, not report cards.
  2. Courses will be identified on a student’s transcript as a transfer credit.
  3. Grades and credits will be included in the calculation of GPA with the exception that a student transferring with one year remaining will not be eligible as class valedictorian or salutatorian.
  4. Weighted credit for a course designated by the sending school system as Honors will not be weighted. AP courses meeting AP Audit status will be weighted with the weight of GIS AP courses.
  5. Credits will be adjusted to correspond to 1.0 credit for a course of a minimum of 120 hours of instruction or 0.5 for a semester course.  For example, a school system that allots 2.0 credits for a full year course will be adjusted to allot 1.0 credit in the GIS system.
  6. During the time that students are enrolled at GIS, they will not receive credit for courses taken by correspondence or on-line that are offered at GIS. Exceptions may be considered by GIS administration.  

Transfer Credits from Non-Accredited Schools/Homeschool

Upon review and approval by the guidance counselor, students transferring into GIS from a non-accredited school or home school may receive credit toward graduation for courses successfully completed within the following guidelines:

  1. Documentation must be provided to GIS by the sending school or home school as to the course of study the student followed, materials used, total number of contact hours per course, grade earned and credit allotted.
  2. Courses will be identified on a student’s transcript as a transfer credit.
  3. Grades and credits will be included in the calculation of GPA with the exception that a student transferring with one year remaining will not be eligible as class valedictorian or salutatorian.
  4. Weighted credit for a course designated by the sending school system as Honors will not be weighted.  AP courses that meet AP Audit status will be weighted with the same GIS AP courses.
  5. Credit will not be given for “life experiences”, for example piano lessons (unless part of a curriculum that meets course criteria).
  6. Credits will be adjusted to correspond to 1.0 credit for a course of a minimum of 120 hours of instruction or 0.5 for a semester course.  For example, a school system that allots 2.0 credits for a full year course will be adjusted to allot 1.0 credit in the GIS system.

Non-credit based school systems

When a student transfers to GIS from a non-credit based educational system and meets the criteria for credit acceptance (course content, materials used), the following allocation will be used after evaluation of hours of instruction are adjusted in comparison with GIS


Cell Phones

If cell phones are brought to school, they must be turned off during the school day in order to avoid disruption.  If parents need to contact their children during the day, they are expected to do so through the school office.  Any student found with a cell phone turned on during school hours will have the phone confiscated, and a parent will be contacted to come and claim it.

Classroom Guidelines

Students are to arrive on time and be prepared for classes daily. Proper respect for the teacher, classmates, and the school is expected at all times. Students are expected to obey individual teacher classroom rules and directives.

Students should speak English while on campus except during foreign language classes or as requested by a teacher.

Closed Campus Policy

Grace International School exercises a closed campus policy. This means that once the students report to GIS, they are to remain on the campus until they depart for the day. The Principal may grant exceptions. Students leaving before the normal end of the school day must present a signed note from their parent or guardian and sign out at the office.  All such absences are subject to the excused/unexcused policies outlined in this handbook. Upon returning to school, the student must report to the office to receive an admission slip before going to any classes.

Detention Policy (Updated Sept 2016)

The basic purpose of a detention is to help a student make better choices in the future by creating a “memory marker.”  This marker is to assist in making a mental and emotional connection that a poor or foolish choice has consequences.  Our desire is to see our students’ character grow and strengthened.

The Lord disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:6).  That is true for us at Grace Int. School as well.  Discipline at times will need to be administered because we care for the students we serve.  Discipline needs to be fair, consistent and respectfully administered.

In the past, detentions were prior to school from 7am to 7:50am.  A student would bring work to do, or a book to read or something constructive to do during the detention session.  This year we are changing how we conduct that process.

Students will now serve detentions during lunch where they will assist work being done or helping clean up common areas.

The Secondary Vice Principal will oversee the serving of detention.

This change is not to bring about a scenario to shame anyone.  That is not the school’s purpose at all.  Our purpose is for them to work, give back to the school, assist, and help someone else while being personally reminded why they are doing this service.


Food and Drink

Students may not have food or drinks, other than water, in the classroom except during those times designated by the teacher and approved by the Principal (e.g. parties).  Due to the potential for causing property damage, students are not allowed to chew gum on campus at any time.  Exceptions are subject to administrative approval.

Information Bulletin Boards

Information bulletin boards are located at various places throughout the halls. Teachers and staff of GIS will post school announcements and other information there. Students, parents, teachers, and staff must have administrative approval before posting anything on these boards.  All postings must be made only in approved places and removed on the school day following an advertised event.  No posters may be taped to the walls (windows acceptable with permission of Principal or superintendent).  All posted materials must have an expiration date written in the lower right corner at which time the person who posted the materials must remove it.

Lockers - General

All students in grades 7 – 12 are issued lockers.  Students will be issued a locker key upon request.  If a student misplaces the key, a duplicate may be borrowed from the office upon payment of a 10 Baht fee.  There is a 500 baht fee for replacing a lost key.  Personally owned locks are not allowed.

The school strongly recommends that lockers be kept locked.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Lockers - Secondary PE

Secondary physical education students will be issued a locker in the locker room.  This locker is to be used during the PE class time for the student to secure belongings, as well as to store the PE uniform, towel, and toiletries. Students may change clothes only in the locker rooms. Students are strongly encouraged to shower at the end of each PE class.

Lost and Found    

Lost and found is located in the main office. See the receptionist for assistance to reclaim lost and found items.  

On the last school day of each semester during the school year, all lost and found items will be set out for re-claiming for one day only from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.  If the items are not re-claimed by the end of the day they will be boxed up and given to charity.  First priority for unclaimed items will be given to GIS student ministry groups to donate to displaced people during their ministry trips.

Dates for lost and found reclaiming days will be put on the calendar on the GIS website and FamilyWeb.  Students will also be reminded through a morning announcement to check, on the day before and the day of reclaiming, for their lost items.    


Due to the fact that the P.E. Division will no longer wash the students unclaimed clothes which have been kept in the lost and found cabinet in the main office for many months without washing, the school will follow the procedures below in handling the lost and found clothes/items:

  1.  Unclaimed clothes will be sent to the laundry once a week.
  2. The new fee to be charged for the lost and found items is 30 baht per piece to cover the cost of washing including covering for the unclaimed items.
  3. The lost clothes/items will be kept for one semester and then they will be disposed.  The used clothes will be given away to the sports leadership class to be disbursed on ministry trips.  The PCS will be given the school uniforms to be re-sold.

Office and School Phones

Office phones are not available to students except in case of an emergency.

Personal Electronic Equipment 

Students are not permitted use of personal electronic devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets) while at school. If they are brought to school they must be placed in the student’s locker at secondary level and book bags at elementary level until the end of the school day.

Personal Property

It is important to keep track of all personal items brought to school each day. Label all clothing, belongings, and band instruments with the student’s name to help ensure the return of the item should it be misplaced.  GIS is not responsible for the loss of, or damage to, personal property.

The school staff and administration have the right to inspect and search all property on or entering the campus.

School Property

Students can and will be held responsible for any damage that occurs through acts of negligence, misuse, or vandalism to school property and equipment as well as property and equipment used by the school. A charge will be assessed for the cost of repairs or replacement.

Skateboards in-line skates and roller skates are not allowed on campus, including parking lots.  No bicycles are allowed on campus except in the parking lot area.

Due to the risk of injury, glass bottles and containers are not allowed on the courts or in the gymnasium.

Thai Staff Members

Students are expected to show proper respect and courtesy to all Thai staff according to Thai culture.


Grace International School does not discriminate in access to programs or in its hiring, enrollment, or treatment of persons because of race, sex, color, nationality, or ethnic origin.  

Sexual harassment of students or employees by other students or by employees of Grace International School is prohibited.  We are committed to providing a stable learning and working environment.  School authorities will not tolerate any sexual harassment of students and staff.  All students and all school employees are expected to conduct themselves with respect for the dignity of others.

Definition of sexual harassment: "Sexual harassment" means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from, or in, the work or educational setting.”

Individuals who feel that they have been subjected to sexual harassment are encouraged to report the matter promptly to one of the school officials designated below.  Teachers or students who observe sexual harassment should report the matter to one of the school officials designated below.  All complaints will be promptly investigated.

Sexual harassment should be reported to one of the following individuals.  These individuals are specifically authorized to receive complaints and to respond to questions regarding sexual harassment.  Students may choose to report to a trusted teacher, Principal, counselor, or superintendent.

The superintendent’s office will house or serve as a clearing house for all discriminatory / sexual harassment reports.  

Every effort will be made to protect the privacy of the parties involved in any complaint.  However, GIS reserves the right to fully investigate every complaint, and to notify a student's parent/guardian and appropriate government officials as the circumstances warrant.

Protection against retaliation:


November 2016

Material selected for the library or for distribution to the students is to be chosen with reference to appropriateness within the context of the school curriculum; its suitability both in structure and content for students, teachers, and parents; and its service to good taste, common sense and moral value. The GIS Library serves as a point of voluntary access to information and ideas and as a learning laboratory for students as they acquire critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed in a pluralistic society. The following policy statements define the use and limitations of resources by students, teachers, and parents at the GIS Library and the Extension Services Library.  It is our intent that the policies, procedures, and rules related to the use of library resources and services support reasonably free and open access to information.

Collection Development

The professional staff members of the library have the delegated responsibility for examining, evaluating, and selecting library materials and information databases under the supervision of the administration. These materials are evaluated for suitability through various review sources, standard catalogs, and library journals.  Teachers, parents, and staff are welcome to request particular titles, authors, or subject areas for inclusion in purchases.  The librarian will attend curriculum meetings to be kept abreast of corollary materials that the library needs to provide. Through an integrated relationship with teachers to identify instructional activities, the library collection shall reflect resources appropriate to the information needs and to the developmental and maturity levels of the students.  


The educational level and program of our school necessarily shapes the resources and services of our school library. The GIS library is organized into two collections, the elementary and secondary.  The elementary collection is designed to support the intellectual growth, personal development, individual interests, and recreational needs of students K-6.  The secondary collection is designed to support similar needs for students in grades 7-12.


The GIS Library provides voluntary access for GIS parents, students, and teachers. Because the library caters to a wide audience, parents/guardians are ultimately responsible to help their students make wise personal reading choices. The best judge of when an elementary student is ready for a transition to the secondary library and access to its broader range of subject content and reading level resides with the parent. Therefore, at GIS we ask parents of elementary students to provide written permission to library staff when their child wants to check out specific materials from the secondary library.  

Circulation Services (revised May 2015)

Student loan periods and check-out quantities of material vary by grade level with older students having a broader range of time and material.  A fee based on replacement costs is assessed for any lost or damaged materials.


All staff members, parents of GIS students, dormitory parents and Extension Services members are welcome to use library services.  Staff and teachers’ GIS registration number is entered in the library data base and used for the loaning of materials.   Staff members are not assessed any fines but are asked to return materials by due dates or when a reserve/hold is placed on a title. Parents are assessed fines and fees at the same level as students. Books and materials may be reserved for personal and classroom use by communicating with the library staff.  Special loan dates for extended classroom research use are available.

Class Visits

Teachers who wish to bring their classes to the library for research purposes or special projects should contact library staff in advance to assure access for their particular number of students and their reference needs.   Elementary classes are assigned a regular weekly library time throughout the year.

Requests for Reconsideration of Materials

Parents and/or students with complaints about books or materials are directed to follow established channels of communication. Contact should be done in the following order, proceeding to the next person only if satisfaction is not achieved at the current level:

  1. The librarian
  2. The appropriate principal
  3. An ad hoc review committee set up by the principal
  4. The superintendent


All GIS students, regardless of age, are expected to reside in the same home with their parent(s), boarding parents, or school-approved adult guardian.  Admitting a student is based partly on the belief that we can have a positive working relationship with parents or guardians throughout the student’s enrollment at GIS.  Therefore, residence questions are included in our enrollment process.  If a change in residence or guardianship becomes necessary, parents must contact the Principal or registrar as soon as possible.  

When both parents or guardians are going to be absent and alternate arrangements for supervision are planned, the school should be notified prior to departure. Appropriate alternate arrangements will include adult supervision. Updated emergency contact information must be provided.


General Guidelines

All students have the right to a safe, positive, and orderly environment.  Each student deserves a quality education and the opportunity to become all that he/she is capable of becoming.

Along with these rights, there are certain responsibilities expected of each student.  While on campus or at school activities, students are expected to comply with specific instructions given by any staff member, showing proper respect for his/her authority as a staff member. Students are to demonstrate good moral behavior at all times and to comply with any and all regulations and guidelines established by the staff, administration, and Board of Trustees.  Behavior such as plagiarism, cheating, lying, stealing, gambling, fighting, bullying, vandalism, etc., are not acceptable.  School policies apply to all students, regardless of whether or not the student is over 18 years old.

Teachers will notify students in writing of regulations and procedures regarding their specific classrooms. Because we believe that parents have primary responsibility for their children’s training, acts of disobedience or disrespect may result in children calling their parents or guardian from the office to tell them what they’ve done and will include a written behavioral incident report to be signed as read by the guardian.

Teacher and administrative action for inappropriate behavior may result in one or more of the following consequences:

  1. Warning:  

Warnings are either verbal or written communication to students and guardians.

  1. In-School Suspension:  

The Principal may assign in-school suspensions.  Such suspensions are for no more than two school days.  The student will collect study material prior to the commencement of the suspension and report to the Principal or his or her designee at 7:50 am.  The student will be assigned to a study room from 7:50 am to 3:15 pm and will not be permitted to be involved in any extra-curricular activity on those days.  The students will eat lunch in a designated place.  All class work and tests missed must be made up, but the value of the work may be reduced by two letter grades or 20%.

  1. Probation:
  1. A review date will be set at the time the student is placed on probation.
  2. Specific improvement expected will be clearly established in consultation with both the student and parents.
  3. A designated counselor and the student will meet regularly to discuss progress being made.
  4. If the terms of the probation are not complied with in the designated time period, the student will be a candidate for long-term suspension.  This does not exclude the possibility of continued probation.
  5. Any student on probation or suspension may not participate in extra-curricular activities, including sports.
  1. Extra-Curricular Suspension or Restriction:

Students may be restricted or suspended from extra-curricular activities such as sports, Student Council, etc.

  1. Suspension:
  1. The student is not to attend classes for a period of time.
  2. Makeup work must be submitted within two days of return to school.  The value of the work may be reduced two letter grades, or 20%.
  3. Conditions for reinstatement and continuance will be clearly established at the time the discipline is administered.
  4. The students will not enter the campus during the time of suspension.
  5. Any student on probation or suspension may not participate in extra-curricular activities including sports.
  6. Parents remain liable for all tuition and fees for the period of suspension.

  1. Long-term Suspension:
  1. The student is not allowed to attend classes at Grace International School for the remainder of the current semester and for the following semester.
  2. GIS work cannot be made up.
  3. GIS will not be responsible for providing educational materials or support.
  4. Conditions for reinstatement and continuance will be clearly established at the time the discipline is administered.
  5. The student will not enter the campus during the time of suspension.
  6. Any student on probation or suspension may not participate in extra-curricular activities, including sports.
  7. Parents remain liable for all tuition and fees for the period of suspension.
  8. When the school to which a current or former GIS student is applying requests records, we send a standard transcript with grades for semesters completed.  If a school asks why the student withdrew or has a gap in records, we can respond that the student was suspended but will not volunteer more information unless we have written permission from the parents.


(total accumulated each school year)



1 day in-school  suspension


2 days in-school suspension


2 days out-of-school suspension


5 days out-of-school suspension


long-term suspension

  1. Long-term Suspension: The student is not allowed to continue at Grace International School.  With the approval of the superintendent, application for re-admission may be made after one full semester away from GIS.  The application will be processed in the same way as a first-time student and will require payment of application and entrance fees.

9. Agency Notification of Student Discipline:  For families affiliated with founder or associate organizations: GIS partners with sending agencies to keep families on the field and with families to meet their child(ren)’s educational needs.  In the event of a serious disciplinary issue (30 or more points on the discipline scale) or when a student’s behavior jeopardizes the health, safety, or welfare of themselves or others, parents must meet their agency’s reporting expectations.

Elementary Discipline Policy

Elementary teachers make every effort to create an environment in which children feel safe and can learn.  When a child disturbs others and interferes with the learning process, the teacher may remove the child from the larger group by having him or her sit away from others or sending the child to another supervised area such as the office.  The child may miss participating in enjoyable activities.  

Because we believe that parents have primary responsibility for their children’s training, acts of disobedience or disrespect may result in children calling their parents or guardian from the office to tell them what they’ve done and will include a written behavioral incident report to be signed as read by the guardian.  Parents are expected to follow up at home.  In extreme cases, office personnel may call parents to take home a child whose behavior continues to interfere with his /her own learning or that of other children.

When a student demonstrates a pattern of defiant, aggressive, disobedient, and / or uncooperative behavior toward students or adults, the following measures will be taken.

·          Behavioral SST will be scheduled. Strategies from SST will be implemented immediately.

·          If these interventions are not successful in a timely matter as determined by the school

         administration, this will result in daily to indefinite suspension.

·          Future re-enrollment may come in jeopardy. (August 2014)


Bullying is defined as inflicting physical, verbal, or emotional abuse on another, including but not limited to intimidation, teasing, social ostracism (exclusion), sexual harassment, threats of bodily harm, weapon possession, extortion, and assault (the threat of immediate physical harm) and battery (physical injury or offensive touch).  

Secondary students involved in bullying will receive 10-50 points per offense.  

Verbal Threats of Violence by Students and/or Staff

Any reported or overheard threats of violence (for students and stafff) to other members of our GIS community, will result in immediate removal from campus for immediate assessment of risk to GIS by our Principals, both in elementary and high school, within 24 hours of the incident’s reporting. If the threat was determined to be benign, the student or staff member will be allowed to return to campus at the Principal(s) and/or GIS Child Safety Team’s discretion, with points assessed at their discretion. This zero tolerance policy affirms GIS’s firm belief in making GIS safe for everyone. 


Any “choking” incident will be treated as an assault whether or not the victim cooperates.

Any student who chokes another person or himself will face the following:

  1. First offense: 10 points or more depending on the circumstances
  2. Second offense: 20 points
  3. Third offense: 20 points - long-term suspension
  4. Any offense resulting in death is subject to criminal prosecution

Cyberbullying and Social Networking

Cyberbullying includes but is not limited to sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images; posting sensitive, private information about another person; and maliciously pretending to be someone else. It may involve any means of information technology, including cell phones and computers.  Any student who participates in cyberbullying at any time will be subject to discipline.

Any student who posts material inconsistent with the values and standards of the school on his or her website or social network page will be subject to discipline.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco (edited Mar 2017)

Possession or use of drugs or chemicals such as “speed,” marijuana, LSD, cocaine, narcotics, etc., is forbidden at all times, on or off campus.  Any violation of this will be disciplined as follows:

  1. First offense: 40 points or more; subject to possible suspension from school. Continuance in school would be on a probationary basis.
  2. Second offense: long-term suspension from school.

Selling controlled or illegal substances is strictly forbidden at all times, on and off campus.  Any violation of this will be disciplined as follows:

  1. First offense: 50 points; subject to possible long-term suspension and possible prosecution under Thai law. Continuance in school would be on a probationary basis.
  2. Second offense: long-term suspension from school and possible prosecution under Thai law.

The possession or consumption of any beverage containing alcohol is prohibited for any student enrolled at GIS except with the permission of his or her parents and under their direct supervision.  Any violation of this will be disciplined as follows:

  1. First offense: 20 points and parent conference before re-entry.
  2. Second offense: 20 points and parent conference before re-entry. Continuation in school is on a probationary basis.
  3. Third offense: 20 points - suspension from school.

Since the use of tobacco has been determined to be detrimental to a person’s health, students are to refrain from the use of tobacco in any form at all times on or off campus.  Medical research would also support that vaping, dripping and e-cigarettes, whether with or without narcotics is also detrimental to a person’s health.  Thus, any substance being used with vaping, dripping and e-cigarettes would also not be allowed under school policy.  

Violation of this will result in discipline as follows:

  1. First offense: 10 points.
  2. Second offense: 10 points and parent conference before re-entry.
  3. Third offense: 20 points and parent conference before re-entry. Continuation in school is on a probationary basis.
  4. Fourth offense: 20 points - long-term suspension.

Any student with a substance abuse problem who desires counseling and is committed to ending such usage should meet with the counselor.

The GIS sports programs (intramural and league play) have a zero tolerance policy on student use of illegal substances, including tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.  The GIS sports policy supersedes the GIS school policy regarding illegal substance use.

  1. First offense: student will immediately be removed from the current team.
  2. Second offense: student will immediately be removed from all sports for the rest of the year.

Moral Purity

GIS students are expected to adhere to high moral standards of purity.  These include refraining from:

  1. the use of pornographic materials;
  2. homosexual behavior;
  3. inappropriate sexual activity.

Appropriate discipline for infractions will be determined by administration.

Public Display of Affection (PDA)

While not discouraging relationships at school, we believe an educational institution is not the place for romantic expressions of affection. Students are expected to respect Thai culture, which discourages romantic physical contact in public. The school recognizes that genuine feelings of affection may exist between students; however, romantic displays of affection are a personal concern and should not be present on campus, to avoid embarrassing yourself and making others feel uncomfortable.

Student attendees of dances and school-related events must comply with this policy as well.

Teachers and staff on campus may respectfully confront students about inappropriate behavior, and give a verbal warning. Continued displays of affection will be reported to the administrator resulting in a meeting with the offending students and their parents.

Appropriate discipline for infractions will be determined by the administration.


Students are not to bring fireworks, firecrackers, or lighters of any type to school.

Weapons on Campus (or off-campus GIS functions)

Students are not to bring to school knives, firearms, any type of weapon, or any toy that could be mistaken for a weapon.  Any student found with such an item will have the item confiscated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.  This policy applies to all GIS events before, during or after school.


Athletic Code of Conduct

GIS has an extensive athletic program.  Sports at the high school and middle school levels include volleyball, track, soccer, basketball, swimming, and futsal.  A letter at the start of each season will provide more details about individual sports.

Athletes of all skill and ability levels are welcome to turn out.  In general, sports tend to emphasize maximum participation at the elementary level and become more competitive and performance-oriented in the higher grades.  Parents and students should be aware that athletic eligibility can be affected both by academic performance and by personal conduct.  GIS subscribes to the guidelines set by the Chiang Mai Athletic Conference. In addition, all athletes must follow the conduct code of the GIS Athletic Vision (found in the appendices).  Student athletes and GIS coaches are expected to maintain the highest standard of sportsmanship in practice and competition.

Parents may serve as assistant coaches and may assist with other aspects of team organization and celebration.  Parents are encouraged to attend games and to model good sportsmanship.

Physical Examinations

The annual required physical exam for all students must include sports clearance by a medical doctor in order for any middle school or high school student to participate in interscholastic athletic competition.


Each varsity (U-20) and junior varsity (U-16) team member will receive a uniform prior to the first game. The uniform must be turned in within one week after the last competition.  It is the athlete's responsibility to keep the uniform clean and in good condition.  If the athlete loses the uniform, he/she is responsible for paying for its replacement.  A list of replacement costs can be obtained from the Athletic Division.  If the athlete does not turn in the uniform prior to the deadline, certain penalties could be imposed.


Any student on probation or suspension may not participate in athletics.  (See more information in the GIS Athletic Vision in the Appendices)

STUDENT HEALTH (revised Nov 20, 2015)

One of the keys to keeping students healthy is keeping sick students home.  Please keep any unwell students home until they are free from fever, vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours.  For more information on GIS health policies, see, Student Life, Health Services, Policies and Procedures for Communicable Diseases.

Immunization Policy

The Center of Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Thai Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist recommend that children receive immunizations against certain communicable diseases.  In accordance with these recommendations, GIS has established the following immunization policy.

All returning or new enrollment students including ESD must submit medical documents as proof of their vaccination for the required immunizations.  Each student must provide documentation of immunization (photocopy of immunization records, certificate of immunizations or written documentation from a physician or hospital) or submit satisfactory evidence of having begun the process of immunization.

The student may continue to attend school as long as the immunization process is being completed in the prescribed manner.  The student will not be allowed to attend school if the GIS Required Immunization Schedule is not followed.  To resume attendance, medical documentation must be submitted to verify that immunization requirements are being satisfied.


Required Immunizations:

Hepatitis A – 2 doses required. (2nd dose 6 months after the first dose)

Hepatitis B – 3 doses required. (2nd dose 1 month after the first dose; 3th dose 6 months after the first dose.)

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) – 4 doses with one dose on or after  4th birthday. 

Booster dose every 10years.  Children > 7 year’s old use Tdap   instead, depending on DTaP given.

Polio – (IPV, injectable or OPV, oral) 3-4 doses with one dose on or after  4th birthday.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – 2 doses given at 12 months of age with one dose

given after 4th birthday.

­Varicella – 2 doses required or documentation of having had the disease.

Japanese B Encephalitis – CD JEvax 2 doses required depending on type of vaccine given.  In compliance with the Thai Ministry of Health regulations, GIS requires the Japanese B Encephalitis vaccine.  IMOJEV and IXIARO 2 doses, vaccines are also accepted. The following schedule is recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists, for immunization with either or both of the following vaccinations.


                Recommended Administration of CD JEvax with Prior History of JEV   Vaccination


History of Vaccination with older Inactivated JEV Vaccine

         Recommended Schedule for New

               Live Attenuated CD JEvax

   None, no prior vaccination for

   Japanese  Encephalitis B

   2 doses CD JEvax given, 3-12 months

        apart. May give as early as 9 months

    1 Dose JEV already received

    2 doses CD JEvax given, 3-12 months

            apart, for complete immunity.         

    2 Dose JEV already received

  1 dose CD JEvax given at least one year

              later for complete immunity.  

    3 Dose JEV already received

CD JEvax optional.  1 dose recommended for children < 10 yr. old for complete immunity.

    4 Dose JEV already received

CD JEvax optional, not required if child is  NOT in high risk environment.

Lohlekha, Rangsima. Live-Attenuated JE Vaccine. National Library of Thailand Cataloging in Publication Data. Update on Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2008. Bangkok: Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand; 2008: pg. 143-145

Recommended Vaccinations

The following vaccinations are highly recommended by the Thai Infectious Disease Specialists, but are not required by GIS for enrollment.  These are especially important for those children as described by the specific indicators for each vaccine.


-1 dose done yearly, optional.  Recommended for all children, especially those with the following high risk indicators: Asthma, allergies, heart conditions.

Pneumococcal (PCV or PPV)

-3 doses given two months apart, before 1 year of age.  4th dose recommended at 2-6 years of age for high risk children with lung or heart conditions, or immunological deficiency.        

Haemophilus Influenza B (HIB)

-3  doses given 2 months apart, given between 2-15 months of age.


-1 dose given between the ages of 11-18

Annual Physical Exam Requirement

All students including ESD are required to have an annual comprehensive physical exam each year.  The exam will include complete health history, height, weight, blood pressure, and vision. Any conditions which might affect a child’s ability to participate fully in classroom activities, including physical education and sports programs, must be noted.  The GIS Physical Exam form must be used and the physical must be completed within 3 months of admission or re-enrollment.  The form is available from the GIS website or from the nurses’ office. This form must be filled out completely by a licensed physician, and parents are to complete the Health History portion prior to the physical examination so that the physician can review this information at the time of the physical examination.  Sports clearance and TB screening are included in this exam.  

Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance

Due to the high prevalence of TB in our region of Thailand, GIS requires TB skin test for all new GIS and ESD students and for all new staff within 6 months of application.  The chest x-ray or QFT required for who had history of positive TB skin test reaction. Students and staff are required to complete an annual physical which includes physician assessment for any symptoms of TB.   A TB skin test or chest x-ray or QFT are required every 3 years for re-enrollment and all staff.

For New Enrollments:

All new students are required to submit a current medical report with results of a TB skin test or a chest x-ray or QFT, done within the past 6 months.

New applicants who live in areas where there is no availability of reliable TB skin testing will be allowed to take the TB skin test after arrival in Chiangmai, but prior to starting school.   Follow up for positive TB skin tests must be done by one of the recommended TB or Chest specialists listed in this policy.(See GIS website to view the complete TB Surveillance Policy.)

New applicants who live in areas where there is no availability of reliable TB skin testing will be allowed to take the TB skin test after arrival in Chiangmai, but prior to starting school.   Follow up for positive TB skin tests must be done by one of the recommended TB or Chest specialists listed in this policy.

The QuantiFERON TB Gold Test (QFT-G), a TB specific blood test is now approved for those under the age of 17 years old, as well as adults.  The QFT-Gold test measures the immune system’s reaction to the TB antigen, thus providing a more accurate indicator of TB infection.  A prior BCG vaccination will not affect the QFT-Gold test, which can specify between the presence of TB disease infection and TB antibody immunization.  The QFT-Gold TB blood test may be done in place of the TB skin test, or as a diagnostic test to verify a POSITIVE skin test.  Dr. Peninnah Oberdorfer, at the Ram Hospital Pediatric clinic, or Dr. Kriengsak Wattanasirakul, at his clinic are able to schedule the test and answer questions regarding the QFT-Gold.  There is a lab in Chiangmai that is able to do the QFT-Gold blood test.  The QFT-Gold blood test is also available in Bangkok hospitals.  The total cost can run from 3000--5000bht or more per test.

Students with a History of Positive TB skin test:

Students who have a documented history of previous positive reaction to TB skin test should not receive a TB skin test thereafter, if they have not completed medication treatment for LTBI.  Any treatment for or history of active or latent TB must be reported to the GIS Health office, with verifying medical reports indicating the diagnosis and treatment received.

Required Medical Documents for Positive TB Skin Test:  Medical reports required for a positive TB test  include the following:                              

Protocol for a Positive TB Skin Test: In adherence to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the national Thai TB Specialists and Infectious Disease Authorities, the GIS protocol for a positive TB skin test reaction is as follows:

  1. Provide information regarding possible TB contact, family history of TB and evidence of clinical symptoms, to be assessed by a doctor or the GIS nurse.  
  2. Submit the TB Test Results Form, completed by the GIS Medical Advisor, the GIS Nurse or by one of the doctors listed below.  Results must record a measurement of the amount of induration, for any type of reaction.   Results will be read at 48 hours AND again at 72 hours for a more complete analysis of the TB skin test result.
  3. See a TB Infectious Disease Specialist for follow-up testing to identify Latent TB infection (LTBI) and rule out active TB infection.  To ensure proper administration of these TB tests, students are required to follow up with a TB Infectious Disease Specialist.
  4. Submit Diagnostic evaluation from an infectious disease specialist including one or more of the following:
  1. Chest x-ray
  2. 3 day sputum testing if recommended
  3. QFT-Gold test results
  4. Diagnostic report from Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists,
  1. Submit a medical report stating that the student is free from active tuberculosis and the recommended follow-up treatment for prevention of active tuberculosis.  This is required for students with a positive TB skin test to remain in school.
  2. Other family and household members should also receive TB testing.

For Latent TB Infection Diagnosis (See also TB Surveillance Policy-LTBI):

Recommended treatment for LTBI is 6-9 months of medication.  Documentation from the GIS Medical Advisor or TB Infectious Disease Specialist to follow up medical assessment and compliance to medication prescription is required.   A Certificate of Treatment for LTBI signed by the presiding doctor is required when a student completes the recommended medical treatment for Latent TB.

For Active TB Infection Diagnosis:

For active TB infections, treatment must be initiated for the student to return to school.  The student may return to school and regular activities when effective therapy has been established, as shown by:

To verify effectiveness of treatment, the doctor’s prescribed treatment for two weeks, a negative sputum AFB test may be required for the student to return to school, depending on the presiding doctor’s recommendations.


Recommended Hospitals and Doctors for TB Skin Tests/Chest X-ray:

Chiangmai Ram Hospital - 8 Boonruengrit Rd. Chiangmai (where Huay Keaw Rd. meets the moat)

Contact: Dr. Peninnah Oberdorfer

Clinic hours: Sunday & Tuesday from 5-8:00 p.m.        

Tel. (053) 224-861

Lanna Hospital - 1 Sukkasem Rd. Chiangmai (on Superhighway between Mae Rim Rd. and Mae Jo Rd.)

Contact: Dr. Jannira

Tel: (053) 999-777

Sriphat Medical Center Hospital - 110/392 Inthawarorot Rd. Sri Phat Bldg., Sriphum, (Suthep Rd, opposite Suan Dork Gate on the moat), Chiang Mai 50200

Contact: Dr. Somsak

Tel: (053) 946-900 (call Khun Kesini 081-681-1616 for appointments)

Nakornping Hospital (NKP hospital) - 159 M.4 Chotana (Mae Rim/Samoeng Rd)

Contact: Dr. Penpak Sornchai

At Infectious Disease Clinic: Wed & Fri

8:00 a.m. – 12 noon in Rm #27 Pediatric Clinic

Tel: (053) 890-755-6

May also see Khun Suparat Kanjanvanit

Dr. Kriengsak Clinic - 4 Badaat Rd., Chiang Mai 50100  (The far end of the Night Bazaar Rd. before the bend along the river, diagonal to Ratilanna Riverside Spa Resort)

Contact: Dr. Kriengsak Wattanasirakul

Tel: (053) 282-970

For Chest X-rays

Computed Tomography and Radiology Specialized Clinic 2012 Co Ltd, - 30/31 Superhighway Rd.  [Past Theppanya Hospital, before Big C Extra]

Tel: (053) 852- 870-2, or

Contact: Dr. Kriengsak Wattanasirakul

Tel: (053) 282-970


Life Threatening Allergies

Identification of children with life threatening allergies:            

Any student coming on campus with a life-threatening allergy to foods, insect stings, chemicals, etc., must submit a  completed Allergy Action Form signed by their parents that provides the school with any medication and doctor’s orders necessary to care for their child in case of an allergic reaction.  All allergies must be included in the health history that the parents are required to complete prior to their student having their annual physical exam.    

Pertinent information about student’s allergies will also be given to teachers and coaches at the beginning of each school year and prior to special activities, such as field trips or sports activities.

Parents of children with life-threatening allergies are encouraged to have their child wear some kind of identification such as a Medic-Alert bracelet or necklace.

Teacher Preparedness:

All school personnel will be made aware of students who have allergies and prescribed emergency medications such as epinephrine.

Elementary teachers will make reasonable efforts to ensure safe space for students with allergies.

All school personnel undergo basic First-Aid and CPR regularly.  This includes formal training on signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock and administration of Epi-Pen.

Classroom Preparedness:

Avoidance of specific allergens that cause life-threatening allergic response is the key to allergy management.  

Elementary Classes:  

At the elementary parent orientation meetings, elementary classroom teachers will make an announcement concerning any food allergies among the students in their class.  This information will also be sent to parents in print or electronically.  Parents should check ingredients in snacks and should not send any foods to which classmates are allergic.  

A list of allergen-free snacks can be made by parents of students with food allergies.  This list can then be given to parents and classmates who wish to bring snacks for the class to share.  

Secondary Classes:

Teachers will be notified of students with known food allergies.  Students themselves will need to be responsible to check the ingredients of snacks consumed.

Secondary and elementary teachers will educate/ask their classes about any specific food allergies they need to be aware of. Teachers will make reasonable efforts to check snacks before they are distributed to students in their classes.  

The lunch time food handlers will be notified of students with life-threatening food allergies.  Food handlers will either appropriately label foods containing allergens and/or will notify the students which foods to stay away from.

Medications for allergies:

For anaphylactic shock (severe, life-threatening allergic reactions), epinephrine injection is the most effective treatment and must be given immediately.

Treatment protocol as listed on the Allergy Action Plan Form, including physician’s instructions (symptoms and stages of reaction) and administration of medications, will be followed should an anaphylactic reaction occur. Parents of students with life-threatening allergies are required to complete and sign this form prior to the first day of school.

Students with allergy medications and EpiPens (device with pre-measured epinephrine for injection) should have all their medications clearly labeled with their name and prescription.  The GIS nurse will inform parents of expiration dates on their child’s emergency allergy medications so that all medications available will be current.  Expired medications must be replaced by parents.

School personnel will be instructed where to find emergency allergic reaction medications.  Students’ and staff’s EpiPens will be kept at the health services office in both the elementary and high school buildings.  Parents may choose to bring additional EpiPens to school to be kept in their child’s classroom.

Students able to self-administer their EpiPen may carry their emergency medications with them.  A Permission to Carry Medications Form must be completed.  Students carrying EpiPens must be able to demonstrate correct usage of and sound judgment in understanding the circumstance of self-administration. Teachers will be informed of students carrying their own emergency medications.  

Although a student may be allowed to self-administer their own medication, they must be brought immediately to the health services office and sent to the hospital for follow-up treatment.  Any allergic reaction or ingestion of a known allergen must be reported to the health services office immediately.  If an EpiPen injection has been given, the empty EpiPen must be brought to the health services office with the student.


Students requiring prescribed medication or medication from home during school hours must bring the medication to the nurse’s office upon arrival at school.  Students are not allowed to keep medication on their person, in their school bag or locker during school hours.  All medications MUST be kept in the nurse’s office. This includes pain relief medications, over the counter medications and vitamins.


Exceptions:  Students with conditions that require immediate medication intervention, where delay might endanger their life (e.g. asthma, diabetes, life-threatening allergies) may carry their prescribed medication with them after receiving permission from the GIS nurse.  The Permission to Carry Medications Form must be completed and submitted to the nurse’s office.   Approval from the GIS nurse, a GIS administrator, and consent from parents and the student are required. A wallet-sized Permission to Carry Medications card will be given to the student and kept with the medication whenever it is brought to school.

Medications to be taken during the school day:

a) Medication(s) deemed necessary (e.g. a course of antibiotics) can be brought to the nurses’ office for administration under supervision of the GIS nurse. The medication must be labeled with:

If the medication is not labeled as above it will not be dispensed to the student until this information is ascertained (i.e. by the GIS nurse contacting the parents).

b) Medication brought to the nurses’ office by students will not be dispensed to students without written permission from their parent or guardian.  The Authorization for Medications to be taken at school form may be downloaded from the GIS web site and can be found under Student Life/Health Services and is available under Resources on the RenWeb Parent Web.

c) The GIS nurse will administer medication(s) according to parent instructions unless he/she has concerns. In this case, the parents will be contacted (by telephone before the medication is due if possible).  During communication with parents, the GIS nurse will explain the concerns, offer appropriate education and advice, allow the parents to respond and come to a solution.  

Parental Notification of Sick or Injured Child

In the event a child is ill or injured at school, parents will be notified (by phone or letter sent home) if:

Emergency Transport

If parents cannot be contacted, are unable to come to school, or it is determined that emergency care without delay is required, the student will be taken to the hospital by two GIS staff members, one staff person who will drive and one nursing staff person to provide emergency care during transport.

All patients needing emergency transport by GIS staff to a health care facility will be taken to Sri Phat Hospital (at the front of Suan Dok Hosptial). Parents may arrange for transfer to another facility if they wish.  The hospital of choice for GIS health care needs is Sri Phat Hospital.  

HIV and AIDS (Revised May, 2011)

The following points come from a longer GIS document that includes issues facing administrators, staff, and students.

  1. School Attendance - Decisions regarding students or applicants with HIV infection will be made using the same rationale applied to all other students, in accordance with established GIS policy.  GIS does not discriminate on the basis of HIV status.
  2. Privacy - All GIS staff are expected to treat as highly confidential any knowledge or speculation concerning the HIV status of a student or other staff member. No information regarding a person's HIV status will be divulged to any individual or organization without the informed, written, signed, and dated consent of the person with HIV infection (or the parent or guardian of a legal minor). The written consent will specify the name of the recipient of the information and the purpose for disclosure.  The GIS Consent for Disclosure form or a signed letter will be accepted as consensus (permission) to disclose.  
  3. HIV and Athletics - To date, there have been no documented cases of HIV transmission during athletic activity.  Although cuts, abrasions, and nosebleeds can be fairly common on the playing field, transmission of blood borne infections can be prevented by using universal precautions when bleeding occurs.  Therefore, adequate first aid supplies to prevent blood borne infections are available at all times.  

School authorities will make reasonable accommodations to allow students living with HIV infection to participate in school-sponsored physical activities.  This policy is based on the best currently available medical facts regarding athletes with NIV/AIDS and will be revised if new information warrants.  

 A student with HIV will be allowed to participate in athletic activity based on the student’s current health status. Eligibility to participate in athletics for the HIV infected student will be determined using the same procedures and standards used for all other student athletes. Continued medical check-ups are recommended for the HIV infected student athlete to ensure optimal health status for sports participation. 

  1. GIS Student Ministries to HIV infected Children - GIS students are encouraged to be involved with outreach ministries, many of which include interaction with orphans and children with HIV.  Students and staff who participate in outreach ministries to people who are HIV positive are required  to receive instruction in universal precautions and HIV information from the GIS Health Services nurses.

Standards of the GIS Infections Control Policy and Guidelines will be maintained during student ministry times.  In the case of a high risk exposure, the policy guidelines will be followed the same as an exposure incident that happens at school.  

  1. HIV Education and Prevention - With the prevalence of HIV in our community, it is important for students to have an understanding of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease to know how to prevent infection from blood borne pathogens and to be able to relate to those who are HIV infected.  HIV education is included in the Health classes in the secondary grades and is covered in the elementary classrooms during the “Good Health” training sessions provided by the nurse.
  2. General Provisions - On an annual basis, school administrators will notify students, their family members, and school personnel about current policies concerning HIV infection, and provide a means for input.  Information will be provided in the major primary languages of students' families (English, Thai, and Korean).

Pandemic Flu: Provision, Response, Recovery

Flu, or influenza, is a contagious, viral disease of the lungs and airways, though the digestive tract may also be symptomatic. The influenza virus is easily spread via droplets from an infected person when they cough or sneeze.  An infected person may be able to spread the virus from 1 day before symptoms develop, and continue to be contagious up to 7 or more days after becoming sick.  Flu symptoms include fever, headache, runny nose, body aches, cough, stomach and intestinal discomfort, extreme tiredness, and sore throat.


The virus (and germs) can also be spread when a person touches something contaminated with the virus (i.e, any surface where infected droplets have fallen) and then touches his or her mouth, nose or eyes.  Some viruses can live up to 2 hours or longer on surfaces such as table tops, door knobs, and computer keyboards. Frequent hand washing and keeping hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes will help reduce the chance of contamination.

Pandemic Influenza

When an outbreak of influenza spreads beyond the borders of several countries, affecting many countries across the globe, it is called a pandemic.  The following policy covers GIS procedures for emergency preparations, response, and recovery in the event of pandemic flu.

Emergency Provisions

Health Care


Response - Health Care

Responsibility of parent/guardian to report and provide medical care      

GIS Health Services Office

Contingency Committee for School-wide Operations

The Contingency Committee, made up of the Principals, superintendent, facilities director, and school nurses, will make decisions regarding closing/opening the school. Maintaining school operations and decisions regarding disinfection protocols will also be set by the Contingency Committee.  Protocols set by this committee will be based on recommendations from WHO, CDC and local Thai Infectious Disease Specialists.

Recovery - Health Care Education  

For more information, go to the U.S. government official pandemic flu website.

Policy and Procedures for Communicable Diseases (Updated Jan 2017)

Students who show evidence of a communicable disease will be sent to the nurse’s office for evaluation.  If it is decided that the student might have a communicable disease, then the student will be isolated in the nurse’s office and the parent/guardian will be called to pick up the student. Depending on the condition, the student may be excluded from attending classes until he/she has seen a physician and submits a medical report from the physician stating the diagnosis, treatment and clearance to return to school.  This list is not an exclusive list, but a list of the more commonly seen communicable diseases.


Exclusion from school until free of symptoms, including fever, and all vesicles have crusted and dry.  (usually 5-6 days).  


A student with inflammation of the eye or eyelid shall be excluded from school until:

  1. The inflammation has cleared, or
  2. A physician certifies in writing that the student is not contagious, or
  3. Once the recommended therapy has been implemented.


Any student with evidence of active lice will be limited in close head contact with other students.  Parents will be notified that day with instructions on how to treat and the importance of prompt treatment. (See Head Lice Policy under Health Services downloads)  


Exclusion from school while lesions remain or until a physician certifies in writing that the student is under adequate treatment and is no longer contagious.


If a student has diarrhea while at school, or ≥ 3 watery stools in a 24 hour period then the student will be excluded from school until 24 hours of no diarrhea without medication. Except norovirus:48 hours after diarrhea/vomiting have stopped.


If fever and/or swollen lymph nodes in the neck, the student will be excluded until no evidence of disease is present.  If strep throat is confirmed by a physician, the student may return to school after 24 hours on antibiotics if student has no fever (37.8 C or 100.0 F) for 24 hours without use of medication (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, etc)


Student excluded until seen by a physician and certified in writing that condition is not contagious or student is receiving treatment and is not contagious.  


If a student vomits he/she will be sent home and excluded from class until 24 hours without vomiting or fever without taking medication.  A temperature of 37.8 C and 100.0 F and above is considered a fever.  Except norovirus is 48 hours.


A student with body rash, especially if fever or itching is present, will be excluded from school until seen by a physician and certified in writing that the rash is not contagious, or the condition resolves on its own and no evidence of rash is present.  (Heat rash and allergic reactions are not contagious.)


Any student suspected of having influenza will be sent to the nurse’s office immediately for evaluation.  Parents will be notified to pick up their student immediately and take them to a physician for follow-up exam.  The student will be excluded from attending classes until he/she is symptom free and presents a medical report stating the diagnosis, treatment, and clearance from the physician that the student is free from communicable disease and able to return to classes.

Preventing and Addressing Eating Disorders

Teachers and health care workers are seeing an increasing number of school aged children with eating disorders.  The need to address these issues in the school setting has prompted Grace International School to adopt the following procedures and policy.

Early Identification

GIS teachers and staff are asked to be aware of the conditions that may indicate a student at risk for or involved in health compromising behavior patterns typical of an eating disorder.  If a concern arises, the GIS nurse or counselor will follow-up to offer support and care to any student involved in or at risk for behavior detrimental to their health.

Timely Intervention

Follow up to the diagnosis of an eating disorder requires collaboration between the student, parents, a counselor, and the Principal to ensure that the student is receiving adequate care and is able to participate in and benefit from a GIS education.

Students with a history of eating disorders are required to submit a medical report to verify ongoing care by a trained counselor and yearly medical clearance.

New students entering GIS who have been previously diagnosed with an eating disorder must submit a current medical report of their health status and be under the care of a local counselor.

Even when a student shows recovery from an eating disorder, the temptation to return to former eating behaviors may arise with subsequent stresses during the school year.  Thus ongoing counseling is necessary to ensure adequate help and support for the student to develop a healthy, positive lifestyle.

For a more detailed understanding of the GIS policy addressing eating disorders among GIS students, call or visit the GIS health services office to receive a copy of the policy and discuss any concerns.  

Managing Student Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollutants

Monitoring Air Pollution Levels

When there is elevated air pollution, the health services division is responsible for monitoring the daily pollution level and, where there is elevated air pollution, working with the superintendent’s office to inform all staff on both campuses via email.  The nurses’ office will check the PM10 levels at 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  Decisions implicating afternoon activities will be made by 1:30 p.m.  Parents and staff will be notified by email after 1:30 p.m. if pollution levels require a change in the schedule.  To access link to GIS pollution monitoring site and the Air Quality Chart, please go to Parent Web and click on the resource tab.

Reducing Student Exposure 

Decisions for reducing exposure to air pollution will be based on Thai Air Quality Chart for Particulate Matter.  Students at highest risk (including students with respiratory diseases, and sport and activities that require heavy exertion for extended periods of time) will be protected.

Possible symptoms of exposure to air pollution

Food Service and Nutrition

May 2011

The following comes from a longer document available in the Student Health Services Office.

School Meals

Meal Times and Scheduling

Traveling Student Group Health Guidelines

All students traveling to participate in any in-country or international event must be in good health.  

If a student is ill or has a fever of over 100.5 degrees F or 38 degrees C (without fever reducing medications) within 24 hours prior to travel and requests to travel with the group, they must have a note from a GIS recommended doctor no later than 5 hours before they are to travel, stating they are 1) not contagious others in the group and 2) personally well enough to travel.  The GIS recommended doctor list is the same GIS doctor list used for student physical examinations.  This list is available in the Health Service Department office.

Students not able to travel with the team may join their team (after 24 hours free from the illness) provided the parents provide an adult chaperone for their child and the parents are financially responsible for any additional costs.

If a student becomes sick during the trip and has a fever of over 100.5 degrees F or 38 degrees C, that student may not participate in any activities until they have been fever free (without fever reducing medications) for 24 hours.  If a student is vomiting or has persistent diarrhea, the student may not participate in activities until the vomiting and diarrhea have been stopped for 24 hours.  Additional arrangements may need to be made to provide a staff member to stay with the ill student in an area where he/she will not expose others to their illness.

If the illness progresses, a staff member will accompany the ill student to the doctor and follow up with the recommendations of the physician.

If it becomes necessary to hospitalize a student, a staff member will remain with the student in the hospital and be an advocate for their care during the course of the hospitalization or until the arrival of a parent.  

Parents and the GIS administration will be notified any time a student is ill to the point that a doctor’s assessment and/or hospitalization is required.


Access to Records

The following people may have access to a student’s cumulative records:

If there is a question as to whether or not a specific individual should have access to a particular student’s file, permission must be granted by the appropriate Principal or the superintendent.  Any person removing a student’s cumulative record from the office must sign it out on the record maintained by the designated officer.

Acceptable Use Policy

We take information security and the use of our systems very seriously. To this end, there are a few tasks that you need to agree to do when using any of the GIS computer resources or accessing the Internet:

  1. Choose a good password that has a mix of letters and numbers, with both lower and upper case letters. (e.g.  try using a “consonant -vowel- consonant sequence” to make it pronounceable, like “bogdotfan.” Then add a number: “bogdotfan25.” Then mix it with a few uppercase letters: “bOgDotfAn25.”) 
  2. Protect the password. It is part of what identifies you on the system. When it is entered, any and all action taken using it will be assumed to be your actions.
  3. Think about the data you are using such as what should it be used for or who should see it.  If you are unsure at any time – ask for advice!  Respect privacy, be it personal, school, or otherwise.
  4. Use the computer and information systems for your work as a staff member or for student studies. You will discover some websites may be automatically limited.
  5. Maintain computer use, browsing, and email content within the realms of legal and non-offensive. If your parents or Granny wouldn’t approve, neither do we at GIS. Use during breaks should be sensible and kept to a minimum.
  6. Log off the computer at the end of the class period, or lock it if you will be away for short time.
  7. Notify staff to contact the IT division if anything goes wrong: Did you lose data you shouldn’t have lost? Did you see anything inappropriate? IT does monitor systems/servers, but you may notice things sooner. Your quick response will help us all maintain effective computer systems.
  8. With this signed document to signify your understanding, if you then choose to break the agreement, GIS will take disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness of the breach, this could include student discipline to fit the infraction.

The GIS goal is for you to enjoy studying here. There may be specific instructions for computer systems you use, and these will be provided, when you get access.

When you sign the handbook agreement, you acknowledge your understanding of and agreement to all the above points.  See Computer Policy for more information. Thank you for being responsible!

Accident Insurance

GIS has an accident insurance policy for all students. The cost of the insurance is borne by the school. However, the coverage is minimal, and it is highly recommended that all students have alternative insurance coverage. The policy only covers medical care within the first 24 hours of the accident. Any claims for reimbursement for medical care related to accidents on or off campus must be made through the insurance company and supported by a doctor’s report. Claims forms and more information are available in the Finance’s office. 


Sports injuries are included in the definition of accidents, but GIS does not cover medical care beyond the first 24 hours of an injury.


Admission / Re-Admission

Admission to Grace International School is granted on a year-by-year basis.  Any student who wishes to re-enroll for the following school year must submit an Application for Re-Admission in January to reserve a place.  Re-admission is not automatic; GIS reserves the right to reject applications for re-admission.

Advancement Division

The advancement division supports the ministry of Grace International School through marketing, public relations, alumni coordination, stewardship education, and fundraising.  All parents are encouraged to promote and contribute to the school according to their means.  US taxpayers interested in making tax-deductible gifts should contact the school office for more information.  The division also seeks funding from non-parent donors, corporations, and foundations.  The division also coordinates any internal fundraising done by campus or special interest groups.

Annual Calendar

The annual calendar is available on the GIS website and GIS FamilyWeb,


Assistance for Struggling Students

The best time to deal with academic problems is before they begin.  Parents and students are encouraged to inform teachers early if they anticipate problems or have information that might help teachers understand why the student may experience difficulty. Below are some ways teachers and parents can work together to provide support for struggling students.

Exceptions to this process are students with articulation or fine motor development problems.  The teacher/ parent/student should work directly with the SLP or OT.

Protocol: From the beginning, it should be the teacher’s and parent’s responsibility to communicate any concerns about a struggling student with each other.

  1. The classroom teacher and parent should meet, with student as appropriate, to discuss specific concerns that have been identified.  Student’s strengths and attempted interventions are shared.  Teacher, parent, and student as appropriate, agree on new interventions to try.  Educational Support personnel may be consulted for classroom strategies by teacher and parent.  Monitor and document results on Intervention Log.
  2. If strategies implemented by the classroom teacher have not worked, the teacher should contact the appropriate Principal to seek guidance.  Educational support personnel may be consulted for advice by teacher and Principal.   Monitor and document results on Intervention Log.
  3. If new interventions still have not worked after a time frame agreed upon by teacher, parent, and Principal, a Request for an SST form is given to the EdSD Office with the Principal’s approval.  Forms can be obtained from the Educational Support Office, staff rooms, or on computer under “public/EdSD”.  An SST can be requested by teacher, parent, Principal, or, a secondary student.  
  4. The EdSD office will arrange a time for the SST meeting, including Principal, classroom teacher, EdSD rep., parent, student (as appropriate) and counselor / other school specialist, i.e., ESL, SLP, OT.  
  5. A facilitator leads the group through a process that results in a written plan of action with a follow-up date.  In most cases, the facilitator will be the Educational Support Director or Principal.  
  6. The teacher/parents/other staff will follow the plan agreed upon in the meeting for a certain period of time determined by the SST before a follow up SST is held.  (Usually 20 school days.) The plan of action may include formal or informal assessments.  
  7. Follow-up SST

Guidelines for parental informing or consent:

  1. For general observation by and consultation of the EdSD, parents do not need to be informed.  
  2. If one on one informal assessment takes place, the parent should be informed before the day of assessment by the classroom teacher.
  3. If formal assessment takes place, the classroom teacher must have parent(s) sign consent for evaluation before any assessment begins.

Guidelines for waiting periods:

  1. New students generally will wait for 1 semester before any formal testing will be done, depending on their history.
  2. New ESL students generally will wait 1 year before any formal academic testing will be done.

Please refer to appendices for the following documents in relation to “what to do when a student is struggling”:

Applicants must be evaluated for English proficiency if their primary language is not English or one parent is not a native English speaker.  Eligibility for enrollment shall include adequate English language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.  The minimum standard shall be a demonstration of language development within one year of their chronological age as determined by the Developmental Readiness Scale (DRS) for those applying for kindergarten and grade 1.  The minimum standard shall be a mid-intermediate level as determined by the IDEA Proficiency Tests (IPT) for those applying for grade 2 or higher.  

After taking the DRS or IPT, an applicant who is not English proficient in all areas but meets the minimum standard is eligible for enrollment as an ESL student. GIS limits the number of ESL students to a proportion not greater than 15% per grade level.  Admission as an ESL student is therefore dependent upon the available space at each grade level.  This policy also applies to extension services division (ESD) students wishing to audit classes at GIS.

All ESL students will be placed on probation for their first two (2) academic years at GIS.   During this probation period, the progress of all ESL students in grade 2 and higher will be reviewed though an annual language evaluation.  The annual language evaluation will use multiple measures, including:  an English proficiency assessment (IPT), teacher evaluation, samples of classroom work, and classroom observation.  All ESL students in kindergarten and grade 1 will be monitored and ESL support will be provided through the educational support division as needed.  

After two (2) academic years, ESL students should demonstrate acceptable English proficiency allowing them to function at their age-appropriate grade level.   This determination will be based upon the annual language evaluation.  Failure to reach acceptable English proficiency may result in denial for re-enrollment.  Probation may be extended if measurable, ongoing progress is demonstrated.  

Students in grades 9-12 who have not demonstrated acceptable English proficiency as determined by testing and/or teacher evaluation at GIS may be required to have a study hall for ESL support. The decision will be made by the special need director in consultation with the educational support division staff and the academic counselor.

Please note that Korean students may attend Korean Mother Tongue class only after they have been re-classified as proficient in English through the established assessment process.

Parents should be made aware that GIS provides ESL support services only and does not provide intensive ESL classes.  Therefore, families may find it necessary to provide additional English support outside school hours.

Further information about these programs can be obtained from the educational support division.

Bible Version

The New International Version (NIV) of the Bible has been selected for official use within GIS classrooms so that there can be uniformity in memorization and oral reading.

Board of Trustees (BoT)

The governing body is the GIS Board of Trustees (BoT).  The BoT operates under the principles of Policy Governance®. The board consists of a member from each of the five founding organizations (Christian & Missionary Alliance, International Mission Board, New Tribes Mission, SIL, and WEC) and members elected at large from among Associate Member organizations.  The Board of Trustees meets quarterly to develop policy.   A list of current board members is available from the superintendent’s office.  Meetings are open only by invitation from the BoT.  

Child Harm Reporting

School personnel are required by the school to report all suspected cases of child harm to designated school authorities within 24 hours of the incident (elementary Principal for elementary students; secondary Principal for secondary students).  Please complete the GIS Child Harm Report Form found at the GIS Portal for staff or in print at our main office. Failure to make the required report is in itself a gross misdemeanor.  It is not a violation of professional confidence or privilege to report; the law in many countries protects professional school personnel from liability for breach of confidence between a professional and his/her student in cases of suspected abuse.   For more information, see the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Policy in the Appendices. 

Community Bulletin Board

A Community bulletin board is available in the open space next to the entrance to the Academic Building for approved items only.  All items of community interest may be posted on the community bulletin board with approval of the administration.  All notices must be removed within one month of the posting date or on the school day following the advertised event.  

Typical notices will be no larger than A-4 paper size.  Exceptions may be made for commercially produced posters.

Computer Policy

Use of the GIS computer systems, Internet access, and multimedia technologies is a privilege.  The GIS computer systems and the Internet access it permits are electronically evaluated and screened by GIS staff.  Any irresponsible use of this system will result in termination of this privilege and disciplinary action will be taken, which may include the payment of fines.

The Internet is to be used for constructive educational purposes and not as a personal email service, such as hotmail, chat rooms, or forums.  Websites that contain illegal, defamatory, pornographic, or otherwise offensive materials will not be accessed.

No other software or hardware may be installed on the GIS workstations without direct permission from the network administrator.  All computer policies apply to all computer equipment used at Grace International School, including all personally owned or donated equipment, as well as school purchased equipment.

Documents outlining specific rules and regulations regarding the use of computer systems at GIS are available from computer services.  These documents must be read and signed prior to using the computers and must be followed at all times.

See the GIS Acceptable Use Policy for more information.

Chromebook Program (April 2016)

The Chromebook Program at GIS is a partnership between Grace International School (“the School”) and families (“family”, “parents”, “children”, “child”  or “student”) in grades 7-12. This 1:1 Chromebook program is mandatory.  Student issued Chromebooks are property of Grace International School and must  be treated and used responsibly.

Student will receive the following documents with their Chromebook.

School’s responsibilities include:

Family’s responsibilities include:

Family’s fiscal responsibility as part of Chromebook Program includes:

Parents and students will also be asked to sign the Responsibilities Form and pay the insurance premium at the start of the school year in order to obtain the Chromebooks.  Students will be asked to turn in the Chromebooks at the end of each school year for maintenance and data clearing.  

Counseling Services

Counselors are available to assist students in their academic, social, and emotional development.


Most complaints pertain to children in school-related situations with other people (staff members, students, etc.). Many of these complaints come from misunderstandings and partial information. To the students, and subsequently the parents, these are real concerns, and the aggrieved parties have the right to be informed of the situation and to have their concerns heard. It is the responsibility of school personnel to be sensitive to these concerns and to respond in an appropriate and timely manner.

Parents, students, member organizations, and staff members with a complaint should first contact the staff member or student most directly involved in the incident.  If resolution of the complaint is not reached with the staff member or student, the party with the complaint may then request an appointment with the supervisor of that staff member. All parties involved will be invited to attend this meeting. The supervisor will keep notes of all proceedings in this meeting and all subsequent communications.  The notes from the meetings will be dated and signed by all parties attending the meeting signifying their participation in the meeting.

If resolution is not reached at the supervisor level, the parent, student, member organization, or staff member has the right to appeal the complaint to the superintendent. The supervisor will provide the superintendent with a written copy of the notes and communications pertaining to the grievance. The superintendent will decide whether to hear the grievance.  If the grievance is not heard by the superintendent or if the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved party, an appeal may be made to the school board.  If the complaint goes to the school board, the superintendent will pass along a written copy of notes, communications, and a rationale for why the appeal was not accepted.  


Dances are allowed at GIS provided that each dance has received prior permission from the administration.  In addition, the following requirements must be met:T

  1. Dances are for the benefit of GIS students.  Any students wishing to bring a guest must request permission from the secondary Principal at least two days in advance.
  2. A dance committee comprised of a minimum of one parent, the secondary Principal or her designee, and one student will oversee selection of:
  1. Teacher and parent chaperones.  Chaperones must be briefed before the dance on guidelines for appropriate music and student behavior.
  2. Music.  No lyrics which are suggestive, rude, or contrary to the Christian faith will be allowed.
  1. Student dress and behavior must be consistent with the behavior outlined in this handbook.
  2. Any student behavior that is sexually suggestive or physically intimate will be stopped by the chaperones.  Students not complying will be asked to leave.

In a school as large and diverse as GIS, not everyone is going to agree with every activity.  Parents may choose not to allow their child to participate in dances based on personal convictions and/or teachings of their church. 

Extended Travel for Students

Extended travel includes trips that are two nights or longer or require family contribution of more than 3,000 baht. Conditions listed below:

  1. Families will know before their child commits to a class or activity how much time out of class is involved and the approximate financial cost.
  2. Families should expect to pay at least 70% of the cost of a trip and encouraged to pay more if they are able.  Families who can’t afford at least 70% are encouraged to talk with the trip organizer about alternate sources of funding.
  3. All members of the group are expected to work together to make up the difference between the total of family contributions and the total cost of the trip.  The sponsor who initiated the trip is responsible for having a fundraising plan, approved by the advancement division.  He or she is encouraged to tap the interests and expertise of others, but the sponsor is ultimately responsible for fundraising efforts.  Teams will have specified fund raisers each year, even if funds are not needed, and all team members will be expected to participate in these fund raisers.
  4. Groups who travel early in the school year should plan on fundraising either to pay back advances or to provide start-up funding for subsequent years.
  5. Without a fundraising plan signed off by the trip sponsor and approved by the advancement division, extended travel will not be considered by the calendaring committee.

Family Home Weekends

Family Home Weekends are times Grace International School intentionally sets aside for families to spend time together without having to compete with school-sponsored activities. Because Family Home Weekends occur early in each semester, boarding programs have the added benefit of time to bond as a family.  From the school's perspective, the weekend starts at 5PM on Fridays and is characterized by limited school-sponsored activities and lightened homework loads.  We also commit not to schedule activities that require staff participation beyond the ongoing facilities and security needs.  

Gifts to GIS Staff Members

It is the policy of the school that employees may not accept gifts with a face value worth more than THB 1000.  This excludes group gifts or gift cards/certificates if individual contributions do not exceed the THB 1000 limit.  

Gift givers are encouraged to show their appreciation for school employees in ways that do not exceed the THB 1000 limitation.  In lieu of personal gifts to employees, donors are encouraged to direct gifts in excess of THB 1000 to the school or program (for example, the annual school auction).  

Gifts for exceptional life events such as weddings, births, adoptions, bereavement, serious illness, retirement and so on or for monthly or one-time missionary or ministry support are not subject to these limitations.


Invitations to private parties or events are not to be distributed at school unless all members of a grade or class or all boys/girls in a grade or class receive one.

Late Pick Up

Elementary students may not stay on campus after dismissal unless they are participating in an organized program or have a staff member’s permission to stay for a specific, supervised activity.  School staff members are not expected to provide childcare after school.  Parents who persist in picking up children late will be considered in violation of school regulations, and the student’s future enrollment may be jeopardized.  

Long Term or Permanent Closure Due to Force Majeure

If the school is forced in an emergency to close temporarily or permanently, the school will not be responsible for student evacuation to locations outside Chiang Mai. The school will make an effort to provide you with your child’s records as quickly as possible.  

Lunch Program

The hot lunch program is overseen by the food services director.  The hot lunch program is available for all students in grades 1-12 and kindergartners in the full-day program.

Cafeteria lunches include salad bar and at least two entrée choices.  Lunch payment can be made at the Front Desk/Reception each semester. The price includes one second helping.  Parents should remind their children to be honest and use good manners while in the cafeteria.  Students should not ask the kitchen staff to bend the rules.  

The school does not provide refrigeration or assistance for preparation (microwave, hot water, etc.) for lunches brought from home.  Drinking water is provided for all students.

Parents may join their children for lunch by notifying the school’s office two (2) days in advance.

More details about the lunch program are sent out each quarter.

Messages for Students

Parents are asked to limit messages to emergencies only.  It is impossible for us to guarantee delivery of messages to students during the school day.  Students are not to receive texts or use their cell phones at school.

Moms In Prayer

This group of dedicated parents meets regularly to pray for the school, the children, and educational support needs.  All prayer requests are kept strictly confidential. Contact the GIS main office to obtain contact information for MIP Coordinator.

Office Hours

7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday while school is in session.

Office Services

Please do not use the school address and phone number for personal business, including receiving faxes.  Office staff cannot be responsible for conveying messages to you or your child about music lessons, doctor’s appointments, and so on.  The school does not provide mail or courier service except for school business.  The post office at the airport is open from 8:30 a.m.– 8:00 p.m.  For courier service, the FedEx office across from Makro (Superhighway Road) is open Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.      

Parent Staff Community

The Parent Staff Community (PSC) of Grace International School (GIS) exists to support the school in creating a positive environment and fostering community between GIS students, families, and staff. The aims and purposes of PSC are:

  1. To promote the welfare of students through parental involvement in school affairs.  
  2. To foster a harmonious environment of understanding and cooperation among the many nationalities and ethnicities represented by the GIS student body.
  3. To facilitate communication, cooperation and fellowship between parents and staff.
  4. To serve as an open forum for the discussion of matters related to school operations and student activities.
  5. To engage the participation of parents and staff in projects and fund-raisers benefiting GIS in accordance with the PSC mission statement.

For more information on how to become involved with PSC, contact the PSC representative at

Parking and Traffic

Any student who wishes to park on campus must:

  1. hold a valid Thai driver’s license and have a copy on file in the school office;
  2. have a parent permission slip on file in the office;
  3. register his or her vehicle or motorbike in the main office.  Applications are available from the office.
  4. Students receiving permission to drive a vehicle to the campus should park their vehicle upon arrival and may not use it again until final departure. Thus, the vehicle is to be used only for transportation to and from the campus environment. Students may not leave campus during lunchtime.

Due to constraints on space and access, parking stickers are available for staff and regular volunteers only at the current time.  Parking tags must be clearly posted on all vehicles.  If you have a special need, please contact the office.  

PAWS – Athletic Boosters

Purpose: God Glorified through Sports at Grace

To achieve this purpose PAWS will:

  1. Encourage involvement of students, parents and faculty in the life of GIS;
  2. Exalt and honor student athletes;
  3. Enhance the sports programs at GIS by facilitating various sports-related projects.

These goals will be pursued by PAWS:

Projects – working with the athletic division to determine needs and seeking to fill those needs

Awards – recognizing GIS athletes through the awards banquet and other means.

Working – manning concessions stands and selling merchandise to fund projects.

Spirit – developing spirit through locker pin-ups, banners, pep rallies, etc.

Types of PAWS activities include:

For more information, please contact the GIS main office for current coordinators.


For student safety and public health, please do not bring dogs or other pets to school.  This includes the after-school pick up area.


Prayer is indispensable in the life of a Christian school.  While most prayer takes place individually or spontaneously in classes or groups, scheduled times of corporate prayer are also essential.  Many moms participate in the local Moms in Touch group. Faculty, staff, parents, students, trustees, and foundation members are encouraged to participate in semi-annual prayer walks and other prayer times.

Reporting Unsafe, Unbiblical, Undignified, Disorganized, or Unfair Behavior by the School (Updated May 2017)

The policy permits students, families, and member organizations to report conditions that are unsafe, unbiblical, undignified, or unfair to the Superintendent at, without fear of retribution.   

Specifically, GIS must:  

School Cancellations

In the event of flooding, political turmoil, sustained power outage, or other emergency, school may be closed or the regular schedule altered. A decision to close will be made prior to 7:00 a.m.  Announcements will be made through the following means:

When calling the school, listen for one of the following announcements:

Regardless of the school’s decision, parents who determine that it would be unsafe to travel should keep children home.  

When school starts at 10 a.m., half-day kindergarten is canceled.  Unless notified otherwise, parents should assume that all normal services and schedules, such as the receptionist and general supervision at the school, will begin at 10 a.m.  However, events occurring before school will be canceled.

When conditions require an early dismissal from school, email notices will be sent and the school’s phone message (SMS) will be implemented announcing dismissal time.

School Supplies

Students in grades 7 - 12 provide their own school supplies. They are responsible to have a pen, pencil, and sufficient paper for each class. Students are encouraged to have a notebook for taking notes in their classes.  Necessary supplies are provided in grades K-6.

Mathematics Department Calculator Policy

  1. Each student is to have their own calculator appropriate to the course they are studying. (see below for recommendations)
  2. Calculators are to be suitably engraved with the student’s name. It is also recommended that the serial number be recorded.
  3. Students are responsible for the security and care of their calculator and for ensuring it is available in class or at exam time. It is recommended that students always carry batteries with them.  Loan calculators are not available from the staff.
  4. The Math department recommends and supports the Texas Instrument brand of calculators for higher level of Math (Algebra 1 and above). This is the brand referred to in the student texts and will be the one on which classroom instruction is based.
  5. Other brands of graphics/graphing calculators such as Casio may be used by students in Algebra 1 and above providing that they are the equivalent of the appropriate TI calculator used in math classes (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, and TI-84 Plus). It will be the student’s own responsibility to become proficient in the use of any other brand which might be used.
  6. Students who are considering buying (or using) other models of calculators, should first discuss their calculator choice with their teacher.
  7. The school has a supply of TI-83+ calculators that are available for purchase at 3500 Baht each while supplies last.
  8. Calculators are not intended to take away the necessity for students to be competent in basic calculations. There will times in class and in exams when the use of calculators is not permitted.


Year 7 Math and Year 8 Math

Any basic calculator capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares and square roots.  These calculators can be bought in Chiang Mai at stores like Central Plaza for less than 200 baht.  *Graphics calculators or calculators with fraction capabilities are not to be used in these subjects.

Algebra 1; Geometry; Algebra 2; Pre-Calculus; Calculus; AP Calculus; AP Statistics

TI -83 Family of Calculators – includes TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 and TI-84 Plus.  See #7 above for more information about availability.  *Note, students may use the TI-89, but it is more expensive and the functionality is much more complicated.  The TI-89 is not allowed for use on the ACT. 

Other brands of graphics/graphing Calculators with Statistical functions (including Chi Square) may be used such as Casio fx-9860 (and above).  These can be found in Chiang Mai but teacher instruction will not be given for calculators other than the TI calculators.

Math Placement Exams

All 6th grade students will have the opportunity to take the Math 7 Placement Test at the end of their 6th grade year to determine their math placement in 7th grade.  Successfully passing the exam will place them in the Math 7 Advanced class for their 7th grade year, provided there is adequate staffing in the Secondary Math Department to offer the course.

At the end of 7th grade, ALL 7th grade students, regardless of their Math 7 course, will be given the opportunity to take the high school Algebra 1 Placement Test.  Obtaining a passing score will result in their placement in Algebra 1 in 8th grade.

Successfully passing the Algebra 1 course in 8th grade will give the student one high school math credit.

Staff Member/Student Guidelines

Standardized Tests 

The following standardized tests are required and available to GIS students without a fee and to ESD students with a fee:

Grades K-2             Internal assessments for reading and math

Grades 3-7        MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test (twice yearly - 1st and 4th quarters)

The following tests are optional and are not included in school tuition and fees:

Grades 10-12        Advanced Placement Tests

Grade 11        Preliminary SAT (PSAT) (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test – gr 11 only)

        Advanced Placement Tests

Grade 12        SAT I and II (Off campus)


        Advanced Placement Tests

Student Activities on Staff Work and Professional Development Days

Students are not permitted on campus during normal school hours on a “no school” day that is designated as staff professional development or report card prep.  Student activities that require the supervision of a GIS staff member should not take place on or off-campus during normal school hours on professional development days or other times that require staff participation.  

Student Council

The purpose of the Student Council at Grace International School is to serve both students and staff, promote the general welfare of the student body, seek to build school spirit, and encourage high standards of Christian character. The Student Council will have a staff sponsor.

Members of the Student Council are elected through a general election of peers by grade level and are subject to the approval of the administration. There shall be two members elected from each level of grades 7 - 12.  No student on probation may participate in the Student Council.


Grace International School does not provide or administer any transportation to and from school. This is the responsibility of the parent. However, it is possible to contract with song-taew and tuk-tuk drivers to provide this transportation. Students being transported by these means will be expected to comply with any rules the drivers establish.  

While being transported to and from school, students may not stand on the step/tailgate of a moving vehicle under any circumstances.   Any student seen in violation will spend one morning in before school detention for each offense.

Transportation to and from field trips and athletic events will be provided for the participants. Drivers must hold a current, valid Thai driver’s license, be at least 25 years of age, and have at least six months experience driving in Thailand.  Students may not ride in the back of open pickups.

Students may drive to or from events only with written parental consent on file in the GIS office.  Participants may travel to or from an event with another student as driver only if parents of both the driver and passenger have sent written consent and the student holds a valid Thai driver’s license.  The consent must be for the specific students involved and must designate which student will be driving.

Students who drive are expected to do so safely and considerately and to abide by all GIS driving and traffic policies.  Failure to cooperate with the above guidelines can result in loss of driving privileges or other disciplinary action.

Grace International School students may not drive GIS vehicles even if the student has a valid Thai driver’s license.

Motorcyclists must wear helmets.  Bicyclists are strongly encouraged to wear helmets.  Grace International School encourages responsible and safe use of motorcycles.

Visitor (Updated Dec 2016)

Principals may extend visitation privileges. Permission may be denied or revoked by the Principal if any visitation is judged to be disturbing to either teacher or students.

Non-GIS students may be given up to two days visitation privileges at GIS.  For visits of more than two days, special privileges must be granted by the administration.  Requests for student visitation privileges should be arranged at least two days prior to the anticipated visit.

Parents are expected and encouraged to meet with their children’s teachers.  Parents wishing to speak with teachers, even briefly, should make an appointment through the office to avoid disrupting instruction and to ensure that the teacher has adequate time to give the conference the attention it deserves.  Parents should avoid distracting teachers when they have responsibilities for supervising students.

If you want to see an administrator (e.g. Principal, Superintendent, etc.), please call or email for an appointment during office hours.  Although the administration is sometimes available for drop-in conferences, an appointment will assure their availability.


Volunteers multiply our ministry to students and we welcome them.  Volunteers who work with students must be under the direct supervision of a staff member unless they have completed all screening requirements and been approved to serve unsupervised.  Those volunteering must fill out the online application forms found on the GIS website and submit a background check.  The HR department coordinates all volunteers. All volunteers are required to wear a picture ID badge when on campus except those who are entering on a visitor pass for a day or two.  All visitors must escorted by a staff member.

Wednesday Evenings and Sundays

GIS does not normally schedule school activities on Wednesday evenings after 6 p.m. or on Sundays.  We hope that our students can profitably use that time for family or church activities.

Weekly ROAR (event newsletter)

A “LINK” to our GIS Weekly ROAR is sent by email by the end of each week, usually Thursdays. The ROAR informs families, staff and volunteers about school-related events and changes. Send “GIS-related” news only to, before NOON each Wednesday. Late items will go in the next week.

Withdrawal from School

As soon as a student or his/her parent/guardian knows that he/she will be withdrawing from GIS, the parent/guardian should notify the Principal in writing and complete a Notice of Withdrawal form to indicate the last day of school.  This form is available from the registrar.

A checkout form should be picked up in the office and signed by all the student’s teachers and the bookkeeper during his/her last day of classes. The checkout form must then be returned to the office.  Students who leave early must make sure everything is cleared; otherwise, report cards will not be released to them.

Students attending school for any part of a quarter will be billed for the entire quarter for all tuition and fees.

A student’s grades and/or transcripts will not be released until the checkout form is returned and all financial obligations have been met.


The high school journalism class publishes yearbooks for the elementary and secondary divisions.  The yearbooks reflect the GIS philosophy statement and make an important contribution to the building of unity.  Yearbooks may be ordered in the last quarter and picked up towards the end of May.


A Guide to Paying Your Fees 

When it comes to paying fees, there are a number of different ways that the school accepts payment.  The following is a guide for you to use to assist in paying fees, and making sure that they are quickly credited to your account.

Fees can be paid in the following ways; by direct deposit into one of our bank accounts, by baht check, or by cash baht. However, the school would much prefer to receive payment by direct deposit and by check for security reasons.  Here are instructions on how to make payments.  


Either from an ATM or at a Siam Commercial Bank branch, you can transfer funds directly into our account.  If you go into a Siam Commercial Bank branch, simply fill in a deposit slip with our details.  For a transfer, our bank details are:        

Bank:        Siam Commercial Bank

Account name:        Grace International School

Account number:        401-1-69229-2

Branch:        Big C Hang Dong Sub Branch


Bank address:        433/4 Moo 7, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand        

Kindly note that the last two lines are needed only for a transfer from outside Thailand.


Baht Checks

If you write a check, or get a bank check, please make it payable to Grace International School.  You can then mail or deliver the check to us.  If you mail the check, please ensure that you tell us who you are (if the check doesn’t have your name on it), and what you are paying for.  Ex. “Jane Smith – tuition & cap fee”.  

U.S. Dollar Checks

U.S. checks can be mailed to our U.S. account (or wired there - contact your bank and ask about international money transfers).

The current day’s exchange rate (, see “Weighted-average Interbank Exchange Rate”) less 0.5 should be used to account for fluctuations between the time the check is mailed and when it clears the bank.  Thus, if today’s exchange rate is 31.02, divide the baht amount due by 30.52 to find the amount to pay in U.S. dollars.  Ex. Baht amount due of 50,000 divided by 30.52 = $1,638 U.S. dollar checks can be mailed to the mailing address listed below.  

Bank:        Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU)

Account name:        Grace International School        

Account number:        1356988

Routing number:        3222-7337-9

Bank address:        P.O. Box 1239, Brea, CA 92822-1239, USA

When you have made the payment, please fax, email, or mail the details of the transfer (amount, date, and what you are paying for) to the finance office at This is very important, otherwise we cannot identify the deposit as yours, and it will not be credited against your account (until you tell us about it!).


If you choose to bring in cash baht, visit the school and meet with the cashier to make your payment.  

Remark: Please contact Finance staff at for more questions.

The tuition for each family will be paid according to one of the following schedules.*:

  1. Annual Plan
  1. Annual tuition is due on or before the first day of school.

  1. Semester Plan
  1. The annual tuition shall be divided into 2 equal payments.
  2. First semester tuition is due on or before the first day of school.
  3. Second semester tuition is due on or before the first day of school in January.

  1. Quarterly Plan
  1. The annual tuition shall be divided into four (4) equal payments.
  2. First quarter tuition is due on or before the beginning of the first day of school.
  3. Second quarter tuition is due on or before the beginning of second quarter.
  4. Third quarter tuition is due on or before the beginning of third quarter.
  5. Fourth quarter tuition is due on or before the beginning of fourth quarter.

*Regardless of the tuition payment plan selected, the re-enrollment fee is due by January 31st with a Student Application for Re-Admission form to apply for your child’s place for the following school year.  Also, the Capitalization Fee (see Capitalization Fee, next page) is due at the beginning of the school year.

Multiple Child Discount

Tuition is assessed at the full applicable rate for the first three children enrolled.  Each additional sibling will received a 20% discount on tuition only.

Student Visa

In order to obtain a student visa, tuition must be paid in full for the entire year.

Late Fee Penalty

A fee of 150 baht per day, per family will be automatically assessed for late payment on tuition fees. If a cumulative late fee reaches 1,500 baht, the school will take further action to ensure the outstanding balance is paid. Should a problem arise regarding your payments, please contact the chief finance officer as soon as possible, BEFORE the due date and the assessment of late fee.

Delinquent Accounts

The chief finance officer will request parents with overdue accounts to negotiate suitable payment arrangements so that their children can continue attending school.

Unless suitable payment arrangements are made with the finance director, a 1% penalty on the past due amount may be assessed.  This penalty will continue to be assessed each month until the account is brought up to date.

Families who are behind in payments of tuition and fees will not receive copies of their children’s report cards, test results (including but not limited to ITBS), or school records/transcripts, and graduating seniors will not receive diplomas. Records will not be released to another school until the account is paid in full. Families with delinquent accounts may request to view report cards and test results in the office, but they will not be given a copy.


Only tuition fees are refundable. Other school fees are non-refundable. Attendance during any part of a quarter requires payment for the entire quarter.  It is the responsibility of the parents to apply for a tuition refund at the registrar’s office. Refunds of tuition fees that are not claimed within three (3) months of withdrawal from Grace International School are no longer refundable and become the property of the school.


The student is not allowed to enroll at Grace International School unless they are in possession of a non-immigrant “ED” visa.

All non-Thai students must be in possession of a non-immigrant “ED” visa to study in schools in Thailand. In order to obtain this visa type, Thai law regulations state that the school tuition must be paid in full for the entire school year.

The school will provide all relevant documentation necessary to obtain this type of visa.

Student visa Process:

There has been some misunderstanding and confusion regarding the non-immigrant “ED” visa and the one year student visa.

1.           The student requires a non-immigrant “ED” visa prior to their entry into Thailand. This can be done at any Royal Thai Embassy or Thai Consulate General where you are. You will be entitled to stay for a maximum period of 90 days. This is done so you can begin the process of converting your primary visa to a more appropriate visa type through your school upon your arrival into the kingdom.

2.   After 45 days of the arrival date the student is eligible to start the process of their non-immigrant “ED” visa conversion to a 1 year student visa under Grace International school with Chiang Mai Immigration. The student will be granted a visa which is valid until June 16th of each year. 45 days prior to their visa expiration date they are obliged to renew their annual visa.

Additional duties for a student visa holder:

1.     You are responsible to report a 90-day proof of residency to Chiang Mai Immigration every 90 days. You are allowed to report your 90-day either through their website or in person at the Immigration office in the Promenada Resort Mall, 15 days prior to the due date.

2.     TM. 30 slip (Notification Form For House owner Where Alien Is Staying) must be stapled along with the 90-day notification slip in the passport at all times. This form will be provided by your residence’s landlord. They must register your presence to The Investigation Service Center of Chiang Mai Immigration. In the case that the landlord is unable to comply with this requirement will subject to ฿1,600 penalty fee.

3.     You require a re-entry permit every time you are leaving the kingdom in order to maintain your current visa. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in visa revocation and you are obligated to commence the visa application from square one. There are 2 different types of re-entry permits:

-        Single re-entry permit: ฿1,000 per one trip within visa validation period

-        Multiple re-entry permit: ฿ 3,800 for unlimited trips within visa validation period


·         All non-Thai students are REQUIRED to submit their NON-IMMIGRANT “ED” VISA stamp page to the registrar and notify the office every time their visa has been processed and updated. The student is responsible to turn in a passport copy along with a current visa stamp page in to the registrar in person or via email at

·           Failure to report your 90-day proof of residency will subject to ฿  500 baht penalty per day up to a maximum of 2,000 baht.

·          Failure to convert your non-immigration “ED” visa and/or annual visa renewal will be result in ฿ 500  penalty per day up to a maximum of 50,000 baht.

 Other requirements 

Students will need to prepare the following documents:

1. Foreign National Information Form (see link).  This is required every time you are dealing with:

1.1. First visa conversion and/or annual visa renewal (see TM. 7 link)

1.2. Re-entry permit (see TM.8 link)

1.3. 90-day notification (see TM. 47 link)

1.4. Passport transfer (see Passport transfer form link)

2. TM. 30 Notification Form For House-Master, Owner Or The Possessor Of The Residence Where Alien Has Stayed (see link).  This form is required when you do your first visa conversion and/or annual visa renewal

TM.30 slip must be attached along with TM.47 (90-day notification slip) to your passport at all times.

For more information, please contact Khun Heir at the school office by phone at 052-088-777, ext 211, or by email:


Mission Statement

ESD exists primarily to provide educational support for international Christian workers living in Thailand so that they can remain in their field of service while educating their children at home.

Vision Statement

Extension Services seeks to encourage and support homeschooling families in their desire to cultivate students of Christ-like character and values who will transform their world.


The Extension Services Division provides educational support and encourages academic excellence for homeschooling families.   ESD is committed to walking alongside the teaching parent and networking in the community for home education needs.


ESD does not exist to supplement the experiences of students enrolled in other schools or school-like settings.

ESD History

In 1999, the founding members of Grace International School were unified in their vision and desire to communicate the Gospel throughout Southeast Asia while supporting the needs of missionary families in terms of education. This vision included supporting homeschooling missionaries by connecting them with educational resources and personnel.

How to Become an ESD Member

To register with the Extension Services Division, please use the registration process and forms listed online at Use the “Academics” tab and click on Extension Services to view offerings, review answers to frequently asked questions, and print off any needed registration forms. ESD’s registration dates for each year are posted in the GIS bulletin. ESD member families are also considered part of the GIS parent and student body, and therefore need to become familiar with policies and expectations in the GIS handbook. There may be some policies that differ slightly for students not regularly on campus. However, most policies and expectations for ESD and GIS students are the same. Any differences for ESD members will be communicated in the information below or through the registration process and member packet.

Overview of Services Provided

  1. ESD/GIS Library – (this includes shipping fees for out of town families)
  2. Academic Consulting
  1. Access to GIS Courses
  2. Home Visits (2 Required Face to Face meetings (including Skype) with Consultants)
  3. Sports (extra fee of 1,000 baht per sport per student apply for U16 and U20 teams)
  4. Educational Support Division Consulting (extra fees apply for weekly or ongoing support)
  5. Newsletters – “Home 2 Home”
  6. GIS Weekly Bulletins
  7. GIS Scholastic Book Club
  8. RAZ-Kids Reading Program (limited spaces available and extra fees apply)
  9. Academic Testing (additional fees apply)
  10. ESD Senior Graduation
  11. Access to Many GIS Extracurricular Activities

Detailed Description of Services Provided

1.ESD/GIS Library: 

Members have use of the GIS libraries, ESD library, and data search engines, all of which are accessible online. Members must bring their ESD ID cards for entrance to campus and to use the library. ESD members have some extended check out times and scheduled library hours that may vary depending on the library. For non-local families, books and resources can be mailed upon request. (Refer to GIS and ESD Library Policies listed below for information regarding loan periods and limits.) Resources in the ESD Library include:

Non-Fiction, Fiction and Curriculum: Search for ESD books and curriculum from any computer to determine in which library they are located.

Manipulatives: Science experiment sets, geo-boards, scales, math flashcards, maps, and much more to keep the homeschool classroom alive with activity; viewable online.

Media: CD ROM: CDs available to check out. Topics include Bible trivia, phonics games, and more. Audio: Books on tape and CDs, helpful in teaching ESL students and reluctant readers. DVD: Educational and entertainment media to checkout.

GIS and ESD Library Policy and Procedures

• Parents: Please remind your children of proper library etiquette when visiting the GIS and ESD libraries. They are places to study. We ask that all children be accompanied by an adult in the elementary library. Please use shelf markers in the elementary and ESD libraries when removing books from the shelves. An ESD patron number (ID card) is needed to check out materials from any library. Food and drink are not allowed in any library.

• Number of Checkouts Allowed: Parents of ESD students may check out 20 items per person (40 items per family) from the GIS and ESD libraries. ESD students may check out 5 items from either library.

• Loan Periods: ESD parent loan period in the ESD library is one semester with one renewal. ESD parent loan period in the GIS library is 10 days with no renewals. ESD student loan period is 10 days and no renewal in both libraries.

• Holds: Available upon request in either library. Holds may be placed online for local and non-local families. ESD parents should wait until notified by the library coordinator that their book is available before coming to pick it up.

• Fines & Fees: 5 baht per school day is charged for any library item returned late. A fee for lost books will be assessed by the librarian and will be based on purchase price in the catalog record or on an average current retail value.

• Student Computers: In the secondary library 10 computers are available for Microsoft office suite documents, Internet and catalog (OPAC) searching, and 6 computers are available in the elementary library. School policy states that computers are for school-related work only. Email, chat rooms, and games are not allowed. Each user must log on with his/her account information to use the public catalog and the Internet. All students planning to use GIS library computers on campus must attend orientation to set up their passwords and access. Information is provided in registration packets for parents who wish to set up online access for viewing the library at home. Parents should contact the ESD assistant or library coordinator to set up passwords and home access.

• Online Database Resources: In addition to the online catalog and Internet access, GIS provides other online databases and search engines. Access information is given in registration packets. DATABASES provides internal and remote access to magazines, journals and other reference tools. Full text translation to multiple language groups is also available in student resource center documents.

• Scheduled Library Times: The ESD and GIS libraries (both elementary and secondary) have specific times for checking out books. These schedules will be posted by email at the beginning of the year and noted in registration packets. Please visit during scheduled times. For non-local ESD families coming into town at a time that does not correspond with the schedule, please call the ESD office to ask if you can get into the library during your visit to town. Summer library hours vary each year depending on volunteer availability.

Both GIS libraries are closed after school on Wednesdays for staff meetings and any days that school is not in session. Special appointments during the day may be available upon request.

ESD Library Development

Process: Each year ESD staff and parents can submit recommendations in the first semester for the ESD library development process according to the criteria established below.

Criteria: ESD may purchase materials not normally available in the GIS libraries that support parents in their teaching such as:

• Curriculum: The ESD library aims to have a variety of curricula. This aids new homeschooling parents who are trying to decide on curriculum and allows consultants to be familiar with multiple curricula.  Our goal is to have a variety of material for various ages, updating older curricula, and fill in missing pieces.

• Books: ESD tries to purchase books that support widely used curricula. ESD is building its collection of picture books and early readers that support beginning phonics programs. In trying to maintain a balance between fiction and non-fiction for readers at all levels, including high school literature and AP courses.

• Supplemental Materials: Priority is given to resources that enhance curriculum, target specific skills, and are useful across a broad range of ages or curricula, and are reusable. (Ex. Reading comprehension workbooks, graphic organizer, etc.)

Educational Support Resources: ESD seeks to provide resources that support areas such as social skills, cognitive skills, and functional or life skills to help students with specific learning needs.

To recommend library materials:

1. Search the ESD library system first to confirm that the item is not already there.

2. Provide the title or description, ISBN or product number, price, and seller’s contact information.

3. Please note requests for multiple copies in the comment section.

2.  Academic Consulting Services

Grading and Portfolio Advisory: Consultants can provide assistance to parents in creating a report card, learning how to grade student work with grade-level appropriate expectations, creating transcripts, and understanding graduation expectations.  Consultants can assist parents with setting up student portfolios that reflect the student learning process in order to demonstrate academic achievement.

Curriculum Advisory Service: ESD staff can advise in the selection of appropriate curriculum materials, though ESD does not do the actual selecting or ordering. These services may help to match up individual homeschooling needs, student learning styles, parent teaching load, and ministry expectations.

Goal Setting and Long-Term Educational Planning: Consultants can help parents set goals for a student’s education to help the family transition through different stages in the homeschooling process, to prepare students for furloughs, and to help prepare students for a traditional school setting or the college experience. Goal setting helps the homeschooling student and parent recognize and record the progress being made, preparing them for what lies ahead.

Educational Support For Planned Home Assignment & Emergency Leave:  ESD Consultants provide educational support and  academic accountability for homeschool students and parents within Thailand. While on home assignment, families have greater access to support and homeschool groups so they are encouraged to utilize opportunities available there. Families can continue to receive the GIS bulletin and ESD notices regarding re-admission processes. Home assignment families are expected to submit re-admission forms from their passport country in order to confirm their return to Thailand and ESD services. Plans should be communicated prior to departure. Re-admission dates will be posted in the GIS bulletin.

Educational Support for Planned Home Assignment & Emergency Leave for Full-Time GIS Students: If the absence meets standards set by the administration and does not extend beyond nine weeks, ESD will coordinate with teachers to maintain the students' education during that time. For more information refer to the GIS Parent, Student, and Member Organization Handbook section, "Early Departures/Late Arrivals."

Inform ESD Staff: Families planning a furlough or leave of absence must inform the ESD assistant or GIS registrar in advance. This helps facilitate the best transitional support for family needs on departure from and return to Thailand. If you are exiting Thailand permanently, please fill out the Exit Survey Form from the ESD assistant.

Scheduling: When traveling, it is important to take adequate time to prepare homeschool materials before leaving. Anticipate educational goals in advance and map out plans for schooling hours and days on the road. As difficult as it is to homeschool while on the go, preparation will make the transition smoother. If a shorter furlough is anticipated, it may be best to finish your full school year early, allowing for more flexibility while travelling. However, school work should be equal to the standard of work done in a full year. When possible take advantage of educational opportunities such as visiting museums, observatories, and other special events, integrating them into the course content being studied.

Preparing your Children: ESD consultants have resources to help families discuss and prepare for the transitions they will face in their passport country. Your ESD consultant can help you with ideas to guide your children through this process in a healthy way.

Legal Issues: While preparing for furlough in the United States, please look at the information provided by the Home School Legal Defense Association: Each state has different requirements for homeschool families, so be prepared in advance. You can search for legal requirements for your particular state or area of residence. This site also offers information on homeschool support organizations and resources all over the world!

Communication Methods and Responsibilities

ESD’s goal is to remain in communication with all member families. ESD maintains office hours from 8:00 am-3:30 pm Monday-Friday. Any anticipated changes in the office hours or GIS elective course schedules will be communicated via email. Holidays and school breaks are observed according to the GIS calendar. Please check the calendar regularly to avoid confusion. Updates to the calendar are posted on FamilyWeb. Staff members occasionally work off-campus or are out of the office, so it is wise to call before coming in.

Phone:  ESD consultants like to hear your voice!  You are welcome to call the ESD office at 053-131175, ext.3135. If you are unable to reach the ESD phone extension, please leave voice mail or leave a message at the GIS main office.

Email: We check email on school days and use this as a primary means of communication with families.  Newsletters and Scholastic Book Club flyers are sent by email.  Hard copies are available in the ESD office.

Skype: You can set up a Skype appointment with your ESD consultant if this would better meet your needs for consultation purposes.

Mail Services: Scholastic book orders and resource materials from the ESD and GIS libraries can be mailed upon request.

Consultations: One of the primary services of ESD is to be a listening ear. Your consultant can help you think through the challenges you may find in your curriculum or process, seek helpful supplemental materials, and brainstorm ways to make the routine schoolwork more educationally sound, fun, and stimulating. Successful homeschooling takes time and planning.  Our consultants want to come alongside you to help you be the best teacher possible.

ESD and Other Homeschool Support Programs

If support is needed in an area ESD is unable to meet, your consultant can help network with other resources in the local community. ESD works cooperatively with Chiang Mai Home Educators Cooperative for Kids (CHECK), the Asia Educational Resource Consortium (AERC), and the IMB homeschooling department. These organizations may partner to plan combined events.

3. Access to GIS Courses 

ESD students are eligible to participate in up to three on-campus courses in grades 7-12.  GIS full-time students have first priority; ESD students are accepted for courses on a space-available basis.  Tuition is pro-rated.  All ESD students must meet Grace’s ESL requirements if they are non-native English speakers or have non-native English speaking parents. Auditing a GIS course is not permitted. Students enrolled in a class will be given teacher assigned grades recorded in the FamilyWeb (Renweb) system. Refer to the GIS Course Registration Process and Policies section for more information.

How to Request a Course: To make a course request please fill out an ESD middle school or high school course request form and submit all necessary student references (for first time students only) and academic records to the Registrar. All needed forms are available in the registrar’s office or ESD. Cost for courses varies by grade. Please contact the GIS registrar for more information. When a request has been made, the GIS school counselor, secondary Principal, or educational support director will determine availability. You will be notified by the registrar if your course request has been approved or denied. If you do not hear back soon, you are on the waiting list while GIS full-time students finalize their schedules. In

that case, refer to the instructions below. Upon confirmation, please pay all appropriate fees to the GIS Finance Dept.

The Waiting List: If your application for a course request has been approved, but you are waiting for confirmation of available space, please check back with the ESD assistant about a week before school begins. You may request to attend the first week of classes so that you will not miss assignments or instructions, but must receive permission first. You are responsible to check in with the GIS counselor to confirm your status after the first week of school. The GIS counselor will then notify the GIS registrar to assess your fees. Payment should be made immediately.

GIS Handbook: Upon confirmation,ESD families must 1) become familiar with the GIS Parent, Student, and Member Organization Handbook and must sign an agreement to abide by all rules and regulations stated; 2) pay fees; and 3) purchase a school and/or sports uniform as necessary.

Homeroom: Homeroom has been approved as an elective option under the following guidelines:

1. Students must register first with ESD for homeroom. Homeroom sponsors may not simply invite homeschool students to attend homeroom activities. If students ask, teachers will direct them to ESD. If a homeschool student attends homeroom, the teacher will ensure that they have first signed up with ESD.

2. Students must commit to attend homeroom on Wednesday morning (middle school) or Thursday morning (high school) as well as all functions including fundraisers. They may not come for parties or trips only.  

3. Students must be in school uniform for homeroom just as they would for any other elective course.

4. Students must abide by school rules as any other GIS student and sign the Parent/Student Agreement form.

5. The number of students allowed to attend homeroom will be determined on a space available basis.

Lunches: ONLY student taking classes both before and after lunch period may request to have lunch on campus. Requests will depend on space availability. Please contact the GIS main office to sign up for lunch and pay the appropriate fees.

School Counselor: ESD students in need of regular counseling should seek counseling services outside of GIS. There are many resources available in Chiang Mai. If a student has any needs that should be addressed, the ESD staff can help with a referral.

ESD Day Students Attendance Policy: ESD students who attend GIS classes or activities 2-3 times a week or more are required to follow the GIS attendance policy of no fever, no chronic cough, and no uncovered oozing wounds as stated in the GIS Student Handbook.  All ESD day students diagnosed with any type of communicable disease are required to submit medical reports to the GIS Health Services office prior to participation in any GIS activity or class.

Correspondence Course Options: GIS generally accepts courses taken from accredited online organizations for transfer credits, but reserves the right to weigh any course description against GIS course expectations. Families wanting information about these options may consult with the ESD staff.

4. Face to Face Meetings (2 Required Face to Face Meetings with Consultants):

ESD consultants are available to meet you in the office or at your home, no matter where you live in Thailand.  If you would like a consultant to see the realities of homeschooling in your situation so she or he can target support more precisely, just ask.

5. GIS Sports Programs  (** NEW - Additional Sports fees apply for U16 & U20 of 1000 baht per sport per student)

ESD students may enroll in the sports programs at GIS. At the beginning of the school year, families are required to attend an ESD Sports orientation where expectations for participation are covered. Students are required to purchase a PE uniform for practices and other team uniforms as necessary. Weekly bulletins are emailed from GIS and the sports department with sports information and schedules. Parents and students must read, sign and abide by the GIS Handbook (especially noting the sections for GIS Athletic Vision and CMAC Mission Statement, Code of Ethics, Substance Abuse Policies, and Academic Eligibility Sections) and the Sports Facility Informational Form in the Registration Packet.

Sports Physical Exam Requirements: Participation in any GIS sports program requires a GIS Physical Exam Form to be completed and signed by a physician and a completed Parent Permission Form signed by the parent or legal guardian.

6. Educational Support Department (EdSD) Services 

If a child shows signs of struggling in the learning processes, ESD consultants can help you pursue assistance through the GIS educational support staff to help determine available interventions, accommodations, testing, or resources to meet student needs. Support will depend on availability of appropriate staff to meet needs. (To apply for specific educational support testing or therapy services refer to “Educational Support Therapy or Testing Requests”).

Educational Support Therapy or Testing Requests

Process: Complete the EdSD Therapy and Testing Request Form from the GIS registrar and attach it to your ESD application if you know you will need therapy support or testing. If there is an undiagnosed concern that your child may have a learning need, contact your assigned ESD consultant.

All initial inquiries for educational support services must go through the ESD Director who will network with the GIS educational support division. If staff is available, appropriate testing, resources, and support for a child’s individual needs will be sought. This is not a guarantee and must be approved by appropriate administrators on a case-by-case basis. You will be notified by the registrar if your request has been approved or denied.


Therapy Sessions: GIS full-time students’ services costs are covered through tuition. Therefore any regular therapy sessions for ESD students will be considered a class and assessed a fee under FEE CODE C in the ESD fee charts.

 Diagnostic Testing: (A full diagnostic battery of testing) - 800 baht

 Other Testing: (Other testing may be speech and language, occupational therapy, ADHD, etc.) - 400 baht; testing recommended by EdSD personnel and not available at GIS is at the family’s personal expense.

7. ESD Newsletter (Home 2 Home)

Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter that includes interviews with ESD students, contests, teaching ideas, hands-on lessons, fun facts, and spiritual encouragement. From time to time, families may enter

samples of students’ short stories, poems, and artwork for contests.

8. GIS Weekly Roar                                                                                

The GIS weekly Roar is available on FamilyWeb and is the main source for announcements and information concerning school events, sports, community opportunities and more. If students would like to participate in the sports program or take elective courses through GIS, please check the weekly bulletins to learn about the try-out times, game schedules, and other important GIS-related information.

9. GIS Scholastic Book Club 

Four or five times during the year, Scholastic Book Club flyers, targeted for various age levels, are sent out via e-mail. To place an order, return the order forms with payment by the deadline.  Orders may be scanned and returned via email, followed by a bank transfer or sending in the exact amount required with shipping and handling. When the books are delivered to the ESD office, you will be informed, or they will be mailed to your home.

10. RAZ-Kids Reading Program (Not always offered; an extra yearly fee of 150 baht applies)

Want a way to enjoy books without a trip to the library?  Need models of correct English pronunciation?  Want a way to get more motivated about reading?  Need some practice at answering multiple choice comprehension questions?  We think is a great way for students in grades K-6 to gain skills in reading comprehension.  Highly recommend by the ESL director at GIS for all students and especially second language learners, this program provides a series of online leveled readers on high-interest topics.  Each book can be read online, and most have audio with sound effects and animation.  Many have accompanying worksheets (printable) and interactive multiple choice quizzes.


11. Academic Testing Services

 Standardized Testing: ESD provides standardized testing for students in grades 1-8. An additional fee is required for each student.  

 PSAT/SAT/ACT/AP and Testing Resources: Locations and dates for PSAT, SAT, and the ACT for secondary students will be posted in the GIS bulletin and updates will be given via email.  The location may be GIS or another Chiang Mai international school. GIS often has college fairs or opportunities to prepare students for college, as noted in the GIS bulletin. For information about other testing resources, college prep materials, and workshops please contact your ESD consultant.

12.  ESD Graduation 

If requested, ESD staff can help coordinate an annual ceremony to honor ESD students who are completing high school graduation requirements. The purpose of this event is to recognize the years of hard work, encourage the homeschool community, and honor God. For a student to participate in this event, families must contact ESD in January in order to be a part of the planning. ESD students are not permitted to participate in the GIS graduation ceremony.

13. GIS Extracurricular Activities

( May include chapel, secondary clubs, after school Bible studies, play/drama, elementary science night, bike rodeo, talent show, book fairs, Christmas in the Park, etc.; some activities may have limited enrollment or specific entry criteria. NOTE that access is currently closed to student council, ministry trips, and elementary clubs.)

 *Note: GIS Chapel: ESD students attending chapel must sign up in the GIS front office at least a day in advance.  Attendance is on a space available basis.  

MS/HS Chapel: Parents are invited but not required to accompany students.

Elementary Chapel: Parents are required to accompany students.

During School Guidelines for ESD Students

Because ESD students might not always be on campus during emergency drills, parents are responsible to train their children so that they understand all emergency procedures as described in the handbook.


Entrance to Grace International School

Please inform the ESD staff and GIS registrar if you plan to enroll your student in GIS. The GIS registration process requires current educational documentation and records such as: a homeschool affidavit form, report cards, transcripts, standardized achievement test results, student work samples, and any other educational documents pertaining to your child as requested by a Principal.

ESD Withdrawal Process

As soon as an ESD student or family plans to leave the country for furlough or to withdraw from ESD, including transfers into GIS, they must contact the ESD assistant or GIS registrar to request the ESD-GIS Withdrawal Form. This ensures that all fines are paid, materials are returned, and documentation is collected before departing.  An expected re-enrollment date needs to be communicated if ESD services will be resumed in the future.

Immunization/Health Services Policy for ESD Students


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend that students be immunized, especially those living in areas of high prevalence of diseases for which there are adequately safe vaccinations. Therefore, GIS enforces the following immunization policy.

Acceptable proof of immunization includes a photocopy of immunization records from a doctor, hospital, or clinic bearing the student’s name, birth date, types and dates for each immunization and the name/signature of the medical provider; or a photocopy of official blood test results indicating immunity.

Immunization Requirements

GIS requires that ESD students who are on campus at any time be immunized according to CDC and WHO standards, as required for full-time GIS students. The GIS health services office is available to ESD families for information or assistance with CDC immunization standards. ESD families may also sign up for the vaccination clinic offered by the health services office.

The following list of immunizations is required for GIS students:

Hepatitis B (Hep B) - 3 doses required

Hepatitis A (Hep A) - 2 doses required

Diphtheria/ Tetanus/ Pertussis (DPT, DT, DT&P, TD) - 4 doses with one dose on or after age 4; booster dose every 10 years

Polio (OPV or IPV) - 3 doses with one dose on or after age 4

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) - 2 doses after 12 months of age with one dose after the 4th birthday

Varicella  - 2 doses required or documentation of having had the disease

Japanese B Encephalitis (Jev) or CD Jevax (newer vaccine)  -  The Thai Ministry of Health regulations require Japanese encephalitis vaccinations for all students.  The number of doses is determined by the physician, depending on which vaccination is given.

The GIS Health Services office recommends the CD Jevax vaccine due to fewer side effects and longer-lasting immunity provided.

Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance Policy - All ESD students who go on campus at any time are required to follow the GIS Tuberculosis screening schedule. This includes a TB skin test for the first time on campus and every three years thereafter. They also need to complete the TB questionnaire. If an ESD student is diagnosed with TB or latent TB, medical documentation of the diagnosis and treatment must be submitted to the GIS Health Services before attendance to any GIS class or activity.


This chart is appropriate for families with unknown needs.

Scenario One: “Who do I go to for help when an ESD student is struggling?”


This chart is appropriate when an ESD consultant has a child already approved for EdSD services by EdSD Director.

Scenario Two: “Who do I go to for help when an ESD student is struggling?”


This chart is appropriate when an ESD consultant has a child with educational support needs taking GIS classes.

Scenario Three: “Who do I go to for help when an ESD student is struggling?”


Re-Admission Applicant’s Certification and Agreement (Sample)

2016-17 Parent and Student Agreements (Sample)

What To Do When A Student Is Struggling

What Parents and Students Do If A Student Is Struggling

Request For Student Success Team Meeting (Sample)

Absence Slip (Sample)

Planned Absence Request Form (Sample)

Planned Absence Form (Sample)

Early Departure Final Exam Request (Sample)

Early Departure Final Exam Schedule (Sample)

Notice of Withdrawal from School (Sample)

Child Safety, Protection, and Investigation Policy

Child Harm Report Form

Behavioral Incident Report Form (Sample) and Behavioral Incident Policy

GIS Athletic Vision

Chiang Mai Athletic Conference (CMAC) Mission Statement and Code of Ethics




1)        I am willing for my child to abide by the policies and philosophy of education at Grace International School.

2)        I will support and help my child to observe all school regulations, including protecting the school’s equipment, buildings, property, and good name.

3)        The administration has full responsibility for placing my child in the proper grade.

4)        The teacher/administration has full discretion in classroom discipline as specified in GIS policy.

5)        I understand that Grace International School does not discriminate in its enrollment practices against any person because of race, sex, color, nationality or ethnic origin.

6)        Tuition is to be paid on time as per the agreed upon schedule.  

A late fee of 150 baht per day per family is automatically charged for late payment of tuition.  If the cumulative late fee reaches 1,500 baht, the school will take further action to ensure the outstanding balance is paid.  If a problem should arise regarding my payments, I will contact the CFO as soon as possible, BEFORE the due date and the assessment of late fee.  I understand that my child will not receive his/her report card and/or graduating diploma, or be re-admitted in the following year unless his/her current year fees are paid in full by the due date or agreed upon date. Students attending school for any part of a quarter will be billed for the entire quarter for all tuition and fees.

The re-enrollment fee is non-refundable. The re-enrollment fee may be carried forward for one additional year of the student is unable to attend during the year for which it was paid.

7)        Enrollment of my child in GIS is contingent upon GIS extending an invitation of enrollment, my acceptance of the invitation and meeting the requirements of acceptance.  My acceptance must include that my child (if required) and I must sign the “Parent and Student Agreement”.  Failure to submit this signed agreement will result in removal of the invitation of enrollment or the immediate removal of my child if he/she has been conditionally accepted.

By signing this agreement, I am expressing intent to enroll my child for the entire year.  Should I elect to discontinue this contract, or my child be dismissed by the school, the payment of all fees and tuition paid at that time shall be considered non-refundable.

I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that discovery of falsification of any statement or significant omission of facts during any phase of the application process may prevent my child from being accepted, or if accepted, may subject my child to immediate dismissal.

I further certify that I have carefully read and do understand the above statements.  


_________   ___________________________     _________   __________________________

Date             (Father or guardian’s signature)         Date             (Mother or guardian’s signature)


 (Please read carefully before signing, and return to school office.)

Pursuant to Administrative Law #132, GIS is permitted to require the parents of prospective and re-enrolling GIS students and the students (if required) to sign this parent and student agreement.  Failure to sign this agreement will result in the immediate withdrawal of the invitation of enrollment or the dismissal of the student.


(To be signed by all parents of students in grades K – 12)

We, as parents, agree to accept all regulations of the school in the student’s behalf.

We hereby invest authority in the school to discipline our child as outlined in the school handbook.  We further agree to cooperate and discipline our child in the home as needed.

We pledge to pay our financial obligations to the school regularly and on time and understand that late fees will be assessed when payment has not been made by the scheduled due date.  We realize that failure to fulfill our financial obligations to GIS will result in the removal of our child from GIS.  We understand that assessments will be made to cover damage to school property (i.e. breaking of windows, abuse of books, loss of textbooks, etc.) done by our child.

We understand that Grace International School reserves the right to suspend any student who fails to comply with the regulations and discipline as specified in the GIS Parent and Student Handbook.  

We understand that the standards of the school do not tolerate willful disobedience to school regulations, threats of violence, defiance or disrespect to school authority, profane or obscene language or behavior, disrespect to the Lord or His Word, or any inappropriate sexual advances.

We agree to abide by the policies of the GIS Parent, Student, and Member Organization Handbook (ESD section optional for non-ESD families) and agree to fully cooperate.

____________________________        _________

Please Print Full Name of Student         Grade Level

_______________        ____________________________        ____________________________

Date                Signature of Parent or Guardian        Please print name of parent or guardian


(To be signed by all students in grades 7 – 12)

I promise to abide by the rules of Grace International School.  This includes the sections in the GIS Parent, Student, and Member Organization Handbook dealing with the use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs or chemicals, and immoral conduct.

I will endeavor to behave in such a way as to bring honor to the school, my family and myself.

I agree to abide by the standards regarding student conduct and to adhere to the school dress code.  As a student of Grace International School, I will endeavor to maintain a cheerful, cooperative attitude, and the faculty and staff will receive my respect and obedience while I remain a student of Grace International School.

I understand that attending Grace International School is a privilege afforded me by my parents.  I understand that failure to abide by the standards of the school will result in discipline and/or dismissal as outlined in the GIS Parent and Student Handbook.

I agree to abide by the policies of the GIS Parent, Student, and Member Organization Handbook (ESD section optional for non-ESD families) and agree to fully cooperate.

__________        __________________________                ___________________________

Date        Please Print Full Name of Student                Signature of Student (7th – 12th Grades)                

__________        __________________________                ___________________________

Date                           Signature of Witness                 Please Print Full Name of Witness


Address and Phone Number of Witness


(Updated August 2013)

Exceptions to this process are students with articulation or fine motor development problems.  The teacher/parent/student should work directly with the SLP or OT.

Protocol: From the beginning, it should be the teacher’s and parent’s responsibility to communicate any concerns about a struggling student with each other.

  1. The classroom teacher and parent should meet, with student as appropriate, to discuss specific concerns that have been identified.  Student’s strengths and attempted interventions are shared.  Teacher, parent, and student as appropriate, agree on new interventions to try.  Monitor and document results on Intervention Log.
  2. If strategies implemented by the classroom teacher have not worked, the ELEMENTARY teacher should contact the appropriate Principal to seek guidance.  Educational support personnel may be consulted for advice by teacher and Principal.   The SECONDARY teacher may consult educational support personnel before contacting the Principal.  Monitor and document results on Intervention Log.
  3. If new interventions still have not worked after a time frame agreed upon by teacher, parent, and Principal, a Request for an SST form is given to the EdSD Office with the Principal’s approval.  Forms can be obtained from the Educational Support Office, staff rooms, or on computer under “public/EdSD”.  An SST can be requested by teacher, parent, Principal, or, a secondary student.  
  4. The EdSD office will arrange a time for the SST meeting, including Principal, classroom teacher, EdSD rep., parent, student (as appropriate) and counselor / other school specialist, i.e., ESL, SLP, OT.  
  5. A facilitator leads the group through a process that results in a written plan of action with a follow-up date.  In most cases, the facilitator will be the Educational Support Director or Principal.  
  6. The teacher/parents/other staff will follow the plan agreed upon in the meeting for a certain period of time determined by the SST before a follow up SST is held.  (Usually 20 school days.)  The plan of action may include formal or informal assessments.  
  7. Follow-up SST.

Guidelines for parental informing or consent:

  1. For general observation by and consultation of the EdSD, parents do not need to be informed.  
  2. If one on one informal assessment takes place, the parent should be informed before the day of assessment by the classroom teacher.
  3. If formal assessment takes place, the classroom teacher must have parent(s) sign consent for evaluation before any assessment begins.

Guidelines for waiting periods:

  1. New students generally will wait for 1 semester before any formal testing will be done, depending on their history.
  2. New ESL students generally will wait 1 year before any formal academic testing will be done.



Flow Chart of struggling student for parents.png



An SST meeting can be called by teacher, Principal, parent, EdSD/LEAP staff, or secondary student

Steps prior to requesting a meeting

Teacher ________________________________________________  Date_________

Student ________________________________________________  Grade ________

Parent/Guardian Name:         _____________________________________________________________

Explain desire for SST         _____________________________________________________________________________




 Yes                No                Has there been communication between parent/teacher?

 Yes                No                Has there been communication with student?

 Yes                No                Has there been communication with Principal?

ABSENCE SLIP – 2016-17 (for absences less than two days)

_____________________________ (_______) was/will (circle one) be absent from

Student Name        Grade

Grace International School on ________________________ from ______________         Date        Time (if not all day)


The reason for the absence is:

Parent / Guardian’s Signature __________________________________

Principal only:   Excused                  Unexcused

Principal’s Signature: ________________________________

PLANNED ABSENCE REQUEST (for absences more than two days)

Academic arrangements for planned absences, including school field trips, athletic events, or early dismissals, must be made in advance.  If you fail to make arrangements in advance your teacher is not obligated to make special arrangements for make-up work or tests.


  1. Parent completes Planned Absence Request form and submits to receptionist.
  2. Within one week of the planned absence, the student requests assignments from teachers, using the attached form.
  3. The assignment sheet is returned to the office.  A copy is made for the Principal to review.

I request that my child, ___________________________________ in grade _________ be excused from (date) _____________ to (date) _____________ for the following reason:

  Medical appointment


  Mission mandated

  Unavoidable travel scheduling

  School-sponsored activity; give details        _______________________________________________


Other (give details):         _________________________________________________________________________________



We will endeavor to make this an educational experience for our child and believe the educational benefits will be:        _________________________________________________________________________________


I understand that it will be my child’s responsibility to ask the teacher(s) for assignments to be completed while we are away, and will work with my student and the teacher(s) to see that any new concepts learned by the class during this absence are understood and /or made up.  

I understand that it may be necessary for me to meet with the Principal and/or teacher(s) before I take my child out of school.  I also understand that if this absence is not excused, work must still be made up but will be subject to grade reductions as outlined in the PSMO Handbook.

________________________________                        _____________________

(signature of parent or guardian)                                (date)        


(printed name of parent)


Student name: __________________________________________        Grade _______

Date(s) of Absence:         ___________________________________________________

Teachers: Please write the assignments, due dates, and any additional information the student may need in the space provided.  




Teacher's Signature









































Comment code:

A: I have given assignments to be completed during the absence.  

B: I am prepared to give assignments, but I believe an absence at this time is not in the student's best interest.  I would like to talk with parents and Principal.

C: I have reservations about this absence; however, I think the educational benefits outweigh the missed classroom time.  

  Excused                 Unexcused

__________________________________________        _______________________

Principal’s signature                  Date

(Office instructions: one copy to student’s file, one copy to student.)


Semester exams for high school courses are given at the end of each semester according to a schedule determined by the Principal.  Exams are an integral part of the course curriculum and all students are expected to take finals at the scheduled times.  We do understand, however, that there may be unavoidable circumstances that would require a student to take his or her finals early. Please consider carefully the decision to leave early. History shows that students who take exams early often drop one letter grade as a result. The Principal will determine whether the absence during a regularly scheduled exam is excused or unexcused. If the absence is excused, a student may consult with teachers to arrange alternate dates to take final exams. If the absence is unexcused, a student may request to take final exams on an alternate day but teachers are under no obligation to give final exams early for an unexcused absence.  


  1. Parent completes Planned Early Departure form and submits to Principal.
  2. The absence request will be reviewed and determined excused or unexcused.
  3. The student will then see teachers to arrange for finals to be taken early. In the case of an unexcused absence, teachers are not obligated to give an exam early and may deduct points. 
  4. Student returns the form to the office.


I request that my child, ___________________________________, in grade _______, be allowed to take final exams at an alternate date(s) for the following reason:

 Medical emergency/death in the family

 Family wedding/graduation

 Mission mandated

 Other (give details):         _________________________________________________________________________________



We will depart on (date/time):_______________________/______________________

I understand that it will be my child’s responsibility to arrange with the teacher(s) for finals to be completed.

I understand that it may affect my child’s course grade negatively and if the absence is unexcused, teachers are under no obligation to give an early exam.

________________________________         _____________________

(Signature of parent or guardian)                         (Date)


(Printed name of parent)

 Excused  Unexcused

__________________________________________         _______________________

Principal’s signature                                         Date


Student name: ________________________________________ Grade _________

Exam/Date(s) to be missed:        _________________________________________________________________________




Teachers: Please write the exam and date (according to the exam schedule), an alternate final exam time and location.  If the absence is unexcused and you cannot give an exam early, please indicate this in the alternate date & time column and initial.



Alternate date & time




Student’s Name: __________________________________________        Grade: ___________

Today’s Date: ____________________        Last day of school: _________________________

Check box if applicable:

 We desire to continue schooling through GIS by way of ESD correspondence.

   Leave Date________________      Return Date__________________

   Principal’s Approval: _______________________________________

Withdrawal Process:

Principal’s Signature: _____________________________________         Date: __________________

Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________        Date: __________________

Reason for withdrawal:         ___________________________________________________________

Report card and/or transcript will not be released until the withdrawal form is turned in and all tuition and fees due are paid.

Forwarding Address:         ________________________________________________________________

Email Address:         ____________________________________________________________________

Effective Date:         ____________________________________________________________________

This form will be filed in the student’s cumulative record file.



Grace International School (GIS) Child Harm & Neglect Protection and Investigation Policy and Procedures.


GIS believes that children have the right to protection from harm, abuse, or neglect, within limits of the school’s jurisdiction. The purpose of this policy is to enable and guide those in positions of responsibility to take appropriate actions when evidence and or allegations of child abuse or neglect occur.


The following definitions provided below are from the Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention, World Health Organization.*  (Citation: Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention, Geneva, March 1999, World Health Organization, Social change and Mental Health, Violence and Injury Prevention, pp.13-16.) and are being adopted as our school’s standardized definitions.

Physical Abuse is that which results in actual or potential physical harm from an interaction or lack of interaction, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power, or trust.  There may be single or repeated incidents.

Physical abuse is any act that results in a non-accidental physical injury.  Inflicted physical injury most often represents unreasonably severe corporal punishment or unjustified punishment.  The parent or caretaker may not have intended to hurt the child; rather, the injury may have resulted from over discipline or physical punishment.  Physical abuse may also include, for example, slapping, punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, burning, holding under water, pulling hair, or holding against one’s will.

Emotional Abuse includes the failure to provide a developmentally appropriate, supportive environment, including the availability of a primary attachment figure, so that the child can develop a stable and full range of emotional and social competencies commensurate with her or his potentials and in the context of the society in which the child dwells (defined as “Acts of Omission”).

There may also be acts towards the child that cause or have a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.  These acts must be reasonably within the control of the parent or person in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.  Acts include restriction of movement, patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, threatening, scaring, humiliating, screaming, blaming, sarcasm, discriminating, ridiculing or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment (defined as “Acts of Commission”).

Neglect and Negligent Treatment is the failure to provide for the development of the child in all spheres: health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter, and safe living conditions, in the context of resources reasonably available to the family or caretakers and causes or has a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.  This includes the failure to properly supervise and protect children from harm as much as is feasible.

Sexual Abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which is not developmentally prepared an cannot give consent, or that violate the laws or social taboos of society.  Child sexual abuse is evidenced by any activity between a child and an adult or another child who by age or development is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power, the activity being intended to gratify or satisfy the needs of the other person.  This may include but is not limited to:

Sexual abuse may take the form of verbal, visual, or physical form.  Parameters for these types of sexual abuse are noted here:

Verbal: Remarks which include sexual threats, innuendos, comments about a person’s body or appearance, solicitation, inappropriate sexual talking, obscene phone calls, obscene or inappropriate sexual communication via the Internet, inappropriately affectionate comments, or any verbal expression with intent to arouse or stimulate; in summary any obscene communication .

Visual:Indecent exposure, showing or taking of suggestive pictures, peeping, leering, or staring.  Visual sexual abuse also includes voyeurism, exhibitionism, showing of pornographic material of genitals, or showing of any sexual activity or simulated sexual activity such as masturbation or intercourse.

Physical Touching: Fondling, sexual touching, masturbation in front of the victim, rubbing, holding, and kissing for the purpose of sexual gratification.  Further examples include oral, genital, anal and breast stimulation; penetration by penis, fingers, or any other body part of object, of mouth, anus, or vagina; physical contact with a person’s clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or in the case of a female, breasts.


To promote and encourage the reporting of child harm and neglect, employees and volunteers must attend a mandatory, initial training regarding child safety and protection.  Such training shall explain, but not be limited to:

Initial training will be conducted during GIS Orientation on a yearly basis.  The following year’s training will be completed on-line with an assessment given.  Every two years, each employee and volunteer must complete the in-person training.

SCREENING (update May 2017)

All GIS Staff are screened through the following processes:

  1. Written application.
  2. References from Friend, Pastor, Supervisor.
  3. Criminal Background Check where applicable.  (If the applicant has not been living in a country that facilitates a background check process, a series of personal interviews with both applicant and references will take place).
  4. Personal Interviews (including Skype) following a standard format.

GIS will not hire staff that have a substantiated record of child abuse or neglect.  If, after employment, a staff member is found to have been involved in substantiated child harm, abuse of neglect in the past, the staff member will face immediate dismissal.

All GIS Volunteers are screened through the following processes:

  1. Volunteers fill out a standard online application.
  2. Each volunteer fills out a standard health form.
  3. Volunteers provide references and school receives references directly.
  4. Volunteers must read Volunteer Handbook and Child Protection Policy.
  5. Volunteers undergo a required background check (if a background check is not possible, other arrangements will be made).
  6. Volunteers receive an assignment from a Director/Supervisor at GIS.
  7. Volunteers receive a Badge and sign the GIS Child Protection Policy.

Pertinent information regarding Child Safety and Protection will be distributed to parents, staff, volunteers, and students.

INFORMING and REPORTING (update May 2017)

For the purposes of this policy, all GIS personnel (employees, volunteers, coaches, substitute teachers, etc.) who work with students are considered mandatory reporters.  Incidents of child harm or neglect must be reported within 24 hours. The person who receives the initial report will work with those necessary to address the victim’s needs, including any immediate safety concerns.

Any mandatory reporter witnessing an incident, receiving a report, or having knowledge which gives reason to suspect child harm, abuse or neglect, must verbally report it immediately to an administrator (Principal, nurse, or counselor) who in turn must communicate with the superintendent, his/her designate, and others as may be required by school policy. Please see attached inquiry flowchart for overview of the inquiry process.  The person to whom they reported will give the reporter a Child Harm, Abuse or Neglect Report form to complete. (*See Appendix) The mandatory reporter shall make a report even if some of this information is not known or is uncertain to him or her.

If a mandated reporter fails to report knowledge of reasonably suspected (definition: see below) child harm, abuse or neglect he / she will be subject to discipline by GIS up to, and including, termination.  ‘Knowledge’ includes student reports to a teacher or mandatory reporter.  “Reasonable suspicion” defined:  being objectively reasonable for a person to entertain a suspicion, based upon facts that could cause a reasonable person in a like-position, drawing on his or her training and experience (when appropriate) to suspect child harm, abuse or neglect.

Reporting the information regarding a case of possible child harm, abuse or neglect to another board-contracted staff member, co-worker, or person other than those designated shall not be a substitute for making a written report to the aforementioned administrator(s).

  1. Give a verbal report to an administrator (Principal, nurse, or counselor) as soon as possible using the Child Harm, Abuse or Neglect Report as a guideline.
  2. Complete a written report using the Child Harm, Abuse or Neglect Report form and submit it to the administrator.  

Checklist for the mandatory reporter:

The administrator is responsible to communicate to the superintendent his/her designate, and others as may be required by school policy, verbally and in writing immediately (but no later than 24 hours).

Checklist for the administrator: (update May 2017)


The Superintendent will be responsible for notifying an employee's mission agency or sending church at the beginning of any preliminary review.  He/she will also be responsible for complying with any more specific requests for notification in the mission organization's Memorandum of Understanding.

Preliminary Review

A preliminary review will be initiated by the GIS Child Safety Team, which reports to the superintendent or his/her designate immediately (or within 24 hours) after receiving a verbal and written report from the administrator.  At least two members of the GIS Child Safety Team will have completed Inquirers Team Training (ITT) by the Child Safety and Protection Network (of which GIS is a member). There are two reasons for a preliminary review:

a) to determine what further actions are needed, and

b) to ensure the safety and needs of the alleged victim

A preliminary review will be conducted using the levels and factors criteria to determine what further action, including an outside inquiry, is required.  The GIS Child Safety Team will work to partner with any sending organization involved to reduce the need for multiple interviews of potential victims. This will involve interviewing first hand witnesses/victims if the initial report is based partially or wholly on secondhand information.  In some cases it may be advisable for the Principal, nurse, or counselor to conduct a preliminary review of the alleged victim to ensure his or her safety and needs.

A written report with the results of the preliminary review will be submitted to the superintendent or his designate within 24 hours of the initial report.  The GIS Child Safety Team will decide whether a third-party inquiry is warranted.

Third Party Inquiry

  1. The GIS Child Safety Team, as advised by the school superintendent (or in case of his/her absence or in the event the superintendent is implicated, the BoT Chairperson, will appoint an investigation team as soon as possible.)
  1. The definition of the inquiry team is at least one outside professional, but preferably three, and should include at least one man and one woman.
  2. If a Thai national is implicated the superintendent will work in cooperation with the Thai Principal.  

  1. If the alleged perpetrator is associated with the school:  
  1. The superintendent will inform the person of the allegation and that an inquiry has been started. This should be done at the same time that the investigation team is ready to interview the alleged perpetrator.
  2. He/she will be released from all duties at the school pending the outcome of the investigation and will be asked to remain off campus.
  3. The superintendent will contact the supervising agency (if preliminary inquiryfinds probable cause).

  1. If the alleged perpetrator is a student at GIS:
  1. The parents will be informed of the allegation and that an inquiry has been initiated.
  2. The supervising agency field leader will be notified that an investigation has been initiated.
  3. Student will not attend school or school functions until the inquiry is concluded.

  1. If the alleged perpetrator is not associated with the school:
  1. If the alleged perpetrator belongs to a mission organization, then the supervising organization field leader will be notified of the allegation and that an investigation has been initiated.
  2. If the alleged perpetrator is a Thai National, the local authorities will be contacted.  
  3. In the event that the perpetrator is a student from another school, the superintendent or Principal of that school, as well as the parents, will be notified.

  1. The inquiry team will immediately investigate the allegations.  This inquiry will involve talking with the reporter, the alleged victim and parents, and the alleged perpetrator.   No leading questions should be asked, as these have been found to color the testimony of alleged victims. Written transcripts will be taken during all interviews to record the interviewee’s own words, not the team’s interpretation of their words.  The investigation will be guided by two parameters: climate of belief, meaning that abuse or neglect could have taken place; and innocence should be presumed until responsibility is objectively collaborated.  
  2. During the course of the investigation, the investigation team should determine whether there is the possibility the perpetrator has abused or neglected other students at GIS or other schools or institutions.  If so, the investigation needs to be widened to interview additional potential victims and/or their parents, or others who may have pertinent information.
  3. The investigation team will confer with the superintendent throughout the process. The school will continue to confer with those leading the investigation and will be available to participate as deemed necessary.


  1. The inquiry team will submit a written and verbal report of the results to the superintendent or his designate. A recommended action plan will also be submitted and will include such things as recommended actions relating to both the alleged perpetrator and the victim, such as termination of contract, not being on school property, counseling for the victim, and other appropriate recommendations.
  2. If the review or investigation indicates that reasonable grounds do not exist to believe that abuse or neglect has occurred, or that insufficient information was obtained to make a determination either way, the superintendent will notify the alleged victim, accused person, and their field leaders of their supervising agencies. A Statement of Findings will be given and a copy kept in their files.  

  1. If the inquiry indicates that abuse or neglect has occurred, a Statement of Findings will be given to the victim, the identified perpetrator, and field leader of the supervising agencies.  A summary of the Statement of Findings will be given to the superintendent, who will notify:
  1. Copies of all child abuse or neglect investigations will be maintained in a confidential file at GIS throughout the history of the school.

CONSEQUENCES (update May 2017)

  1. The Thai Principal will be notified in order to file a report with Thai authorities.  
  2. Board-contracted parties found to have engaged in child harm, abuse or neglect shall be dismissed immediately and prohibited from being on GIS property in the future.
  3. A student of GIS found to have engaged in child harm, abuse or neglect shall be expelled immediately and prohibited from being on GIS property in the future.
  4. Non-board-contracted parties (including teacher substitutes, non-staff coaches, and volunteers who serve regularly) found to have engaged in child harm, abuse or neglect shall be prohibited from further services at GIS and prohibited from being on GIS property in the future.


  1. Often it is impossible to determine the truth of a child harm, abuse or neglect allegation.  In such cases, the investigative team should send confidential letters to the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator to inform them of the results.
  2. A corresponding supervisor will speak with the alleged perpetrator.  Points to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
  1. Reviewing the GIS Child Harm/Abuse and Neglect Protection and Investigation policy.
  2. Mentioning that reprisal or retaliation against the alleged victim will be grounds for discharge and must not be taken. An alleged perpetrator who is a department head/Principal/supervisor must be warned that taking retaliatory action could result in GIS as well as the department head/Principal/supervisor being held liable for retaliation.
  1. The department head/Principal/supervisor will then speak with the alleged victim who is in their department.  Points to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
  1. Reassuring the alleged perpetrator that it was right to come forward.
  2. Arranging with the alleged victim to continue to monitor the situation. For example, arranging to meet with the alleged victim again a month later, and then make other follow-up appointments.
  3. Offering to transfer the alleged victim to another class or another assignment if this is feasible.

  1. The charge and the investigative findings must be kept confidential, lest the alleged perpetrator sue GIS for defamation of character.


A mandated reporter or other individual whose report turns out to be false shall not incur liability for reports made in good faith.  Liability will not incur unless it is proven that a false report was knowingly submitted or made with “reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the report”.

A student who knowingly makes a false report is subject to suspension or expulsion.  

An employee who knowingly makes a false report is subject to suspension or termination.


                Use this form to report incidents of child abuse at school.  

                For definitions of child abuse see the previous pages.

(It would be helpful if you would fill out this form when reporting an alleged sexual child harm, abuse or neglect incident.  However, you are not required to fill out this form in order to report an alleged incident of child harm, abuse or neglect.  You may want to discuss this with GIS personnel and you may request assistance in filling out this form.)

Date of report:  _______________________        Time report was submitted:  ___________________

  1. Person filing report:        ______________________________________________________________

  1. Address:        _______________________________________________________________________        
  2. Telephone number (optional):        ______________________________________________________

  1. Email (optional):        _________________________________________________________________

  1. Name of individual initiating report (if different from person filing report):


  1. Please provide the name and title, if available, of the GIS teacher, counselor, or administrator to whom you are submitting this report.


  1. Please identify the name(s) of the person(s) bringing the accusation and name(s) of the person(s) being accused:


  1. Please describe the nature of the complaint of child abuse, specifically stating what happened, where it happened, when it happened, and how it happened.  Please include as much detail as possible and use additional pages, if necessary.  It might be easier if you tell the story in chronological order.






  1. Give date(s) the alleged incident(s) occurred:        _________________________________________

  1. Give the location(s) where the alleged incident(s) occurred:


  1. Give the time of the alleged incident(s):        ______________________________________________

  1. Have you reported this or similar behavior before?  If so, please indicate to whom and date reported.



If available, please provide the name (or names) of possible witnesses.  List all others who may have knowledge regarding this matter.  (State if they are students, guests, faculty, staff, unknown, or other.)  Briefly state what the persons are believed to know:

Name, Telephone Number or Address, status at GIS, and brief statement:



  1. Please attach other materials, information or documents you believe are important or substantiate the complaint.

The foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

___________________________________________        ______________________________

Signature of person filing report        Date

___________________________________________        ______________________________

Printed name        Telephone Number

___________________________________________        ______________________________

Signature and date of GIS employee receiving report        Date


Printed name

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The GIS Child Safety Team will receive and keep all reports to track patterns of behavior reported from different sources.  He will also be responsible for checking and complying with requests for notification in any mission organization Memorandum of Understanding.

This report will be forwarded to a counseling center and used to initiate an independent investigation.

Behavioral Incident Reporting Form (single page).png



The GIS Mission and Vision Statements state, “GIS exists primarily to enable international Christian workers to remain in their field of service by providing for the needs of their children through an integrated education from a Christian worldview” and “GIS cultivates students of Christ-like character and values who will transform their world”. The GIS K-12 athletic vision affirms these same principles.  GIS is committed to educating both the heart and the mind of the student athlete. Athletics are a vital part of the Christian educational experience. As teacher/coaches, we believe in educating the whole person through mind, body, heart, and spirit. In athletics we actively integrate faith, learning, and character in our students. This athletic vision requires our continuing efforts of cooperation among all school programs.

The GIS athletic program enhances the quality of life in the individual participants, the school culture, and the greater community.  It affords students an atmosphere of hard work and discipline, as they explore their own unique God-given gifts.

The GIS Athletic Division affirms:

As much as any other area of Christian life, athletics tests our perspective. Contrary to the attitude of the culture around us, we affirm that our athletes should participate in a manner that enriches living, brings out sportsmanship, builds fellowship, and un-wraps God-given gifts.

GIS will continually work to maintain a balanced perspective, ensuring that the competition inherent in sport complements all of a student’s education.

All student athletes represent GIS and those who are Christians represent Jesus Christ, therefore, each person involved in athletics will approach competition with the values of honesty, fairness, respect, and humility, realizing that it is a privilege and honor to be a representative of Jesus Christ and GIS. The aim of this document is to address the goals and objectives of the athletic program at Grace International School.

GOAL: Athletics will be one of many integral building block of a quality GIS education.

GIS values athletics as one integral part of a student’s educational experience, but not the end all. It provides an additional arena where students can take risks, make mistakes, and be accepted, whether they succeed or fail.  The value comes in the challenge for the individual to pursue performances that would otherwise be difficult to achieve, while aspiring to the ideals of fair play, commonality of purpose and the concept of team over self. Our athletic program develops athletes who accept victory with humility and defeat with grace.


The Grace International School program will promote the following actions to maintain the value of sport programs while keeping them within the proper perspective of a quality education:


  1. Create an atmosphere where our student/athletes see themselves as reflecting God’s image through their participation and development.  
  2. Encourage students to participate in several sports as well as non-athletic activities - so they can fully develop their God-given gifts.
  3. Encourage students to set aside daily study time.
  4. Reduce as much out of class time as possible in scheduling competition.
  5. Expect students to submit assignments on time and take tests as scheduled.
  6. Emphasizing that school activities (of which sports are just one) should come after God, family, and studies.  Parents and children need to be assured that the near obsessive importance of sports in modern society is not the critical building block in readying themselves for post-high school days. We believe it is important for students to have an opportunity to experience many different activities so they have an opportunity to discover and unwrap their God-given gifts and talents. We also believe we must avoid the cultural trend of obsessing on one activity and encourage our students to experience many different activities.

The GIS program will consistently strive for balance and counsel parents and athletes that athletics is not the end all. It is just one building block in an integrated education from a Christian worldview so students can face the challenges of today’s world and to cultivate students of Christian character and values who strive for excellence in all areas of life.

GOAL: Success of the Athletic Programs at GIS will be measured through a reasonable combination of player/ team development, improved competition and wins/ losses

GIS must always play to win while demonstrating individual intensity coupled with respectful competitiveness.  We believe that winning must be redefined from what our popular culture calls “winning”. The scoreboard should never be the only indicator of success.  The effort to prepare and the desire to compete must take precedence over a comparative score.  Success should not be based on the number of games won or lost, but rather on the basis of what each individual does in relation to his or her own ability and how the team has progressed as a cohesive group.  We will define success as knowing that coaches and athletes did everything within our power to develop ourselves physically and spiritually.


The Athletic Division will measure an athletic team/program’s success by a combination of player and team development (physical, emotional and spiritual), student participation, and team enthusiasm.

Our coaches will:

Our athletes will:

Our students, parents and fans will:

GOAL: GIS athletes, students, parents and fans will exhibit an attitude of sportsmanship that reflects our Christian Values

At Grace International School we believe that our behavior and attitudes should model those of Christ Himself.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus……Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.  (Philippians 2: 1-15)

We should strive toward the highest of standards, that is, a Christ-like attitude.  Athletics provides a tremendous opportunity and responsibility to model our beliefs in the public arena. Whether it is fair or not, everyone involved in athletic competition is under constant scrutiny because of the performance aspect of sport.  Choosing to be involved in the athletic program at Grace International School as an athlete, coach, or spectator means choosing to represent Christ above all else.

Sportsmanship must be a priority at Grace International School.  It must be taught, modeled, and expected from athletes, coaches, the student body, and adults. Cooperation is a key component of a successful athletic experience. We discredit the Lord and lose credibility with members of our community when we fail to show good sportsmanship. Officials are an essential part of the game and must be honored as authority figures.  Although they are not perfect in judgment and action, officials are serving our athletes; their efforts must be valued and respected.  


Our competitors are not our enemies.  Rather, they are what sharpen us as Iron Sharpens Iron (Proverbs 27:17).  They have similar goals, having prepared as diligently as we have and God loves them as much as he does us.  The stronger the opponent, the better chance we have of producing our best performance.

For those students observing as fans, the school’s teams are, in a fascinating way, an extension of themselves.  There is a special institutional connection which motivates our fervent support and then rewards steadfast loyalties in a great variety of ways. By the same token, though, they must exhibit the same Christ-like expressions as player, coach, and parents.


The game of life holds some great disappointments. Christians have God’s wisdom, which James describes as "peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." James 3:17  When we let Christ control us, we can lose with grace because we are hoping in God. Keeping this in mind as a school, we must hold all of ourselves to the following expectations:

GIS Athletes Expectations:

In the heat of competition, an athlete should continue to remember the second greatest commandment of God in the words of Matthew 22:39, Love your neighbor as yourself. The expectation for GIS athletes is that their conduct be honoring to God in words and actions. They should strive to learn and live the life-lessons inherent in a positive “athletic attitude”: honesty, integrity, dignity, obeying rules, attentiveness, learn from mistakes, give his/her best effort, coachable, self-disciplined, self-directed work habits, mental toughness, punctual, quiet confidence, humor, enthusiasm, focus, perseverance, humility, encourager, unselfish, gracious in victory and defeat.  Athletes will:

GIS Parents Expectations:

Parents should set an example in conduct and behavior with their children in all of their athletic endeavors echoing the words of Proverbs 22:6:  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 


  1. If you have experience in coaching a particular sport or are willing to be an assistant coach, run small groups during practice, or be a female chaperone on the court, please contact the Athletic Director/
  2. If you can volunteer to film team games and practices, provide transportation for games, serve with PAWS at the concession counter to sell food during games, host team parties, and encourage the students and coaches, please contact the Athletic Director.

GIS Fan’s Expectations:

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  James 3:17

GOAL: The GIS coach will model a Christ-like attitude and approach in his/her daily work.

Coaching is both a privilege and responsibility and should never be entered into lightly.  Coaches at Grace International School build lifetime Christian character traits in young people.  The Christian focuses on the example we have in Jesus Christ and lives in an attitude that is glorifying to God in all that we do (Colossians 3:17, 23, 24).


The coaches must develop a team that displays unity, hard work, ethical behavior, goal orientation, and self-discipline.  These traits show the teams love and respect for each other and their opponents.  Coaches help athletes understand the difference between right and wrong behavior, how to work to achieve a goal, and offer positive discipline. These are the best expressions of love for the athletes.

The coach assists the student-athletes both in the development of skills necessary to contribute to the success of the team and skills which are age and ability appropriate to the teams.  The coaching staff is responsible to bring these skills together to compete at a level in line with the team’s developmental level (elementary, middle school, or high school) and ability.  


GIS coaches must exemplify the same Christ-like attitude that is expected of athletes, parents, and fans as stated in Philippians 2 (servant attitude). The coach will provide a firm foundation for how student-athletes will approach life after GIS.

GIS Coach’s Code of Conduct:


The GIS Athletic Director must:

  1. use of facilities;
  2. supervision of students;
  3. uniforms;
  4. transportation;
  5. first aid procedures;
  6. GIS sports program philosophy;
  7. CMAC code of ethics and current practices.

The GIS Coach must:

GOAL: Athletes will be encouraged to participate in as many sports as possible while eligibility and team selection standards are maintained

Team Selection

Each student should have the opportunity to try out for athletic teams.  If team size must be limited due to availability of staff, facilities, schedules, or the safety of players, decisions to cut will be based on written criteria and team size (number of players) published by the first day of tryouts.  The criteria will be approved by the head coach or athletic director.  

We respect each student’s right to participate as well as their decision/right not to participate.

In the case that a conflict of choosing team members for particular events and games arises between participating ESD students and GIS full day students, it is up to the discretion of the GIS coaches and AD staff to evaluate the areas of conduct, attitude, and skills of each team member.

At GIS we offer programs that encompass the ideologies of participation and competition.  All 4th through 7th graders have the opportunity to participate in a Rec League which is mixed age, ability, and gender.  All have the opportunity to ‘try-out’ for the school teams.

Rec League

Rec league has a ‘no cut’ policy.  At present the sports offered are soccer, basketball and tag rugby.  Each season lasts for approximately 8 weeks and includes coaching, league games, and an end of season tournament.  The focus of the Rec League is FUNdamentals.  Coaches are required to coach basic skills and ensure that the primary goal of the season is to increase skills, teamwork, and students’ understanding of being an ambassador of Christ on the sports field.

School Teams

The GIS U14 and U12 representational sides are selected through ‘try-outs’.  These take place over one or two days.  Students are selected on a published criteria that includes: attitude, effort and behavior; teamwork; and skills.  Final team lists will be approved by the AAT.

These sides represent GIS in all CMAC games and tournaments.

U-16 and U-20 programs are more competitive in nature. Coaches will select their teams each year using published criteria that may include the following:

Primary sports will…

Secondary sports will…

The maximum number of concurrent sports per student will be one unless cleared by the athletic director and the coaches involved.

*Tournaments outside the Chiang Mai area, but in Thailand, must be approved by the Principal, athletic director, and proper authorities.  Tournaments outside Thailand must be approved by the Superintendent, Board of Directors, and proper authorities.  Each event will be considered on its own basis, unless a precedent is set up and decided upon.


Eligibility Standards for all 9th-12th grade students, coaches, and athletes.

Eligibility Policy for Extra Curricular Activities (including athletes and student coaches)

  1. A student must be enrolled at Grace International School as a full time student or in the Extension Services Division to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.
  2. Students begin the academic year in August eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities.
  3. In the secondary division, if at the first marking period or at any subsequent marking period the student receives below a “C-“ (69% or below) in any course, he or she will be ineligible to participate.  An ineligible student will still be able to practice but will not be able to participate in competition, plays, or other performance events.  The high school counselor will provide the athletic director, with eligibility reports.  See #8 for additional details.
  4. Extra-curricular activities eligibility will be determined at seven marking periods during the year (see chart below).  
  5. In terms of this policy, participation refers to playing, performing, or joining in activities but is distinct from practices.
  1. A student who feels a grade is in error can check with the specific teacher. If a mistake has been made, the student then needs to bring a note to the Principal before being allowed to participate.  The Principal will notify the sponsor or coach.  
  2. Eligibility may be restricted due to behavioral issues or if a student is on probation.  The Principal will determine if a student is ineligible due to behavioral issues.
  3. Teachers may hold an ineligible student from a practice in order to assist the student in improving performance in that class.
  4. Extra-curricular activities academic eligibility requirements may be waived for extenuating circumstances with a consensus of the Principal, guidance counselor, and appropriate staff director overseeing that ECA (athletic director, coach, etc.).
  1. ESD parents are responsible for submitting monitoring reports to the ESD director to ensure academic eligibility for extracurricular activities, including sports, just as GIS teachers are responsible to communicate academic progress of GIS full day students. Parents must submit a report of academic progress at the beginning of each marking period indicating that their student has completed all necessary assignments satisfactorily and is on track with academic expectations set by parents. We support homeschooling parents by reinforcing that extra-curricular activities, including sports, are not to be in competition with the academic responsibilities that parents have established for their children. Instead, we support and partner with parents as they set academic goals for their children to ensure success in all areas of life.

Marking Periods for Eligibility

Semester 1 Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 1

Quarter 1 Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 2

Semester 1 Grades

Semester 2 Marking Periods

Midpoint Quarter 3

Quarter 3 Report Card

Midpoint Quarter 4


Facilities usage for the primary and secondary sports activities will be determined in a manner recognizing the value of the program for the entire school.  The athletic director will plan the overall sports schedule to avoid conflicts.  Except with special permission from administration, sports are to be scheduled outside of normal school hours.  Where conflicts occur due to unforeseen circumstances, the Athletic Director shall decide in conjunction with coaches.  If necessary, priority will be given to secondary sports.

Participation and Communication

Medical concerns

Calendars and schedules

Uniforms and Dress Code

Financial Obligations



GIS coaches and PE instructors are committed to setting fair, safe, and realistic goals and expectations for students in Sports and PE classes. Thus the school is not liable for medical costs related to sports and PE activities.

When spiritual, sportsmanship, or misconduct issues arise, they will be dealt with first by the coach, then the athletic director.  This does not preclude administrative action.

League The athletic director will work with the league to provide maximum benefit to GIS students in keeping with the GIS philosophy.

Transportation to School Sponsored Events

GIS will generally not be responsible for the cost of transportation or food for student athletes.

The GIS Athletic Directors and coaches must ensure that all team members have legal transportation to and from sporting events.  Team members may leave the site after such competition or scrimmage provided a parent accompanies them or has sent written consent.  Students may drive to or from events only with written parental consent on file in the GIS office.  Team members may travel to or from an event with another student as driver only if parents of both the driver and passenger have sent written consent and the student holds a valid Thai driver’s license.  The consent must be for the specific students involved and must designate which student will be driving.

Drivers furnished by the school for all trips are to have a current, valid Thai or International driver’s license, be at least 25 years of age, an employed Grace Staff member or parent, and have at least 6 months driving experience in Thailand. A list of all drivers, with their qualifications verified by the event’s sponsor must be submitted to the GIS Office prior to departure.

Due to fully loaded vehicles, speeds will not exceed 80% of the typical speed for any specific road.  Students may not be transported to events in open bed pick up trucks.

All vehicles must have current registration and be appropriately insured.  Copies of insurance and registration must be on file in the GIS Office.

Appropriate hired transportation may be used when needed, subject to administrative approval.


The mission of the CMAC is to teach and instruct students in the rules, fundamentals and skills of various individual and team sports; to provide physical training and a physical outlet for adolescent energy; and, to provide healthy competition and cooperation within and between schools, thus instilling in each student the best principles of good sportsmanship.

Coaches’ Code of Ethics.

I hereby pledge to follow the Coaches’ Code of Ethics:

Parents’ and Spectators’ Code of Ethics.

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for my child participating in sports by following this Parents’ Code of Ethics:

Players’ Code of Ethics.

I hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experience and accept responsibility for my participation by following this Players’ Code of Ethics:


Advanced Placement (AP) – Advanced Placement courses are equivalent to university courses.  Most American universities and many outside the United States grant university credit to students who score well on the external exam at the end of the year.

College – post-secondary education institution; may refer to university or a division of a university.

Core Curriculum – In grade 7 and 8 – the combination of language arts (English reading, writing, communication), social studies (history and geography), and religious studies.  In other contexts - academic subjects such as language arts, mathematics, sciences, social studies, and religious studies.

External exam – the test developed by specialists outside the school, given under controlled conditions to students all over the world, and sent to the governing agency or company to be scored.

Extra-curricular - activities that happen outside the school day and are not required.

Faculty – teachers

Fine Arts – also creative and expressive arts – music, art, drama

Freshman – ninth grade

Global Objectives for All Learners (GOALs)– This phrase replaces Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs)  a term used by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the USA-based organization that accredits schools in the Asia-Pacific region.  As part of the accreditation process, we thought about the kind of people we want our students to be as a result of attending GIS and developed our list of GOALs.

Graduation – the evening program at the end of the year in which diplomas are handed to students who have completed grade 12.  The semi-formal affair includes student and guest speakers and is usually followed by a reception.

High School – grades 9-12

Interscholastic – involving two or more schools

Jumper- a girl’s dress worn over a blouse or shirt

Junior – eleventh grade

Junior Varsity – U-16 team members must be under 16 years old on August 1st of the current school year

Middle School – grades 7-8

Secondary – grades 7-12

Senior – twelfth grade

Sophomore – tenth grade

StuCo – Student Council

Undershirt – a garment worn under the visible shirt; a vest

Varsity – U-20 team members must be under 20 years old on August 1st of the current school year

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