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Vae Victis - Khan walkthrough 0.12
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

General guidance

Intro and Oryeonguk - Spoilers ahead!

Lost in the woods? Worry not.

Oryeonguk and Blazeer

The fucking checklist (0.1.X):

𐄂 Dorla (River, Dominance)

𐄂 Dorla (Night, Dominance)

𐄂 Odi (Dominance)
𐄂 Dorla (Night, Seduction)
𐄂 Lilan
𐄂 Gelbart (gay, optional)

𐄂 Angilia (Post combat ravishment)
𐄂 Angilia (Dungeon)
𐄂 Angilia (Palace)

Ziruan, an oasis in Marbia (introduced in 0.2) - Spoilers ahead!

The goal in the Marbia miniquest is to get a hold of the gold of Fahda, the rich moneylender and de-facto ruler of the oasis. In order to do so (and reach the showdown scene with Fahda) three conditions must be met.

  1. Secure beasts of burden.
  2. Assist Madj in creating a sleeping potion
  3. Finish Alam’s story, Domia or both.

Beasts of burden - Gamdoo the Gamali driver hates lady Fahda and will assist you but he will not leave the oasis without his sister Arzu who went missing in the caves north of the oasis. The caves will be available to visit after you talk to him in the Stables.

Arzu can be found in the north-east part of the caves (top right) being relentlessly fucked by a group of goblins. When you see them you have two options:

  1. Attack the goblins
  2. Watch the action.

If you attack the goblins you’ll have to kill three of them one after the other. The goblins are pretty weak and one Aggressive or two Normal attack will kill them. They are not especially bright either and will choose Slash 66% of the time, the next will choose Riposte 66% of the time and the last will choose Parry 66% of the time. After they are killed you have two options, whether to convince Arzu to come with you or grab her. If you grab her there’s another goblin lurking on the way to the entrance, he will choose Slash 66% of the time.

If you don’t attack the goblins you’ll see a goblin gang bang unfolds, after which you can persuade Arzu to come with you peacefully.

Sleeping potion - Madj the orc will help you by making a sleeping potion for lady Fahda but you’ll need to learn what she drinks first, and that will only happen on the second night you are invited for dinner on her roof. Once you know what she drinks head back to the coffee house and tell that to Madj. He will instruct you to collect three Skyflowers for him. 2 can be found in the goblin caves and the third grows right outside Fahda’s mansion. Collect all three and bring them to Madj the orc in the coffee house.

Fahda’s Mansion can only be accessed after you have visited the Traders Post and learned what a good trading route consists of. A route consists of wares to purchase, location to buy them at and location to sell them at. If you can’t memorise, remember that each buy/sale towns starts with a unique letter so you don’t need to remember the full name, only the first letter of the town. If you made a mistake, you can return to the Traders Post and refresh your memory.

Once you manage to impress Fahda with your knowledge as a trader you’ll be invited to her mansion to have dinner with her, Alam her daughter and Domia the captain of the guard. In order to reach the end of the quest you must meet with any of the aforementioned for three nights, have a potion ready and Gamdoo will to help with the caravan.

Alam’s flow is very straightforward with minimal changes between the flow, sex wise. You can either choose a more gallant approach and seduce her, appealing to her adventurous heart or you can belittle and grind her self esteem until she submits. The choice is mostly a moral one, which option appeals to you more.

Domia’s flows, on the other hand, are somewhat more complex. The more gallant flow would be to appeal to her warrior side and convince her to leave the boring oasis and join your army. If you choose this flow eventually you’ll have to dominate her in mock combat. Domia is tough but she will always attack: Riposte - Riposte - Slash - Slash - Parry - Parry. Beat her and you’ll have a nice sex scene on the roof and her flow is completed.

Important note about this flow: when you finally raid Fahda’s vault, Domia will object if you wish to take the initial amount of gold you intended. If you take the full amount you will:

  1. Not be able to recruit Domia to your army
  2. Not be able to offer Fahda a position as a governor later

Domia’s other flow is focused on feeding her grudge against lady Fahda and Alam until she is ready to help you rob them and run off. Note that you will not be able to fulfill her 3d night unless you already have the potion and Gamdoo’s help. Once you do, Domia wants to go and ravish Alam. You may join her (for a long two on one ravish scene), tell her to go without you or prevent her in ravishing Alam. The choices are moral here, although on the first option (join her) has a sex scene.

Important notes about this flow:

  1. If you rape Alam with her, you will not be able to revisit Fahda later and offer her the position of governor of Marbia (introduced in update 0.4).
  2. If you choose this flow (fan her grudge) she will leave and pursue her own fate you will not be able to recruit her.

Once you reach the 3rd evening with either Alam or Domia (or both), have the potion and Gamdoo’s help you’ll meet with Fahda for the final scene in the mansion.

When you reach Fahda’s final scene you can make one of two important decisions: Confess and ask for a loan or proceed with the original plan of drugging her.

Revealing your true identity is a more gallant choice. Lady Fahda will agree to lend you 90 gold but you will have to repay the loan by paying back 1 gold in the next 50 turns. If you agree you essentially end the miniquest but before that you’ll have to decide who you would like to take with you, Alam or Domia.

Proceeding with the original plan of drugging lady Fahda is a bastardly choice, of course. If you do that you’ll have the option to ravish the unconscious Fahda or not. Important: if you rape her, you will not be able to revisit her later and offer her the position of governor of Marbia (introduced in update 0.4). Once you’re done you’ll be taken automatically to the Vault end game.

If you didn’t finish the Domia flow, Alam will wait for you at the vault and the miniquest will essentially end with no further decisions to make. Otherwise (even if you finished Alam’s flow) Domia will wait for you at the vault.

If you pursued Domia’s “grudge” flow, the quest will essentially end. However, if you opted for the warrior route, Domia will not allow you to rob lady Fahda completely and forbid you from taking more than 40 gold. You can either agree and the miniquest will end with you being 40 gold richer or fight her (Riposte - Riposte - Slash - Slash - Parry - Parry). If you opt to fight and subdue her, you can ravish her after you beat her. Either way you’ll end the miniquest with 90 gold. Important: if you fight Domia, you will not be able to revisit Fahda later and offer her the position of governor of Marbia.

How to take both Alam and Domia with you:

The fucking checklist (0.2.X):

𐄂 Arzu gang banged in the goblin cave

𐄂 Alam in the crypt (Seduction)

𐄂 Alam in the crypt (Dominance)

𐄂 Domia on the roof: Warrior flow

𐄂 Ravish Alam together with Domia: Domia grudge flow

𐄂 Fahda (Dominance) if you decide to drug her

𐄂 Domia (Dominance) at the vault if you chose warrior flow and fight her over the gold

𐄂 Alam (brief) if you decide to take a loan instead of robbing Fahda and choose to take Alam with you

𐄂 Nahir (post combat ravishment)

𐄂 Nahir (dungeon)

𐄂 Nahir (palace)

Waioo, a city in Tinpingia (introduced in 0.3) - Spoilers ahead!

Shortly after your meeting with your elfkin contact, you are assaulted by constables. You leave them in a bloody mess but the elfkin is taken. Your goal in this miniquest is to set her free.

In the first night and second morning there are no puzzles or challenges but you will have to decide how you want to act towards Mirina and Alax. Paying 1 gold for their expenses does nothing except (hopefully) make you feel good.

In the second morning you will go with Alax to survey the caves. You have to find the entrance to the Fort and the docks, however a band of thieves won’t let you get to the docks until you get rid of a bunch of goblins in the Blue Caves. The condition for ending the day is finding the fort (25 in the map below) and finding the brigands (19). You start in square 13.

Return home and progress your story with Mirina and/or her son.

On the third morning it’s time to get your hands dirty. Via square 20 you enter another section in the caves and find the goblins (square 6). The Thicc Azz Thieves wanted you to kill the goblins but Zybs the goblin will beg to differ and explain that the brigands are not a very pleasant bunch.

If you kill the goblins, you can head back to the brigands and get your reward: a route to the docks. Oh, and some elfkin pussy. You see: the brigands are pious Wakabians and will not fuck you willingly. However, you can side with the gobbos and together overcome the brigands. If you choose to keep all the pussy to yourself the goblins will half-ass the fight, forcing you to fight harder. You can choose to keep only the leader to yourself and let the greenskins have their way with the other brigands, resulting in an easier fight. Either way, you found the way to the docks.

Now you have to watch three posts in the jail yard and find the exact time all guards are gone. It’s very easy: just hit the hourglass and note the guards are off. Do this for all three locations and you’ll find a single time slot when all of the guards are in a briefing. Note that time. In the example below, the time slot is 10.

After you visit all three observation locations (chapel, tree and old tower) and finish the goblins/brigands quest, you can return to Mirina’s house for the final night.

Showdown. Head towards the caves and go to the entrance to the fort (square 25). You will have to enter at the exact time using the hourglass (10 in the examples above) and make your way to the cells. A little violence later you will have to choose: go find Gaal’s hound (and watch a bestiality scene later) or leave the doggo and “comfort” Gaal yourself later.

When you’re back in the caves (25) make your way towards the docks (north of location 21). After you spend some time waiting for Izmy, she arrives, telling you the docks are filled with constables and that you have to find your way to a secret cove where a sloop is waiting for you. The entrance to the cove is at location 12. Go there and watch the steamy end of your adventure.

The fucking checklist (0.3.X):

𐄂 Mirina Seduction

𐄂 Mirina Dominance

𐄂 Alax Seduction (gay)

𐄂 Alax Dominance (gay)

𐄂 Darny the elfkin

𐄂 Goblin gangbang

𐄂 Karder doesn’t share cunt

𐄂 Gaal and Karder

𐄂 Gaal’s best friend (bestiality)

𐄂 Gaal and Izmy on the boat (incest)

𐄂 Teniya (post combat ravishment)

𐄂 Teniya (dungeon (actually balcony))

𐄂 Teniya (palace (actually garden))

𐄂 Teniya (dungeon pregnant)

𐄂 Teniya (garden pregnant)

𐄂 Alam seduction in the palace

𐄂 Alam abuse in the palace

𐄂 Domia in the palace

𐄂 Nahir (dungeon pregnant)

𐄂 Nahir (palace pregnant)

𐄂 Angilia (dungeon pregnant)

𐄂 Angilia (palace pregnant)

Naniri, capital of Hawatia (introduced in 0.4) - Spoilers ahead!

In this quest you’ll need to sway the Hawatian elections towards a result favorable to you. It consists of three flows, but you only need to finish two of them. This quest is composed of three days, where every day you may perform one act of the following flows. The game will not allow you to end the day if you didn’t make progress in at least two flows.

  1. Lord Buka. You must start this quest but you don’t have to finish it. There are no decisions to make other than whether you want to be a complete bastard towards his sweet daughter or treat her kindly. Winning this quest grants you one vote.
  2. The Red Arena: This is a straightforward combat flow. Every day you’ll have to fight a different opponent. Beating all three will grant you one vote. The fighters’ statistics are in the appendix below.
  3. Lord Zuma’s murderer. Three people know pieces of the puzzle of his murder. You must help all three (or punch them in the nose) in order to recover the information you need.
  1. Yuki the maid: may be started on the first or second day. Find her in the Fountains, go to the North Forest and locate the orc slaver’s camp.

When you first visit it you’ll realize there are too many orcs about. Go see Yuki to see if she has an idea, then go to the camp again. Yuki will tell where the body is buried. Memorize or write it down.

  1. Abustan the farmer: may be started on the first or second day. Find him in the farms north of town. He’s a cocky little bastard and he’ll ask you to hunt some boars for him. Either go to the North Forest or simply beat the information out of him. He’ll tell you how Lady Zuma killed her husband. Memorize or write it down.
  2. Taamul the butler can be found in the location below, but he’s a tricky bastard, you’ll only be able to find him after you’ve dealt with Yuki the maid and Abustan the farmer.He’ll tell you why Lady Zuma killed her husband. Memorize or write it down.
  3. Once you have all the details regarding the murder, return to the market and talk to Takau. If one of the details is wrong, he’ll tell you the story doesn’t sound right, revisit Yuki, Abustan and/or Taamul to check your facts. When you have all the right pieces of information, it’s time for a showdown with Lady Zuma.

When you have at least 2 votes secured, click the hourglass icon and the quest will end, leaving Hawatia weaker by 20 troops for 20 turns, after which the bonus is lost.

The fucking checklist (0.4.X):
𐄂 Zuri Seduction

𐄂 Zuri Dominance 1

𐄂 Zuri Dominance 2

𐄂 Yuki

𐄂 Jenna at the arena

𐄂 Grysaki (goblin girl) at the arena

𐄂 Gleeful (she orc) at the arena

𐄂 Lady Zuma Seduction

𐄂 Lady Zuma Dominance

𐄂 Queen Sumia ravishment

𐄂 Queen Sumia Seduction

𐄂 Queen Sumia Dominance

𐄂 Queen Sumia pregnant Seduction

𐄂 Queen Sumia pregnant Dominance

Version 0.5 - Wenches stories - Spoilers ahead!

This update is different from the previous ones as it focuses on the stories of the four ruling Wenches you have conquered. Other than Teniya’s, they are all very straight forward, the only thing you need to know is how to trigger them.

Angilia act 2 conditions:

-Gave birth (20 turns after "she's pregnant" notification)

-Played the Oryeonguk/Blazeer quest (can Skip ‘n Win)

Nahir act 2 conditions:

-Nahir is pregnant (20 turns after being impregnated but did not give birth yet, 40 turns after impregnation)

-You control Marbia

Teniya act 2 conditions:

-Gave Birth (20 turns after "she's pregnant" notification)

Sumia act 2 conditions:

-Gave Birth (20 turns after "she's pregnant" notification)

-You control Hawatia

-Played the Hawatia/Naniri quest (can Skip ‘n Win)

Once an act 2 condition is met, you'll see a red compass on the top left section of the world map. Click it. The acts play little differently if the Wench starts them in the Dungeon or the Palace, except Sumia's act which starts completely differently.

Teniya’s act contains an abandoned jail with levers and corresponding gates. Switching a level changes the condition of all gates of the same color (brass/iron). The only “trick” is after you visit room 8, you will not be able to visit room 11 until you pull the room 5 lever again, which opens the gate between 9 and 11. The rest are easy enough.

The fucking checklist (0.5.X):
𐄂 Goblin grrrls (share)

𐄂 Hello, Eviette 2

𐄂 Angilia's story

𐄂 Attic threesome

𐄂 Breeding (on) Horses

𐄂 Fireflowers (Manar and King Forry)

𐄂 Good morning! (King Forry and Sokia)

𐄂 Nahir and Karder

𐄂 Ancient mysteries (Teniya and Karder by the fountain)

𐄂 Cartjob (Teniya blowjob in the cart)

𐄂 Cake by the Lake (sex by the lake)

𐄂 Sumia Act 2 Palace

𐄂 Sumia Act 2 Dungeon

𐄂 Between the Rocks (Karder and Sumiya)

𐄂 Sumia and Zuri (Threesome)

Kiwanwai, capital of Limtinia (introduced in 0.6) - Spoilers ahead!

In this adventure, there are no mazes and it is mostly straightforward. Two points to note:

On day 2 choose any of the stores and start looking for books from the trilogy. When you find one, take it. When you have all three, return to the seller with Elfkin Architecture - essays by Fornard (you don’t have to remember, they will) who will give you the book. Find the seller who has The 676 Trials and Triumphs of Gojira (again, you don’t have to remember who) and the quest is complete, you may now blackmail Tana’Dur into revealing the location of the Grey Book.

The fucking checklist (0.6.X):
𐄂 Sofia Seduction

𐄂 Sofia Dominance

𐄂 Zhilli Seduction

𐄂 Zhilli Dominance

𐄂 Orc Girl

𐄂 Tana’Dur Seduction

𐄂 Tana’Dur Dominance

𐄂 Dian and Antiop ravishment

𐄂 Dian and Antiop Seduction

𐄂 Dian and Antiop Dominance

𐄂 Dian and Antiop pregnant Seduction

𐄂 Dian and Antiop pregnant Dominance

Shek, capital of Waikokipia (introduced in 0.7)  - Spoilers ahead!

There are two subplots in Shek.

  1. Ulhild the winemaker is straightforward. Just go with the choices presented. The way you handle Tryv doesn’t affect the quest as long as you finish the encounter.
  2. Olgrid the smuggler. In order to make her see reason, you need to do two things:
  1. Prove to Halfan that you can become his buyer. Go to the market and for each of the six types of wares buy the cheapest. The prices are randomly generated at the beginning of the game. When you’re sure you have the lowest suggestions, go back to him. Tip! If you fail once, you’ll see the prices you paid when you next visit the traders, making your life easier.
  2. Find Olgrid’s stash and burn it. In the image below, the stash is in box 20.

The fucking checklist (0.7.X):
Tryv Orced (gay, optional)

𐄂 Tryv “Saved” (gay, optional)

𐄂 Ulhild - Dominance

𐄂 Ulhild - Seduction

𐄂 Olgrid - Dominance

𐄂 Olgrid - Seduction

𐄂 Ilga The Ram

𐄂 Arna’s unfortunate encounter

𐄂 Black Alana - post combat Ravishment

𐄂 Black Alana - dungeon

𐄂 Black Alana - dungeon pregnant

𐄂 Black Alana - garden

𐄂 Black Alana - garden pregnant

Kaipo, a Town in Daoyuen (introduced in 0.8) - Spoilers ahead!

In this quest Karder will turn Naruz-The-Wind’s chieftains against her by gaining their trust and then informing them of the Wakabian threat, a threat the queen uses for her own personal gains.

Important 1: if you have queen Nahir, Barlin will suggest that you bring her along with you on your quest. The conditions for this are:

  1. Nahir is in your custody (palace or dungeon).
  2. Has given birth at least once.
  3. Not currently pregnant or recovering from birth giving.

Important 2: there’s an interlude to be played 2 turns after you control your 7th fiefdom so once you conquer Daoyuen don’t save and finish just yet.

Important 3: the goal of the quest in Daoyuen is weakening the fiefdom. This bonus is time limited so get your army ready before starting the quest.

Once you reach Kaipo and meet with Oggha-Red-Wheel you’ll be introduced to two chieftains, both of whom need some help before agreeing to listen to your plight.

  1. Garg-The-Moonlit wants you to kidnap a concubine of a rival chieftain… just to piss him off, to be honest. Travel to Kissed-By-Scorpion’s harem (Zugren'hut) and realise you’ll need two things in order to get in.
  1. Find a breach in the palisade. There are five palisade sections. Check each one and click the skulls in the palisade. One of them (randomly selected at the beginning of the game) will open. Now you know where to sneak in from.

Southwest palisade

Northwest palisade

North palisade

Northeast palisade

Southeast palisade

  1. Find a healer’s costume so you can… play doctor with the concubines. Go to Oggha-Red-Wheel who will send you to the Apothecary. She has a costume and will give it to you in exchange for rare herbs which can be found in the Crags. In the map below, the location of the flowers is highlighted in orange. Return to the apothecary and she’ll give you the costume. Now travel to the Zugren'hut again, dressed as a doctor. Out of five huts, two are empty, two contain other girls you can interact with and your prize: Marny. Deal with her and leave, then wait for the night and return.
  1. Stampede suspects some foul play by the human girls who tend to her rhinos. Go talk to them and then wait for night. KushitKushit will come to your tent to apologise. Travel to the Crags to location 6 in the map below and find their contact.

The fucking checklist (0.8.X):
𐄂 Nitzel (fingering)

𐄂 Seegna (fingering)

𐄂 Marny at her hut (fingering)

𐄂 Marny Seduction

𐄂 Marny Dominance

𐄂 Anat and Kushikushit lesbian

𐄂 Anat and Kushikushit Dominance

𐄂 Anat and Kushikushit Seduction

𐄂 Nahir seduction (if she started in the palace)

𐄂 Nahir dominance (if she started in the dungeon)

𐄂 Jada interlude

𐄂 Naruz-The-Wind ravishment

𐄂 Naruz-The-Wind Dungeon

𐄂 Naruz-The-Wind Dungeon pregnant

𐄂 Naruz-The-Wind seduction

𐄂 Naruz-The-Wind seduction pregnant

Version 0.9 - Harlot stories - Spoilers ahead!

Version 0.9 does not add a new fiefdom or a ruling Wench. Instead, it adds new “Act 2”s, followup stories with the girls you met and love. How to trigger them?

The fucking checklist (0.9.X):

𐄂 Lilan and Edva

𐄂 Alam (small breasts)

𐄂 Alam (large breasts)
Thicc Azz Thieves (dominance)
𐄂 Thicc Azz Thieves (seduction)
Ilga and Black Alana (dominance)

𐄂 Ilga and Black Alana (seduction)
Marny (dominance)
𐄂 Marny (seduction)

𐄂 Jada (dominance)
𐄂 Jada (seduction)

Gwandong, the capital of Geoyanguk (introduced in 0.10) - Spoilers ahead!

This is hardly an infiltration quest, more like a parley mission which went horribly wrong.

Erela-Faal wants you to rescue Reneka from the slave market and you’ll have to visit a Caravan going south to secure a place for yourself.

  1. Saving Reneka - Jansir the slave trader will trade you Reneka for a Meleve, a daughter of a friend who is locked in a gibbet. Three gibbets will appear, visit all three of them to check if Meleve is in one of them. In two gibbets you can either shake the gibbet to get the information you want or help the girls. Helping the girls increases the chance of running into a Bell Tollers later, so let your moral decide.

In one of the three, a nameless girl will only whisper a fisherman’s name before losing consciousness. Return to Erela-Faal and she’ll tell you where to find the fisherman. Talk to him and he’ll tell you that the girl is not Meleve.

After you visit all three gibbets you’ll gain access to the fourth, where Meleve is. Alas, the gibbet is locked. Erele-Faal can help but she stubbornly refuses. Go seek Reneka at the slave market again and she’ll tell you her secret. Return to Erela-Faal who will now agree to assist. Go to Meleve’s gibbet and save her.

  1. Aerlith is a suspicious caravan leader who may or may not take you south. Approach her and you’ll go on a ride with her. After you return she decides she doesn’t want you. Perhaps a visit to the temple and the quarry you visited will help her change her mind? Erele Faal can provide you with a mount. Visit the temple and quarry and learn Aerlith’s secret. When you return to her she’ll agree to take you south.

The fucking checklist (0.10):

𐄂 Reneka - seduction

𐄂 Reneka - dominance

𐄂 Aerlith - seduction
𐄂 Aerlith - dominance
𐄂 Erela Faal
𐄂 Xeneny - ravishment

𐄂 Xeneny - seduction

𐄂 Xeneny - dominance
𐄂 Xeneny - seduction pregnant
𐄂 Xeneny - dominance pregnant

𐄂 Jada (dominance)
𐄂 Jada (seduction)

Boughheaven, the capital of Weguk (introduced in 0.11) - Spoilers ahead!

This quest kicks off just as Karder first visits queen Yidril. After two short meetings with Karder she gets whisked off by the centaurs, leaving Karder alone (well, accompanied by Yiniir, the plucky goblin) to try to free her and turn the tables on Neklald, the centaur Earthshaker.

  1. After talking to Maldrith the centaur, go consult with Yiniir at your hut. She tells you about Aermhar the scholar. After talking to the scholar, she sends Karder to the forest to find the SInging Blossom. The forest is a tricky place, but this map may help. You start in location 01, the Singing Blossom can be found at location 16.

  1. The Portals is where queen Yidril is kept. The Warden will free her if you help him find who murdered his brother. The three witnesses are:
  1. Kylia the musician: Appeal to his professional pride
  2. Chasianna the poet: Appeal to her Elven pride
  3. Thessalia the deep thinker: he is a coward, bully him a little.

        Each will provide you one clue about the murderer: whether he had a beard or not, whether he had tattoos or not and whether his fur was black or white. Talk to the 8 centaurs in the map and find the one who has the right beard/fur colour/tattoos combo and remember his name. Tip: their names all start with a unique letter in the alphabet, you can simply remember the first letter of the murderer. Return to The Portals and have queen Yidriil freed.

The fucking checklist (0.10):

𐄂 Milak’Ur - Dominance

𐄂 Milak’Ur - Seduction

𐄂 Yiniir - BJ
𐄂 Yiniir - fucking

𐄂 Maldrith and Milak’Ur -
𐄂 Neklald - Dominance
𐄂 Neklald - Seduction

𐄂 Sarale the acolyte - Seduction

𐄂 Sarale the acolyte - Dominance
𐄂 Yidril - Seduction
𐄂 Yidril - Pregnant

Version 0.12 - Wenches stories - Spoilers ahead!

This update focuses on the stories of previously met characters and holds no new fiefdom to conquer. Here is how to trigger each event.

-Dian and Sofia Act2: Finish the Limtinia quest, conquer Limtina, impregnate Dian and wait 20 turns after she is no longer pregnant. You’ll see a red star on the top left side of the map screen.

-Sola, Karder’s daughter: Finish the Tinpingia quest, wait 60 turns.

-The Mothers: You control more than 8 fiefdoms and you have played the temple interlude

That’s all for 0.11. See you in 0.12!

Appendix 1 - RPS combat stats