Introduction -Abby

Did you know Jaguars have spots called rosettes? We are going to talk about Habitat, Food/Eating, Predators, Life Cycle/Babies, and  Physical Description. Keep reading and you can find lots of interesting facts and details.

Physical Description

The spots on jaguars and leopards are called rosettes. Rosettes are important because they help them camouflage. Jaguars have a coat that looks like a blend between orange and yellow with lots of black  spots. Jaguar can weigh up to over 300 pounds and can be between 150 cm and 180 cm long. They can live up to 12 to 16 years.


Jaguars live in many different habitats like Southwestern United states, Central America, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and the oversea territory of French Guiana, and Brazil,  Jaguars habitats are close to lakes, and inland wetlands.

Lifecycle/ Babies/ Life expectancy

Normally a female jaguar will give birth to a litter of two to four cubs. Jaguar babies are called cubs, cubs are born blind and cant see

until they are two weeks old. Jaguars leave their mother at 18 months of age, cubs can live up to 20 years in captivity in the wild

Predator/ Environment Dangers

Jaguars don't have natural environmental dangers. Jaguars are apex  predators in the wild or in captivity. They have predators like Humans, Lions, and the Grizzly Bear they all can defeat a Jaguar. Cubs have dangerous predators such as: Large snakes called Anaconda, the Boa Constrictor and other species of large snakes.

Eating/ Food

Jaguars have lots of foods to eat like peccaries (which is an animal), capybaras, pacas is also an animal,, agoutis, deer, opossum, rabbits, armadillos have shell and eats insects and invertebrates, armadillos also eat fruit, eggs, and small animals. They even eat carrion.


Can you believe that jaguars can weigh up to 300 pounds. If you want to see a Jaguar they are mostly in the Amazon Rainforest if you see a Jaguar do not disturb it! You will make it angry!