Venture for Success Preparatory Learning Center 
Venture for Success Preparatory Learning Center
Board of Directors’ Meeting
- 12900 Albrook Dr. Denver, CO. 80239
Help Via Zoom Dec 12th 2020 12:15pm
Notice of Meeting: Sept. 4/2020
Establish Quorum/Board Members Present: Nathaniel, Jacqueline, Deborah Dopwell
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Upcoming Meeting: March 12, 2021
- June GBM TBD
- Finance Committee Meeting: June TBD 2021
- Communication Meeting: June TBD 2021
Motion to move forward with the meeting, Jacqueline 2nds, unanimous
Call to order
Voting in last meeting minutes (12:20pm)
Old Business
- Security monitor has been installed in the infant room.
- All rooms now have the ability to call one another and open the front door from each classroom, which makes it more accessible for parents to enter the building while waiting in the front until the child arrives.
Member Update: (12:20-12:30)
- Presented by: Nathaniel Cradle
- Current Member Count: 27 (↑9 since 9/2020) (Retention Report can be added here)
Covid Impact Update
- Members are still being impacted due to the closure of the economy
- Updates on PPP
- Awaiting round two and the closure for round 1
- Support from donors continues to pour in
- Support includes the Buell Foundation, DPP and the city of Denver
- Store are getting back to normal shelf stocking
- Issues with limitation on the number of items to be purchased due to COVID
- The impact towards the staff remains neutral
- The staff has not had their personal hours impacted by the virus. Unfortunately, we can not say the same for other industry leaders in this field.
- Awaiting the word on the vaccine for early education providers
- Potential providers, J&J, Moderna and Pfizer
- We are hearing that the vaccine may make some sick
- There is hesitancy within the community of teachers who may opt from getting the vaccine if offered
- The level of governmental trust is low
- No word on if the Colorado Department of Education will require all who work with children to get vaccinated