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User Instructions and Privacy Policy�
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In order to effectively protect the privacy rights of users of Hangzhou Taoshi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and optimize the user experience, this Personal Information Protection Policy is formulated in accordance with current regulations and policies. This "Personal Information Protection Policy" will detail the policies and measures of our company's APP in obtaining, managing, and protecting user personal information. This Personal Information Protection Policy applies to all services provided to you by our company, regardless of whether you obtain them through computer devices, mobile terminals, or other devices.

Collection of personal information

You know and agree that during the process of using our products and services, information about whether you actively provide or use the service as a result of your use of the service will be collected in the following ways to provide you with the service, optimize our service, and ensure the security of your account:

1. When you register your account or use the services provided by our company, our company will collect relevant personal information, such as your name, mobile phone number, current location, etc. The above personal information is the basis for obtaining the services provided by our company. At the same time, for the purpose of optimizing the user experience, our company will obtain other information related to improving our services. For example, when you are using our company's APP, we may collect information about which services are popular, browser software, etc., in order to optimize our services.

2. When you use our services, in order to ensure that you can use the optimal service experience or the most appropriate advertising, our company will collect information such as your current location, device model, operating system, unique device identification code, login IP, operation log, service log, and so on.

3. In order to provide you with other specific services of this app, we will obtain your relevant mobile terminal permissions.

1. Network permissions: In order to allow the APP to access the network, we will obtain the permissions for your phone to access the network, network information, and Wi Fi network information after your authorization and consent. If you do not authorize this permission, the APP may not be able to use properly.

Camera permissions: In order to support the QR code scanning function, we will obtain camera permissions for your phone after your authorization. If you do not authorize this permission, you cannot use the QR code scanning function.

3. Recording permission: In order to support the intercom between this app and the camera, we will obtain the recording permission for your phone after your authorization. If you do not authorize this permission, you cannot speak through the microphone.

4. Local storage permission: In order to support this app to load resource files and record application operation logs, it is necessary to call the local storage function. We will obtain the storage permission of your phone after you grant permission. If you do not grant this permission, you cannot load the app resource files and record application operation logs.

5. Location permissions: To support adding WiFi cameras and obtaining WiFi lists on your phone, you need access to locations. If you do not authorize these permissions, you cannot discover devices and add WiFi cameras.

Management of personal information

Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve our objectives, such as:

Mobile phone number: If you need to use our company's services, we need to maintain your mobile phone number at all times to ensure your normal use of the service;

Current Location: If you need your current location information when starting the app, we will delete the corresponding information after you exit the app;

Without your permission, the company will not disclose your personal information to any third party, except for the following circumstances:

1) The company has obtained authorization from you or your guardian;

2) The Company is required to disclose by legal procedures given by judicial or administrative authorities;

3) When the company files a lawsuit or arbitration against users to protect their legitimate rights and interests;

4) According to the relevant service terms and application license agreement between you and the company;

5) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

Account cancellation

You can delete the login account in this app. Once you delete the login account, your personal information will be completely cleared. The process for deleting the login account is as follows:

Log in to account ->My ->Click User Name ->Log out of account ->Enter account password and confirm deletion.

Protection of personal information

The company will make every reasonable effort to protect the user's personal information it obtains. In order to prevent users' personal information from being illegally accessed, copied, modified, transmitted, lost, damaged, processed, or used in unexpected or unauthorized circumstances, the company has taken and will continue to take the following measures to protect your personal information:

1) Encrypting the user's personal information in an appropriate manner;

2) Use passwords in appropriate locations to protect user personal information;

3) Restricting access to user personal information;

4) Other reasonable measures.

Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, the company still cannot guarantee the security of your personal information when communicated through unsafe channels. Therefore, users should take positive measures to ensure the security of their personal information, such as regularly modifying their account passwords and not disclosing their account passwords and other personal information to others.

You are aware that the personal information protection measures provided by our company only apply to our products. Once you leave our products, browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, our company has no ability and obligation to protect any personal information you submit outside our products, regardless of whether you log on or browse the above websites based on links or guidance from our products.

Access to personal information

After completing the account registration for our company, you can view or modify the personal information you submitted to our company. Generally, you can browse and modify the information you submit at any time. However, due to security and identification considerations (such as number appeal services), you may not be able to modify some of the initial registration and verification information provided during registration.

We use third-party SDKs

We will use the software service kit (SDK) provided by a professional third-party service provider. We will exercise our prudent obligation to strictly review the source of the SDK used. The third-party service unit shall bear the corresponding responsibility for the information collected by the third-party SDK. For details, please refer to the service terms and privacy policy of the third-party service unit,

The message push function provided by this application is supported by a third party. In order to achieve real-time messaging, intelligent push based on user portraits, and situational push based on offline location information, the following information needs to be collected and used during the use of this application:

(1) Create User ID: To create the user ID required for the push service, we may need to collect the following device information: such as IMEI, Android ID, device serial number, MAC, Android Advertisement ID, IMSI, and so on. The above information will be used to generate a unique push target id, which is a CID.

(2) Improve push capabilities: To provide better push services and experiences, such as using the push capabilities of the manufacturer's system, we may need to collect the following device information: device manufacturer, device brand, device model, Android version, and Rom information.

(3) Intelligent push function: To achieve intelligent push function, we may need to collect the following user information based on user portraits for refined push operations: APP installation list, APP active list information. Based on the above information, we can analyze your interests and hobbies, so as to recommend more suitable push content for you and reduce the interference of useless push information to you

(4) Situational push function: In order to achieve the function of message push based on user offline scenarios, we may need to collect the following user information: network identity information (including IP address, MAC address) and location related information (WIFI list, longitude and latitude, base station information, MAC information). It is helpful to provide you with refined push of offline scenarios, and can recommend push content that is more suitable for your needs, reducing the interference of useless push information to you.

2. Self startup and associated startup. This application implements real-time alarm push for users, so it needs to be kept running in the background to ensure that users can use the module's functions normally. With user authorization, in the event of unexpected crashes, phone power outages, system failures, and other situations, this application will perform self startup and associated startup by associating a third party or other methods.

The following are third-party SDKs used by this application:

SDK Name: Personal Push SDK

Purpose of use: information push

Privacy Policy Link:

Use of cookies and web beacons

Cookies can help websites identify registered users and calculate the number of users. They are commonly used by websites to determine whether users who have completed registration have achieved login. The company promises that the research on cookie information is only for the purpose of improving service/product quality and optimizing the user experience. At the same time, if you do not want personal information to remain in cookies, you can configure your browser by selecting "Deny cookies" or "Notify you when a website sends cookies." As you know, given that the services of certain products of our company are implemented by supporting cookies, completing the operation of closing cookies may affect your access to our products or may not fully obtain our services. When you do not disable cookies, you may be prompted whether to retain user information the next time you enter this website to simplify login procedures (such as one click login).

The method and purpose of using web beacons by our company are the same as cookies.

Special protection of personal information of minors

The company attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should ensure that you obtain the consent of your guardian before using our services. If you apply for an account registration on our company, our company will default that you have obtained the aforementioned consent. The Company will protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and the provisions of this Personal Information Protection Policy.

Modification of privacy protection policy

The Company has the right to modify any provision of the Personal Information Protection Policy at any time. In the event of any change in the content of the Personal Information Protection Policy, the Company will directly publish the revised Personal Information Protection Policy on our official website, and such publication will be deemed to have notified you of the modification. The company can also prompt users to modify the content through other appropriate methods. If you do not agree to the changes made by the company to the relevant provisions of this Personal Information Protection Policy, you have the right to stop using our services. If you continue to use our services, it will be deemed that you have accepted the modifications made by our company to the relevant terms of this agreement.

Product or APP operator

Operating entity: Hangzhou Taoshi Technology Co., Ltd

contact information:

Contact address: Room 805, Haiwei Building, No. 101, Jiangling Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City