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Google Hangout with Yellowstone Park Ranger
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Google Hangout with Yellowstone Park Ranger

If you want to give your students an experience like no other, let a Yellowstone Park Ranger teach them for a day!

What to think through before contacting:

  1. Top three date and time choices for the session:
  1. Please check your school/class calendar to make certain there are not conflicts with the time/day before you submit your request.
  2. Available times are between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm Mountain Time (that is 9:30-5:00 Texas Time!).
  3. Remember, dates a few weeks out are usually easier to accommodate.
  4. **Tip: I asked them if I could do a google hangout for each of my class periods and (because I asked early enough) they were able to accommodate all my classes in one day.
  1. Will I need to book the library or computer lab for necessary technology? You will need a computer and projector.
  2. Special requests for topics or format
  3. Specific request for length of session

How to contact Yellowstone National Park Distance Learning:

  1. Go to or
  2. Click “Contact Us”
  3. Fill in your information:
  1. Email: your school email
  2. Subject: Distance Learning Inquiry
  3. Address: Leave blank (you don’t need anything mailed to school)
  4. Message: (Personalize the following message)
  1. “I would like to set up a distance learning program for my 8th grade science classes to learn about the relationships in ecosystems during the school week of March 2-6 or 9-13. Thank you! I look forward to giving my students the experience of speaking to and learning from a Yellowstone National Park Ranger!”
  1. Click “Submit”
  2. *You will receive an email from the National Park Rangers regarding the session.

What to do before the Distance Learning session:

  1. Familiarize yourself with Google Hangout
  1. Sign onto Google Drive with your Mesquite Isd username and password
  2. Click the Google Apps button
  3. Click “More”
  4. Click the Hangouts Button
  5. Click “New Conversation”
  6. Type in “Yellowstone Park Ranger”
  7. When you are ready to call, “Yellowstone Park Ranger” will appear “online” and you will click the “video call button”

Suggestions for Topics to Ask the Rangers to teach on: