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Active Covid Rules
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Good afternoon

This is to confirm that we have scheduled an engineer to visit tomorrow, Wednesday 10th March, between 12pm and 5pm for the oven repair.

Please be aware that we have some safety procedures in place that we are asking our customers to follow to avoid risk of  COVID contamination or infection.

Before he arrives the engineer will need an area totally cleared next to or above the appliance that he will be working on. This is for him to place his tools, iPad and phone. He will disinfect this area on arrival before starting work and again before he leaves.

He will put on fresh gloves when he gets out of the van on arrival

We ask that the customer opens the door and points or tells him where the appliance is and then stays out of the room that he is working in and respects the 2m distance without exception at all times.

Where possible, please ensure that windows are open in the room in which the engineer will be working.

He will disinfect the handles etc on the machine that he has been working on before starting and again before leaving

All materials used for cleaning, including gloves, will be placed in a single bag when he has finished and will be disposed of in a container in the van.

For payment transactions up to £45 we prefer to take a contactless payment. For amounts over £45 we will take ApplePay or use the telephone payment method (not relevant for tenants)

We ask that customers open all the doors for the engineer on arrival and prior to leaving so that he does not touch any door handles during his visit. This also applies if he needs to return to the van to get parts during the visit

Also, should anyone in your household already have symptoms, or develops symptoms between now and our visit, please let us know as soon as possible as we will need to rearrange for a later date.

Kind regards


Active Domestic Appliances

07770 806129

0118 9312071