Dream Jar

I is talking like BFG

My dream meeting superheroes that save day. Glitter force I love lot and is helpful to me.

In zapping fizzy world shadow realm, big

Bad wolf there. Snow white witch there and  Troll there. They were nice to me and became friend. Suddenly there were a loud noise that frightened me it was the baddies. They was coming to get me because I was too big. Luckily I made friend with Glitter force, they found a new power call princess mode. The glitter force had wnd to help with the fight. The baddies were coming in close to me and the glitter force. We was prepared to battle. A baboon jump out of nowhere and try battle and talked scarey to us. We use the princess charm to beat the baboon and we won battle. We were made kings and queens of the world.

 Beep, beep. What that noise I thought. I rolled over, uh oh it my alarm and I’m late for giant school. Sadly my dream of being super king was over.

By: Anjana