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GOTF 6,2
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Kylo Ren walks into his quarters aboard his First Order Star Destroyer. At the end of the room lies the broken, burnt mask of Darth Vader. Beside the mask lies a small device. Kylo Ren kneels before the helmet letting in its energy.

 Ren then takes his helmet off revealing the scared boy that was once Ben Solo. He hesitates eventually grabbing the device and turning it on. The device lights up revealing a hologram recording of his mother Leia.

Leia: Ben

Ben begins to shiver, visibly shaken by the image of her mother.

Kylo Ren (whispers): Mom.

Leia: I want you to know that I miss you very much.

Leia: I don’t care what Kylo Ren may believe but I know Ben Solo is still in there.

Leia: Snoke, he’s been using you Ben, he tricked you.

Leia: And I know it's hard Ben, Losing Jaina, I know how you feel, but you have to move on.

Kylo Ren: I can’t.

Kylo Ren clutches his fists in anger.

Leia: Ben I want you to know that wherever you are. We won’t stop trying until you come home.

A wave of force energy emits throughout the room knocking over multiple objects and destroying the hologram recording.

Kylo Ren (screaming): I can’t!

The scene shifts to the Battle of Mustafar when Ben appears inside the cave with Rey, realizing that his long lost sister Jaina is in fact Rey. Ben reaches his hand out to Rey. Rey takes his hand and stands up. The two stand next to each other saying nothing.

Rey: I-I’m-

Ben hugs Rey, finally feeling whole once again. As if all the hatred and dark side energy has left him leaving the once scared and innocent boy Ben Solo.

Star wars Guardians of the force

This is the way

An Alliance shuttle looms over Mandalore. It flies down into the atmosphere eventually landing inside the dome city of Sundari. The ramp lowers as Ben, Aayla, and BB-8 walk out.

BB-8: Werr bee bee.

Aayla: I’m trying to make amends with my people. My dad had some… issues with the other Mandalorians.

BB-8: Trill boo bee.

Ben: You tell me.

Ben: How are we going to get inside, with your ummm. Issues.

Aayla: If I can sneak inside, we may be able to speak to the Mandalore.

Ben: And who is Mandalore.

Aayla: I don’t know much of her. From what i’ve heard she’s been involved in the Rebellion.

Ben (excitedly): Who is it?

Aayla (smiling): I don’t need you geeking out about history while my life is on the line.

Ben: I know but-

Aayla: Shhh.

Aayla sees two Mandalorians walking towards the shuttle.

Aayla: Hide!

The three run towards several large crates hiding behind them. They peek over the crates and see the two Mandalorians walk inside the ship. They turn back around to see Rose Tico standing before them in an olive green jumpsuit. Blaster pointed at their heads.

Ben and Aayla: Ahhh!

He ignites his lightsaber shocked.

Rose: Oh it’s you two. Where are the others?

Aayla: What the heck are you doing here?

Rose: Just your usual spice run. They may be after me after I ripped them off.

BB-8: Werr boo bee.

Rose: They destroyed my ship. Maybe you guys can get me off of this place.

Ben: Follow us.

They begin to walk away from the crates inside the dome city.

Rose: Wait we aren’t going back in there are we.

Aayla: Your choice. This or a death sentence.

Rose: Damn your people are harsh.

The four make their way inside of the city marveling at the elegant buildings and towers.

Aayla: Let's get to the top of one of those buildings. It will be harder to spot us. Here take this.

She hands Rose her jetpack. Rose straps it onto her back and flies upwards. Aayla turns to Ben.

Aayla: You ready?

Ben nods. The two swiftly fuse and pick up BB-8. Using their combined power, they jump all the way to the top of the building.

Rose: That is so cool.

The two unfuse leaving Ben and Aayla both smiling.

Rose: Here.

She throws Ben a pair of binoculars. He looks through them looking at the Palace in the distance.

Ben: There it is.

Aayla: May the force be with us.

Aayla smiles.

Rose: C’mon let's go, I want to get this over with

Aayla puts her helmet back on. They jump from tower to tower moving closer towards the palace. Meanwhile BB-8 activates his jet boosters flying alongside the rest.

Aayla: You never told me you had those.

BB-8: Werr weep dee.

The four rest on top of a small building which overlooks the massive glass palace.

Ben: Do you hear that?

Ben looks down when suddenly a small detonator rolls at his feet.

Ben: Run!

The crew jumps from the building to the city below just before the detonator can let off an intense cloud of smoke. The four slide against the side of the building scraping against the glass walls. Flying downwards, Aayla shifts closer to Rose.

Aayla: Grab BB-8 and get out of here.

Rose: Got it.

Rose flies to BB-8 holding him in her arms. She activates the jetpack and flies off. Aayla watches on when suddenly multiple Mandalorians begin shooting at her and Ben.

Aayla: Watch out!

Ben activates his lightsaber blocking the incoming blaster fire from the Mandalorian soldiers. He is able to redirect one of the bolts into a Mandalorians jetpack causing it to spark and explode.

Meanwhile Aayla continues to fly downwards. Just before she is able to hit the ground she jumps off the side of the building onto the ground cushioning her fall. She looks up to see Ben falling towards her. Using all of her strength she conjures the force to levitate Ben in the air just before hitting the ground.

Aayla: Looks like you did teach me something.

Ben (smiling): Don’t get cocky.

Multiple Mandalorians land just in front of them, guns at the ready.

Koska Reeves: You have no business here harboring a fugitive.  

Aayla: I have nothing to do with her. I’m here on my own mission.

Koska inspects her armor. She laughs.

Koska Reeves: Your Boba Fett's daughter. She’s a fake!

The other Mandalorians laugh. Aayla clenches her fist.

Ben: What do they mean?

Aayla: They didn't consider my father a true Mandalorian, They just viewed him as another expendable clone.

Koska Reeves: And working together with a Jedi as well, Your father would not be proud.

Aayla: Shut up.

Koska Reeves: What did you say?

Aayla: Shut up about my father.

Koska Reeves: Very well, shoot them now.

Aayla: What?

Just then Rose and BB-8 fly in guns ablaze. Rose manages to shoot down one Mandalorian and BB-8 sends a shock pulse through the ground shocking another one.

Rose: C’mon Bee Bee, let's draw their attention.

The two run through the city as several Mandalorians chase them, firing their blasters. Koska Reeves stays behind with 3 other Mandalorians.

Koska Reeves: Get them!

Ben ignites his lightsaber along with Aayla who ignites her two blue lightsabers. The Mandalorians begin firing stun bolts at Aayla and Ben only for them to deflect the bolts with ease.

Koska Reeves: A Jedi too? You're full of surprises.

Aayla: You’ve seen nothing.

A small compartment in Aayla's back plate of armor opens up, releasing several small darts. They fly past Koska at the remaining Mandalorians. The darts open up releasing a small cord that wraps around their legs causing them to trip over.

Koska Reeves: Nice one.

Koska runs to Aayla. A fist fight ensues as the remaining Mandalorians struggle to escape from the cords around their legs. Ben knocks the Mandalorians unconscious through the force as several punches and blows are traded between Aayla and Koska. Aayla flips backward behind Aayla and swiftly pushes her to the ground. She moves closer to Koska.

Aayla: Are you done yet?

Koska: Nope.

Koska grabs Aayla's leg and activates a shocking device causing multiple waves of electricity to pass through Aayla’s body. She falls to the ground unconscious as Koska stands up smiling.

Ben: You’ll pay for that.

Koska: I wouldn't be so sure.

Several more Mandalorians fly in and surround Ben. He deactivates his lightsaber and puts his hands in the air, surrendering.

Koska: Take them to the palace.

Ben rolls his eyes. The scene switches to Aayla, Ben, Rose, and BB-8 entering the palace, all wearing handcuffs around the wrists. Two Mandalorians walk behind them guns at the ready.

Aayla: So your diversion seemed to work?

Rose: Someone accidentally hit the wrong switch.

BB-8: Trill bee dee.

Rose: Oh sure.

Ben: Well at least we are where we want to be.

Aayla: Yeah but we are in handcuffs, do you see a problem?

Ben shrugs his shoulders sarcastically.

The doors open up revealing an empty and dimly lit room. Multiple Mandalorians stand on either side of the room. At the end of the room is a throne. A Mandalorian woman sits in the throne with the darksaber on her belt. Beside the throne stands Koska Reeves with both Ben and Aayla’s lightsabers in her hands.

Mandalorian woman: Aayla Fett, daughter of Boba and Sintas, what brings you here.

Aayla (whispering): They fixed the ceiling from the last time we were here.

Rose: (whispering): What happened last time.

Mandalorian woman: So tell me Aayla, the lightsabers. Where did you get them?

Aayla doesn't answer.

Aayla: So who are you anyway. I haven't really been keeping up with the holonet lately.

The woman stands up, she takes off her helmet revealing Sabine Wren.

Sabine: I once knew a Jedi like you, went by the name of Ezra Bridger.

Aayla: I only want to make peace between our clans, what more do you need from us.

Sabine: Koska, the lightsabers.

Koska Reeves nods. She walks over to Aayla and uncuffs her, giving her the lightsabers.

Aayla: Wow thanks.

Sabine: I want you to duel me.

Aayla: What?

Sabine: Duel me. If you want to make peace between our clans you must gain my respect.

She ignites the darksaber. Aayla looks into its blade in awe. She then recollects herself igniting both blades. The two ensue in a flurry of black and blue light. Despite being force sensitive, Sabine is equally matched to Aayla. As the fighting ensues the room falls silent. All watch on listening to the crackle of the three blades.

BB-8: Werr dill dee.

Sabine lunges at Alaya’s exposed region between her gauntlets and her shoulder plate, Alaya parrys the blow and launches a furious three strike attack against Sabine. Sabine finds it difficult to block them. She stumbles back.

Sabine: You fight well for a Jedi.

Aayla: You haven’t seen anything yet.

Aayla launches blow after blow against sabine. Sabine effortlessly deflects them and goes on the offensive striking back with several different combinations of attacks she moves so fast and so deadly that Aayla ends up stumbling back to the wall.

Sabine: What’s the matter, can’t keep up?

Aayla: I’d ask the same about you.

Aayla kicks off the wall and leaps over Sabine’s head. Sabine brings up her darksaber to block the strike and Aayla is once again thrown back by the force of the darksaber.

Sabine: Do you yield?

Sabine holds the darksaber against Aayla’s neck.

Aayla: I do.

Sabine smiles. She helps Aayla up shaking her hand.

Sabine: Your father… was a very controversial man. He betrayed Mandalore, went against everything we stood for.

Aayla: I know. I take full responsibility for my fathers actions.

Sabine: The Jedi and the Mandalorians have been rivals throughout history. You’ve offended our people by coming here. But not me, you’ve earned my respect. I can tell you are a strong warrior.

Aayla smiles.

Sabine: Anytime you need help, I’m here.

Koska Reves: We’re here.

Aayla: Thank you. You know I could use a favor from you.

Sabine: And what is that?

The scene switches to a dark room with a large machine in the middle. A forging room. Aayla, Ben, Rose, BB-8, Sabine, and Koska walk in.

Sabine: Here.

Sabine hands Aayla a square of Beskar. Aayla takes it nervously.

Sabine: Pure Beskar. Mined by the Fett clans during the Old Republic.

Aayla: Well let's get started.

Aayla places the square of Beskar in the forge. Soon the forge begins to heat up and the Beskar melts into a liquid. The others watch on as Aayla uses various tools and machinery. Sparks and paint particles fly everywhere as Aayla works. Now wearing no Armor, Aayla walks away from the table proudly displaying her many pieces of armor. The Chestplate now bears several yellow strips as well as a Jedi insignia embedded onto it. Another yellow stripe is painted across the helmet along with several small spikes which are also placed along the wrist gauntlets as well as shoulder pads.

Sabine: I like your style. Reminds me of when I was young.

BB-8: Whirr doo dee.

Aayla begins to put the armor back on piece by piece.

Sabine: Well I must be on my way. Got to speak with some members of house Vizsla. You know how they are.

Sabine walks out of the forge followed by Koska he drags Rose with her still in handcuffs.

Aayla: Wait.

Sabine: Yes Aayla?

Aayla: There is one more thing you can do for me.

The scene switches to the Alliance shuttle leaving the planet of Mandalore. Ben and Aayla sit in the main seats with Rose sitting behind them. Aayla types in coordinates into the navicomputer and they jump to lightspeed.

Aayla: Sabine said you can pay off your debt on a later date. For now though you're helping us at Starlight.

Rose (smiling): It’s about time it caught up to me. Besides I’m tired of stealing artifacts, this is my chance to finally help the galaxy.

Ben: Well you can start by hitting that switch to your left. You won’t get to help the galaxy if you're in a frozen block of ice.

Rose laughs.

End of issue two


Written by: 

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (black sun hub)

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani Memes)

Edited by:

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani memes)

A Sith Squad creation