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20241104 Annual Meeting State of the Pool.docx
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Village Green Pool Annual Meeting


PVA Station #4; WiFi: PFAGuest, PW: SpudDuel


November 4th, 2024



State of the Pool

If you were able to, thank you for taking the time to attend the annual meeting for Village Green Pool. Below is a summary of the state of the pool.

Pool Liner

The pool liner and the coping stones still need to be replaced. Doing so is a large capital expense that will likely exceed $150,000. Due to the cost, we are in the process of making sure we have enough savings to cover this as well as our regular expenses and still have enough savings should another repair be needed. When something breaks, it is costly, so we must ensure we have a good cushion. The liner itself is in good condition, it is just the coping stones that need to be replaced, so we’re not incurring any extra cost other than inflation by waiting.

New Low Dive Stand and Concrete

A low dive stand was given to VGP by Norco Diving in exchange for adjusted rental rates. Parts of the old dive stand were starting to break and become a safety hazard. The cost of a new stand itself would have been $10k-$20k and there could have been downtime or safety issues if the old stand failed completely during the season. This was installed prior to the 2024 season.

Similar to the low dive reaching end of life, the concrete on the south end had deteriorated to the point that the starting blocks used by the swim team would no longer function. Since there were also chunks of concrete missing, we had new concrete poured after the 2024 season was over.

Tennis Court Repairs Planned

We are in the beginning stages of getting the cracks in the tennis courts repaired and pickleball lines painted on east court. This was initially scheduled for the Fall of 2024 but the vendor pushed us to Spring of 2025.

Standardized Processes

There were a couple of incidents at the pool this year that ended up highlighting the need to standardize our approach to things. One is that when an incident escalates to the board, the board will review data/information from all sources before making decisions on how to move forward. The other is that there is now a standard escalation path for the Splash staff to follow regarding rule infractions. This ensures all members are treated the same to reduce the chance of inconsistency.

Wristband Policy

Member feedback was that while it didn’t negatively impact their ability to visit the pool, there was inconsistency in the wristbands being applied and in the enforcement of the policy. This was discussed with Splash and it is believed that familiarity with the policy will increase that consistency and as a result of that, its effectiveness. Regardless, the board is discussing if it should be changed or removed.

Feedback from Members

Feedback from members was mostly positive but some key takeaways to address were identified and discussed. The reviews about the guards were mixed, but mostly positive. Concerns with consistency and turnover of guards has been addressed with Splash. Prioritizing facility cleaning has also been addressed with Splash, although it is important to note that cleaning will always be secondary to ensuring a safe environment.  

It was also asked that we empower the guards to address inappropriate behavior. This is done at the start of every season, but we have to consider that for a lot of the staff, it may be their first time in a position of authority and they are still learning how to have those conversations with their peers and/or adults. Standardizing the escalation path for rule infractions will also remove doubt on how to respond and gives them the ability to fall back on the rules.

The board is also looking into how to make the efforts made/being done as a result of feedback received more readily available. You can always visit the FAQ section of the website to see if your answers are there.