Letter from Band Director to Student Expressing Desire to be a Band Director

Outline of Majoring in Instrumental Music Educator

and the Rewards of Being a School Band Director

Dear _______________________________[Student’s Name Who Wants to be a Band Director],

I am writing to you today to offer my congratulations on your decision to pursue a major in music education with the goal of becoming a school band director. As your band director, I have seen first-hand your talent, dedication, and passion for music, and I believe that you have the potential to excel in this field.

A major in music education is an intensive and demanding program of study, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. You will receive a comprehensive education in music theory, music history, and performance, as well as courses in teaching methodology, music technology, and pedagogy. You will have the opportunity to work with experienced and knowledgeable faculty members, and to gain practical experience through internships and student teaching placements.

As a school band director, you will play a vital role in the musical education and development of countless young people. You will be responsible for selecting repertoire, teaching technique, and conducting rehearsals and performances. You will also serve as a mentor and role model for your students, helping to instill in them a lifelong love of music and a deep appreciation for the arts.

The rewards of being a school band director are many. You will have the satisfaction of seeing your students grow and develop musically and personally, and the joy of watching them perform at their highest potential. You will also have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with your students, their families, and the wider community.

As you embark on this exciting new chapter in your life, I want you to know that I am here to support you in any way that I can. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about the music education program of the colleges you are interested in or the profession of school band directing.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and I look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish as a musician and a music educator.  Just think just a few years we will be sitting with each other at our state’s annual high school band director’s association fall meeting.
