Essential Steps to head off Zoombombing


This document is written for Quakers who host Zoom meetings.


During the meeting

Managing a Zoombombing in progress

Though the measures suggested above are very strong, there is no such thing as perfect security. Being ready to manage a situation in progress, increases chances of success. Like a fire drill, people who practice are more likely to remain calm and succeed.

  1. Security button
  1. Shut off Share Screen, Chat, Rename Themselves
  2. Turn on Enable Waiting Room to stop more bombers from arriving
  1. Manage Participants
  1. Mute All
  2. Turn off “Allow participants to unmute themselves.”
  3. Turn on “Mute participants on Entry”
  4. Mute All again in case they unmuted themselves while you were adjusting other settings.
  5. Stop a participant’s video. They can’t restart their video until the host invites it.
  1. While doing those things, the host should be un-muted and talking. It will help reassure legitimate participants that the situation is being handled. Even if all the host talks about is the security measures that they are taking at that moment, the hosts voice can help disrupt the clarity of the disrupters.

Update January 2021 - In November, Zoom greatly simplified the process of suspending a meeting in order to regain control. See this article from AllThings.How.

Security Settings

The settings for small or private meetings don’t need to be as strong as for large or public meetings. Small private meetings are committee meetings, up to about 10 people, where everyone knows each other and, most importantly, the connection link is only shared with that closed group. Larger or public meetings expect more than about 10 people, the link is published publicly or people don’t all know each other. This distinction is an oversimplification but it makes it easier to consider settings that balance simplicity and accessibility with security.


Small / private

Large / public


Join before host



It is nice when participants who arrive early for a small meeting can socialize with each other.

Use Personal Meeting ID when scheduling a meeting



This could be used by others at unexpected times.

Only authenticated users can join meetings



Probably puts up too much of a barrier for less technical participants

Require password when scheduling meetings



Reduces the possibility that Zoombombers will guess the meeting link by trying random meeting links. Once the meeting is public so is the link and other precautions need to be in place.

Embed password in meeting link



Makes it easier to join. Having to enter the password separately will be hard for some non-tech participants

Mute participants upon entry



Starting with this off allows participants to socialize. However it also allows bombers to socialize. Start with it off unless the risk of bombing is low.

Chat - Allow participants to send a message visible to all participants



Can be enabled by the host if appropriate for the meeting. Having this off prevents bombers but also prevents genuine communication between participants.

Allow co-hosts



Host can have technical help.

Screen Sharing

Host Only

Host Only

This can be changed by the host during the meeting to allow participants if necessary




This is another method for bombers to display images and not helpful for most meetings.

Remote control



This should be used very carefully. Giving someone remote access to a computer should only be done in a high trust situation.

Nonverbal feedback

As needed. Not much risk since Zoom controls available options.

Allow removed participants to rejoin



A real-time defense against bombers is to remove them. This forces them to use another account to come back in.

Allow participants to rename themselves



Generally, leaving this on means people can set their screen name to their liking. This matters when participants are using an account that has a name other than theirs.  It is a potential avenue for bombers to get some text in front of all participants.

Far end camera control



This isn’t needed much and turning it on carries privacy risks

Waiting Room



This makes it impossible to “Join Before Host.” It allows a host to screen participants before letting them in. This is time and attention consuming for the host but offers a high level of protection.