Humanities Startup (DIG 404)
Mondays 1:30 to 4:20 PM
Say hi to Tally. She will become a central character in a game about the web economy, digital surveillance, and startup culture. This web-based game will be built and launched by students in a new class in spring 2018 called, Humanities Startup. Example questions we will explore:
- What are the hidden structures of the web economy? How do they define and guide the definition of innovation and success in the information age?
- What will happen to human storytelling and other cultural records when every online interaction is mediated, tracked, and monetized in an attention economy?
- What happens to human communication with so many profit-driven and computer-automated forms of information vying for our attention?
- How can we harness the energy and methods of startup culture to create a product where success is measured by the amount of discussion we inspire?
- How can we celebrate and critique online culture, while engaging mass audiences to contemplate these questions with us?
If you are self-motivated and have experience in any of the following areas please join us.
- Project management
- Digital art, interface design, and/or illustration
- Storytelling, game design
- Programming
- Sound production
For more information
Owen Mundy
Visiting Associate Professor
Digital Studies