Dealing With Self-Harm Worksheet

You can deal with self-harm behaviors in a variety of manners. Often finding out the reason for the self-harm will help you decide on a way to manage these urges.

Reason for self-harm

Ways to manage

Once you understand why you are punishing yourself you may wish to experience an intense physical sensation that does not bring harm.

  • Holding ice in your hands.
  • Flicking an elastic band on your wrist.
  • Doing high-intensity exercise for a short period (such as boxing or running).

Remember that whatever you decide to do, to ensure your safety throughout.

Once you understand what sensation is giving you a soothing feeling, you can redirect this behavior.

  • Engage in sensory grounding instead.
  • Use a weighted blanket or toy.
  • Use cold water across your forehead.
  • Crying or screaming can offer you a release as well.

Once you understand what you are trying to control or why you need to feel this control, you can try to find control in other areas.

  • Journal or document each day.
  • Control your urges by choosing to engage in a different activity.
  • Use positive affirmations.

When you know that you are trying to make invisible pain visible or ‘real’, you can look for other ways to validate your pain.

  • Join a support group struggling with the same challenge.
  • Use a red marker and draw the cuts instead (this should be done when working with a mental health practitioner).
  • Use art as a medium to create a representation of your pain.

If your self-harm behavior is in preparation for death, it is highly recommended to seek out medical assistance.

This assistance could be in the form of a psychotherapist, your general doctor, or your local hospital.


UNICEF. (n.d). What is Self-Harm? 

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.


Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counselor.

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