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Kennedy Hubs/PODs only: School Site Planning
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


School: Kennedy Middle School

Date: November 3, 2020

Approved By: Kennedy Site Council        

Health and Safety


What is the Plan?

RCSD Reopening Plan 

Who is Responsible?


Cleaning and Disinfecting

Cleaning and disinfecting:


Classroom #/Time of cleaning/level of cleaning and disinfecting

Classrooms are cleaned and sanitized once a day. High touch areas will be cleaned frequently throughout the day.  A tracking sheet will be initiated by a custodian each time a classroom is cleaned.

The following classrooms are being used during the day for normal instruction and PE:

B1, B2, B3, B6, 314, 315, 423, 424, 532, 535, 636, and 638.

The following classrooms will be used for Band and will need to be cleaned more thoroughly after each use because the student in each of these rooms will not be wearing a mask and saliva will disperse when it comes out of the instrument:

B10 (Mondays/Thursdays, used from 9:45-10:45 am)

422 (Mondays/Thursdays, used from 9:45-10:45 am)

637 ((Mondays/Thursdays, used from 9:45-10:45 am)

Gym (Mondays/Thursdays, used from 11:05 am -12:05 pm)

Custodial Staff, Facilities

Cleaning and disinfecting:


Class assignment to restroom/frequency of cleaning/monitoring

Restrooms will be disinfected 3 times a day, high touch areas will be wiped down and supplies will be checked and restocked when necessary. A tracking sheet will be initiated by custodians each time restrooms are disinfected/cleaned.

REACH and pods in the B-Quad will use the 300-wing bathrooms. The pod in 424 and the two learning hubs will use the 500-wing bathroom. Staff will use the staff bathrooms by the library, the bathroom in the office, and/or Family Center.

Only one student will be permitted in a bathroom at a time. Students will be taught bathroom and handwashing procedures during their first day on campus.

Custodial Staff, Facilities, Site Administration, Teachers, Students

Cleaning and disinfecting:

Playground structures

The pods in the B-Quad will take breaks and eat in the B-Quad. The REACH pods and the 424 pod will eat and take breaks on the blacktop. The two hubs will take breaks and eat in the lunch shelters and the 500-wing benches. Tables will be cleaned by custodial staff. No play structures or equipment are being used.

Students will clean up their trash after eating. Teachers, Campus Supervisors, and Yard Duties will monitor that students are cleaning up after themselves.

Custodial Staff, Site Administration, Students, Teachers, Campus Supervisors, and Yard Duties

Cleaning and disinfecting:

Classroom items

Students will have their own sets of materials, so no books or materials need to be disinfected.

Office Staff and Site Administrators will ensure each students has a new set of

Additional safety measures

Location of Merv13 filters: District Facilities


Location of air purifiers: District Facilities will place a portable air purifier in each main classroom being used.


Installation of plexiglass: As needed.

Facilities, If Needed

Location of stored cleaning supplies (away from students): Custodial closets in the office and by the library. Any additional custodial supplies needed will come from Facilities.

Custodial Staff, Facilities

Training for students in physical distancing/bathroom protocols

The first day students attend school on campus students will learn the procedures about how to enter campus, the screening process, where to go after, etc. In the classroom the teachers will go over the policies regarding breaks, social distancing, bathrooms, hand washing, etc. Kennedy staff will remind students of these procedures daily as needed.

Campus Supervisors, Yard Duties, Teachers, Site Administrators

Limited use of shared objects and supplies (e.g. art supplies, books)

As mentioned above, students are not sharing any objects. They have their own.


Suspension of site resources that necessitate touching or sharing (eg. water fountains)

Water fountains have been covered so students don’t use them. Each student has been provided a reusable water bottle. Custodial staff check daily to make sure that they are still covered and aren’t being used.

Custodial Staff

Staff and students

Maximum number of students in each stable cohort

Pods and hubs can have a maximum of 15 students. Kennedy hubs will have 15 students, Kennedy pods will generally have 7-8, and REACH pods will have 14.

Site Administration

Entrance, egress and movement within the school

Staggered drop off times/grade level/location:

Students in the Kennedy hubs/pods will enter through the gate in the gym parking lot. They will line-up distanced on the black top in front of the tent in from of the gym and wait to be screened by the Campus Supervisor and turn in their daily wellness form. After, they will grab breakfast and head to their designated classroom or designated eating area. Students are encouraged to be screened from 8:00-8:10 am so they can make it to class before 8:25 am.

REACH pod students will enter at the gate by the REACH office in Washington (not far from the corner gate at Connecticut and Washington). They have a private screening area setup there and will follow the same procedures and timing as the Kennedy hubs/pods.

Students, Families, Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff

Staggered pick up times/grade level/location:

Campus Supervisors will walk Kennedy hub/pod students out to the gym parking lot and Washington around 2:45/2:50 pm. REACH staff will walk their student out the gate by the REACH office around 3:00 pm.

Students, Families, Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff

Location(s) of temperature check:

Tent in front of the gym for Kennedy hubs/pods, REACH office for REACH students.

Students, Families, Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff

Location of  isolation room:

Gym. It has a privacy partition and cot. More cots, chairs, and privacy areas can be added if needed.

Hallways/pathways assigned to grade levels/room numbers:

The Kenney Hubs stay in the 500 and 600-wings. Maestro Alfredo’s pod uses the 400-wing for classes and 500-wing bathroom as needed. The REACH pods will be in the 300-wing. The remaining Kennedy pods will be in the B-Quad and use the 300-wing bathroom as needed. Yard duties, Campus Supervisors, and REACH staff will be the main people directing traffic and making sure students are in their designated areas and using the designated pathways to walk to classes and the bathroom.

Students, Families, Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff

Eating snacks on site

Location/delivery of food to students/cleaning up:

Food is delivered by CNS before 8:00 am and around 11:30 am. The Campus Supervisors and REACH staff will take out the breakfast from the agreed upon cooler and put it out for students to take after they are screened. Hot lunch is delivered around 11:30 am in containers that keep the food warm for lunch, and the snacks/dinners are put in the cooler. Campus Supervisors and REACH staff put the food out for lunch before 12:05 pm and supervise the students getting lunch. Campus Supervisors/REACH staff put out snacks from the 1:50 pm break, and deliver dinners to the classrooms before students leave.

Students eat in their assigned areas outside (B-Quad, the blacktop area and tables, the lunch shelter, and benches in front of the 500-wing classrooms).  If it is raining, students can sit outside under covered areas or in classrooms.  

District Child Nutrition Services (CNS), Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff

Face coverings and other essential protective gear

PPE for teachers requested/ordered/delivered (masks, aprons, gloves, face shields):

All staff and students must wear masks at all times unless they are eating. Extra PPE is provided to classrooms for students and staff and as more is requested. Extra supplies are also available in the office and at the screening tent.

Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff, Teachers, District Administration

Available masks for students: See above.

Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff, Teachers, District Administration

Expectations  for students and teachers to wear masks at all times, except when eating (unless special needs students), are clarified

Mask breaks outside only when eating.

Kennedy and REACH staff will monitor that procedures are being followed and remind students if they are not being followed.

Office Staff, Site Administration, Yard Duties, Campus Supervisors, REACH Staff, Teacher

Training for staff, families and students:

Prior to attending a hub/pod Kennedy families must attend an individual presentation (in-person or online) about all of the rules of being on campus and sign paperwork. Presentation Link.

Office Staff, Administrators, Families, Students

Signage reminding all to wear masks has been placed in the hallways, near bathrooms, and in other main areas of campus (office, etc.)

District Facilities

Signed agreements about mask wearing protocol:

Prior to coming on campus as part of the family/student training an agreement must be signed regarding mask wearing protocol.

Office Staff/Nurse

Health screenings for students and staff

Staff participates in daily health screening: online survey/daily temperature taking

Human Resources, Site Administration, Office Staff, REACH Staff

Students submit daily survey online or paper format/daily temperature taking

Site Administration, Office Staff, REACH Staff, Families, Students, Campus Supervisors, Yard Duties

Health hygiene practices

- hand washing

Frequency of hand washing: teachers

When teachers enter the classroom, use the restroom, and as needed. Hand sanitizer can also be found in all classrooms and when they enter campus.

Teachers, REACH Staff, Facilities, Site Administration

Frequency of hand washing:  students

When students enter the classroom, use the restroom, and as needed. Hand sanitizer can also be found in all classrooms and when they enter campus.

All classrooms have sinks except for the classrooms in the B-Quad. A portable sink will be installed at the water hookup outside of B9/B10 for staff and students to use.

Teachers, REACH Staff, Site Administration, Custodial Staff, Students, Campus Supervisors, Yard Duties

Location of handwashing stations:

All classrooms have sinks except for the classrooms in the B-Quad. A portable sink will be installed at the water hookup outside of B9/B10 for staff and students to use. Student and staff restrooms may also be utilized for washing hands. Staff may also use sinks in the staff rooms and main office.

Facilities, Custodial Staff

Hand sanitizer supplies:

In all classrooms and offices. Re-stocked as needed by custodial, office, and facilities staff.

Facilities, Office Staff, Site Administration, Custodial Staff, REACH Staff

Signage to remind staff and students about handwashing practices has been taped up next to each classroom on campus, in classrooms being used,  and bathrooms.

Facilities, Custodial Staff, Kennedy Administration

Identification and tracing of contacts


Information/training provided by HR. Site admin responsible for contacting HR to initiate process. 

Human Resources, Site Administration, Office Staff


Staff has been provided with training about reporting students positive cases to Student Services to initiate the process.  

Human Resources, Site Administration, Office Staff, Teachers, REACH Staff

Physical distancing

Classrooms and common areas are set up to maintain 6 feet of distancing

  • Class set up
  • Markings on ground in hallways, office, isolation room

Facilities, Kennedy Custodial Staff

Staff training and family education

Ongoing training and support for staff (school staff, maintenance and facilities) occurs in staff newsletters, staff meetings, and emails to staff.

Site Administration, Office Staff, Nurse, Teachers, Campus Supervisors, Yard Duties, REACH Staff

Site-based training for students and families:

Prior to attending a hub/pod Kennedy families must attend an individual presentation (in-person or online) about all of the rules of being on campus and sign paperwork. Presentation Link.

Site Administration, Office Staff, Nurse, Teachers, Campus Supervisors, Yard Duties, REACH Staff

Testing of students and staff

Staff testing every 2 weeks/CurativeLabs (no cost):  mandatory

Office Staff, Administration, Nurse, Kennedy Staff, Human Resources

Student testing every 2 week/CurativeLabs (no cost):  optional

Office Staff, Administration, Nurse, Kennedy Staff

Dealing with a sick staff member

Staff with symptoms of illness may go to the designated triage area to consult with the school nurse. The school nurse will assess symptoms and determine nexts steps. The Director of Human Resources will be notified whenever a staff member’s symptoms are possible or suspected cases of COVID-19 for tracking and tracing purposes.

Office Staff, Site Administration, Human Resources

Dealing with a sick student

Students who have symptoms of illness at school will be sent home for at least 72 hours. All students with symptoms of illness will go to the designated triage area and wait for the school nurse. The school nurse will assess symptoms and determine nexts steps. The school nurse will follow up on students absent due to illness and students sent home with illness symptoms to determine their Return to School date.  The Director of Student Services will be notified whenever a student’s symptoms are possible or suspected cases of COVID-19 for tracking and tracing purposes.

Nurse, Office Staff, Campus Supervisor, Administration

Triggers for transitioning to distance learning

The decision to close Kennedy Middle School  will be based on the number of cases in the school and the percentage of the teachers/students/staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 (at least 5%).  The decision will be made following consultation with San Mateo County Health

Site Administration, District Administration, San Mateo County

Visitors on campus

Non-school personnel will not be allowed on campus for the first phase of reopening.  In adherence to the SMCOE Pandemic Framework, a staggered approach to opening the campus to non-school personnel will be followed.

Office Staff, Site Administration

Equity focus:



Teacher Name

Room #

Priority students

# of students


Robert Griffin, Hub, Guest Teacher




Juan Alonso, Hub, Guest Teacher




Alfredo Oropeza, Pod, KMS Teacher




Erica Macko, Pod, KMS RSP Teacher




Kirsten Knudson, Pod, KMS Teacher




Patrick Kelley, Pod, KMS









