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Theia’s Guide to Using Smogon
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Theia’s Guide to Using Smogon

Welcome to the Smogon forum! Here’s a quick guide on everything you need to know to get started!

Navigating to forums:

Smogon’s front page can seem daunting at first, with all of the categories and forums and subforums, so the key is knowing what’s what

Smogon’s Competitive Categories and Their Top Level Forums (and the Subforums of Those Forums):

Site Info

Competitive Play

So now you know where everything is. How do you get to where you want to go?

If what you’re looking for is a top level forum, like the OU forum, you can simply click on it and you’re there. If what you’re looking for is a subforum, like the Anything Goes forum, you navigate to its top-level forum and it will be listed at the top of the forum.

Posting in threads:

To post in a thread, it’s as simple as navigating to the bottom of the thread, typing your response in the box at the bottom, and hitting “Post Reply”

To reply to someone else’s post, hit the reply button at the bottom of their post

Which will copy a quote tag with their message into your post that you can then comment under

You can also comment on a select part of a post by highlighting it and clicking the reply button that comes up


A lot of Smogon’s tours will ask that you schedule on walls or “via VMs” for the ease of the host seeing scheduling to make decisions about activity. Walls and VMs are the same thing, which can be confusing for newer players.

To navigate to someone’s wall, you can either search for them in the Users page at the top of the webpage

Or you can double click on their name in a post or thread

Now that you’re on their wall, all you have to do is write in the box at the top and hit “Post”

Because wall messages are most often used for scheduling, I’ll recommend here that you take a look at the scheduling guide for Smogon’s tournaments.