Coin Concede - Episode 363 TBD
Hat * Botticus * Edelweiss* WickedGood* Guest*
Intro (~10 min)
Welcome to Episode 363 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.
It is Thu 9/29/2022 in the evening!
Joining us from Gadgetzan, New York, it’s RidiculousHat!
Also joining us -from Karazhan, California it’s Botticus!
And joining us from Gnomeregan, Ohio, it's Edelweiss!
And joining us from Northrend, Massachusetts, it's WickedGood!
And joining us from Mechagon, Michigan, it's Mattatarms!
Thanks for reviews
How's life and ladder? -
Hat -
Botticus -
Edelweiss -
Wickedgood - Nohands Paladin
Mattatarms - Treading water in Legend ranks for the first time in a while. Enjoying the Smorgasbord that is this meta right now. Filling my plate with just about everything.
News Highlights - (~30 min)
- Reclaimed Souls
- [1 Gold] Give +2/+1 to your minions that died last combat.
- Characters with Charge immediately Attack a chosen target when summoned. This is like Rush except that Rush characters Attack a random enemy character when summoned while Charge lets you choose.
- Some existing mercs have been updated to incorporate the new Charge mechanic.
- Murloc Holmes (Legendary Protector)
- Ysera (Legendary Fighter)
- Bwonsamdi (Epic Fighter)
- Korrak the Bloodrager (Legendary Caster)
- Archimonde (Epic Caster)
- Prince Malchezaar (Rare Protector)
- Neeru Fireblade (Rare Caster)
- Nemsy Necrofizzle (Rare Caster)
- Garona Halforcen (Rare Fighter)
- Khadgar (Epic Caster)
- Medivh (Legendary Protector)
- Tess Greymane (Rare Protector)
- Genn Greymane (Epic Protector)
- Aranna Starseeker (Rare Caster)
- We are welcoming the Darkmoon Troupe to Mercenaries in a brand-new Zone, spanning 11 new Bounties. We are also adding five new Bounties to the Felwood Zone, and 3 more new Bounties to the Blackrock Mountain Zone.
- Maw and Disorder Mini-Set cards can now be used in building a starting deck.
- Card buckets were added and adjusted to incorporate Maw and Disorder Mini-Set cards.
- Sire Denathrius has been removed from all card buckets.
- On September 27, when Maw and Disorder launches, all current Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. The eligible card sets will rotate so that the following sets will make up the Arena card pool:
- Core
- Blackrock Mountain
- Kobolds & Catacombs
- Ashes of Outland
- Journey to Un'goro
- Rise of Shadows
- Murder at Castle Nathria (including Maw and Disorder Mini-Set)
- Early Progression and Milestone Offer Updates
- Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks.
- Additionally, milestone shop offers are returning to celebrate Standard ladder progression in October. This time, some players will be offered Battle-Ready Decks as part of those offers. Upon reaching Bronze, those players will be offered a Battle-Ready Deck for their most-played class. Upon reaching Platinum, they will be offered a second Battle-Ready Deck for their second most-played class.
- The notification bug is fixed!
- And some other stuff that’s less important than the notification bug
- Motion Denied triggering even if the first card played was ice trapped? - is this a bug?
- Objection can counter Tight Lipped Witness (not a bug)
- Murder Accusation Triggers when anything (not just minions) is destroyed
- Nathanos and the deathrattle it discovers keep enchantments
- Contract Conjurer is discounted in weird ways
- Maestra now correctly cloaks the premium status of your hero power based on your win count (again?)
- In BGs, the shop will now refill mid-snackfest if you're playing Aranna!
- Runestone prices are back on the BGs pass (they were briefly missing)
- Cooking portraits!!!! - Yay another nemsey! Missed out on Gul-Udan
- Golden past mini-sets
- Murloc portraits
- Murloc emotes
- Murloc strike
- Murloc Holmes bundle
- Medivh bundle
Tournaments and the meta
- Lobby Legends Results - I watched the first 3 or 4 rounds of this.
- Collegiate hearthstone masters registration open
- Super Girl Gamer coming Starting October 9th - October 30th, Finals November 13th
- Sway and Dragonrider Casting
- WHAT DO I DO IN A MINI-SET WORLD this entire section will have a ton of pause-roundtabling
- Well, what have we been doing?
- What does v early data look like?
- Hunter busted - it's going to be inflated due to proactive strategies being naturally stronger when people are trying jank, but it's just kind of the best at everything
- Otherwise, simply put… you can do all sorts of stuff. There is ONE class out of the ten that does not currently have a >50% wr deck on HSR
- Pre-miniset decks are performing well as expected, especially proactive ones - imp warlocks are quite strong
- DH has been invigorated by Sightless Magistrate
- Paladin appears to have serious potential - we've got a couple lists
- All things considered, there are very few "brand new archetypes" as is often the case with minisets - but a lot of almost-good-enough decks are potentially in the "good enough" bucket… once they nerf hunter
- Jailer is definitely the card that has created the most experimentation! It's inconclusive so far but potentially playable
- Sylvanas is a very satisfying and well designed card but probably not great
Outro (~5min) - Thanks and contact!
We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!
-You can monetarily support our show at
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-If you would like some CC swag, head on over to our shop at
BIG THANKS to our producers nmbrthry, DogeTK, Kresh, Cap, Beefsquatch, David P, Fade2Black, Waalou, Jeremy T, bottlecaps, Lucky, pwnius!!!
Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):
Hat - KaysaCat, Quantum, GrumpyMonk
Edelweiss -
WickedGood -
Mattatarms - Enthrallimund for teaching us the real meaning of #42, Dan0 for being the anchor of Squelch, Stormrage for all those rabbit holes. & Discord for being either too much or just the right amount of distraction when I need it.
Keep Calm and
And if you see us on ladder…
“Coin Concede” Hat
“Coin Concede” Botticus
“Coin Concede” Edelweiss
“Coin Concede” WickedGood