Document on Batch Printing in ExamWritePad (EWP)
Batch printing in ExamWritePad allows administrators to efficiently print multiple exam documents simultaneously, streamlining the process and ensuring compliance with JCQ guidelines. This functionality is especially beneficial for managing exams in schools and centres, where handling multiple student files quickly and securely is critical.
How Batch Printing Works
- Folder Setup:
- All exam files that need to be printed are stored in a single folder.
- This folder can be manually created, or it may automatically populate with files using ExamWritePad’s auto-save feature.
- Command-Line Execution:
- A command is run to batch print all files in the specified folder. This process allows administrators to print documents without needing to open and print each one individually.
File Management
- ExamWritePad includes a built-in auto-save function. By default, this saves all work to a folder on the desktop.
- Administrators can change the default save location using the Config Editor to direct files to a specific folder or network location (see DefaultSavePath setting in ConfigEditor GUI)
- Users can configure ExamWritePad to:
- Automatically save all exam files to a centralised network folder.
- Prompt students to select a save location at the beginning of an exam.
- If auto-save isn’t used, administrators can manually move exam files into a folder designated for batch printing.

Centralised or Local File Storage
- By default, files are saved locally on each device, typically to the desktop or a folder specified during configuration.
- For centralised management, the save path can be redirected to a network folder. This enables all student work to be stored and accessed from a single location, simplifying batch printing.
Steps to Enable and Use Batch Printing
- Set Up Save Location:
- Use the Config Editor to specify a folder for auto-save and auto-backup.
- Choose between local device storage or a shared network location.
- Organise Files:
- Ensure all ExamWritePad files for printing are in the designated folder.
- Run Batch Printing Command:
- Use the command line to execute the batch printing process. This is done using the CommandLinePrinting.exe command with the required parameters /FOLDER (declaring the folder of Exam Text files you are printing) and /PRINT (declaring the printer you are using). Example:
CommandlinePrinting.exe /FOLDER:"C:\ExamScripts" /PRINT:"\\Server1\MonoPrinter" |
More details and guidance on this command and other supported parameters can be found on our Post Install Commands guide.
- Monitor the Print Job:
- Review print outputs to ensure accuracy and proper organisation.
Q1: How do files get into the batch printing folder?
Files can be:
- Automatically saved to a predefined folder using ExamWritePad’s auto-save feature.
- Manually moved to the folder by administrators.
- Saved by students directly to the folder at the start of the exam, if configured to prompt them.
Q2: Can files be stored centrally for batch printing? Yes, administrators can configure the save path to a central network folder, allowing all exam files to be accessed from one location.
Q3: What if a power failure or system crash occurs? ExamWritePad’s auto-save and auto-backup features ensure that no work is lost. Saved files can be retrieved and batch printed after resolving the issue.
Q4: Does Batch Printing in ExamWritePad Require Wi-Fi? No, Wi-Fi is not required for batch printing in ExamWritePad. The process runs entirely within the institution’s local network. Student files are saved locally or to a central network folder, and printing is managed from a central device. ExamWritePad operates offline, ensuring security and compliance with exam regulations.
Q4: Is this process compliant with exam regulations? Absolutely. Batch printing and file management adhere to JCQ guidelines, ensuring a secure and efficient workflow.
Supporting Resources
For further assistance, contact Texthelp Support.